new Trend ! make an alliance of your own !



Looks like there's a new Trend in Midgard ...

Make an Alliance of your own !

I seriously doubt this can be good. Communications get delayed more and more and therefor leaving us relative blind to any threat.
Just my opinion


I agree 100%, very bad for midgard!

1 big alliance used to be one of our strengths


I see 4 alliances and one dead one.... 1 alliance is simply too small for any adverse effects on communication: No offense Midgards Unreal and Northern Legacy .

Thats 1 big alliance and 2 medium sized alliances....

Hopefully this means that a lot of the guilds can finally get some teamwork going, rather than bickering all the time.....


For what its worth I think the actions of the guilds who have left the old "Nemesis" Alliance have done Midgard a huge dis-service, mainly due to personal grievances and petty disagreements.

NO the old Alliance wasnt perfect

YES there were difficulties

So instead of changing the way things worked from the inside in order to make things work better they have decided to fragment Midgard even more than it already was.

If you think the fights over drops and stuff is petty you wait til you get people getting pissy about NOT joining another Alliances chat group for frontier defence. Its happened already, this leads to a total brakdown of communication, further fragmentation, deeper rifts between people, guilds and Alliances and who benefits? Its not Midgard thats for sure!

Good job guys, in my opinion your actions have been selfish and self centered and you have handed our adversaries yet another advantage (like they needed more :rolleyes: )

No one likes being wrong but I hope I am, I really do.


So instead of changing the way things worked from the inside in order to make things work better they have decided to fragment Midgard even more than it already was.

This makes me laugh so much!

I'm afraid you display a huge ignorance of what was actually going in the allaince council.

From where I stood 2 factors influenced guilds leaving the nemesis alliance, one of those was the constant spam on alliance chat.

I presented an alliance chat policy to the nemesis alliance council on the 3rd june. That policy was agreed by every repressentative who actually bothered to read it. Yet it was never actually voted in at a meeting (dispite being raised at every single one) - do you know which guild always stood in the way? go on i'll give you one guess!

For what its worth I think the actions of the guild that repeatedly refused to agree by a majority vote (or even admit there was a problem) has done Midgard a huge dis-service.

If the lengths I went to are not attempting to fix the problems then im afraid i dont know what is, because thats 5 months spent trying to sort it out.


I read these board's all the time, but i very rarely post on them. However when i saw this post i felt that i HAD to post on this topic :/

Originally posted by old.Noita
For what its worth I think the actions of the guilds who have left the old "Nemesis" Alliance have done Midgard a huge dis-service, mainly due to personal grievances and petty disagreements.

Sorry to say but those are NOT the main reasons that some of the guilds dropped out of the Nemesis Alliance. I know that the main reason some of the guilds dropped from Nemesis Alliance was due to the constant spam and pathetic bickering in /as chat ALL the time :( Also what didn't help matters was the fact that when new tactics were suggested they were usually ignored in favour of the same old tactics that had been proven time and again NOT to work!

Originally posted by old.Noita
So instead of changing the way things worked from the inside in order to make things work better they have decided to fragment Midgard even more than it already was.

I will give you an example of just how bothered people in the Nemesis Alliance were about sorting out the problems. A few weeks ago (when my guild was still in Nemesis Alliance) i was reading /as chat. It was mentioned that people were unhappy with the direction that the alliance had taken. This started people bickering and arguing in /as chat. I said ... 'Look guy's rather than arguing about this could we not just try and sort out what the problems are and how to solve them? I will start a cg if you want and invite you all in to it.'
This is just a few of the replies i got...

'Cene just F**k Off and keep your nose out of this!'
The person who made that comment know's who they are and all i can say is ... hmm PRAT!

'Who the friggin hell are you? Are you even a level 50?I have done a /who on you and you are anon! Is this because you are a friggin newbie who has no buisness using /as chat .. and you don't want us to know this?'
What the hell has level got to do with it? (And btw to the person who made this comment .. hmmm PRAT! And yes my Char Cenestra is level 50 .. if you had half a brain you would of realised that due to the fact that i had been in the same rvr group with you about 5 min's before you made that comment!!)

'When you RvR as much as me then you will have a right to an opinion'
I will be the first to admit that I DON'T rvr as much as some people, however does that make what i said any less valid? And who are you to state when i will have a right to an opinion? I live in a free country i have a RIGHT to an opinion!! ...hmmm ... PRAT!

