No more sorcerers after patch 1.52



I suggest you, Brannor, trying playing a sorceror at level 40-something before you start accusing us of being lazy.

Have you any IDEA how hard it is to stay alive long enough even to cast ONE spell?

Sure, I can cast Amnesia at the archer who's targetting me, but I cant cast it in three directions at once, which is what I'd need to do.

My RvR survival involves never standing still, that's actually quite hard for a class who HAS to stand still to cast, and I don't think that could be classed as lazy , do you?

What the fuck do you think I do once I've cast? Stand there? Waiting to be picked off? Are you out of your mind?

So, just keep your mouth shut until you know what you're talking about, ok?

And you, Chesnor, I can appreciate that a healer has no offensive spells and will be affected the same way, but you will still be a vital component of RvR with your rezzing and healing skills. Surely, there isnt a healer over level 30 in Midgard who can't rezz?

And I do respect my class, I am proud of the fact that I have managed to level , with the help of a great guild and many good friends and one Jup, a very challenging class. I'm not saying that the sorcs will not still be a wonderful class to play, I'm saying that the one skill that our class was THE best at over all the realms, is being taken away from us to a large extent, (yes i know not everyone will take the realm ability , or get the spell)

Just allow the few of us that remain to mourn the passing of the golden days of sorcery ok?

Thank you


Let's face it, mezz was overpowered and needed to be fixed.
but I can't cope with the way mythic thinks it needs to fix the problem by destroying an entire class.
In RvR there is one thing we can do atm, and that is mezz. Most of us went 34 mind 41 body. Our debuffs get never used, our nuke is weak, and soon our prim. reaon for being gets destroyed.
At least give sorcs some other role, cause as it is gonna be soon we are not that usefull RvR to say the least.
We are rare (in RvR), we are damn week, prime target and soon to be obsolete...


Re: Please Explain

Originally posted by Molten Lava
Can anyone please explain why there are only 10-20 high level sorc on Excal? must have a reason...maybe our "much to powerfull" AeO mezz?

Because they're a bitch to level :)


/em thinks Lunar has been eating his angry pills....

Hey! Lunar!! I Love it when you're angry!!! ;)

Seriously, this is very sad news for those who have put the effort in to levelling a sorc... I hope they tweak this somehow.


The Classes That Get De-Mess And When:

Sorcerer Mind Twisting
24 Clear Mind

Minstrel Instruments spec
27 Focusing Chant

Healer Pacification
23 Cleanse Mind

Spiritmaster Suppression spec
28 Spirit Purge

Bard Music
24 Clarifying Harmonies

Mentalist Mind Mastery (mind spec list)
28 Mental Purification

OK, you mes the enemy first or you get messed first. Either way you now have something else to do. If messed first you have to unmess as many people as possible, praying that nobody notices you :) - some people will have purge, that removes them from the to do list ;) - they can also protect you.

if you mes first you have to watch for the enemy de-messer, remess some, etc. etc.

it makes messing more interesting, instead of mes, pick of targets one by one, cheer and dance on their bodies.

and it helps tanks in RvR :D


Okay, you Sorcs quit then. The Albion will truly suck, just because you can't see past the end of your noses and look into the future a bit and understand the implication this change will have to RvR as a whole.

You whiners should really go to the VN boards, and whine along with the other whining Sorcs. If you all quit, Albion is doomed. Just take it on the chin and accept that the days of mezz dominance is over in RvR.

Sorcerors are a great class, before and after this patch (and it is not a nerf btw, go ask you Armsmen guildys if they see this as a nerf, I know most tanks are jumping for joy).


Originally posted by old.Iskander

In RvR there is one thing we can do atm, and that is mezz. Most of us went 34 mind 41 body. Our debuffs get never used, our nuke is weak, and soon our prim. reaon for being gets destroyed.

Actually the nuke is quite powerful... doesn't hit as hard as the fire one but it casts faster... hence more damage over time.

there's always a respec if you'd rather not have so much mind
(but then you'd lose your pet.. oh you said it was useless... so what's stopping you respeccing to full body? )

Bearing in mind your pet runs in and gets mezzed at the moment.... you can now make it useful again by de-mezzing it.

Battles should not be won or lost on whoever casts mezz first. That's the problem.

Mezz is still damned useful, root is useful too - not as much as mezz at the moment, but still a useful spell.

