New And Improved Horner


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 26, 2005
you get a player like bradlex who plays a visual RVR toon... he doesnt have to be a self confessed solo'er because anyone whos spent more than 5 minutes on the server knows thats exactly what he is... He groups up with a friend in an MMPRG kills something and you get a 4 page post about people moaning...

I am a big fan of the honor code and have preached and whined about lots of stuff but ffs there is a limit to queensbury rules and I just find it amazing how people complain about ridiculous things in this game.

you get some right lemons like horner, SH, pip etc and other idiots who really do consistently fuck over everything and anything in there path with little or no respect for anybodies enjoyement (especially realm mates)... You get players that are known for being pretty honorable decent opponents that wont add on you...

Its like taking things to extreme to demand this person never groups up and never kills anything when grouped or out numbering the opponent.... And one thing thats a sure as shit is brown and stinks, is EVERY single player in daoc has been grouped and killed and opponent with superior group numbers at some time (yes the most commen example of that would be 2v1)... To highlight this in a post against a player who has been an ambassader to soloing and playing with respect with the aim of trying to make the point that this player is a "hypocrite" and a lamer etc... Well its like slagging off mother terisa for farting when she bent down to wipe the sweat of a dying patients head etc...

get a fucking clue people.

What about you get a fuckin clue!? He's duoing with a shammy and killin stuff, fair enough ofc. But he should'nt fuckin' get in here afterwards tellin' that everyone damn RA dumps on him which is reasons why he dies!
He'd bitched about me before because i dumped, which was more than a year ago or so. Now i just use purge and he still says im fucked up dumping.. He's the fucking gimp who can't stand losing and needs seriously to excuse everything sayin that everyone is RA dumping on him. Bullshit! Stop protecting like that.

Of course it's fair enough to group up with some shammy, which many does and many gets whine because of it, simple. BG-bot/Shearing duos is lame and has always been. That's not a thing to whine much about because everyone does it tbfh. But he shouldn't sit here lying to make himself sound any better.

If his excuses to lose 1on1's is his RA specs and ML's, he should get used to it, or go back to some usable for solo/smaller groups. Either one thing or another. Not fecking comin' up with bullshit like that.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
hes "getting in here" as someone has made a whine post about it you lemon....

Dont see him flaming or doing anything other than explaining his reaons (whether you agree with them or not, which I dont tbh)... but the point is who gives a flying fuck, he is a decent warrior who plays good and fair.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
you get a player like bradlex who plays a visual RVR toon... he doesnt have to be a self confessed solo'er because anyone whos spent more than 5 minutes on the server knows thats exactly what he is... He groups up with a friend in an MMPRG kills something and you get a 4 page post about people moaning...

I am a big fan of the honor code and have preached and whined about lots of stuff but ffs there is a limit to queensbury rules and I just find it amazing how people complain about ridiculous things in this game.

you get some right lemons like horner, SH, pip etc and other idiots who really do consistently fuck over everything and anything in there path with little or no respect for anybodies enjoyement (especially realm mates)... You get players that are known for being pretty honorable decent opponents that wont add on you...

Its like taking things to extreme to demand this person never groups up and never kills anything when grouped or out numbering the opponent.... And one thing thats a sure as shit is brown and stinks, is EVERY single player in daoc has been grouped and killed and opponent with superior group numbers at some time (yes the most commen example of that would be 2v1)... To highlight this in a post against a player who has been an ambassader to soloing and playing with respect with the aim of trying to make the point that this player is a "hypocrite" and a lamer etc... Well its like slagging off mother terisa for farting when she bent down to wipe the sweat of a dying patients head etc...

get a fucking clue people.

Actually agree with this( runs for cover):p
And the last part was a bit funny too( runs for cover again):p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Now you really gotta shut the fuck up. I burned nothing but Purge and Debuffs in the first fight at all! 2nd i burned BL's as i didnt have purge up for your slam, but don't say i dump against u when it isn't needed. Thats pure bullshit tbfh!

