No more sorcerers after patch 1.52


Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Jupitus

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[EDIT: PS. Solid. :clap: ]


It's a well known fact men are more aggressive and prone to swear.

And you are absolutely right, Brannor.

How many times have you seen or heard me swear before?

Does that not give you a small inkling of the level of offence that I took at your unhelpful, patronising and downright rude comments?

Does it give you some insight into how angry it made me?

I hope it does....

Ok... I'm gone.


Prof, I'm not siding with or against your opinion here, but i just want to point out that purge is an expensive realm ability, whereas these cure mezz spells are almost entirely in already-popular spec lines. Find me a sorc, minstrel, bard, healer, or spiritmaster that won't have the requisite spec ANYWAY to get the anti-mezz spell.

A seperate point; does anyone else suspect that this would make root the new mezz? Except that now we'd have caster vs caster with a big pile of rooted tanks stuck in the middle being ignored? ;)


Originally posted by Brannor McThife

Never implied that. It's a well known fact men are more aggressive and prone to swear.

I'm going to stop now. Continue if you want. You want to make it more personal, fine, go ahead, I'll just ignore you.



No - actually I deliberately left out the end of the sentence to give you a taste of the 'quote out of context' medecine you tried to give me. Nice, isn't it? :rolleyes:

As for making or taking it personally, I am not the one who got all miffed 'cos their msn buddie swore at them in a public forum (actually, she didn't even swear at you directly, you just over-reacted).

Still on ignore? Great :)


Mezzing has for a long time played a major part on how we do RvR, and IMO ruined some of the fun of playing a pure melee class. I think I said it in an earlier post on sorceress/mages etc whining about the “stay hidden after one-shoot kills form assassins”, thus resulting in this “bug” got removed in 1.50…I repeat “what comes around goes around”. You got nerfed and you deserve it.

I would think that the mezz is a bigger pain in the ass for melee classes than assassins are for mages, so just try seeing from another perspective…that would be nice.


I think it'll be like playing whackamole in three-d...

Bard ae mezzes your tanks... you start whacking the zZZzz
(not sure when that comes in but mezz gets a nice indicator rather than the 'guess' we have at the moment)
Then you aoe mezz them and their bard starts whacking Z's :)
Bearing in mind the 1min immunity timer is still there, it could get interesting.

Sorcerors have it hard for survival, that much is true. No chain :(

Debuffs will be better in 1.51 - they become instant ... and an instant -54 con debuff is probably quite painful :)

No AoE dots at all ... even if you do spec matter... just stackable baseline and specline dots (which is apparently quite painful)
AoE is in cabalist matter spec.


Originally posted by Solid
Why does any CC class want to have the longest mez? not like many mezzed folk are left standing after 30 secs, there is absolutely no need for a 120 sec mez, and seeing as Mez chance to land is level based, spec line level makes no difference in whether the mez lands.

I gather that the radius is also reduced with the lower mind spec which has some bearing on it, although not alot.

Generally, Solid, I agree that sorcs look like they will all need to respec (assuming it works and is included with the 1.52 release).

That said, I am most upset at you being so damned smart, literate, and on-topic. Stop it please.

Edit: Oh I nearly forgot! Having the longer mezz gives me a chance to run to the loo during a pygmy goblin chain :p


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Find me a sorc, minstrel, bard, healer, or spiritmaster that won't have the requisite spec ANYWAY to get the anti-mezz spell.

Ah, theres gimped beyond belief characters everywhere - Im sure I can find at least one ;)


Originally posted by Jupitus
That said, I am most upset at you being so damned smart, literate, and on-topic. Stop it please.



Okie. Im saving your asses for more flaming.

Lets look at the skills of all 3 primary AE mezzers on all realms.

Can speed, songs etc, not very offensive.

Instants coming outta his ass, TEH CC machine, heals/buffs.

DD, AE root, pet, AE mez.

