No more sorcerers after patch 1.52


Molten Lava

Well done Mythic and all people whining about mezz :( On an average day on Excalibur 800 people are online of whom 30 are sorcs....only reason to become sorc = mezz and as we can see (less than 5% of the people start a sorc) even that is not enough reason to play one.....sorc's can nuke, but wizards are better, sorcs can debuf and Dot but with the last patch even cabbies are better then taking away mezz will mean NO MORE SORCS....imho i dont think this is a good idea....

Ok nothing is ready yet, but if I see "some caster types" will get a "de-mezz spell" I hope that means only cabies and some other less played races get a lvl 50 spell that removes mezz from themselves....but I think Mythic will make it something like this: All casters and minstrel-types get an AoE effect at lvl 15 that succesfully dispells all Mezz effects...we put it on a 5 minute time (wohw) so you cant use it continously.

I seriously think this is the first step of Mythic to kill the pure mezz classes :(


Molten Lava

No joke

No joke, why? is it normal to remove the only thing a class is good at??? It's the same a telling all fire-wizzies that in the next patch they will lose all their bolts...isn't it?

Maybe you have been mezzed a bit to much in RvR?


mezz sux and anyone whom has come to rely on mezz (in RvR)sux to (does specificly mean you ;))


Guest hasnt been removed totally, you can still mezz but some will be broken. Its not as if you CANT mezz anymore.

Molten Lava


Lots of people have been mezzed a bit to much in RvR i think....well dangerous guy I am...I have been mezzing red mids/hibs lots of times in Caledonia last few days...on ars get mezzed three times in a row....I have some nice screenshots of me dancing with him.....BUT I CANT KILL HIM!! I cant even kill a green con....why? because I'm going purely be able to help please let me be able to mezz a complete army so I can run...befoe they kill me.....

Uncle Sick(tm)

I have been mezzed a couple of times in RvR... my pet just doesn't give a damn, goes straight for the culprit and rips of assorted body parts :)

Except for that one time when we stalked that dwarven healer and his troll friend.
Stun healer... sick pet. Sick pet, damnit!! Sick your BLASTED pet on him. Stun wears off... mezzed... finally realizing that pet was on passive *sighs* Now that sucked. And why? Because we let a kinda cute looking Avalonian (female, of course) get away... Hmmm... no more mercy. It can turn out to be embarrassing as hell.

Anyway... what would really suck:
If they nerfed the Enchanter pet away .... LOL:)

Seriously- mez will still work. Some will resist. Some not.
Better than a dozen people mezzed by one whimpy sorc/healer/bard etc., then ganked one by one... no fun.


Mez is lame.... my root got nerfed but i still play often and it was one of my most used spells.At least u can still use it and other ppl have to put up with it in rvr:(

Molten Lava


Well anyway It will take GOA till december 2018 before we have patch 1.52 so I might still be able to mezz some of you hibbies out there :)


mez is severely overpowered at the moment

Finally mythic is doing something to make tanks semi useful in RvR


Molten Lava, you belittle and misunderstand your class if you think all that it is good for is mezz. Sorcerors are better than that, believe me.

Lets look at the facts.

Mythic introduce the clear mezz spell to help tanks. This means that mezzed tanks now have the RA purge + and a char with castable clear mezz spell so they can break out of mezz more often. This is a good thing.

Sorcerors get the clear mezz spell themselves. The way you use mezz in RvR will change, that is all. Instead of AE mezzing the enemy tanks, you will now have to try to take out the enemy mezzer (the enemy mezzer will always get the clear mezz spell as well). So instead of sitting behind your tanks in RvR and playing 'who can get the AE mezz out first', you will now have to play wiser, and try to take out the Bards and Healers first. Meanwhile the Bards and Healers will be doing the same. EDIT : Think about it, if you mezz the enemy mezzer, you have destroyed their ability to mezz AND clear mezz :)

I play a Mid Healer, and I have a right to moan about mezz getting nerfed, because in RvR its all I can do (apart from heal and res). Sorcerors get nukes, dots, strong pets, debuffs. But I'm not moaning, because I think this will make RvR more enjoyable for everyone. The other changes in 1.52 mean longer battles, more scope for tactics, more time to try to take out the enemies mezzers/casters etc.etc..Rather than the 'who gets AE mezz out first wins' BS of RvR atm.

