new Trend ! make an alliance of your own !



Originally posted by dozigden
Since as youve said youve read the logs of the meetings then i can only assume you believe the efforts myself and others put into sorting the problems in the alliance out were not sufficient.

Where do I say this? Oh yes, sorry I forgot, its an assumption. Nowhere in my posts do I even mention the work of the Alliance Council, or anything that went on in meetings of the same. I confine my comments to a PERSONAL opinion of recent events. On the other hand, it is you who "assume" my ignorance based on nothing but the fact that I disagree with the decision you and others have made and you "assume" that because I disagree that it has something to do with my "belief" that insufficient effort on behalf of the AC was made. When in fact I made no such comment or imparted any such "belief" either expressly or by implication. It is my experience that when you take it upon yourself to make such "assumptions" you often find the opposite to be true. This is such an example.

WordNet 1.6 overview for "assume"

The verb "assume" has 9 senses in WordNet.

1. assume, presume, take for granted -- (take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof;


Has anyone actually spoken to the new smaller alliance?!? I mean seriously! for all you know they could be a group of roleplayers who just want an allaince to communicate with.

Failing that how is a new guild meant to know that they (in your eyes) must join an established alliance?!? They may well not even know of any of the alliances - let alone that some guy on some unofficail forums for a game they may well have only just started playing thinks theyre playing the GAME wrong.

I'm sure openly criticising them on these forums (on the off chance the DO read them) is REALLY going to make them want to join your alliance.

At the end of the day theres actually one easy solution to get all of midgard inside one alliance. Everybody join the same guilds. What you dont like the idea of leaving your guild identity behind? Well guess what in the few weeks now since Savage Conclave has joined the New Era alliance, I've started to feel more of a sense of identity as a part of that alliance than i ever felt as a part of the nemesis alliance, and it feels good. Having experienced that I would now never stand in someones way if they wanted to create their own alliance complete with their own sense of identity.


the idea of an alliance notification list is relative good, but :

1.) People aren't on 24/7
2.) People play Alts
3.) People go AFK

for the /cg invite <name1> <name2> etc. macro ... long macros used to be cut off on logout. Haven't made a long macro recently, but if they still get cut down, you would have to rewrite it practically every day. And even then it is likely that they're in another cg already.

Multiple Alliances isn't the problem, the problem is having multiple -small- alliances.

2-3 Alliances with ~10 Guilds ... no problem
4-5 Alliances with "maybe" 3 Guilds ... not so good.

Spam in Alliance Chat :
A lot of people talk a lot, but recently most of this talk has been moved to chatgroups. So a "/as <name> got Emain/Frontier/whatever cg" from time to time is often enough the only usage of /as.
People that abuse AS can always get suspended for a while (or permanent)
In the worst case, that someone starts a disccusion and no one starts a cg or joins it ... GMs could shut down AS rights for their entire guild for a few minutes.

If the stubborness of some people is the problem ("I'm longer here, that's why I'm right and you wrong!"), rebuilding an Alliance under new command might be an option. Maybe those 'old'-fashioned people maybe behave when they're the 'New' with only 'Guest'-status.
But for that, the new leaders would have the 'old' ones a chance.

Roo Stercogburn

Leadership is about hearts and minds and cunning. Many people mistake organisational skill for this. It helps if you genuinely care about the peeps you are supposed to be looking after.

Noita, sorry, you are really wide of the mark on most of your post, though I understand the feelings you have and the potential effects you worry about are correct.

I have asked Mythic to increase the limit on guilds in alliance. At the moment it is pitifully small. I first got in touch with GOA about this and their response was fast and pleasing. I'll keep chasing Mythic til I get the answer I want ;)

There has been a lot of fragmentation lately but to be honest, it was fairly obvious it was coming.

Cenestra - if a guild allowed their members to speak like that to ANYONE on our AC they would be booted from alliance, regardless of who it is. I don't care what level or how important the person believes themselves to be. Abuse of other players is when you get to meet Dark Roo.