'nOOb! nOOb! nOOb!'
hmmm ... PRAT!

As i said that was just a few of the replies i got :(

So how can you say that people haven't tried to change the way things worked from the inside? I know I certainly did on more than one occasion! And so did many others but we were ignored every time :(

Originally posted by old.Noita
Good job guys, in my opinion your actions have been selfish and self centered and you have handed our adversaries yet another advantage (like they needed more :rolleyes: )

Why are the people in the guilds that left Nemesis Alliance being selfish? If they were unhappy in the nemesis alliance then why shouldn't they leave it? If people from those guilds trying changing things and making suggestions that were just ignored, or resulted in the sort of abuse i received why should they stay in the Nemesis Alliance?
Remember DAOC is a game! Most people play DAOC because they enjoy it and it is fun! If the alliance they are in is detracting from that fun then should they really stay in it just to keep other people happy? I dont think so!!

Noita I Usually agree with most of the posts you make, they are usually well thought out and balanced. However i really believe that in this case you are wrong to make some of the comments you have made!

I agree that it would be better to have one 'Big' alliance .. however it doesn't look like that is possible :(

Anyway that's my 'Two Cents' worth, so i'll shut up now :)


excellent post cen.

Noita sorry I usually wholeheartedly agree with your posts but you are a bit off the mark here.

Anyway gl whatever.


Nerf Alliance !!

Only one thing to say ..
1 BIG alliance is so much better then 10 small..
It's sad that guild after guild left nemesis alliance but why ?
Yes its easy the alliance was good when Cruz had it atleast it worked well then .. but why it worked well?
We had MUCH more high lvls then hippis and albs those days thing wasent hard..
Alb and hippis can stop us now, ppl get angry when a relic raid end up with one person say " bha fugg this we have no chanse sui on relic thats an oder" ..
I have been here sins day 1..
I think the reason why guild left was they dont like the ppl that is in charge.
Cruz, Azal, Blej, Durgi and so on but hey its not easy for em to tell 100 ppl what 2 do when 30% of em just think no not that idiot insteed of give him a chanse...

Havent been in the alliance meeting, so i can't tell how it look like when the ppl in charge talk.
But this is my view mebbe i have wrong!!!

And its a game u do exactly what u want to do no1 can stop you....


But everyone knows that if you are not lvl 50 you are a Noob and have no right to an opinion. :twak:
Maybe...just maybe that level 35 your telling to STFU might actually know more about the game and tactics than you.


Yes yes yes, people have been saying for a very long time that you should give the persons in charge a chance. I agree. I've given them lots of chances. I've also been here a long time, since the open beta. I've had time to be on plenty of relic raids, Durgi, Bjejs and Azals included. I know that I don't always know best despite of that. However some of the leaders could also try to listen to a few other tactics that could be discussed.

And the alliance, well, when a large part of the guild gets insulted over /as by Azal because we are (in his opinion) standing on the wrong side of the MG (no relicraid, normal Emain RvR), don't you think that we've got a right to react??? Too bad I don't have chatlogs on that... :) Well, that was just ONE incident. There were more.


well the fact is,it has happend.the nemesis alliance has split up in different alliances,i might not like it and think it weakens midgard but i can see why things happened the way they was more or less comming for a long while now.but instead off bickering about it we should start and think about how we can atleast make good communication between the will be harder to do now but it's still possible i think.thought it was actually pretty nice last night to go on a guildtrip to sauvage and see the new era alliance taking keeps on the way there.btw rudor and warders,sorry we retreated and leaving you guys when the alb zerg came out but we heard to late they were comming out. :(
but anyway people,please don't forget this is still a game and it's ment to have fun,not to fight between now let's all get drunk and kill some albies. :)


There is a bigger picture that extends far beyond the view of "/as spam" or being right all the time. Both of which far too many people in Midgard are obsessed with. Its about looking beyond the end of your nose and doing the right thing for your realm and if you think that further fragmentation and communication breakdowns are "the right thing" then fair play to you because this will be the inevitable end result wether you like it or not.