You're just going to have to be more than a one-trick pony.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by LunarDarkShadow
I suggest you, Brannor, trying playing a sorceror at level 40-something before you start accusing us of being lazy.
I suggest you play a pure melee class past L45 and tell me Mezz isn't overpowerred.

Have you any IDEA how hard it is to stay alive long enough even to cast ONE spell?
Do you have any idea how hard it is to actually get close enough to hit anybody on RvR?

What the fuck do you think I do once I've cast? Stand there? Waiting to be picked off? Are you out of your mind?
Nice language from a lady. And no, I expect you run for cover laughing after you've AE mezzed a bunch of people.

So, just keep your mouth shut until you know what you're talking about, ok?
I play a mezz class, sure, I can move while doing it. And you haven't played the other side of the coin (on the receiving end of mezzes), so perhaps you should also keep it slightly toned down.

I'm saying that the one skill that our class was THE best at over all the realms, is being taken away from us to a large extent
That's just it isn't it? You're not THE most powerful anymore...shame...there goes that uberness. :rolleyes:

Just allow the few of us that remain to mourn the passing of the golden days of sorcery ok?


Real nice of you to swear at me...goes to show you never really know someone...



Noone is forcing you to gimp your body line, honestly tell me what's wrong with a 45 Body 29 Mind spec? I believe this is how Veeshan specced but I'm not sure.

You get a 60sec AoE Root, 46sec AoE Mez, 80sec single target Mez, 209 DD, 50% (insta) Heat debuff. Largest problem I see is a limitation to max lvl40 pet and area effect of Mez shrinking. 34 Mind and 41 Body would be another viable spec, gives ya better Mez and Charm at the cost of DD Root and Debuff.

You see limitations, I see possibilities. You see yourself as a Wizard without bolt, I see you as a Wizard without bolt, with pet, AoE mez, AoE root and resistance debuffs... oh and runbuff.

Sorcs are Albs primary CC class, they ARE laughable at CC compared to Healers and Bards that get instamez, you MAY whine about that. But you may not whine about your class usefulness because of a mez reduce.

On a final note, why we have so few sorcs?
a) They're misunderstood, by even those who play them it seems.
b) They're unappreciated until higher levels, and even in higher levels die alot exping, this can be unrewarding.
c) Like all cloth casters, good RP cows but not good enough RP farmers (for some).

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Ryzar
pussies plz quit or stfu

Do you talk like that in real life? /blinks eyes innocently

... and pebr... your avatar scares the children, tsktsktsk.

Molten Lava

Keep attack/defence

Our role might be nice with keep defence then...we just stand in the middle of the keep demezzing the archers/casters on the problem...we would be quite useless in keep attack...sigh....well I just have to see in november 2007 how 1.52 works out I think :)


I agree totally with the introduction of dispell-mezz spells. However, I do not agree with the bard getting it. Hardly a rare class is it? Compared to sorc? Hell, compared to healer?
I disagree with the way they've said "we will give it to all primary and secondary mezzers". This is just ignorant of class roles in RvR.
This spell should have gone, not to minstrels, but to paladins. Who currently HAVE no role in RvR other than being a meat-shield against guards, or dispensing ghetto rezzes.
Hibernia already has more CC than the other 2 realms... giving their cure-mezz to an extremely popular class is hardly a smart move. Sorcs and spiritmaster population added together would barely equal half bard population, on the same server. Not entirely sure how well Mythic thought this one through.


Originally posted by sickofit...

Do you talk like that in real life? /blinks eyes innocently


but it fits to moltens post :rolleyes:


Lets face it - life as a Healer is pretty dull atm. Even if you manage to mez a few peeps - you cant do anything else. The trade off with having mez is that you cant hit a barn door with a banjo....and getting realm points (please dont get on your high horse about this - i talking in relation to the other classes) is nigh on impossible unless you get teleported to humberton...and even then you may struggle against one of those pesky aggro bandits that amble around there.

I think the introduction of anything that makes life a bit more exciting for a healer is a good thing. Bad thing is that you are still group bitch. Its one more thing for those Uber tanks to moan about when you dont demezz them. Boy do they moan :D

PS - why does posting on this board instantly turn you into a prick - everyone takes this so seriously...its well funny. I love the people who talk down to others just coz they know more about this than someone else...gods gift to gaming - we are so lucky to have you with us. Sort your egos out. :m00:


Remove cc completely... give all cc classes stealth, weapon spec, dd and unlimited skill points... that way no one will ever whine about cc again... :)


Tigerius, most sorcs do understand their class.