In Fedaykin we promote the person, not the character. We have had mid level players higher ranked than lvl50s, and this will continue to be the case.

Our alliance might not be for all though: some of the stuff we allow can be considered spam (lfg, hunt organising, event organising, lvl50 dings). I'm more interested in guilds that bond together than being rigid about the flow of information. In some ways it makes our AC harder to police, but it actually has made it a friendlier place - we allow the odd fun comments in off peak hours and sometimes even at peak times we get some really funny stuff coming over, though at peak times its more heavily moderated. Having an alliance isn't just about sharing information, its about having people that want to work together as a team. Of course this means occasionally someone has to step in and calm things down but on the whole its working well (I think anyway).

We have a guild in our alliance with 2 players in it. A lot of peeps have questioned this. Belo and Morty Blackbyrd are amongst the greatest assets our alliance has - great players, organisers and leaders of many successful large scale hunts.

How many other people can truthfuly say they'd have let the Blackbyrds join in the first place? Their loss I say.

Again, we looked at the quality of players and didn't give a rats ass about anything else.

This is how you join Midgard together. You make it open to all.

Cheers for the nice comments from peeps though :)


Where do I say this?

So instead of changing the way things worked from the inside in order to make things work better they have decided to fragment Midgard even more than it already was.

Savage Conclave is a guild that "decided to fragment Midgard even more than it already was" by inference, because we left, you dont believe we tried to change the way things worked.

Overview for "instead"

The adverb "instead" has 2 senses in WordNet.

1. alternatively, as an alternative, instead, or else -- (in place of, or as an alternative to; "Felix became a herpetologist instead"; "alternatively we could buy a used car")


Originally posted by krill-nyd

The future of Midgard's power lies in a number of alliances who co-operate. Alliances that each can run their own business they way they want. Last night offered a glimpse of a possible Midgard-future. EOO were in Sauvage, Warders in Snowdonia (and then Sauvage?), New Era Alliance was taking albion keeps and we kept bumping into some other guilds also taking keeps. Another 30 Midgardians eventually joined in Albion after retaking Midgard keeps. Let's move away from the simplicity of 'one big alliance'; this was no longer a reality and no longer a working alliance. Let's now get some inter-alliance co-operation going rather than letting Albion and Hibernia enjoy hearing us argue with each other.

Yes it's started with a try to farm some rp in for. for us in warders..
Eoo came and /who alb frontier gave in total 80+ mids do u know what we tried 2 do when we saw this ??
Yes a fast relic raid that not was planed. But it took to long time to TRY to get the other alliance's with us and some other stuff to aswell .. but with one or two big alliance here this mebbe would have been a relic raid b4 even albs know we was there..


Originally posted by <doesn't matter>

Overview for "instead"

The adverb "instead" has 2 senses in WordNet.

1. alternatively, as an alternative, instead, or else -- (in place of, or as an alternative to; "Felix became a herpetologist instead"; "alternatively we could buy a used car")

Now people start to fight about silly! little details !
Instead of meeting half-way and shaking their hands, they prefer to fight about everything they can find.
Getting the feeling some people miss the point ... or loose it.

Alliance Chat is for me a source of Information in the first case, the less people/Guilds the less information.
Information is needed for organization.
Organization is needed to counter/enforce events.


Yes a fast relic raid that not was planed. But it took to long time to TRY to get the other alliance's with us and some other stuff to aswell ..

Give it time - this seems to be the first occasion anyone has attempted to pull the multiple alliances into anything together on the spur of the moment - it'll take a bit of practice, but im sure if people keep an open mind we can get it working.


Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen
But this game is what you make of it, and we will just have to respect that others wish to focus on other things.

