NTL to cap broadband



BTW, Telewest seem to be coping okay, they're starting 2Mbit services soon...


Originally posted by Ulysses777
BTW, Telewest seem to be coping okay, they're starting 2Mbit services soon...

Thats a very general and incorrect statement. It totally depends on where you live.

Ive had an ongoing complaint with TW over the fact that my pings to their UBR (Universial Broadband Router) average well over 100 at peak times and spikes upto 500ms. Thats even before any of this traffic his the Net. In the end they told me its capacity and they arent going to be fixing it any time soon.

I live in Bristol and they have over 10 UBRs servicing the area. Most of them are okay, its just my UBR thats knackered. Its definately to do with heavy users though. For a week over Xmas, my service was perfect (<10ms) . By the 2nd Jan it was back to > 100ms. Whats the bets there is someone with an uncapped modem in my area, or multiple high bw users???

Although I dont necessarily agree with the idea of capping, I dont see why I am forced to have an unuasble service for 5 months and then have to move to DSL just because some other users in my area are hogging the bandwidth.

The argument of "they should spend more money and upgrade" is not necessarily the best either. You and I will pay for this upgrade in higher monthly costs. If someone is downloading 100x what any normal user is downloading then they should be forced to pay more. I dont see why I should fork out extra so that they can have 100's GB of pr0n.

Strict levels of download is definately wrong, but if they can force off users who are runing the performance of the network for others then Im all for it. If TW implemented this it would have saved me moving to DSL if they could find the toerag in my area whos overloading my UBR.


In my opinion... and I know this isnt always possible in real terms, it should be rather easy to detect people with uncapped modems, and if it simply is a case of the UBR being overloaded they should take measures to upgrade it.

It seems to me that every single business seems to fall over on the basic point of putting money back into their service to improve it as the user base increases. It may seem obvious and sometimes impratical for whatever reason, but I remember being on ADSL through year 2001 and the constant barrage of people complaining until BT forked out to turn their gateways into 155MBit from 32.

32 Mbit tsk... thats 64 users downloading at full speed per gateway before its totally saturated... and they wondered why people were complaining when they stuck 10,000 people on each one.

Anyway beside the point, I can see how NTL want to take out users who download constantly every day, but then again there is nothing in the contract to say that they cannot do this. The company should be prepaired for this small minority who are going to do it and act accordingly. Upgrade and then if the problem persists do something about them. Just strikes me as insane as paying that much more for a 1Mbps connection but still having the same download quota per month... so you get your files quicker but leave it sitting there unused for twice the amount of time.

Just my opinion on it. Telewest are indeed brave to be considering a 2Mbps with their current infrastructure. The majority of people who are going to be on it I suspect will be heavy downloaders as customers who use broadband for downloading the odd mp3 and browsing are going to be more than happy with the 600k service (or is it 512 from Telewest, whatever).

I'm just waiting for adsl to get these transfer quotas installed (Do BTO already do it?). In the end I'd love to see a government incentive to throw some money at upgrading the countries infrastructure. How many other countries have awsomely fast connections whilist we are still stuck on 0.5 MBps that gets capped to some rediculously small amount every day. All the money that gets spent on fucking immigrants would do nicely to help the situation.



Therefore we will ONLY contact customers who exceed the daily data limit for three or more days in any consecutive 14-day period.

fair enough...


Why the hell should the government put money towards shit like that? We've got the internet, it's quite largely available and affordable in several forms: just because sweden has uber fast t1's for 3 quid/qtr or whatever, doesn't mean government money should go towards getting it to that state. The internet is quite important, but having über bandwidth so you can download gbs of files (most of which are probably illegal anyway) is simply a luxury. Something which shouldn't receive funding, not until tonnes of other problems in this country are sorted out (yes, immigration being one of them)


Originally posted by old.milou
It's simply allows them to punish persistent abusers on P2P 24/7 shafting the network for the rest of us. It's funny how everyone complains about shit pings these days while downloading crap every free second they get.

It's a reasonable limit that won't affect the majority of users. Even those who do download a fair bit now and again. It only screws over the excessive leech monkeys, which is a good thing.


Fucking spot on. I have zero sympathy for leech whores who point their PC at a warez server and let it download pointless/stolen shit 24/7.