Now as we can see, Sorc is the only one with good offensive power yes? That makes them suffer the least from the mez defenses. I take most tanks take purge, since they do need it. Now how many tanks have ranged spells/skills. Well nearly all but nothing that isnt more than a tickle. Or interruptable. Thats why sorc has AE root/Single root. You see someone purge and root em, CCd again. Send pet it, instant debuffs and nuke the hell outta his ass. Dead tank. Then just do the same routine to the rest mezzed.

Because they're a bitch to level

Since when? I never actually had problems leveling in groups at later levels when mez was needed.

This thing affects mostly high Mind sorcs, guess whos one? ME! Still gonna respec to 45body.

I gather that the radius is also reduced with the lower mind spec which has some bearing on it, although not alot.

Not alot? change from 150 > 400 radius IS alot. From lowest to highest mez. And with higher mez, you get to mez more people with same mez and sametime hold em longer still so you can pick em off 1 by 1.

And this affects Healer and Bard too. Since their only defense is Mez basically (stun is so low dur, doesnt count) they cant do jackshit against Purge/Healmez. Now I can beat the crap outta annyoing Healers aswell.

Purge/Healmez dont change that much in RvR. It spices up it abit.

Stop whining. Others suffer alot more than sorcs since sorcs are the only ones with decent offensive spells.


Based on your knowledge of the class and the upcoming changes, how if at all will you utilize the respec option kr0n?

You said lower Mind spec does have a detrimental effect on your CC powers, so I assume you wouldnt want to bring up some other line at the expense of lower mind yes?

Hell maybe you wont change your spec at all, tell us what ya gonan do, or even what you suggest as viable options


I wanted to say my 2 cents about sorc. and healers.

I relly do think this idea sound like a good one (you have to look at the whole patch not a single stuff like demezz) It will make all battles take longer time. This will give more room for DoT and remezz and so on. You have to remeber that all debuffs are instacast (over there) nowdays and that a this plus the fact that battle takes longer time will make all RvR more interesting.

About healers : They are relly fun to play, being both primary healer and primary mezzer in realm makes our lives relly chaotic somtimes.
But I most say that sometimes I relly feel like, duh now I have mezzed that one for 1 min but hey I cant relly do anything to him.
The most offensive I can do is attackspeed debuff him and the go at him with my hammer. :/
Hmm my hammer this is a fun part I can (I have tried :D) pick of casters if I stun them before but any other class will slowly but steadily chunk me to pices cuz I dont do any (like 20 each hit at an yellow con) dmg and relly have no defence exept my 5%block rate (not specceble shield) I totally trusts my chainarmor :D

BUT hardly ever u hear healers whine, if u play them to 40+ u will have to learn and understund that this game is not about what u can do no it is about what youre groupe can do together. So plz dont whine, i relly thinks this is all about understunding YOUR role in evry single battle.
Eg. this patch takes the game in joust that direction, making the melee classes depend on you to unmezz them and u to depend on the melee classes to protect u...

GO MYTHIC GO MYTHIC I relly think this is a step in da right direction...

BTW the classes I feel has most to whine about is those that dosent contribute to a groupe.

old.The McScrooges

I think this sucks.

I mean the see hidden ability isn't level based and losing the decimals on my draw time is just a sure indication that they've been increased...

Oh sorry wrong thread.


This thing affects mostly high Mind sorcs, guess whos one? ME! Still gonna respec to 45body.

Quoted from my own post Solid. I want some RPs ya know, mezzing still doesnt give em. 49s AE mez, no L50 pet, longer AE root, 2x the damage im now makin. Byby longest mez, hihi best DD.


So what I originally suggested works?

WOW never got past level 10 on Alb with any char, and I am not talking nonsense, tis a day to celebrate

<The Crowd Roaaaaaars>

"All Hail The People's Thane"
"All Hail The People's Thane"
"All Hail The People's Thane"


Originally posted by Solid
In the case of a Bard, having 6sec PBT, means they can survive a lot more hits and sometimes are harder to identify.