I gave you a fair fight which u came back afterwards with heals and fulls sheared me too, as you seem to can't take dying. Fuckin' pathetic.. at least now i see what person you really are. No better than rest of pathetic gimps all over the server.

Well i was playing my shammy for the first time on dyvet since gods know when. And no way in hell u didnt use rr 5 on him the first fight. I got a champ same rr as us and i dont 3/4 shot a war rr 10 without using rr5 so u need to stop ur bs plz.
I do respect us as i fought u a few times wth my war on dyvet. So u didnt see me heal in the first fight u had with him did u?.
I only interfered when the albs came, ofc i did that as i was grped with brad. And i didnt see u pull off when the albs came. Next thing brad did say in /g was lets not kill tjalle again. So im quite sure he respect u somewhat aswell.

Normally a guy should be judged by his actions Sorin, but i can only judge u for the things u post here, as i got no idea who the fuck u are. And judging from the random shit u post in 99% of the threads here u words count for nothing.

>.< Pooned

Fledgling Freddie
Nov 12, 2005
What about you get a fuckin clue!? He's duoing with a shammy and killin stuff, fair enough ofc. But he should'nt fuckin' get in here afterwards tellin' that everyone damn RA dumps on him which is reasons why he dies!
He'd bitched about me before because i dumped, which was more than a year ago or so. Now i just use purge and he still says im fucked up dumping.. He's the fucking gimp who can't stand losing and needs seriously to excuse everything sayin that everyone is RA dumping on him. Bullshit! Stop protecting like that.

Of course it's fair enough to group up with some shammy, which many does and many gets whine because of it, simple. BG-bot/Shearing duos is lame and has always been. That's not a thing to whine much about because everyone does it tbfh. But he shouldn't sit here lying to make himself sound any better.

If his excuses to lose 1on1's is his RA specs and ML's, he should get used to it, or go back to some usable for solo/smaller groups. Either one thing or another. Not fecking comin' up with bullshit like that.

tjalle well said .

censi fo plz . . . not that ur any better tbh.

being a prick is ok.

being a prick and pretending to be a cool honourable solo guy that looking for fair fights and shit like that is just pure hipocrisy, and many of u know good how to do that :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
If you think someone in a fair(ish) 1vs1 duel is dumping all their abilities at once and you don't agree with it, there are better ways to deal with it then duoing against them. Just engage, I'm pretty sure you have 7 in sheild at least ;)

I'm not really for the engage trick but if someone does something which you deem 'unfair' then do something to outsmart them the next time round, not outnumber them if you want to keep to your solo image.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
I don't have a sorc.....
......oh wait, im not respected

Thats right, your Irish instead! AHAHA!!! Go and smoke outside in the cold Irish, where you belong! :D <puffs a smoke inside...coughs> You see that!? I'm warm and I don't even smoke but I can do that! :D:D:D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
If you think someone in a fair(ish) 1vs1 duel is dumping all their abilities at once and you don't agree with it, there are better ways to deal with it then duoing against them. Just engage, I'm pretty sure you have 7 in sheild at least ;)

I'm not really for the engage trick but if someone does something which you deem 'unfair' then do something to outsmart them the next time round, not outnumber them if you want to keep to your solo image.

Didnt u read my reply? we where 2 allready when he fought tjalle the first time. No i didnt do anything i was just standing inside the small room at the bridge. Didnt throw 1 heal/shear or anything. When tjalle came back 2 albs came aswell so ofc i do something. If thats getting more people cause u cant win 1 vs 1 the i dunno.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Next thing brad did say in /g was lets not kill tjalle again. So im quite sure he respect u somewhat aswell.