Imagine how sweet the internet would be if we could have a giant "clean-up" of it. If we could remove all the shitty pointless web pages in existence (about 90% of the entire web), and get rid of the gay-faced leeching lamers, the internet would be an absolute joy to use.


have you guys noticed what NTL have said, you only get screw at fi you do it everyday, if anyone here can say that they do then thats your god damn problem buy yourslef a T1 for christs sake thats what all the other big users do! Besides NTL say they will set up services for large bandwidth users which will speed up access for the normal people and the leechers making everyone happy.


Everything they told you at the synagogue was a lie, exor

(Although yeah, to leech stuff constantly, i.e. every single day is a pretty damning indictment about someones life)


this will also stop skanky people from buying a router and splitting a net connection over their neighbourhood illegally


Originally posted by SNR
this will also stop skanky people from buying a router and splitting a net connection over their neighbourhood illegally
Erm, isn't there a law that gives you the right to split your connection with upto 20people, reguardless of what the ISP thinks?


Aparently. I think it was mentioned in an El Reg article a while back about Wireless Connection sharing in minimally DSL'd areas.


The only thing I find retarded is people leeching purely for the sake of leeching. Leeching appz they'll never install, gamez they'll probably never bother playing, filmz and TV episodes they'll never watch but get "just in case". Just because it's there.

It's those kind of people this is targetting, and good riddance too.

If Blueyonder do indeed introduce a 2Mbit service you can bet your bottom they will introduce similar caps at the same time, or before. They even conducted a survey about 6 months ago into this very thing - "what do you consider to be an acceptable bandwidth cap on the service".

Blueyonder, I imagine, will be even more keen to follow suit now that NTL have made the leap.


NTL customers shouldn't worry too much about being chased if they go over their broadband limits. NTL is unable to get enough people to answer its help-lines let alone find the staff to send out letters to so-called broadband hogs

nuff said


Originally posted by nath
Why the hell should the government put money towards shit like that? We've got the internet, it's quite largely available and affordable in several forms: just because sweden has uber fast t1's for 3 quid/qtr or whatever, doesn't mean government money should go towards getting it to that state. The internet is quite important, but having über bandwidth so you can download gbs of files (most of which are probably illegal anyway) is simply a luxury. Something which shouldn't receive funding, not until tonnes of other problems in this country are sorted out (yes, immigration being one of them)

From reading a report about the growth of digital tv/broadband that got passed through an office i was working in a couple of years back sweden's government have an active hand in the infrastructure which is why they have low cost highspeed connections


Neowin = gay "busy" messages these days..... was better when they just gave up :(


think your selves lucky you aren't in Oz

currently adsl pacakges here are capped at 1-4GB a month
and we pay pay more for it too!!!!


Originally posted by Krazeh
From reading a report about the growth of digital tv/broadband that got passed through an office i was working in a couple of years back sweden's government have an active hand in the infrastructure which is why they have low cost highspeed connections

That doesn't mean we should follow suit... sure, if the government got involved, the infrastructure may get better. The point I was making is that it's not that important, there's plenty more critical things to spend money on.


The argument of "they should spend more money and upgrade" is not necessarily the best either. You and I will pay for this upgrade in higher monthly costs. If someone is downloading 100x what any normal user is downloading then they should be forced to pay more. I dont see why I should fork out extra so that they can have 100's GB of pr0n.

The fact is they advertise their 600k services at £25/month and they should have planned a higher peak capacity.

I don't personally use it to that much extent - but if I ever decided to - why not - it's what I've paid for.

Stop being fooled by CEO's putting out "reasonable" excuses that they're only stopping "unreasonable" users.


This is a company that, through mismanagement, has racked up billions of pounds of debt. The people who pay for their services are being put upon because of their mismanagement - not because they're being selfish.

It's like paying for a sandwich but being told that you can have the bottom piece of bread and the filling, but the top piece of bread is too expensive for them to give to you....


And you'd rather the company goes under and can't provide any service?


And you'd rather the company goes under and can't provide any service?

Don't be daft Will. 'Course not. But stop having a go at the users - because it's no fault of theirs, k?

Actually, come to think of it. That's not a bad idea! If NTL go bust you'd see Telewest come in double-quick and buy up their network and customers at bargain-basement prices. They'd be able to afford to up everyone's 600k connections to 1meg for free - no caps!! :)


[KoN]Scouse was just sniped by [CL]Xtro!
[KoN]Scouse ate [CL]Xtro's mortar!
[KoN]Scouse was torn to ribbons by [CL]Xtro's turret fire!
[KoN]Scouse is eating [CL]Xtro's disc launcher!



i think 30 gig/month is fair

id be suprised if i did anywhere near 10 gig traffic /month

fuck the leechers

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