We are great, if slow, soloers. (roots and pets make the difference)
We are great, if vulnerable, crowd controllers.
We are great, if largely uneffective debuffers (Debuffs dont work very well in RvR at the moment)
We are quick, if not all that powerful, nukers.

We have the ability to turn aggro (amnesia)
We have the ability to make mobs fight themselves (confusion)
We control the pace of battles (root and mezz)
We have a nasty DoT, albeit not AE ( unless we specced in matter)
We can even heal ourselves a bit (life drain)

But, all this is largely ineffective in an RvR situation , where the enemy cannot be confused, they always remember who you are, and the army of tanks and AE casters break most of the mezzes anyway,and pace of battle rarely accommodates a 4 second cast time.

We can all moan about each others strengths and weaknesses. Hands up who thinks the minstrels have it sweet?

Maybe mezz was overpowered. Maybe it did need tweaking. But did it need quite such a sledgehammer to it? We are just having a bit of a moan, that's all. We don't want to quit, we love our sorcerors.

All we'd like is something useful to do in RvR, maybe Clear Mind will be it. But then, if all the mezzing classes are demezzing, who will mezz? And if no-one mezzes, why bother de-mezzing?
Don't you see, it just sets up a whole vicious see-saw of nerf and de-nerf, which many of us believe will severely unbalance our class.

Despite Brannor's petulant comment, we don't feel uber, we have always felt fairly vulnerable, in fact.

It's all just a bit sad, is all. But I've said enough now, I've got angry, I've sworn and blown my top, and now I've calmed down.

My time in this thread is done.


Just give my Sorceror chain armour and I'll be happy ;)


Brannor - put your toys back in the pram. You can't expect to leap into a Sorceror thread, say 'all you guys do is mezz then sit around on your arse' without expecting some heat in return.

Lunar has spent muchos time levelling her character and now it seems that Mythic are going to adjust things against mezz in a single sweep which affects sorcs much worse than other characters. We're not fast levellers, because that's not our style, so it's not a 'I'll reroll and be level 40+ again in 7 days /played' situation. Given that, you'd expect Lunar to be at least a little bit angry, so don't moan when you get flamed for your comments.

Don't dish it if you can't take it, as always.

Brannor McThife

I don't swear at ladies. I don't expect such language from them either. And you can't step in and play arbitrator, you're far from neutral.


Brannor McThife

I love having a sorc around - wicked crowd control, debuffs, roots, pets and nukes ... - Jupitus Darkshadow
Single purpose?

I know the debuffs arent very effective in RvR at the moment, but in PvE they really make a difference, and I have seven of them now, both single and AE.

And my dd, although not specced very high yet, still manages to hit for up to 400 on a good crit shot.

Oh yes, and later, the AE root will come in handy
- Lunar Darkshadow
Single skilled?

Oh, but sorry, I have to have a L40+ Primary Mezz class before I can talk here... :rolleyes: Oh, but then, Jupitus, you don't have one either, and that never stopped you commenting before...



Some people swear Brannor - some just talk like they are just that little bit better than everyone else....If you dont want one...dont do the other...I seem to remember you being fairly you seem to be self appointed Post policeman. Whered your manners go?


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
I don't swear at ladies. I don't expect such language from them either. And you can't step in and play arbitrator, you're far from neutral.


Nope - you're right. I can't play arbitrator, nor do I have any desire to do so. I have a free right to post in any thread here though, and I read your post and thought 'what a dickhead', frankly, so I posted myself. My previous response was the toned down version.

Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Now, instead of just sitting on your fat ass everytime you AE mezz, you'll have to keep your eyes open for those that PURGE and those that get the mezz dispelled.

You're all whining. I see it as adding more flavour to the game and making Sorcerer's (and other mezzers) work harder instead of "AE mezz...haha...sit on ass and watch others fight."


Read that again. If I was in Lunar's position I'd be on here telling you to f**k right off too. And don't come the 'holier-than-thou' routine about language - if you're going to claim to be so saintly towards ladies then re-read what you put in the first place.


Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Farnis
I seem to remember you being fairly stable...
Wasn't me. Was an imposter. :p

now you seem to be self appointed Post policeman.
No, this is personal. Go nothing to do with general posting.

Whered your manners go?
Nowhere. I took umbridge at being sworn at by someone I respected, I would have expected her to rather take a piece of of me in that tone over MSN and then show that she's better and come up with a more mature response (than mine).