This thread has potential, and plus read what danord said. I got my payback and that was it. When you get frustrated you do things you don't normally do but that's the end of it.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 26, 2005
This thread has potential, and plus read what danord said. I got my payback and that was it. When you get frustrated you do things you don't normally do but that's the end of it.

but dont say i burned BoV as i didnt.. i've killed you like that one or two times before without burning BoV and such. really silly to use that as an excuse.!

well, every single time in future im gonna fight u, i'll make sure to have Fraps up to prove you take alot of damage easily


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 26, 2005
Didnt u read my reply? we where 2 allready when he fought tjalle the first time. No i didnt do anything i was just standing inside the small room at the bridge. Didnt throw 1 heal/shear or anything. When tjalle came back 2 albs came aswell so ofc i do something. If thats getting more people cause u cant win 1 vs 1 the i dunno.

You threw small heals when brad rushed out for second fight. No bow or whatever wanted for a duel or whatever, and whenever he got low he got some shammy-lookin' grp heals and raised in HP..


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
If you think someone in a fair(ish) 1vs1 duel is dumping all their abilities at once and you don't agree with it, there are better ways to deal with it then duoing against them. Just engage, I'm pretty sure you have 7 in sheild at least ;)

I'm not really for the engage trick but if someone does something which you deem 'unfair' then do something to outsmart them the next time round, not outnumber them if you want to keep to your solo image.

aye, exactly thats what makes this so funny, warrior is the best class to deal with people using abilties o look theres champ rr5, nps testudo will sort that! :) o look he used DT, battler, banespike!!!! hmn testudo or engage let me see. People who whine about ra dumping when they have counters available without even speccing for stuff need to learn there class a bit more maybe.

take vamp for example, mine is specced charge3 purge3, aom4, so yeah no damage passives, however, when i meet say an arms, merc, warrior etc who are extremely tough to take down toe to toe for a vamp (impossible if they are well equipped) the active ras i bought allow me to either charge away mid fight, find some mobs get some power, let my hot get a few free ticks in etc or kite away any warguards, battler, dts etc that may have been dumped. Imagine the whine posts if i did that against bradlex? damn! :>, charging away from a fight I would have NO chance whatsoever of winning without poweriong up or kiting his abilities, it leaves certain classes little to no choice of using other means to gain the upperhand, whether thats using active ras, or kiting.

bradlex is only interested in fighting those who will stand toe to toe with a rr10, ml10 passive ra specced solo warrior, I fought him on merc many times used what abilities i felt were needed, killed him and recieved pm spams on fh because he died as I ra dumped <insert random excuse about zerger needing ras to kill him> (thought that one was highly amusing). abilities are there to be used, you have plenty yourself at your disposol so use them noone will think any less of you. your only putting yourself at a disadvantage just because you cant be assed to press a few abilities now and then to counter ones used against you.

PS, hey ebe nice to see you back :), I assume your playing on dyvet again or?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
being a prick and pretending to be a cool honourable solo guy that looking for fair fights and shit like that is just pure hipocrisy, and many of u know good how to do that

judging by your list of classes you wouldnt have a fucking clue what this thread is about tbh...

if you play solo you "know" theres other players out there you can encounter and they wont rush in an add on you... you shouldnt expect non adds but its very good for the game when it happens and peeps that play this way consisently deserve respect... and alot of the soloers on the server do have this respect for each other. it defintly existed when I played but I think over time a lot of the decent respectfull players have gone now..

bradlex from my POV was some warrior guy who never added on me and was always a tough fight... I think most peeps will concur.. to make a post for an incident where he is grouped playing daoc is 100% ridiculous... if you cant fucking see that you need your head examined you fucking tit. your taking the game so utterly seriously its totally clouding your judgement.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
You threw small heals when brad rushed out for second fight. No bow or whatever wanted for a duel or whatever, and whenever he got low he got some shammy-lookin' grp heals and raised in HP..

Yes at that point u where 2 hibs and the seocnd hib started attacking brad so ofc i heal and when some is saying heal me u usualy heal don't u?. and a sec later 2 albs came if im not mistaken.

Still there is no way a champ with under 1900 ish ws wich mine has and i got 416 str fully buffed can 3 shot a war. Even tho debuffs remove all con from buffs. He should still have around 2k + hp if his temp is somewhat decent. so u did 700 or so a swing with no dump of BoV?
Id like to do that on my champ m8.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 26, 2005
Yes at that point u where 2 hibs and the seocnd hib started attacking brad so ofc i heal and when some is saying heal me u usualy heal don't u?. and a sec later 2 albs came if im not mistaken.

