you get a player like bradlex who plays a visual RVR toon... he doesnt have to be a self confessed solo'er because anyone whos spent more than 5 minutes on the server knows thats exactly what he is... He groups up with a friend in an MMPRG kills something and you get a 4 page post about people moaning...
I am a big fan of the honor code and have preached and whined about lots of stuff but ffs there is a limit to queensbury rules and I just find it amazing how people complain about ridiculous things in this game.
you get some right lemons like horner, SH, pip etc and other idiots who really do consistently fuck over everything and anything in there path with little or no respect for anybodies enjoyement (especially realm mates)... You get players that are known for being pretty honorable decent opponents that wont add on you...
Its like taking things to extreme to demand this person never groups up and never kills anything when grouped or out numbering the opponent.... And one thing thats a sure as shit is brown and stinks, is EVERY single player in daoc has been grouped and killed and opponent with superior group numbers at some time (yes the most commen example of that would be 2v1)... To highlight this in a post against a player who has been an ambassader to soloing and playing with respect with the aim of trying to make the point that this player is a "hypocrite" and a lamer etc... Well its like slagging off mother terisa for farting when she bent down to wipe the sweat of a dying patients head etc...
get a fucking clue people.
What about you get a fuckin clue!? He's duoing with a shammy and killin stuff, fair enough ofc. But he should'nt fuckin' get in here afterwards tellin' that everyone damn RA dumps on him which is reasons why he dies!
He'd bitched about me before because i dumped, which was more than a year ago or so. Now i just use purge and he still says im fucked up dumping.. He's the fucking gimp who can't stand losing and needs seriously to excuse everything sayin that everyone is RA dumping on him. Bullshit! Stop protecting like that.
Of course it's fair enough to group up with some shammy, which many does and many gets whine because of it, simple. BG-bot/Shearing duos is lame and has always been. That's not a thing to whine much about because everyone does it tbfh. But he shouldn't sit here lying to make himself sound any better.
If his excuses to lose 1on1's is his RA specs and ML's, he should get used to it, or go back to some usable for solo/smaller groups. Either one thing or another. Not fecking comin' up with bullshit like that.