"Sorry to say but those are NOT the main reasons that some of the guilds dropped out of the Nemesis Alliance. I know that the main reason some of the guilds dropped from Nemesis Alliance was due to the constant spam and pathetic bickering in /as chat ALL the time" (Cenestra)

Well that seems like a good enough reason to carve up the realm even further to me. And from information personally given to me by several GMs of guilds who have recently left, personal grievances with certain individuals have been the very first reasons given as to why they have left with vague..."other things as well" passed off as mere filler to the basic crux of the matter.

"Also what didn't help matters was the fact that when new tactics were suggested they were usually ignored in favour of the same old tactics that had been proven time and again NOT to work!" (Cenestra)

Then get rid of those people who propose those same old tactics day in day out in favour of people who can actually "lead" who are open to suggestion and who are flexible enough to admit when they are wrong and take advice and assistance when necessary. Instead of which these people wander around with egos the size of small planets thinking they are the reincarnation of Alexander the Great and we let them!!!. But no, this doesnt happen, people moan and groan in private, decide they've had enough, avoid confrontation to the extent that frustration and resentment sets in by which time its too late, sides have been taken and courses of action decided upon which ultimately will lead to a weakening. There is a flip side of course, if you have leader you MUST allow that leader to lead. Too many times I have been witness to people refusing to join raids due to the fact that they were being organised by A, B, or C. As I say, if you no longer trust your leaders' judgement then its time to get new leaders, not new Alliances.

"Why are the people in the guilds that left Nemesis Alliance being selfish? If they were unhappy in the nemesis alliance then why shouldn't they leave it? If people from those guilds trying changing things and making suggestions that were just ignored, or resulted in the sort of abuse i received why should they stay in the Nemesis Alliance?" (Cenestra)

Well "United we stand divided we fall"... but you are right there is no reason at all why people cant change the Alliance they are in, or indeed set up new Alliances. Hell! Why not have 20 Alliances? We could all massage our bruised egos and wounded pride by surrounding ourselves with likeminded souls whilst building our increasingly miniscule Empires. That would indeed be a great day for Midgard! :(

Personally I am really sorry that you were subjected to such nonsense from people on /as. If I should ever be in the unhappy position where I witness a member of EoO tell someone to F*** Off on /as I would immediately petition for a suspension of /as rights.

"Remember DAOC is a game! Most people play DAOC because they enjoy it and it is fun! If the alliance they are in is detracting from that fun then should they really stay in it just to keep other people happy? I dont think so!!" (Cenestra)

Its not about keeping other people happy, its about doing what's right, what's in the best interest of the Realm as a whole. And yes you are again right it is a game, but its a game full of subtle interactions, rules and societal reflections but with one central core theme. Strength! The further dilution of one of our main strengths ie a large, strong and well informed gathering of Guilds within a unifying Alliance structure will lead to weakness, the diametric opposite to the main theme of this Game.

Im sorry but not surprised that some dont agree with my opinion on this subject, I wrote knowing I would get the reaction I did and have not been disappointed in this. And yes, perhaps my original post could have been slightly more "balanced" but...perhaps stupidly I care about my realm and recent events have left a very bad taste in my mouth and I refuse to believe that these actions are in anyones best interests EXCEPT the interests of those who have chosen to make them. However, I stand by my original comments, the majority of recently departed "Nemesis" GMs or guild officers who have taken me into their confidence (therefore no names etc), and I can think of 6 people off the top of my head, theres probably more but its late... have clearly stated that their departures have been EXPRESSLY due to either the actions or attitudes of A, B, or C person with other matters typically coming somewhat later in the conversation. Make of this what you will.

However, thanks to Roo, all the other GMs concerned and many others Im sure, the "Fedaykin" Alliance has been, as far as I can tell, a splendid success. I hope this success is catching for the other Alliances and my pessimism is unfounded. Good luck.

Dozigden: For your information, I have read every single log of every single Alliance meeting held since I was one of the leaders of The Amazons, (a task I shared with Lonit/Naya) with the exception of 2, one when my PC was broken and one when my connection went down for a week. I am probably as well informed as most, possibly even more so. So please...before you start accusing anyone of "ignorance" stand on firmer ground :rolleyes:


when now reading /as its quite clean.
dunno if these who send these noob messages was going same time when they get out from alliance?.
i dont see any problem if these guilds start try own whit new alliance, but like warders?! belong in any alliance or are they starting own?
asked help once different alliances to take Bled back, answer was, we dont belong same alliance anymore what you, and ignore me after this.
this cannot go like this, and hope was only 1 timer (mean answer).