The errors here, are on my side. For using the term "fat ass" and for assuming that Lunar wouldn't give into the BW syndrome. I'm not holier than thou anyway. I've sworn my fair share, but I'm male, and I'm Brannor, and I don't care. :m00:

Oh, and Jupitus, get original...nice to see you starting with the (-J)... :m00:




Originally posted by Brannor McThife

Single purpose?

Single skilled?

Oh, but sorry, I have to have a L40+ Primary Mezz class before I can talk here... :rolleyes: Oh, but then, Jupitus, you don't have one either, and that never stopped you commenting before...


Ok Brannor - trawl through and take as many out of context quotes as you can. This conversation isn't about PvE, it's about RvR, it isn't about your sad gimped tank class, it's about sorcerors.

No, I don't have a L40+ Primary Mezz class, which is why I don't comment in any detail about the finer technical aspects of it, but I have played 43+ levels alongside one and have witnessed many aspects of it both in PvE and RvR.



Originally posted by Brannor McThife
I've sworn my fair share, but I'm male

... so men can, but women can't?

Interesting values you hold there...

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Jupitus

No, I don't have a L40+ Primary Mezz class, which is why I don't comment in any detail about the finer technical aspects of it, but I have played 43+ levels alongside one and have witnessed many aspects of it both in PvE and RvR.
And I've play 45+ levels next to a L50 Healer. And I've played a druid with semi-CC ability, and I'm playing a minstrel. And I played a L45+ healer for two weeks.

I think I know a little about mezz too.


Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Jupitus
... so men can, but women can't?
Interesting values you hold there...
Never implied that. It's a well known fact men are more aggressive and prone to swear.

I'm going to stop now. Continue if you want. You want to make it more personal, fine, go ahead, I'll just ignore you.




Back when Purge got introduced all mezzers flipped out and yelled "OMG we're useless now in RvR" and "noone is going to play those classes anymore" on the forums.

Purge came and nothing much changed ...

Guess with this heal mezz it's going to be identical :
It's pretty obvious that in the laggy midst of a chaotic RvR battle it won't be easy to spot, select and cast the spell (every time taking a few seconds) to unmezz yer fellow mates who got mezzed - provided you didn't got mezzed yourselves.

And to make it even better : you need a mezzer to save yourselves from getting mezzed - now sorcs (and other mezzers) have now 2 instead of 1 of the most powerfull RvR skills.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife

And I've play 45+ levels next to a L50 Healer. And I've played a druid with semi-CC ability, and I'm playing a minstrel. And I played a L45+ healer for two weeks.

I think I know a little about mezz too.


What's the class in the title of the thread? Is it healer? Noooo... is it Minstrel? Noooo....

This is a thread about Sorcs. They have a very specific characteristics. Get with the program please.


At the current time (1.48) Sorcerors are THE MOST VULNERABLE CLASS in the game.

As a Midgardian or a Hibernia, your primary goal should be to seek out the Sorc and kill/neutralise him/her.

Sorcs can and do die from 1 hit, definately from 2 hits due to poor hp and cloth "armour".

Their CC equivalents are less vulnerable, having chain armour, and in the case of a Bard, having 6sec PBT, means they can survive a lot more hits and sometimes are harder to identify.

in 1.52 Sorcs become even more vulnerable, as this keeps em at the very top of the "Must kill class table" in RvR.

I do however think the respec will help here.

Why does any CC class want to have the longest mez? not like many mezzed folk are left standing after 30 secs, there is absolutely no need for a 120 sec mez, and seeing as Mez chance to land is level based, spec line level makes no difference in whether the mez lands.

Intelligent sorcs will respec, lower mind to the Mez they actually need, ie a 60sec (even lower IMO) mez and bump up one of their offensive skill trees, hell getting 3 trees up to the mid 30's may even be viable, who knows.

Yes the patch is detrimental to sorcs that dont respec and lower their mind skill to give them something else to do

Yes I think Bards will be overpowered now, they are a freaking amazing class as it is

Yes I believe Healers dont benefit or lose out from this patch.

In summary, sorcs get hit somewhat indirectly, and need to reavaluate their primary role in RvR. Sorcs will need to spec more offensively to enjoy the game more on a personal level, which might just mean Albion gets a tad weaker


Cue mythic "fixing" the patch to sort out the unintential detrimental changes to Albion

All I can say is let the Yanks bloody test the patch on Pendragon first, Mythic have said in the patch notes changes may take place before it goes live.

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