.... which is why some will join an alliance with one general outlook whilst others will join a different alliance. Finding like-minded guilds out there is not too hard... you look around you at a successful defense or raid, look at the guild tags over the dead bodies sometimes, showing the guilds who are prepared to commit people against tougher odds maybe, and you will see the same names popping up.

You have said it yourself here, Blood. Where different people seek different things from their online time there will always be a conflict in trying to bring everyone into a single alliance.

Personally, I'd get really cheesed off if I had to put up with all sorts of waffle or arguing in /asend after a hard day at work (heck, I get plenty of waffle in our guild chat :p). I wouldn't want to be in an alliance that had more relaxed rules about using /asend because it does tend to break down into occasional arguments and unrest.

Nor would I want to be 'told' what to do by characters who think they know everything there is to know... treat me with respect, ask rather than tell, lead by example, and then I'd be alot happier.

Originally posted by old.Hellskor
2-3 Alliances with ~10 Guilds ... no problem
4-5 Alliances with "maybe" 3 Guilds ... not so good.

30/5=6 per alliance, not 3. Seems perfectly manageable to me and also, though you may be right about macro truncation it still isn't a great deal of effort to get hold of the people you know.

Try talking to players or GMs of other alliances... it's amazing what you will find. Guess what? They are just like you and me, other DAOC players!! Amazing huh? Now that you have overcome that particular hurdle, perhaps get to know them a bit better, foster a relationship with them... try some raiding with other guilds from different alliances... gradually you will find that you know enough of the other alliance people that they end up in your friends list and you chat regularly anyway.

Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Noita, sorry, you are really wide of the mark on most of your post, though I understand the feelings you have and the potential effects you worry about are correct.

... agreed. Noita uses her brain and usually has some good things to offer, and although I can understand her point (get rid of the existing leaders if they are getting up everyone's noses) in practical terms this is actually alot harder to do, and would likely leave more of a divide across those in question in the long term. Have your new alliances, but perhaps get together and start forcing each other to work together right from the start. Get a pro-active cg up and running and discuss possible plans, or better still do that then get your guilds out into the field in cooperation with one another.

Dang!! Why am I giving you such sound advice?? Having Professor Ottar (tm) on loan from us has already given you 100% more brain power than Midgard deserve..... ;)


Originally posted by dozigden

Give it time - this seems to be the first occasion anyone has attempted to pull the multiple alliances into anything together on the spur of the moment - it'll take a bit of practice, but im sure if people keep an open mind we can get it working.

Erk!!!! Isn't he meant to be a troll???

He got a brain!!!


old.Ayam Ganbatte

Originally posted by Jupitus
Dang!! Why am I giving you such sound advice??
Yes, Albion, you're like guest speaker Bob Hope at a Nation of Islam rally.


Jupitus thank you for your nicely choosen words.. but we are used to one big alliance. Things have changed and you will find out that Midgard will end up strengthened by this and will be more organized then ever, lead by many.


Only problem there ... Mids seem to think in different ways than Albs.
Mids kinda fight everything that isn't part of the 'family/Clan' ...
Mobs - bash
Albs - bash
Hibs - bash
Mids - erm, ... bash ? ... or just leave it alone ... Bash!? ...
(this is were the confusion starts and people put "Beware of the Troll!" Signs into the ground)


Originally posted by dJyng
Jupitus thank you for your nicely choosen words.. but we are used to one big alliance. Things have changed and you will find out that Midgard will end up strengthened by this and will be more organized then ever, lead by many.

... I don't doubt it for one moment... in case you didn't realise I am not being sarcastic here. The 'one big alliance' discussion is one which many were vocal about in Albion a couple of months back, and one which I opposed (thankfully, in my view, it didn't happen).

I am not afraid of good strong opposition in RvR... I encourage it as it tests us all and it tests our skills and capabilities. More often than not you'll find me lying face down chewing grass somewhere having been roundly kicked by a better technical player than me, with faster reactions (or perhaps one who isn't swigging beer or lighting a smoke when standing on a climb point ;)). When you do, be fairly sure that I'll be chuckling about my demise and enjoying myself. In the bigger scheme of things, its the tactics and organisation, cooperation and working with your realm mates that makes this game alot more than a FPS-style slice'n'dice..... Bring it On!!