Yes I think Bards will be overpowered now, they are a freaking amazing class as it is
Uh? Please get your facts straight? What the hell do i get to specc in to get my non-existant 6sec PBT? Bards got Reinforced as maximum (yes, it's called studded in you realm), evade 2 and can't use a shield while playing songs.
And i don't get it? Why would bard's be harder to identify than other classes? Sorcs looks just like any other caster and healers just like tanks. Bards always have a banjo (or other instrument) in their hand.

And which way will bards get overpowered by this? We don't have root/stun as backup. Feel free to explain...

PS. Don't tell me I'm whining, I'm just telling the facts...



My baad

Bards or Wardens get 6sec PBT? I always get em confused, If I was wrong, oops :D

Someone care to do a quick evaluation of what Wardens and Bards get and their Primary and Secondary roles are in RvR, I aint no expert in Hib classes, as Trahg so eloquently made clear.

Which gets weapon spec and shouts and PBT? Warden I presume yes?, I like the sound of warden then, and in that case Bards would not be overpowered :D

And its Wardens that are the "freaking amazing class as it is"
(thats not an anti bard phrase there, its a props to Mythic for making a great balanced class)


Its the same they did with the scouts. They got to powerful so they nerfed it to death. Now the sorc is next.

Brannor McThife

Scenario 1.48:

Sorc running with group in Emain, pops over hill and suddenly find themselves facing a group of Midgardians in prepared positions. The Albions try to scatter, but the healer gets an AE mezz off. Mezzing everyone but the sorc and minstrel. Sorc turns and flee's, because there's nothing he can do for his tanks and standing still to cast mezz means that skald is going to catch him and "do him in". The minstrel sees the skald closing along with some tanks. He switch from his drums to flute, mezz's the skald while he uses his run-pulse to move away. He then stuns and mezzes another two tanks and then hightails it after the sorc.

Both the Minstrel and Sorc then proceed to run back to their PK and wait for the others to /release.

Scenario 1.52D:

Sorc running with group in Emain, using Sorc speed, as Minstrel is shadowing the group from a distance. They pop over the hill and are suddenly confronted by a group of Midgardians in prepared positions. The Albions try to scatter, a warning goes out to the Minstrel, who starts a flank attack. All the Albions are mezzed except for the Sorc, who fires off an AE mezz as well, catching 80% of Midgardians. The skald is still free though, as is the healer. Suddenly, from the flank comes the screams of a maniacal minstrel, he storms in, stuns, then mezzes the healer, while the sorc roots the skald, then mezz's him. Then, as fast as possible. The Minstrel and Sorc de-mezz the group (who DO NOT BREAK MEZZ TILL EVERYONE IS READY ;) ) and proceed to smack the little dwarf healer upside the head and then work their way around the group of Midgards who are now /y /y /y /y /y /y.

Now, you tell me. Which sounds more fun?



[EDIT: I did not make use of the PURGE command, as I didn't want to make the scenario more complicated...but purge can be dealt with by root.]


Since when were Sorcs ever too powerful?

They are one of the rarest classes in game.


Uhm... Solid... don't get more confused ;)
Check out then look up bard/warden... bard get the shout (the only way i can deal any kind of damage) in same specc-line as mezz and resist-chants (music) but gotta specc songs separatly (nurture), heal song is in the healing-line (regrowth) though. They can specc in weapons but sohuldn't since they will get very gimped.
I'm not very experienced with wardens but they get the PBT chant, DAdd chant, speed chant and resist-buffs in nurture, weapon-specc (which is recommended to specc in), speccable parry and self only end regen buff in regrowth.

