Lejemorder said:me to QQ this dont excist on US servers![]()
Outlander said:hmm I dunno whats going on but still for some reason I cannot create haste bottles/cryirl
Killswitch said:Hehe...anyone tried with Greater Nereids? I'm 100% positive it won't work, but each pot has 20 charges, so each barrel would have 2000 charges which is 2000 hours which is...erm...nearly 84 days played!!!
Made end barrel for my mincer and power barrel for my cleric so far. Thinking about the Haste barrel for my reaver![]()
Phoebee-v- said:That makes me cry....![]()
Bahumat said:Dont worry Phoebee, we get the "yeah you can go rot for all i care" pot's which goa made especially for us camlann players. Oh its got unlimited charges iirc.
Adoctor said:you should be able too, i made mine using Improved Elixir of Speed.
Outlander said:hmm ive been using strong elixirs of speed and its saying noooooooo i dont wanna make you a bottle outy!![]()
Adoctor said:afaik he will only do the first 3 tiers (for special pots) or 4 tiers (for healing pots) of potions , i don't think the last tier can be done.
the profit might be good, but the profit on the 1-charge potions was very low, and the reason why the higher profit on the barrels is that you have to invest alot more time in it. With 1-charge potions you only need say 10'ish min availabe to restock a CM. to make 1 barrel you need to invest 30-40 min, which can be hard if you dont mind to miss out on RvR/artyhunt/ML sessions, where the 1-charge potions you could do between, og after the session.Ingafgrinn Macabre said:I don't get it... why are these barrels so expensive?
It used to be 3.5~4g per power pot, which costs you 2.5g per powerpot to make. that's 1g~1.5g profit. let's say 1.5g profit per pot.
A barrel consists of 121 pots, which used to give you around 200 gold profit. why all of the sudden now the alchemists take 700g profit? I mean.. it's a bit of an extreme inflation don't ye guys think?
Sure, I don't craft either anymore because the profits were just not high enough to justify the time spent. but to raise your profits from one day to another with 250% is a bit extreme if you ask me...
Anyway, I'll craft me own![]()
GReaper said:A barrel involves 30 mins of tedious button pressing every 14 seconds or so.
Those of you who feel that barrels are overpriced, feel free to level up an alchemist and put some on a consignment merchant.
Aadia said:There's a difference in being overpriced and reasonable though... see my previous post about 2p for a lvl 10 weak barrel.
Andrilyn said:2p is expensive.
I don't have a LGM crafter myself (rather watch paint dry then make a LGM crafter) but I know some people with a LGM crafter and they say it cost them around 500g to make the barrel + pots in it.
Charging 4 times the cost of an item is expensive nomatter how you look at it.
I sometimes make myself some Thid stuff and for other people and if I charge them 4 times the cost it would cost them around 1p per suit then they would probably just laugh and walk off.
I am all for giving crafters more money (When I get SC from guildies or people I know I almost always give them more then they want, sometimes even double of what they ask for seeing as I know they only charge me the cost of the materials) but charging 4 times the cost of an item is ridiculous.
yes you have to tickle it under it's armpitsCylian said:Anyone found out how to release the trapped Lightning yet ?
n1 have a repFalukropp said:Went to uni just to find out that todays lecture was postponed until after lunch. Got some time to kill, so here's a walkthrough for Mid:
What you need:
* An alchemist with sufficient skill to make the potion type you want to stack. 650 skill or so should be sufficient. Or a good friend willing to make potions while you do the quest part to get empty bottles and a barrel.
* About 40 mins of time if the potions are greycon in your alchemist skill list, a bit more the first time you do the quest, or if the potions arent greycon.
* Clear up slots in your inv. You'll need free slots for 11 empty bottles, 1 empty barrel, ingredients for 121 pots, 11 pots and one spare slot. Thats a lot of slots.
* Buy the ingredients needed to make 121 of the type of potion you want to make into a barrel. Strong Elixir of Power for a Strong Barrel of Power, Strong Elixir of Endurance for an end barrel etc.
* Go to the Old Alchemist just outside the guild hall in Jordheim (loc 24901, 18432 Jordheim)
From him, buy:
1 Billhook
1 Enchanted Seed
11 Trapped Lightning
* Make a macro: /macro blah /s In Shazam Tadam !
(make sure that the part after the /s is spelled EXACTLY like it's spelled here, including the space between Tadam and the exclamation mark, or it won't work.)
* Equip the Billhook in the weapon slot
You're not gonna get any quest in your quest journal. This is in its order.
The quest:
After doing the preparations, port to Aegirhamn. Go to loc 39145, 51299 Aegir's Landing (thats on the beach with the Sjora mobs) A message will pop up. When it does, spam your /s In Shazam Tadam ! macro 11 times.
Check your inventory. Your 11 Trapped Lightnings should now be exchanged for 11 Rough Glass.
Now get back to the porter in Aegir and port to Gotar.
Right to the NW of the Apprentice Channeler or whatever he's named in Nalliten, at loc 49641, 32548 Gotar, there will be a bunch of very small greycon mobs called Animated Earth.
Drop your Enchanted Seed on one of them. It will turn into a Bright Wood Seedling.
Make sure you got your Billhook equipped as a weapon, and kill the Bright Wood Seedling using it.
Now you'll receive an item called Bright Wood.
Get back to Jordheim. The easiest way is to port Nalliten -> Aegir -> Jordheim
Now get to Koparens Marknard in Jordheim. (for you oldtimers, the place where you bought lowlvl weapons in the early days of the game)
Here you'll find an NPC called Cooper (loc 21337, 25769 Jordheim).
Give him the Bright Wood. You'll receive an Empty Barrel in return.
Proceed to the smithery close to the temple with Gothis. At loc 25250, 25708 Jordheim you'll find an NPC named Glass Blower.
Turn in all the Rough Glass pieces to him. In renturn you'll get 11 empty bottles.
Now it's time to craft potions. If you havent bought ingredients for the potions yet, do so now. As mentioned before, you'll need 121 pots.
Go back to the Old Alchemist (still at loc 24901, 18432 Jordheim) and start crafting.
Make 11 pots, then hand over one of the Empty Bottles to the Old Alchemist. The pots you've been making will disappear from your inventory and you'll get a filled bottle with 10 charges in return. Repeat this 11 times, until you have 11 bottles. Now turn in the Empty Barrel. The bottles will disappear from your inv and you'll get your barrel with 100 charges.
Grats, you've just made your first barrel :>
Basically, each bottle requires 11 potions, and each barrel requires 11 bottles, making a total of 121 potions per barrel.
Creds goes to Parn, based this walkthrough on his guide on the alliance forums. Just translated it, added locs, restructured it some, etc.