Platina said:cant install the Nf files on 92% it saids corrupt files ore summit lie that tryed dl it 3-4 times and get same shit evry time . Anyone know what to do ? im a computer retard dont get a shit xD think i have to reinstall puto to get it to work ?
[GOA]Erivoss said:I'm willing to bet you selected SI as the starting location of your toon and as the zones are crashing under the load, it's not letting you log in. Try creating a toon in the classic zones, should be ok (until everyone reads this and rushes there causing the classic zones to crash over and over...).
Gold and Glory can also be found:
in the captial cities of each realm
at the entrnce to DF for each realm
at each of the Border Keeps
The chests are only in SI for the moment, will add more elsewhere tomorrow.
General advice: once you've got your char all geared up and ready to go, port to the NF zones asap. Don't test in the SI zones, you'll only be helping to crash the zone. If you want to duel, go to the NF zones and do it there.
Ye I have the same question. I was looking around in the border keep, and checked DF. Gold and glory arent there!Vindicator said:Where are the Gold and Glory in Border Keeps ? Where in the keep's that is
Flimgoblin said:oh and a fg of mids camping the alb stairs in DF killing all the naked albs trying to get equipment - how very mature...
[GOA]Erivoss said:I'll get on that tomorrow morning - takes a little while to set them all up and my eyes are bleeding atm =/.
Gorren said:ok maybe that but explain to me y GIMP ASS PEOPLE use buffbots whats the point imo it just goes to show how selfish they are
The word is, its probably not going to happen so dont get your hopes up. However things can change, just like 8 charachter slots were imposible.Dorin said:Any chance to add TOA content later on the testing phrase? (if this was asked already sorry)