They prolly get some other stuff i forgot to mention too... like the bards confuse (yay? :p) ;)


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Scenario 1.48:
Sorc turns and flee's, because there's nothing he can do for his tanks and standing still to cast mezz means that skald is going to catch him and "do him in".
Scenario 1.52D:
All the Albions are mezzed except for the Sorc, who fires off an AE mezz as well, catching 80% of Midgardians. The skald is still free though, as is the healer
So Brannor... your telling us that in 1.52 Sorcs will have lower casting-time on their mezzes because the can cast a AE-mezz without getting interrupted by the skald? :p
Please feel free to use same start-scenario when comparing the situations/versions... :p

Brannor McThife

Trahg. I used same start situation. Difference is, now the Sorc knows that he can de-mezz, and that he no longer only has the option to flee. Now he knows that he has the minstrel t mezz and demezz as well, and all those tanks he can help. Before, he was of no use after the rest of his group got mezzed, now, he can be the "hero" and save them all.



Might be worth pointing out that the Sorc is the only primary mezzer in any realm with quickcast. Although this isn't as powerful as instas, don't forget insta mezz/stun is on a 10min timer, qc is on 30sec. Go figure...


got a sorceress myself and dont see how this is going to break the class.
The Body DD is still what it is, a spec dd and in no regards worse than the fire dd/wind dd/whatever spec dd. Apart from damage type no difference at all. It really really hurts in rvr.
Dont forget that debuffs arent that useless in 1.52, as they are (if my information is correct) instant cast on a quite low timer. So they will be used much more, giving you even more to do.
Most important, how can a single target de-mez ever be a real problem to an AE mez?
I wont stop my sorc because of this... ts how much faith you got in a really cool class. Sorcs hard to level? Hardly... every group wants one, and i found soloing to be tedious but absolutely save and so easy. lol, pet and amnesia is ridiculous, he who dies with a sorc in solo PvE is an artist, really.
I like it that pvp will get more of a battle feel and i dont think this change will ruin my class. Its also very cool that ministrels get it too, thats very fitting and powerful for such a fast moving class.

/me is looking forward to the patch


Thank you Chesnor, i forgot that they are casters ;/

Anyway, I am not a sorc but at least a bard and I always tries to mezz as many as i can before going down... And in this case if he manage to mezz all/almost all of them he got advantage in time since sorcs mezzes lasts a little longer and they got mezzed later than the alb-group. Sure it might become a deadlock, but instead of running away cowardly (and probably die), he dies with the group members (whom he would have to wait for in pk) or win...

just my two pennies...

If someone got an impression that i disliked the idea with antimezz i can tell: Actually i think 1.52 will work out absolutely fine since I presume that the anti-mezz will be single targeted and have casting time like everything else. Therefore it will take a whole lot of time to de-mezz a whole army. ;)


Aaah - I am released from the Void!!! (I have been having a few technical difficulties writing to these forums - thanks to the dba who sorted it out like lightning :)

I guess I am in that small percentage of people who play a Mind Specced Sorcerer - the pets this gives you are nice but its really tuff to find them and by concentrating so heavily in mind it really messes up the base body dd's - variance of dam is huge!

The only reason I (and most others I suspect) went to the trouble to spec in mind was to be the best Area Mezzers we can be - its not a glamourous job since our dd's are too weak to finish anyone off so we are pure support.

I agree Mez needed work as I have been on the receiving end but it does mean you wont see many of the (very few to begin with) Sorcerers speccing in mind again - looks like body becomes the only real choice - shame :(

Maybe Mythic will put some more goodies in Mind one day???

Respec here I come!


Another insteresting thing about mezz in 1.52 is now most groups will need 2 mezzers. One mezzing the other un-mezzing. Up until now, most groups could do well in RvR with one mezzer, AE mezz....battle won.

After this patch, you will need at least one mezzer and maybe 2 unmezzers to avoid getting demolished, imho.

And to the Albs whining becuase they don't have enough Sorcerors, go roll one ! Your realm sure needs Sorcs after this patch rather than 100000000 trillion Infiltrators ffs.

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