hope these new alliances know what they are doing and carry that answer what they got now.

agree Noita whit Fedaykin alliance, like Fedaykin and hope they act same type in future.
Nod to Roo, Nicodemus and other Fedaykin member.


surely it would be better to look at why people left the nemesis alliance than to bitch and moan at them for doing it... maybe you might disconver that there were several problems that you ignored. I never had the pleasure of of playing much with Cruz as i left midgard just before he left the game :( but i do remember RvR back then and it was alot better then now, people just havent progressed since the old days, the same old tactics are still used when we all know they will fail//

Albion and Hibernia are both a force that shouldnt be ignored. They are getting stronger by the day, they both have the numbers to counter attack us and we know it, so its about time we started thinking about new ways to get at em. We can do it its just a matter of thinking before ZERG`n......


The implication that those of us who left Nemesis don't care about Midgard reverses the situation. We left because we do care. I along with others spent months, literally, trying to make the alliance work for all of us in it, only to fail. An alliance with members who would not be bound by collective agreement and which contained guilds whose members flamed those that tried to hold their guilds to their agreements (and Cenestra is not the only one to suffer such flaming), well this is not an alliance in anything but name. The Nemesis-led alliance has been in trouble for months, perhaps people don't remember the time White Rose left? Nothing was done in the wake of that, despite some of us trying to address it.

The idea that there really could be 'one big alliance' anymore also seems rather condescending to the Fedaykin alliance, which is growing in numbers and power.

The future of Midgard's power lies in a number of alliances who co-operate. Alliances that each can run their own business they way they want. Last night offered a glimpse of a possible Midgard-future. EOO were in Sauvage, Warders in Snowdonia (and then Sauvage?), New Era Alliance was taking albion keeps and we kept bumping into some other guilds also taking keeps. Another 30 Midgardians eventually joined in Albion after retaking Midgard keeps. Let's move away from the simplicity of 'one big alliance'; this was no longer a reality and no longer a working alliance. Let's now get some inter-alliance co-operation going rather than letting Albion and Hibernia enjoy hearing us argue with each other.

Kerram Darktyde

Talons Reach In her Larger days was in the nemisis alliance and the Alliance leader at the time Said to My GM at the time that "TR was a waste of Space, had nothing to offer the alliance and the alliance would be better if we were not in it"
Because my Guild Leader asked them to please keep Spam down.

This was after I stayed at a Relic keep for 2hours watching it and warning of invaders attacking (during the big Relic raids that no longer happen) and regularly Scouted and patrolled Yggdra and other bits of the frontier to warn of invaders and protect Low level hunters (was L35 at time)

We left the alliance shortly after. Because of the comments that came from the alliance leader and some of his guild..

Cruz to my knoledge was not disliked by anyone.. He had People management skills and cared about the Low level guys xping on frontier.. not a day would pass with out seeing the Red Rocket fly by while in Yggdra :)

Well Relics seem to mean squat these days, and Emain is a no go area unless you have 30 mates to go with you or you are a Uber RR level Stealther...

The game should be about fun and enjoying playing and people should compromise more, but sadly some people seem to think that cos they are L50( or very close) and are RR3-4+ that they know everything about the game and RvR. this is wrong..

But for me it just means i will only go on the rare relic raid will defend relics if i am close and will patrol borders as often as i did before as this is helpful..

I will not Suicide if miles away (not L50 yet) as i have had to put up with months of lack of groups in RvR due to elitism and Suiciding or racing across midgard only to find i was not needed or welcomed..

Alliances work if you have the Right leader with the right attitude and the leader guild acts in the same way..
The leader needs to listen to the other GLs and make use of thier ideas . as Councils work ok but only if EVERYONE puts aside thier EGOS with some people cant do sadly..

Well Rant over :)


It seems that one of the main points for leaving an existing alliance is, that some certain individuals just have to profiliate(?) themselfs too much.
Question is, could we rebuild an Alliance with some certain rules like
Spam = 1 week AS Suspension
Abuse of People/Groups/Guilds on AS = 4 Weeks suspension
if people can't apply to some common-sense behaviour rules, restrict them AS permanently.

Communication is extremly important imo, and with all those small-to-medium-size Alliances it's getting hard.

