Nosferatu Reges, their necros...

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Originally posted by DeaD GuRu
just as i am sick and tired of ppl claiming and acting as they own something.....

never will, never have, never shall own a thing in this friggin thing..

weren't you the one who went around barrows as ironheart shouting you owned the place? Or are you gonna say that wasn't you, it was the character role-playing itself like you said b4? :p


Kent and Superman?

Bananaman and Eric more like....


Originally posted by old.Kian
As far as GOA are concerned you can't own a camp spot, so they won't take action if somebody comes along, stands right on top of you and starts pulling from the spawn you were farming. Common custom and simple politeness suggest people should not come along and ruin another person's xp session... but as you're well aware there are more than a few unpleasant, selfish little cocks in this game who never did learn common courtesy to others.

Leeching from mobs you have pulled and are fighting IS a violation of the Code of Conduct. If it happens, grab some screenshots and RightNow their asses. If they use insulting, threatening or vulgar language towards you - screenshot and RightNow that too.

I don't think it's selfish to expect people to share camps. Atleast when the camps are popular. To think you can hold the most popular camp yourself is being selfish.


Originally posted by DeaD GuRu
if i run around and i see a mob, i kill it and i do not have to give a shit about campers...
even if they start dickwashing about beeing there for hours....then i say: time to move then ;-)
First pulled first served, so if anyone hears someone saying: " Camped piss off" call me in game i'll load up my heavy artillery and visit them

i like your thinking, pretty much the way i hunt.


Re: Bullshit

Originally posted by Encyptor
this is a load of bull, we where there from mid day, then we went to re-log we where no more than 5mins

you are soo fucking dumb...its to you my 3 legged cat looks like a fucking genius...

YOU free...END OF.

and when we got back she was there, and she started mouthing off at us.[/b]

Umm yea cos it was now her spot.. YOU LEFT REMEMBER!!

if u cant hack the tempo get off the dance floor

perhaps you should actually look at what youve written infact dont ill explain it for you....


The others have said it. You leave the spot, you lose the spot. Simple as that.
No it isnt against the CoC to pull mobs from the same camp as others, but some manners should come into it somewhere along the line.

It like ive said in /Gu a lot of times. Its conveniant, and fast to have a necro, but its a pain in the arse 99% of the time too.
You spend ages looking for a camp, and when you finally happen across one, 5 other Necros show up and wipe it out, leaving all of you with sod all XP.
The worst thing anyone ever did is publish that sodding Spirit Weak guide. All it did was direct all the newbs who couldnt find that info for themselves to all the best camps.
I have even taken (shock horror) to trying to get my scout into groups, and as most of you will appreciate, that is no easy task.


report them for hitting the mobs you pulled - that's a clear cut case of breaking the CoC, screenshot, report.

as for pulling right on top of you - it's not very nice, ask them to move along - if they get arsey about it, screenshot and talk to their GM. You can share camp spots though, so if they're not wiping the place then play nice ;) maybe talk it over first though rather than walking in on top of someone.

And Belomar has it right - amazing how people change when they have the ability to chain-pull monsters, if they were still playing their fotm class begging for a group X levels higher than them rather than soloing/pling xp as fast as it comes then they'd not be able to clear the camp spot ;)

It's not so much that necromancers turn people into arseholes - it's that they give them so much more ability to act it out.


No it isnt against the CoC to pull mobs from the same camp as others, but some manners should come into it somewhere along the line.

Manners? This is the internet mate. This is "I do what I want, you can´t stop me" - land.
I recently walked through barrows to meet a mate who was somewhere at vigils. And on my way there, I received no less than three pm´s saying something along "camped, piss off" from green con Necros :D
Note, I didn´t even pull anything, I just walked through!


I am quoted in asorek's sig.

