New Cheat?



Originally posted by old.Atrox
now you see where the BD/savage whine come from :eek:

Cant help all you albs are n00bs and cannot kill them. I solo a BD easy np


I have seen this bug some time ago in darkness falls when I clicked on someone's name it told me that he was a 'plated fiend, aggressive towards you!'..I tried to attack him but he was 'too far away"...Dont know how it can happen but its a strange bug...


havent read all these replies.....but if i had to say one name from the top of my head of the most anti-cheat person i would say Case/Aldrim!

The guy doesn't cheat i met him irl aswell spoke to him bout cheaters etc, can tell by facial expressions too that he hated cheaters!

so mids stfu whingin was a bug not a hack the guy dont hack just shut up whinging getting old now!

Case doesnt cheat end of story!

Blame Jenna eating all the p0rk!


So poor whines in this thread tbh. It's obvious ghoul supplies you albs with Odins Eye etc. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by king_kettil
Yes, ( since i was with you at this perticular incident)

I also noticed that when he cast spells he didnt wave his arms and no effects around him ( and yes i had all effects on)

he also threw in capped speed ( yes yes not impossible with buffs but perhaps the part of no waving arms helps ? )

anyway i hope he get banned forever.

Long time ago when i went emain at 49 with my ranger and sotl was doing their alb zerg thing i remember seeing walker doing same thing i was asking if group if its possible to cast fast enough to not have your arms move since his hardly moved and had nukes coming out less than 1.5 secs :eek:


Originally posted by Ardrias_Mid
So poor whines in this thread tbh. It's obvious ghoul supplies you albs with Odins Eye etc. :rolleyes:

we have to counter Mids Eye of Odin. T.T


afaik this is a bug that happened several times
not only on players but also on mobs
(i once was in spindelhalla, where my friends BD pet had the skin of a trow)
Picture of this here:
For my friend (ziri) the pet had the normal skin (of a skelly) while i saw a trow
At the moment it was a pretty funneh bug, as it didn't harm anyone, so i didn't report it

But as it seems, it can also happen to players,
and the guy didn't notice himselve, so thats probably why he kept using the bug, he didn't know there was one
So, in my opinion, he wasn't ABUSING the bug,
Since he didn't trigger the bug, afaik it is a random error in the serversoftware
And since he dusn't reuse it (as he dusn't know how to start it, i presume :) )

BUT!!, i do agree with the mids who posted this treath,
they might think and suggest a bug exploit/cheat at first, thats a normal thing and it isn't a personal attack to the player, it's gathering information imo.

And i find it great, that this person's guild is protecting him,
i hope KN would do the same for me if i was putten in this situation...offc they would, they're the best!!! (don't mind this, just promoting my guild :D).
But THE WAY they are protecting him aint really what i had in mind, don't flame the mids who seen the bug and try to gain information about it,
inform them, tell them how good u know Aldrim, and tell ppl u don't think/believe he cheats.
And don't start calling them childish, etc etc,
the only thing u will gain by this, is a reply to u, with another nice set of namecalling and the like.

so anyways, imo, it was a bug, but Aldrim wasn't exploiting it.

now stop flaming and start playing :D


Well I just reply to this last one since cant say really to anything else but anyway.

Saw the other post in here where they asked about Rigante's opinnion for cheaters? So I dont think it was just to inform about a bug.

Thats it. Have fun all and remember its a game. ;)


he dont cheat but bug abuse

sounds like the poor fellow is not cheating but damn he is a GOOD BUG ABUSER, so even if u didnt cheat and noticed how u were never killed then u should have logged out and log in knowing it could be a bug, u see men around u dieing but not u hmm that should ring bells!!. just like when u get trade bug u usally log out and log in to fix the bug.
Think of the fustration those midds whould feel when they tried everything and u dont die!!! hmm my fellow gamer hope u learn ur lesson never take advantage of bugs that ruins reputations too!!
anyways happy rvring all.




Re: he dont cheat but bug abuse

Originally posted by ownagexxx
sounds like the poor fellow is not cheating but damn he is a GOOD BUG ABUSER, so even if u didnt cheat and noticed how u were never killed then u should have logged out and log in knowing it could be a bug, u see men around u dieing but not u hmm that should ring bells!!. just like when u get trade bug u usally log out and log in to fix the bug.
Think of the fustration those midds whould feel when they tried everything and u dont die!!! hmm my fellow gamer hope u learn ur lesson never take advantage of bugs that ruins reputations too!!
anyways happy rvring all.



fuck off you dumb shit <-- B(


hm. interesting discussion.

wether or not its a cheat, or if it was intended bug abuse, or simply an accident caused by the heat of the moment, will be up to GOA to decide. Nothing good will come of anything else.

I've forwarded this, but if someone from the incident would be so kind as to post here what day, and roughly what time it happened :)


Its about time this thread was closed, nothing new will ever be said here. Let GOA pull the logs, I guarantee that Case will still be playing as he did NOT cheat and did not knowingly abuse a bug.


Last night in DF my cleric was scraping up squashed greys.... at least three times I clicked on lowbies to heal or buff them to help out I targetted a bag of coins.

I think you will find its a bug...

It might also be worth considering this... GOA was hacked on August 18 an has been twiddling with things since then.

Who knows what the hackers actually did on the game servers and its not impossible that Goa haven't quite picked up and fixed everything that was messed about with yet.

We already know new bugs creep into things when Goa translates our patches so it may be the case that a number of new weirdnesses have arisen as a result of the last few week's fiasco.


I don't think it's a cheat because when you select a player who has group bug, and not relogged, sometimes you get the same result.


Originally posted by liste
hm. interesting discussion.

wether or not its a cheat, or if it was intended bug abuse, or simply an accident caused by the heat of the moment, will be up to GOA to decide. Nothing good will come of anything else.

I've forwarded this, but if someone from the incident would be so kind as to post here what day, and roughly what time it happened :)

Er... about 5 mins before my post time. Should be a day/time on first post. The bug vanished after we all evacuated down the hill out of clipping range and then came back. The theurg was suddenly wearing robes and doing casting animations again then.

03-09-03 13:28 - so roughly 13:20 on 3rd September.

[edited - found post time for easy reference]


Originally posted by old.Dimitris
as if the RADAR users and PA script users out there AINT enough!!!!!



the fuck is PA-script?


S'an excuse for gimp assassins that can't line up pa's for shit xD

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