MON THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Havent read all post but since we(Ragnarök),Svea Ulvar and Bulle af Fetstryk left the Alliance yesterday and formed a new alliance (Norrsken) between our guilds. I think i should make a small post

One of the major reasons why we left was (and GM for rr,su and Baf correct me if im wrong)

That We wanted a closer coperation between our guilds. Since We allready shared the same forum and have been doing raids,wow hunts togheter for awhile now.

We felt it was the right way to go in further the coperation was to build a new alliance.

None of the guilds wanted to merge the guilds, since we then would have lost our guild identity..

Ps. I must thank White Rose for the help with my epic :) if all had the same spirit like them midgard wouldnt be in trouble :)


hey Jupitus - very nice posts. Thanks for the constructive comments m8. :)


... it's ok Xtro... It's all lies and misinformation casually posted in order to increase my post count and improve my standing amongst the forumites for when I want to join their PvP guild.

Honest, it is.

None of what I said makes any sense.

Toodle Pip.



Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen

1. Dont start suggesting new tactics in the middle of a relic raid, do it before the raid starts, you are doing everyone a disservice by confusing people. It used to be so people in the command cg respected that only the leader spoke. And the rest communicated the info to their groups. (no unnessesary chat in cg, no unnessesary chat in /say or /y, chat away in your groups, but keep the main channels open for commands)

2. If you seriously dont like the way Azal/Blej/Durgi does the raids, why dont you take initiative to make one? (instead of bitching about the few people that does the extra work, perhaps you should try it, this isnt directed at you Lestat, it pretty much goes for entire midgard).

3. Azal "insults" alot of people, but leaving the alliance because of the comments from 1 person is weak? nuts? stupid? (i so badly wish /ignore worked on /as, but thats because of Svartalf's spamming)

4. look at #2 again

Uh, ok, after reading through my post once more after being quoted I noticed that my point became very fuzzy in the first part, and in the last part I just failed to mention another thing. But hey, I was quite tired when I made that post, I will try to clear out what I did mean.

1. I've never ever even once tried to make any kind of suggestions to any of the leaders during a raid, never even between. In raids (espescially large ones) I am more a follower than a leader, and I DO follow. If the leader says charge, I charge (well, to be certain I look to my sides to see that I'm not the only one charging. That has happened too often.). If the leader of the raid says roll over I do it. This has nothing to do with my personal view of the leader of that raid, I feel that if I am on that raid and don't follow orders it will only get worse, even if those orders not always are the best. What I did mean however is that the leaders should at least consider tactics that SOME people bring forth, BETWEEN the raids.

2. I don't like to treat all three leaders as a unity, they are not. I don't like Azal & Durgi (not a unity there either though) because imo they can't stay civil for a longer period of time. Blej however can. He still has a large ego, but at least he doesn't piss on people around him. Therefore I have no problem that I can think of with Blej at all. Now aside from that I've heard reports of at least a few people trying to get a relic raid together, but they've been ignored. Backing them up some time could be something good.

3. Well, if it is agreed that Azal insults a lot of people then someone should really leash Azal. His manners are unforgiveably horrific. Neither him nor his guild seem to acknowledge this however. If I was the GM of such a person I would revoke /as rights on the spot seeing some of the insults he has been spewing forth over the alliance chat. Whether you like it or not, Azal is a big part of why Midgard became fragmented in the first place. I just want to add that that incident was just the drop that made the glass spill. There were "other things as well" as Noita said. However they aren't just fillers. This part about Azal I just find so horrible that I can't stop and not mention it.
4. Ok, I looked at that 2 again, look at my 2 again.


I would just like to get an update as I'm getting lost a bit... who is still in Nemesis now ??

