New Cheat?



Just been attacking beno atm and there's a naked alb outside who we can't attack, can /face, /stick, etc but if we attack it says we have no target. Also clicking on him says he's a bag of coins.

He's been spamming us with air nukes and air pets. Oh, he just cheered at me, got a name, Aldrim. Anyone else have this?


Yes, ( since i was with you at this perticular incident)

I also noticed that when he cast spells he didnt wave his arms and no effects around him ( and yes i had all effects on)

he also threw in capped speed ( yes yes not impossible with buffs but perhaps the part of no waving arms helps ? )

anyway i hope he get banned forever.


again i dont know what is going on there, he is the gm and as a person who i have know in game for a long time, this is not his style, sounds like a bug. hack or something imo :(


Just read at camelot-europe that they warn for a new cheat.. guess this was it...


Originally posted by king_kettil
Just read at camelot-europe that they warn for a new cheat.. guess this was it...

any screenies? just so i know what to look out for :)


as if the RADAR users and PA script users out there AINT enough!!!!!




It's a bug and there have been similar thread before (done a search, didn't found it yet tho). I have seen it happening two times and both times it happened after someone logged to alt and back to main: He still looked like his alt and when you targetted him it said "You target a bag of coins".


A bug would explain it, because the Rigante DOES NOT USE any form of hack programs, exploits, whatever you wanna call them. If any of our members did, they would be swiftly booted out and reported.

Dont start jumping to conclusions people, as groundless rumours can destroy reputations.



There's nothing groundless about a naked avalonian spamming us with stuff when we can't touch them despite auto-sticking to them, got a few screenies, just need terrapin to work :(


Originally posted by old.Dimitris
as if the RADAR users and PA script users out there AINT enough!!!!!



I was refering to this as groundless kjel ;)

It implies that a potential bug means that we (rigante,aldrim) are cheats, which certainly isnt the case. Hell we refuse as a guild to use buffbots in any shape or form. Hardly the stuff or cheaters now is it ;)


kk =)

Hopefully the Powers That Be *cough cough* will look into it.


i was there as the wizzy and at the time he did say he cant belive he survived the attacks, i on the other hand went down repeatedly :(

Please when rightnow is back report it but dont accuse us of cheating as its not something we would do.


Originally posted by lannovar
A bug would explain it, because the Rigante DOES NOT USE any form of hack programs, exploits, whatever you wanna call them. If any of our members did, they would be swiftly booted out and reported.

Dont start jumping to conclusions people, as groundless rumours can destroy reputations.


How can you be sure that none of your members cheats?


easily as we group together all the time and you can tell when someone is cheating.


Aldrim is a respected player... I've been on raid/defences with him plenty of times and never saw him cheat or anything...

I'm not vouching for him or anything but we should be carefull who we blaim of cheating... a reputation takes ages to build up and seconds to break down


Originally posted by kjel
Also clicking on him says he's a bag of coins.

Have you tried just picking him up? Drop him in a vault, problem solved...


BTW, did you know bfr can/could morph into a greencon cliffbeetle?


I was sat next to him at the time this happened, and he was amazed that he wasn't being hit, but you don't stop and ponder, you try and kill the enemies attacking your keep. He was fully clothed, and waving his arms about and everything when casting spells. There was a cleric inside the keep which would explain the fast casting times.

He doesn't cheat, would never cheat, and if he did, I'd dump him :D

I think you've been unfortunate to have encountered what seems like a nasty bug - can any E&E deal with this/update us on this?

As for being able to tell whether other guild members cheat, we regularly group with eachother, both in RvR and PvE, and it would be noticed if someone was cheating immediately - in RvR, the groups are usually led by Case or myself, so its not like somebody in the guild could lead us to enemies by using radar or whatever. We're also usually in a frontier chatgroup, so the intel on where the enemies are is usually quite good.

At the end of the day, it just depends on how much you trust us - I can't PROVE that we don't cheat, but I can assure you we don't, and anybody in our guild found cheating, or cross-realm spying would be instantly removed, blacklisted in our alliance, named and shamed, and reported to GOA, as it says in our guild guidelines.