Does that make me famous ? :D


Originally posted by DeaD GuRu
always something in those overcomercialized pl spots.....

if i would be shooting there again (barrows) i would take my gimped necro (servant specced wich is just as fast as deathsight if buffed, but you have the luck of beeing able to kill slow with heal overtime and damage shield....)or my gimped wizard so i can not drain rooms solo....
still whiners call me a claimer and leecher etc..
if i run around and i see a mob, i kill it and i do not have to give a shit about campers...
even if they start dickwashing about beeing there for hours....then i say: time to move then ;-)
First pulled first served, so if anyone hears someone saying: " Camped piss off" call me in game i'll load up my heavy artillery and visit them

greetz nas

This attitude I assume is due to the lack of care and attention you got from your Crack Whore Mother



This is what really happend..
Me and Enc were lvling some low lvl whole day now till he went ld.
So me and enc went back to echos just to reinvite the toon but i had some lagg and shite so i decided to relogg too and stuff.
So then we got all stuff sorted and went back and we see "someone" ;0 pulling from our spot..
so we get closer to the ramp and she starts yelling sumat i cant remeber.. i mean wtf pulling from the camp we were just 5 mins ago and friggen being rude.. i got pretty pissed really, were here since 12 pm or sumat. so we asked her if she could move to celtic room or atleast move abit, i admit we might have leeched some, but hell i was a bit mad atm.
She was asking how she could know we were here 5/10 mins ago, we replyd by telling her to ask the other necro in the room, (yes another necro, he saw with us since we started i think)
then she didnt reply anymore. well then she finally moved after 20? mins to a spot underneath the stairs were we had no more trouble from her, till after some pull we accidently pulled both the same 1 then she started yeling again.. she left, then died? i think and came here whining bout all this crap... but hell i dont care..

and some ppl are wondering why were not camping caldey/white lights, its cuz they sux, camp bonus drops in 30 mins? and exp sux for the pl'ed toon. so we decided to come down here where exp is g0dlike..

my spelling sux..


Re: hmmm..

Originally posted by sago
went back and we see "someone" ;0 pulling from our spot..

Boing! Hence why you are wrong :)

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by mib666
This attitude I assume is due to the lack of care and attention you got from your Crack Whore Mother

ok , leave my mother out of it........

at least i still have one

and as you should have read.... my rules ore COC
i uphold those rules and you stupid , ingame, forbidden camping rules can be fielded in that lill spot where the sun don't shine fagg

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by kirennia
weren't you the one who went around barrows as ironheart shouting you owned the place? Or are you gonna say that wasn't you, it was the character role-playing itself like you said b4? :p

true true kind lady... why do you think i quited the rpg scene, because non could handle nor were able to comprehend the difference between rp and flaming like most did....

as posted a couple of months back, i had to destroy my character concept because of the stupidity wich most albs suffer from...


Originally posted by DeaD GuRu
true true kind lady... why do you think i quited the rpg scene, because non could handle nor were able to comprehend the difference between rp and flaming like most did....

as posted a couple of months back, i had to destroy my character concept because of the stupidity wich most albs suffer from...

On the other hand, perhaps your character concept was a tad shit?


Originally posted by DeaD GuRu
ok , leave my mother out of it........

at least i still have one

and as you should have read.... my rules ore COC
i uphold those rules and you stupid , ingame, forbidden camping rules can be fielded in that lill spot where the sun don't shine fagg

omg Nas. are u trying to bait ppl into getting pissed at you or do you seriously believe the shit you are typing ?

the fact that there is a CoC does not mean that additional moral rules cannot be developed within the gaming community.

just because it is not stated in the CoC that it is forbidden to pull from a site where someone is standing does NOT mean you should not show curtesy and respect grps or single chars going about their business.

if this concept is to hard for you to grasp/accept then u will be flamed/disliked/ignored by the majority of the community (since most would agree to these moral guidelines). u might not care about this, but if you do not, then why even bother playing a mmorpg?

