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- #31
Originally posted by Dalus_carosu
Well thats ok if you like to be a copycat thats up to you But really dont. There is nothing wrong with a Full Pac spec healer they own in CC and because peeps have alot of resist gear those extra seconds you get on mezz and stund could make a difference. Sure dont i get any good heals but really how manny healers is there out there that are speced in that???
Just think its a sad that RvR guilds wont invite if they dont get a class in that spec they want to, and who say its the optimum setup for RvR?? I SAY that CC makes a big diff in RvR and if you do it right there will be no reason to heal hehe
The amount of active menders is about the same as pacs, there might be a few RvR active healers with 48 pac, there are afaik none with 50 pac. Those extra seconds you get isnt actually there, since a 44 pac will still have the last ae-mezz. And no matter how good you are at mezzing most good groups will force you to heal. The reason for it being the optimum spec is that it is the optimum spec for the guild group. One of the main points with a RvR-guild is to make the group strong, not the individual.