Still there is no way a champ with under 1900 ish ws wich mine has and i got 416 str fully buffed can 3 shot a war. Even tho debuffs remove all con from buffs. He should still have around 2k + hp if his temp is somewhat decent. so u did 700 or so a swing with no dump of BoV?
Id like to do that on my champ m8.

You're hopeless.. Wasn't 3 hits at all.. 5-6 maybe, he just didn't block one of them which was the reason of his fast death. And yes i hit hard, many says so even when i don't dump. You couldn't even see my damage on him so quit those lame excuses.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
You're hopeless.. Wasn't 3 hits at all.. 5-6 maybe, he just didn't block one of them which was the reason of his fast death. And yes i hit hard, many says so even when i don't dump. You couldn't even see my damage on him so quit those lame excuses.

There is something called a grp window. U might not know of it.
And my excuses aint lame its facts. I know how hard a champ hits and not that hard with no BoV. Eccept mabye if u got 100 quick or lower in temp. But i actually saw ur gimp temp on vnboards if ur using it still. Didnt look to me like u had 100 quick.

And as i allready stated i didnt heal once in the first fight did i?


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
hello? he lost?

Youve missed the point slightly, he lost because hes put a lot of points into passives, for the specific purposes of winning duels against other people who don't on the whole dump as part of the duelers honour code.

Thats his spec choice - it then means though - that it favours Bradlexes play not to have people dumping a few abilities. Some one did, he lost, and looks like then did something pretty lame in response.

An @censi - if you put yourself on a pedastal expect people to throw stones at you now and again.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Well i 2 find it funny if ur solo specced not to have purge 3 and other nice actives. I mean if a champ dumps all right on top of stun just purge it and any decent war can negate the dmg and has time untill debuffs are up to win the fight.

From my pov abilities are there to be used. Rather dump than die. Never fun to lose is it:) But ofc more fun if u can win wthout, but most people use their abilities so u need something to counter em.:)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 26, 2005
There is something called a grp window. U might not know of it.
And my excuses aint lame its facts. I know how hard a champ hits and not that hard with no BoV. Eccept mabye if u got 100 quick or lower in temp. But i actually saw ur gimp temp on vnboards if ur using it still. Didnt look to me like u had 100 quick.

And as i allready stated i didnt heal once in the first fight did i?

No, you didn't heal in first fight. Never said that.
And yes, it is possible to put out that much damage. I do. Not only on Bradlex. And the temp is only gimped for casters, as the magic resists is ~15%, but the melee ones are capped. So are the melee speed, dmg and styledamage is 9%. 100 str, and then alot of crits beacuse of MoPain helps on it. If you can't ever make such damage, your champ got a serious prob dude..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
judging by your list of classes you wouldnt have a fucking clue what this thread is about tbh...

if you play solo you "know" theres other players out there you can encounter and they wont rush in an add on you... you shouldnt expect non adds but its very good for the game when it happens and peeps that play this way consisently deserve respect... and alot of the soloers on the server do have this respect for each other. it defintly existed when I played but I think over time a lot of the decent respectfull players have gone now..

bradlex from my POV was some warrior guy who never added on me and was always a tough fight... I think most peeps will concur.. to make a post for an incident where he is grouped playing daoc is 100% ridiculous... if you cant fucking see that you need your head examined you fucking tit. your taking the game so utterly seriously its totally clouding your judgement.

Thanks censi.

And i apologise to fuaip. I don't like being an idot but i loose my cool sometimes. But after i let it out im fine.


May 23, 2005
Then clearly its wrong :( what do rightnow/goa know about daoc :(

Okay okay.. everyone wines about my guide.. its wrong, incomplete, full of green smelly stuff.. But no-one really cares to tell me exactly whats wrong with it.

That kinda smells like losers without a clue of what they are talking about.