<going to have a look on the chronicles>

Just wondering if the size of the alliance still justifies the ego. As someone said above, sure there is less spam now but maybe it's because there is nobody left to read it ?

Sorry about the sarcastic comment there. But really, talking for SC and just for SC, you may not believe how much discussion we have had internally about
1) working hard about understanding what we wanted from an alliance
2) understanding what our alliance wanted from us
3) supporting Dozi/Bloody and other officers in their numerous attempts at getting some order in Nemesis
4) supporting Dozi trying to prevent him from killing himself when it did not work
5) supporting Dozi trying to prevent him from killing someone else when it did not work

There have been countless discussions on our forums, between officers and guild-wide, about the decision of staying or leaving. Dozi has worked for 5 months trying to get Nemesis leaders to work with other guilds instead of thinking that the guilds worked for them. During all that time, we at SC agonized over would it be destructive for Midgard if we left, is there not something more we could do to get that OBA theory to work etc.

After 5 months, not a single change was visible. Nothing, zilch. It was like talking to a brick wall. While having a laugh when reading the abuse and spam being thrown on /as goes for a little while, it quickly becomes annoying.

I know I am not speaking only for myself, but also for a number of my fellow guildies, when I say that the demotivation of our guild to larger RvR events can in a large part be attributed to the loss of credibility of Nemesis in general and some of its leaders in particular. A good leader listens at least as much as he talks. And contrary to what seems to be popular belief, he does not boss people around. He works with them.

Good luck to Feydakins and all those alliances I don't know, including Nemesis. We all have a role out there, I'm sure. I just think that the idea that all players can fit into one alliance, culture-wise, is as preposterous as the idea that one guild could accomodate all players.

New Era seems to be a maniac for discipline. I was actually reprimanded for posting on /as that we had retaken a keep yesterday night, because that is spam. Clearly not all people could work with that.

The other end of the spectrum is that anything goes. There is room for a whole lot of behaviours in the middle. We seem to get along well with the rules we got but would not work with a different set.

Anyway. New Era is but young and lots of work remain to be done before we can work as a structure. But so far, it's FUN !

What an amazing change !!!!!!

So yes, Midgard is splitting up. Live with it. Or look at it an other way: we are reorganising. It's how it evolves that defines a community, not how it stays frozen.


well, well, well, nice heated discussion going on in here...

As a council member of the Amazons of Midgard and being involved in the New Era alliance organization I wanted to point out some things:

- Atm there are about 40-50 of, lets say, "recognized" guilds in Midgard. One can discuss if they are too many or not, but we are talking of alliances and not guilds. Now one could argue to unite the top 20 in alliance1, then make the alliance2 and the rest can leach (oops, isnt this the "Malm"-way ?). Or one can choose to have the guilds chosing their alliance by other means like interest, friendship, common language etc... As this is a game there is no right and wrong way for guilds expect that they should continuously try to enhance the game fun for its members.

- So basically there will be around 3 Midgard alliances to be considered, ppl wanting it or not. Is is absolutely irrelevant how difficult coordination gets as we will have to learn to establish and improve it anyway...

- The old Alliance is dead. The reasons for it are many and I do not want to go into details again. One thing however is a key point. When the first guilds left the alliance already weeks ago noone bothered to understand the reasons and work on them.

- As a smaller guild the Amazons participated to all the meetings where we were invited (which were not all, the same with hunts or other activities). Everytime I proposed something I was quickly subdued because our guild was too small or unexperienced, or...; everytime I complained because of REALLY unacceptable behaviour and extrmely offensive language of guildmembers of other large alliance guilds I was unpolitely ignored and nothing happened. So the choice to leave was a VERY easy one to make, very frankly...