1.52 rocks. Sorcerors rock.

Roo Stercogburn

'Curing' mez I'm betting won't completely free an entire army that is standing there dribbling due to its effects. It will still be a valid way to cut down the hordes facing you so is still worth speccing and having characters that can do this will still be much valued on the battlefield. Mez is one of the most important tools in the SM arsenal and being able to cure it doesn't diminish the char's value in RvR, but actually enhances it in my opinion since it means a group can take a de-mezzer with them for counter-tactics. Like the SM, the Sorc will also be able to cure mez.

I don't think your sorc is getting less valuable, just the roll is changing from being offensive mez, to a balance between offense and defense mez work. I'm looking forward to it.


Superb changes :) Casu is going to have fun when he gets to the playgrounds/rvr.

Mezz is a very very powerful tool. Now it has a counter... by the same people that do the mezzing (try reading the notes before you go spouting off about cabalists, please?).

No more mezz everyone then bash them down...

it's going to be more strategic.

Now all they need is a way for the tanks to tstop the enemy tanks getting to their de-mezzers :)

:clap: :clap: :clap:


I'd guess that the cure mess has a 3 second cast time or something. It's not like that one is gonna clear a whole AE mez in a second... I'd say that the anti-mez people have the ability to get a couple of people out of mez before something happens and they have to stun/run/heal/whatever.

Molten Lava

Still One problem

Ok I'm a bit happier now after last 2 posts...but there remains one big problem....alle casters wear paper as armor...and its nice that in the 1.52 patch armor can absorb more damage.....but we have 0% damage absorption now and wont get any bonus to when I mezz (to safe my butt) and only one tank is demezzed...I'm death....more chance of fighters hitting me and less chance to mezz that sounds even more deaths in RvR for me (and caster die so easy even now in RvR....."you have been hit for 912 damage....ehh well thats more than my 550 HP's :)"

I admit it will be harder to play for sorcs...but sounds just like fun to me...only prob...give casters OR more damage absorbing cloth (??) or more HP's

Molten Lava

Hahaha merc

Sorry to tell this to a fellow alb....but a fighter is imho even dumber than a sorc...Ok sorcs now cast AoE mezz sit down and watch the opponent getting killed.....but mercs.....hahah they only run and hit what they can see (breaking mezz)

See when Mythic removes your abilbity to use weapons and wear armor in patch 2.34b

Brannor McThife

I absolutely LOVE the "dispell mezz". Means I'll store Glauthrong for later for sure. Molten, you snivelling git. Mezz has been so friggin' over powerred (I play a Minstrel too, and one of the guys I play ingame with most is A L50 healer). It's AE mezz, then bash to pieces. And tanks were tossed aside because their only use was killing NPC guards and getting other people to L50.

Minstrels will be absolutely sweet to play now. Running around the battlefield de-mezzing people. The dispell move shows that they gave it a lot of thought. Rather that nerf one class to solve it, they gave every mezzer the ability to dispell it too. Instead of whining, start thinking that now you'll actually be able to be of more use to you group.

Sheesh...someone give him the address to the VN-whine-a-lot boards.



Now let me put this to you, sorcs are primarily used for crowd control in PvE, that means mezz and root.

So, in order to be a useful group member, we all spec our Mind line up so that all those adds can be stopped in their tracks and the group can get great xp on the group bonuses.

In order to do this, we gimp our dd (Body) line, and end up with a bolt that doesnt do a lot.

Now, take those same specced, wonderfully useful Sorcs into RvR,and what can they do? Yes, they do the one thing they are REALLY good at, they mezz and root.

No rp points for mezz or root, mind you, so they still have to rely on being in a decent group to get any. And they can't kill much, because their bolt isnt powerful enough to hit for too much damage, not to mention having no AE bolts. And they are prime targets , so die more often than most classes. But hell, we are the crowd controllers, we know the risks.

Oh. and forget pets in RvR , they last about 30 seconds and aren't very easy to come by anyway.

So now, what happens? Some bright spark thinks "Oh yeah, mezz is far too powerful, lets give people a realm ability to shake it off (purge) and a special spell to do the same (patch 1.52).
What do you mean, the sorcerors aren't happy? Why not? And why aren't there many of them anyway?"