I think this is a bug. I was in Avalon City last week with my wiz and saw a guildie friar called More. Clicked on her and my target box came up with her name but in the events window it came up with

You target the <insert name of lizard type thats in AC>, he is hostile.

Kept clicking on her and it came up with the same thing then it changed to a different mob after about 10 clicks.

I just shrugged and carried on.

This is honest stuff, I swear it.


Originally posted by king_kettil
anyway i hope he get banned forever.

Perhaps you should wait for a response before jumping to such a rash conclusion. If you feel someone is cheating then you MUST report this on RightNow (when its back up)

Accusing people of cheating without any proof or hearing the other side of the story just adds to your ignorance.

-The Rigante- do not cheat, we dont even allow buffbots in RvR, please get some clear facts before trying to damage our guild reputation.


people accusing me of cheating? what ever next and this coming from 4 mids all using buffbots and strafing

FYI i don`t cheat have never cheated and dont intend to cheat ever i`ll leave the game before even using buffbots or lag exploits

perhaps your annoyed because your beno farming session was ruinned by a wind theurg nuking your shammie?

midway through the fight i switched to isonar and back so perhaps some bug made the issue you describe

anyway before you start throwing accusations at well respected players get your facts right and look at possible bugs othrwise all you do is make yourself look stupid


If i wanted to cheat/exploit/generally look for the fastest way to RR10.............

Id go roll a BD :flame:


Was it...
"Hmmm I should be taking damage or being hit now. Maybe I should log as I may accidentally be using a game bug/exploit."

Or was it.....
"Hmmm I should be taking damage or being hit now. Maybe I'm accidentally using a game bug/exploit....Ahh well fuck it I'm having fun."

Or was it....
"Hmmm I should be taking damage or being hit now. Maybe I'm just so fkin uber they can't manage to click on me and hit 1 button to nuke/style me"

You seem to suggest it was 3 ?


Get a grip, whether on purpose on not, you were using a game exploit/bug to your advantage.


or perhaps it was yay they`re going for the other caster i`ll nuke em while they`re not bashing me to death get a grip ffs


> get your facts right and look at possible bugs

The fact as we observed it, was that you, for a period of time ran around outside beno, while being invincible and killed several of us.

> all you do is make yourself look stupid

Ok, assuming it was a bug and not an exploit. You ran around beno for how long? At one point you had 2 rr6 tanks stuck on you in combat mode while you ran from halfway down the hill to doors. Without you taking a single point of damage. After which you still continued your attacks on us. That leaves us with:

a) despite you being so anti-cheating you apparenty didnt mind much being invincible after all or

b) you didnt realise we couldnt hit you, which if I may borrow your own words, makes yourself look stupid.



Originally posted by inqy
Was it...
"Hmmm I should be taking damage or being hit now. Maybe I should log as I may accidentally be using a game bug/exploit."

Or was it.....
"Hmmm I should be taking damage or being hit now. Maybe I'm accidentally using a game bug/exploit....Ahh well fuck it I'm having fun."

Or was it....
"Hmmm I should be taking damage or being hit now. Maybe I'm just so fkin uber they can't manage to click on me and hit 1 button to nuke/style me"

You seem to suggest it was 3 ?


Get a grip, whether on purpose on not, you were using a game exploit/bug to your advantage.

I htink you'll probably find, as I was sat next to him at the time

"Shit looks like I'm gonna die anyway - lets see how many nukes I can get out before they kill me/I run out of power"

One mid ran past him to get to one of the scouts (Tenacious iirc) and the other was nuking one of the other guys. There was a cleric in the group, so it seemed reasonable that he'd get a heal if he was in trouble - when you're in that situation you're generally not thinking about bugs or exploits, you're htinking how lucky you are to still be alive, and either that your enemies are daft (trust me, this happens a fair bit), you have a damn good cleric in the group (which was the case), or that you're damn lucky full stop with misses/pbt etc.

He's not by any means uber - he only hit 50 a couple of days ago, and has drop/DF armour, and is RR2.

From his perspective there was nothing wrong - obviously he didn't know that he appeared naked to enemies, or wasn't doing any spell effects. Also, from his screen, it didn't look like there were 2 RR6 tanks stuck to him.

Not everyone is out to exploit the game.

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