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by elbeek
On the other hand, perhaps your character concept was a tad shit?

why should i be the one roleplaying the ideal role of the : polite, ever forgiving, gentle kind, noraml, role??

ironheart wasn't tended to be nice , or love at first sight....

he was tended to be a learning proces... first you get your ass kicked, then you think... then you talk..... then you act...; then you cooperate... just as simple as that...

his way or the high-way ;-) most ppl picked the high-way because they had no knowledge.....

now moods have settled.....

a lot of ppl know ironheart the other way.. as in they gave it a try and i think most can say that it has been rewarding in several ways...( as far i could get the means to help ppl off course...i'm not a storyteller in here , i have no resources, only the crap those weak storyteller here have fielded over the isles)


Originally posted by DeaD GuRu
why should i be the one roleplaying the ideal role of the : polite, ever forgiving, gentle kind, noraml, role??

ironheart wasn't tended to be nice , or love at first sight....

he was tended to be a learning proces... first you get your ass kicked, then you think... then you talk..... then you act...; then you cooperate... just as simple as that...

his way or the high-way ;-) most ppl picked the high-way because they had no knowledge.....

now moods have settled.....

a lot of ppl know ironheart the other way.. as in they gave it a try and i think most can say that it has been rewarding in several ways...( as far i could get the means to help ppl off course...i'm not a storyteller in here , i have no resources, only the crap those weak storyteller here have fielded over the isles)

Proof that drugs are bad for you!

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by stighelmer
omg Nas. are u trying to bait ppl into getting pissed at you or do you seriously believe the shit you are typing ?

the fact that there is a CoC does not mean that additional moral rules cannot be developed within the gaming community.

just because it is not stated in the CoC that it is forbidden to pull from a site where someone is standing does NOT mean you should not show curtesy and respect grps or single chars going about their business.

if this concept is to hard for you to grasp/accept then u will be flamed/disliked/ignored by the majority of the community (since most would agree to these moral guidelines). u might not care about this, but if you do not, then why even bother playing a mmorpg?

by the umber of threads that talk about the same problem: beeing: not respecting you "so called" camping rules in game, problems that occur with you "so called" moral community rules, it is my obligation to noted this to you that THERE ARE NO RULES , NO MORAL RULES. Only the rules that the egoistical basterds invent to have their own way. SO i do not concur with your "so called" ethical, moral rules since The players don't even uphold their own ruls. I do not invent new additionel rules to get my way like most do ;-)

so stighel, i know your a nice guy, but now i think you have to admit that i am the sole person here that is correct.

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by gunner440
rofl :<

this is so stupid rlly

for once i can agree with irons nemesis ;-) (joke) gunner shitvakten, this is silly.

To me ancient history...... iron is resting is his cage (barrows) just waiting to pop ;-) next to Lichas.

ppl will always have fight over camping, and their in game moral rules....

there are none :) only selfishness, greed, me me me, now now now, i don't care for the others only the once that are with me..

sheer human error

btw ;-) i know i made mistakes, as i already stated :)

all i know is there is only one set of rules that counts CoC.
Shuv your "community" moral rules, they don't exist



When you walk into a restaurant, do you take the next best chair you find and sit down, regardless if the table is free or not? And when people are standing in line, waiting to order their beers in the pub... do you walk past them and order your beer right away? I mean.. after all, those jerks are all selfish, greedy me me me bastards who´re trying to defend their ridiculous, selfmade moral rules aren´t they? There´s only one set of rules and that´s the laws. And there´s no law saying you can´t sit down on a chair in a restaurant or have to stand in the line is there?
Notice the trend? Following your argumentation, you´re going down to the level of all those "I can do what I want, try and stop me" kiddies.

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by thorwyntf

When you walk into a restaurant, do you take the next best chair you find and sit down, regardless if the table is free or not? And when people are standing in line, waiting to order their beers in the pub... do you walk past them and order your beer right away? I mean.. after all, those jerks are all selfish, greedy me me me bastards who´re trying to defend their ridiculous, selfmade moral rules aren´t they? There´s only one set of rules and that´s the laws. And there´s no law saying you can´t sit down on a chair in a restaurant or have to stand in the line is there?
Notice the trend? Following your argumentation, you´re going down to the level of all those "I can do what I want, try and stop me" kiddies.

most restaurants have a reservation list.... most fast food places are the spots where you can sit and go where you want...

so to compare:

restaurants : would be PL spots
fast food places: normal xp spots

and in the restaurants/pubs you have the BOSS to deal with... we don't have bosses in here


we don't have bosses in here

and that´s EXACTLY the reason why we should use common sense, moral and ethics to get along with each other rather than using the survival of the fittest and everybody is my enemy mentality. ;)


Originally posted by DeaD GuRu
for once i can agree with irons nemesis ;-) (joke) gunner shitvakten, this is silly.