- New Era is different. We really focus on creating value add for our guild members. The organization is tight, the activities numerous and slowly we have a alliance spirit developing through all of the member guilds. We strongly believe that in this constellation we can be more efficient in RvR activities. We are no better nor worse than any other Midgard alliance. We aim at working VERY closely with all alliances as soon as possible... :wub:


Come on, Anoushka. We are way better than any alliance out there>

<Trigali getting carried away in an ego trip - please ignore :D:D:D>


there's 4 major alliances now, btw, not 3 ;)

And if it means more teamwork, then I'm all for it.

Those of us in Fedaykin have worked as one big team for a while

If it means that New Era peeps work together, Norssken (spg?) work together and EoO peeps work together, how can this be a bad thing?

So we now have 4 teams capable of working as 4 individual teams, rather than 1 team who cannot work together....... anyone care to explain why this is bad?

it all starts in the small things... after a bit of practise, we should be able to co-ordinate our alliances efforts.... its like splitting an army into divisions.... in RL, this happends... why not here?


Well.. seeing that people are set on having their own alliances for various no doubt valid reasons, we still face the problem of lacking a realm-wide information channel.

It was the strongest trump we had. Hundreds and hundreds of people knowing what goes on on any particular frontier at any given time. We now lack that tool.

What we will have to do now is two things apparently:

We already have a semi-permanent emain cg and mostly frontier defence cg if there is a defence going on. These will have to do for tactical updates. Somehow people willl have to find out who holds the cg with there being a possibility of noone of their alliance being in that cg. Or there being multiple cg’s for a frontier due to people not knowing about the existence of cg’s already made by people in other alliances.

For large scale threats/operations, we apparently have to set up a network of people who form coordination cg’s (henceforth called Jupitus chatgroups ;)). Again, there are problems. People already being in other cg’s, contact persons from some alliances not being online, etc.

All this will create confusion, delays, bad communication, frustration and generally reduce our capacity to operate as a one realm. As Noita, I do believe that principally, big alliances are better. The fact that the Nemesis one wasn’t all that great to be in is not neccessarily a problem of big alliances in general. We would do best to try reform into 2-3 large ones. The break-up of Nemesis alliance is not necessarily all bad. If it leads to formation of a better one or a reasonably small number of them, then ”alliance disbanded, long live the alliance”.

People seem to be quite happy in the small alliances. Understandably so as they are cozier and easier to manage. Until inter-alliance communication really does become necessary. There was 3 guilds left in the alliance EoO is in, last time I checked. I wonder how many well be there when I log on next time. We are already passing on vital information via private tells as noone is quite sure who belongs to what alliance atm. It may smooth out a bit with time but Im not optimistic. Anything that requires an effort tends not to happen.

With many small alliances we may well end up having more fun and good time. We sure as hell wont end up as a strong and dominant realm we once were. Those of us to whom the strength of our realm was essential part of fun will then have to redefine their fun.



Oh dear... shoot me down but I'll go with fun and good times any day ! :)

We have, at the moment, 5 alliances in Midgard.

Is it not possible for each alliance leaders to have a /cg macro set up with 2 names, maybe 3, from each alliance ? That should keep the macro relatively short and chances are, at least one person on each alliance should receive and transmit a call to arms.

I don't know if that is feasible, it's just an idea.


Mighty Chonicles Alliance is dead, with the guilds in it semi dead, Midgards unreal doesn't seem very RvR orientated yet so aren't missing out much from them ;)

With many small alliances we may well end up having more fun and good time. We sure as hell wont end up as a strong and dominant realm we once were. Those of us to whom the strength of our realm was essential part of fun will then have to redefine their fun.

Het to be negative, but having fun is all part of the game right?
And the new alliances still aren;t over a week old...... give it a week or 2..... I think this will be better for midgard overall.

old.Trine Aquavit

I'm not sure how much the split will weaken our defense. Only time will tell, but I'd be surprised if it was that badly affected. After all, it might be better to have a strong response to a "Call to Arms" from four smaller alliances than a weak response from one large alliance. I tend to think that more people will stand up and be counted for an alliance they beleive in, and less people will be content to leave it for others to do.