Bledmeer a few days back :
3-4 Groups of Hibs attacked Bledmeer, a few defenders kept them out by repairing.
There were enough Mids willing to defend, but something must've gone terribly wrong with the comunications. When one Alliance Force was at Vindsaul, the other charged the Hibs, got wiped ... release ... repeat.
This went on for what ? an hour ? Got tired of repairing which resulted in the doors going down slowly (some other kept repairing them I guess).

old.Ayam Ganbatte

I agree with kalgarn on this, just make sure that the communication between the alliances is top-notch and the realm will not suffer. I think the New Era alliance is good for the realm because the members benefit from the forums actually being used for quality discussions, a lot of people are organising and leading their own raids and events so there's more opportunity for leadership and there's very little squabbling (we all like a good intelligent argument now and then though). As long as communication between alliances is fine, the power of the realm isn't fragmented.


So please...before you start accusing anyone of "ignorance" stand on firmer ground.

Since as youve said youve read the logs of the meetings then i can only assume you believe the efforts myself and others put into sorting the problems in the alliance out were not sufficient.

Please advise how long you feel i should have continued (for example) attempting to get a chat policy sorted out? another 5 months?

Yes to some extent personal feelings come into a descision to leave - it was to my mind impossible to work around these issues after a considerable length of time attempting to.


Originally posted by old.ImLestat
Yes yes yes, people have been saying for a very long time that you should give the persons in charge a chance. I agree. I've given them lots of chances. I've also been here a long time, since the open beta. I've had time to be on plenty of relic raids, Durgi, Bjejs and Azals included. I know that I don't always know best despite of that. However some of the leaders could also try to listen to a few other tactics that could be discussed.

And the alliance, well, when a large part of the guild gets insulted over /as by Azal because we are (in his opinion) standing on the wrong side of the MG (no relicraid, normal Emain RvR), don't you think that we've got a right to react??? Too bad I don't have chatlogs on that... :) Well, that was just ONE incident. There were more.

1. Dont start suggesting new tactics in the middle of a relic raid, do it before the raid starts, you are doing everyone a disservice by confusing people. It used to be so people in the command cg respected that only the leader spoke. And the rest communicated the info to their groups. (no unnessesary chat in cg, no unnessesary chat in /say or /y, chat away in your groups, but keep the main channels open for commands)

2. If you seriously dont like the way Azal/Blej/Durgi does the raids, why dont you take initiative to make one? (instead of bitching about the few people that does the extra work, perhaps you should try it, this isnt directed at you Lestat, it pretty much goes for entire midgard).

3. Azal "insults" alot of people, but leaving the alliance because of the comments from 1 person is weak? nuts? stupid? (i so badly wish /ignore worked on /as, but thats because of Svartalf's spamming)

4. look at #2 again


Originally posted by old.Ayam Ganbatte
As long as communication between alliances is fine, the power of the realm isn't fragmented.

This is so twisted its almost funny.

Bledmeer is under attack
/as Bledmeer is under attack by 4 groups of albs (messaging other alliances)
*pulls out the list of other alliances i always keep updated (not)*
/who xxx-guild
/send xxx-person Bledmeer is under attack by 4 groups of albs (messaging other alliances)
*xxx-person /as Bledmeer is under attack (from other alliance)
*xxx-person sends "ok i told my alliance"
/send xxx-person thanks

/who yyy-guild
/send yyy-person Bledmeer is under attack by 4 groups of albs (messaging other alliances)
*yyy-person /as Bledmeer is under attack by 4 groups of albs
*yyy-person sends "ok i told my alliance"
/send yyy-person thanks

/who zzz-guild
/send zzz-person Bledmeer is under attack by 4 groups of albs (messaging other alliances)
*no reply 2 minutes ... zzz-person is afk
/send zzz-person2 Bledmeer is under attack by 4 groups of albs (messaging other alliances)
*zzz-person2 sends "im logging off"
/send zzz-person2 ok, but could you please tell your alliance?
*zzz-person2 sends "i dont have alliance access, but i will ask a guildmate to do it"
/send zzz-person2 ok
*zzz-person2 /gu bledmeer is under attack, please tell on /as
*zzz-person2 to logs off, and no one in his guild notices the message

Even if you could cut it down to absolute minimum of commands its still ALOT of typeing

You want the average player to do all of this? or just how do you expect communication to be FINE?