If you are agreeing with him then why the hell do you have to be nasty about him then? grow up...

Originally posted by DeaD GuRu
To me ancient history...... iron is resting is his cage (barrows) just waiting to pop ;-) next to Lichas.

ppl will always have fight over camping, and their in game moral rules....

there are none :) only selfishness, greed, me me me, now now now, i don't care for the others only the once that are with me..

sheer human error

btw ;-) i know i made mistakes, as i already stated :)

all i know is there is only one set of rules that counts CoC.
Shuv your "community" moral rules, they don't exist

And as for this, I really cannot agree with any part of it apart from where you say you have made mistakes. This is just plain and simple lack of human decency. You are calling those who wait their turn and go to places only when they are free selfish? Yet in the same post, you say Shuv your community moral rules...

I mean when I read posts like this, it really does make me wonder about wjhat is going wrong with the world. Not because of what is actually being discussed but by the actual principle of it...

You're telling me, if there was a restuarant with a que of 50 people and NO manager or anyone to tell you off, you would just barge straight past and call those waiting in the line selfish if they told you to step back? This is the same line theives take; thinking if they can get away with it then why not do it and you are no better. In no shape matter or form are you being the best p[erson here, you are disregarding a community and being selfish for yourself.

I just feel sorry for people who will continue to come across you in these situations and in a way feel sorry for you if you try anything along the same lines in life. It'd end up as a very quick trip to bad places.

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by thorwyntf
and that´s EXACTLY the reason why we should use common sense, moral and ethics to get along with each other rather than using the survival of the fittest and everybody is my enemy mentality. ;)

soooo true... can you expect cooperation from ppl that only know each other from a fictional name???
Maybee partially, or maybee guildwisely, but not community wise..

for example:(two names that just popped in me head)
black falcon rules are not the same as eg... gol rules....

so common sence ;-) i think the first thing we would need would be like.... a real fantasy idea.... UNITY :p ;-)


Originally posted by thorwyntf
and that´s EXACTLY the reason why we should use common sense, moral and ethics to get along with each other rather than using the survival of the fittest and everybody is my enemy mentality. ;)

forget it mate, he has the intellectual capacity of a wet teasponge.

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by kirennia
If you are agreeing with him then why the hell do you have to be nasty about him then? grow up...

And as for this, I really cannot agree with any part of it apart from where you say you have made mistakes. This is just plain and simple lack of human decency. You are calling those who wait their turn and go to places only when they are free selfish? Yet in the same post, you say Shuv your community moral rules...

I mean when I read posts like this, it really does make me wonder about wjhat is going wrong with the world. Not because of what is actually being discussed but by the actual principle of it...

You're telling me, if there was a restuarant with a que of 50 people and NO manager or anyone to tell you off, you would just barge straight past and call those waiting in the line selfish if they told you to step back? This is the same line theives take; thinking if they can get away with it then why not do it and you are no better. In no shape matter or form are you being the best p[erson here, you are disregarding a community and being selfish for yourself.

I just feel sorry for people who will continue to come across you in these situations and in a way feel sorry for you if you try anything along the same lines in life. It'd end up as a very quick trip to bad places.

oooooow, different subject... this was an enlargement from the ironheart past, milady, nothing to do with now and that thread on sticking heads togehter ;-)

(you know, the utter asshole from barrows ;-) yeah :p the one that calls himselfe king etc..; the one that loved kicking the majorities butt )

and the part for community rules, at this present moment, yes.... all can shuvv em, because there are none that are like, generally used ...
i can use common sence, as i do in the last couple of months... honestly ;-) (cant find the emoticon for the angel looks)

DeaD GuRu

Originally posted by Addlcove
forget it mate, he has the intellectual capacity of a wet teasponge.

who are you talking about??? if you directed that to me ;-) take this one ;-) aren't you the DAOC -buster user???

you even have to use the same line in your sigg as tilda does, are you so uncertain of your actions???
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