Excuse me for being a little miffed here, but we are just about to be nerfed out of RvR completely. Thanks a lot. :(


The cure mezz spell is 3 sec cast spell on single target... and it creates a nice graphic bullseye on the caster... so anyone casting it will sure to be dead or mezzed before he knew what happened... Doesn't really solve anything, it nerfs classes relying on cc and makes them primary targets in RvR...

Molten Lava


Well said...hard to keep up our opinion if only 5 people play a sorc nowadays :)

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by LunarDarkShadow
Excuse me for being a little miffed here, but we are just about to be nerfed out of RvR completely. Thanks a lot. :(
No you are NOT. Purge costs a lot of Realm points. And it's still all about mezzing. If you mezz the enemy mezzer, what's the friggin' difference? NADA! You've done your job. Now, instead of just sitting on your fat ass everytime you AE mezz, you'll have to keep your eyes open for those that PURGE and those that get the mezz dispelled.

You're all whining. I see it as adding more flavour to the game and making Sorcerer's (and other mezzers) work harder instead of "AE mezz...haha...sit on ass and watch others fight."


Molten Lava

Please Explain

Can anyone please explain why there are only 10-20 high level sorc on Excal? must have a reason...maybe our "much to powerfull" AeO mezz?


Originally posted by LunarDarkShadow

Excuse me for being a little miffed here, but we are just about to be nerfed out of RvR completely. Thanks a lot. :(

How wonderfully naive. You obviously have the same respect for your class as Molten Lava has :)

Like I said earlier, go look at a Middy Healers spec line Pacification, then really ask yourself if Sorcerors are 'nerfed out of RvR completely'

Sheesh, you people.


Re: Please Explain

Originally posted by Molten Lava
Can anyone please explain why there are only 10-20 high level sorc on Excal? must have a reason...maybe our "much to powerfull" AeO mezz?

Because people have the same perception about Sorcerors as you and LunarDarkShadow. You people think the Sorc is only good for mezzing.

Go ask Vesshans countless victims about how good Sorcerors can be (if played well) in RvR.



<removed due through too many offended kids>

.................... when will they learn?


I agree

I agree that mez is a bit overpowered in rvr and mythic had to do some thing about it and i like what they done to solve it but still a sorcerer job in rvr is to mez :) (Which in 1.52 he will not be able to do it well :( ). If mythic low the effectiveness of mez out of rvr they need to give the sorcerer some else they can do rvr except TRY mez or de mez ppl, and it should be placed in the mind spec line so ppl who have spec in that line still have something left to do (since u don't have to spec in mind to get the demez spell).

Molten Lava


Very nice that people that dont share someone's opinion they start yelling "stfu" and "go home whiners" hehe./...think you'll all score high on a discussion-class :)


asgard4, please think before you reply.

These changes are applicable to EVERY mezz class. It is not like Sorcerors have been singled out. As it is now, you can AE mezz then nuke, dot, send pet in, do what you like after you have AE mezzed. What can Bard/Healers do ? Heal?!?!, hit the enemy with a really crappy weapon ????

And Sorcerors will still mezz, and clear mezz, and go after the enemy mezzers and nuke, dot, send pets in and generally have more fun than they do now.

Scenario in 1.48: AE mezz, sit on butt, watch RP roll in. NEXT!


Scenario in 1.48 : **** they got AE mezz out first goddamit ! /release


Re: Hahaha

Originally posted by Molten Lava
Very nice that people that dont share someone's opinion they start yelling "stfu" and "go home whiners" hehe./...think you'll all score high on a discussion-class :)

t. r. a. m. m. e. l.


Bound to agree there Brannor.

1.52 does *not* nerf the Sorcs.
Nerfing them would have been removing their ability to even cast mezz, remove that spell from the game.
Even I as a tank would whine if that happened and I *hate* being mezzed.

Sorcs will still be a very useful and appreciated class on the battlefield, but you will have to work harder to "prove your worth", that's all.

Mezz the army, wait for their de-mezzer to reveal him/herself, mezz the de-mezzer, de-mezz your tanks before the mezzed army loose mezz, keep an eye out for incoming de-mezzer's, re-mezz Purgers etcetc.
You will be one busy class in any major battle.
Playing a Healer on Mid/Excal, we are responsible for both Healing and Mezzing adds (unless we got us a SM in the group).
Bloody hectic, gives me a heartattack, but I LOVE having more to do than just F8, /stick, bash away.

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