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Perhaps having dedicated points of contact, alliance communications officers in each alliance who are prepared to make sure that all alliances know of a sizable threat. It's certainly not an enviable task, but just a suggestion on initial thinking.


I'm afraid blood your posts consistantly miss one major detail, here, a quick count of the guilds in alliances lists approximately 45 guilds - those WONT all fit in "One Big Alliance" theres a limit of 20 guild per alliance - we even hit that limit pretty early on in the nemesis alliance (but most people in the alliance chose to ignore the problem even then). Working across multiple alliances is a neccesity.

The more major guilds of midgard are now spread (suprisingly evenly i feel) across multiple alliances. In my point of view this can only be a good thing in the long run - those big guilds can now help out the smaller guilds in their alliances - guilds that before they probably would have had nothing to do with. The more major guilds can help the more fledgling guilds to flourish. Making the individual alliances stronger - this can only be a good thing for midgard. The concept of one big alliance only allowed for there being 20 guilds in midgard participating in RvR - the realm has long since grown past that point.

Please face the fact all of the guilds in midgard in "one big alliance" was only a possible aim while there were less guilds in midgard, it served us well during the early stages but its long past time to move on.


Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen

This is so twisted its almost funny.

Bledmeer is under attack
/as Bledmeer is under attack by 4 groups of albs (messaging other alliances)
*pulls out the list of other alliances i always keep updated (not)*
/who xxx-guild
/send xxx-person Bledmeer is under attack by 4 groups of albs (messaging other alliances)
*xxx-person /as Bledmeer is under attack (from other alliance)
*xxx-person sends "ok i told my alliance"
/send xxx-person thanks

/who yyy-guild
/send yyy-person Bledmeer is under attack by 4 groups of albs (messaging other alliances)
*yyy-person /as Bledmeer is under attack by 4 groups of albs
*yyy-person sends "ok i told my alliance"
/send yyy-person thanks

/who zzz-guild
/send zzz-person Bledmeer is under attack by 4 groups of albs (messaging other alliances)
*no reply 2 minutes ... zzz-person is afk
/send zzz-person2 Bledmeer is under attack by 4 groups of albs (messaging other alliances)
*zzz-person2 sends "im logging off"
/send zzz-person2 ok, but could you please tell your alliance?
*zzz-person2 sends "i dont have alliance access, but i will ask a guildmate to do it"
/send zzz-person2 ok
*zzz-person2 /gu bledmeer is under attack, please tell on /as
*zzz-person2 to logs off, and no one in his guild notices the message

Even if you could cut it down to absolute minimum of commands its still ALOT of typeing

You want the average player to do all of this? or just how do you expect communication to be FINE?

... how about:

/cg invite <knownGMcontact1> <knownGMcontact2> <knownGMcontact3> <knownGMcontact4> etc etc etc

You could even macro it to save your tired brain :p


Dozigden has spoken words of truth.
Nothing to add to it.


Having dedicated contacts is a good idea, but who would be willing to maintain and enforce them? You wouldn't only be maintaining ONE contact from each alliance, more like one or two from each guild in the specific alliance. To assume that ONE person is online all the time to distribute information is too naive. That won't work in most cases.

So, basically you're looking at a list of maybe 10-12 persons you have to check up on (worst case scenario, of course) in order to pass information to another alliance. Is this viable? I think not.

My 2 cents.


Alliance notification List

If you need to notify other alliances of events, here is the list I use.

Eye of Odin
Eynar, Finrod, Adira

New Era
Solid, Dozigdin, Twiz

Radorm, Zog

Roo, Blain, Tidus, Nicodemus


While Dozi is right, that not all guilds will fit one big alliance, they WILL, however, fit into 2 or 3 alliances. We now have (to my knowledge) 5 active Midgard alliances, which is definately not nessecary in order to fit everyone in.

Making new, smaller alliances, is no advantage in my opinion. Nothing good will come from delayed/relayed information, which will be the unavoidable consequence.


Dozi: while what you say about bigger guild helping smaller guilds is very true for PvE, and "keep taking & claiming & defending" events. And thou may benefit the realm in that direction.

My focus is mainly on large scale RvR (Realm defence, and relic raids). But this game is what you make of it, and we will just have to respect that others wish to focus on other things. Just dont come saying that it doesnt weaken the realm.

(I might be a selfish bastard, but when i look at what guilds should be in the main alliance, I count the number of active players they have above level 35 (40 to really count))

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