In terms of coordinated, offensive RvR (relic raids, etc) we may see some significant benefits. Providing the alliance leaders communicate, the separate alliances can work on plans that delegate responsibility throughout the structure. For example: EoO wish to attempt a relic raid - the other alliances are informed and it is agreed that EoO will attempt the raid, Fedaykin will attack the enemy newbie frontier, Norssken will attempt to hold the taken keeps and New Era will maintain a strong presence in the other frontier and take responsibility for Midgard defence. The individual alliances will then be able to take control over how exactly they achieve those goals.

Now this kind of planning was possible before, but would have required splitting the Nemesis alliance force down artificial lines, and communication would have been difficult. Splitting the big alliance will take us further away from the zerg mentality that wasn't working.

If we look to continue to work together we can look to a better, stronger Midgard.


I think tonight I will be dedicating a WHOLE quickbar to Jupitus cgs

A button that invites eoo people to a cg - one that does fedaykin - one that invites all of my slaves... <cough>

I apologise in advance for all the times when i mean to craft a new 2handed sword and start a cg instead:-/


Originally posted by old.ImLestat

3. Well, if it is agreed that Azal insults a lot of people then someone should really leash Azal. His manners are unforgiveably horrific. Neither him nor his guild seem to acknowledge this however. If I was the GM of such a person I would revoke /as rights on the spot seeing some of the insults he has been spewing forth over the alliance chat. Whether you like it or not, Azal is a big part of why Midgard became fragmented in the first place. I just want to add that that incident was just the drop that made the glass spill. There were "other things as well" as Noita said. However they aren't just fillers. This part about Azal I just find so horrible that I can't stop and not mention it.

Thank you! Seriously now, has anyone been on a raid with Mr. Egosmurf that he hasn't resorted to sarcasm and degredation to get people to follow him?!

Blue Ix

Originally posted by krill-nyd

/.../ Last night offered a glimpse of a possible Midgard-future. EOO were in Sauvage, Warders in Snowdonia (and then Sauvage?), New Era Alliance was taking albion keeps and we kept bumping into some other guilds also taking keeps. Another 30 Midgardians eventually joined in Albion after retaking Midgard keeps. /.../

What actually happened was; Warders went to Sauvage to ninja Renaris with one team, and then farm - at this point EoO decided to zerg the border keep and block any albs from reaching our nice and shiny level 10 keep. Warders moved to the border keep, knowing that if albs got through the EoO zerg there would be too many of them anyway. As we got to the border keep (at runie speed), EoO pulled back with a "/y bye bye, going to tower" - needless to say sprinting minstrels beat runie speed, and guess what, EoO wasn't exactly turning around to help us out.
We were still in the same alliance as EoO at this point. Silly. ~<;

Roo Stercogburn

I disagree that having several alliances weakens the realm.

Better to have alliances comprised of like-minded guilds which pull together. Then when something important is happening you're more likely to get the peeps out in force because they hold less aggression towards their fellow realm buddies. Too much testosterone misdirected lately. In any regard, the 20 guild limit constricts us

We have very easily shared information between alliances on a number of recent occasions and its been effective. Actually think about it: you can get peeps from different alliances to get the word out fast, instead of having to rely on one person to do it all.

Any guild or leader trying to run an alliance as an extention of their own guild is doomed to failure. Without naming names or pointing the finger I can think of several examples of this from several guilds.

Treat your realm mates with respect. Do that, and most times you get treated with respect right back. Don't... well, the evidence speaks for itself.

Midgard is getting stronger, its just the nature of its organisation that is changing. During change there is uncertainty. No big deal.

I'm looking forward to working with better motivated guilds now. There's a real buzz now in Midgard - peeps are happier and the guilds are, like I said, more motivated.

A kick up the arse from time to time is a good thing.

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