People ffs!, if you don't tell me what you think is wrong, then i can't fix it.
Simple logic. Understand?

This guide weren't for myself (even tho i used it) and ended out with 900+ on 72% of my targets.

I made it so newbies know what they can do to make
their melee damage better.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Okay okay.. everyone wines about my guide.. its wrong, incomplete, full of green smelly stuff.. But no-one really cares to tell me exactly whats wrong with it.

That kinda smells like losers without a clue of what they are talking about.

People ffs!, if you don't tell me what you think is wrong, then i can't fix it.
Simple logic. Understand?

This guide weren't for myself (even tho i used it) and ended out with 900+ on 72% of my targets.

I made it so newbies know what they can do to make
their melee damage better.

i didnt read it just glanced at it, but i think most people react that you say for example "And lower quickness does mean a higher damage, because weapon damage is calculated as damage per swing per second. With a faster weapon you will hit faster but do less damage, and with a slower weapon you will hit slower, but do more damage per swing. Swing speed is determined by your quickness, so the slower it is, the higher your damage output will be."

More quickness will be more dps, lower quickness will be more damage per HIT but still lower dps (so quickness should always be maxed in todays rvr)


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
No better than rest of pathetic gimps all over the server.

isnt it funny, exactly what i thought about you when i soloed with SB and you ran in your FG killing soloers/stealthers :)

Sorin: Staff damage is 100% dex (friar and caster), Mauler staff however is 100% str (according to GR!)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Staves are dex based.

You will want 51 base skill for max minimum damage.

DPS calculations require a set of hits, not one, -18 would increase your frontload damage but decrease your damage over time. +qui lowers your base weapon damage per unstyled swing and -qui boosts it.

Empiric studies on the subject have revealed that the faster you hit with a weapon, the more more damage you do over time. Not to mention that if you miss with a slow ass weapon your dps suffers dramatically.

Let's say that your character has capped out:

Quickness: 250
Spell haste: 19%
Celerity: 37%
Toa haste: 10%

Weapon SPD: 5.9 = 1.68000966 sec/swing
Weapon SPD: 6.0 = 1.7084844000000001 sec/swing

Now, let's take out quickness from the calculation (Highlander)

50 Qui and the above buffs:

5.0 SPD 2.7638868600 sec/swing
6.0 SPD 2.8107324 sec/swing

If you are interested in figuring out your swing speed go to:

Classes of Camelot - Weapon Speed Calculator

The real way of maximising your damage is to have as much str you can get, capped specline (for pole\2h 51 base weapon aswell) + item bonuses + rr, capped qui, capped melee speed. Buffs on top of this are an added bonus which help to increase your damage in the aforementioned way. For interesting figures, let's take out the buffs which affect our swing speed but which do not modify our base damage in any way.

250 Qui, 10% toa item haste:

5.9 SPD: 3.2922000000000002 sec/swing
6.0 SPD: 3.348 sec/swing

50 Qui, 10% toa item haste:

5.9 SPD: 5.416200000000001 sec/swing
6.0 SPD: 5.508 sec/swing

You'll be cursing out loud if you miss and your damage suffers horribly. I am not even going to go into bubble breaking.

My advice to you is to completely re-write your guide as it is a painful read (layout, what is explained, when it's explained and how things are connected to each other). Also the inconsistencies of your guide give a person a head ache. Parts of your guide provide good information, but other stuff is just inconsistent blabbering.

There is no way your information is from Rightnow.


Like Lorfo would say: L2P or get MOC. In your case: use the search function here and google.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
isnt it funny, exactly what i thought about you when i soloed with SB and you ran in your FG killing soloers/stealthers :)

Times change megam8! I mean hell, the adders and zergers of old are now the main fg vs fg scene on this server and rvr has never been better. xD


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
The warrior with grpspecced RA's grp'd a pwned some ppl .. get over it :(

anyway, with the low reuse timer on most RA's now a days, why shouldent ppl use them in "duels"? .. you specced passivs, your choice .. spec actives if u wanna be able to dump.

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