New Alliance on MId/pyd



im gonna make my own alliance called Buggles Hero's its gonna be best alliance around just me on my own!!! sounds fun imo...


Originally posted by amazingsteve
Actually, Hibernia has 1 big alliance with 21 guilds in it and we hardly have any problems:) The other, bit smaller alliance has 15 guilds in it without too many problems i think :)
There are Hibbs on Prydwen?
Strange...i've never seen one :swords:


To the guys and Gals from JPF and of Luck. You all know me, and I know most of you..and you know I mean what I say.

Might even see you soon in game..who knows


Originally posted by hoden
wonder why you want to know who people who post here are in game , can people not make a good point about the game unless they are somebody ? or unless they have realm rank 5+ ? or played since beta ?

wonder why he want's to know their names? well... what would you think if you got a letter from someone when the author either hadn't signed it or used a pseudonym...

someone that doesn't want to sign his/her opinion with his/her name apperently don't want to stand for their opinions in one way or the other...

annother way of seeing it... there is nothing that says that Hoden and whitelines aren't the same person... not that I think they are...

I've never seen anyone named whitelines in game... so it's possible that he is a lvl 1 that just started the playing the game... this is prolly not the truth, I'm almost sure that he have a, if not lvl 50 then at least a higher level char... but the point is: Blejs can't possibly know...

do you have to been playing since beta or have rr5+?

well... let me say this... from the day you were born you all have had opinions... just that during your first years your opinions were most like "my mother should buy me candy when we passes a candy store"... I don't know... when they didn't buy you candy their opinion was that the money should be spent on something else like food... when you look at it now you would prolly agree with your mother...

what is my point here? well... when you are lvl 5 you don't have ennough experience of the game to have certain opinions... do you have to be rr5 or played since beta to have them? no, certanly not... not for everyone of them at least...


Originally posted by gudrex
There are Hibbs on Prydwen?
Strange...i've never seen one :swords:
this........almost made me laugh:eek: Just that after having heard that 234876 times before makes it kinda...:rolleyes:


> I dont think theres a communication problem at all. I have no
> problems getting hold of the people I want when I want to.

Mm.. I see 2 possibilities here. You are either a telepath or youre speaking of situations where time factor is not critical.

> Is /who that hard to use???

Yes and no.

If I just got stabbed by a pack of infiltrators, released and am wondering where to go next.. Sure, I can do /who on couple of zones, send a few pm's, see what zone is best to try for next trip. No problems there.

If I just got rolled over by 4fg of albs moving towards an unclaimed Midgard keep with lvl 1 doors on it, yes - too slow and too cumbersome.

> What EXACTLY do you want different to how the realm works now?

In terms of /as? Old Nemesis /as might not have been exactly what I wanted but it was reasonably close. Alot of enemy activities from different zones got reported there. That gave you a general "feel" of whats going on. Also, it was possible to get the word around easily and fast in case something suspicious happened. The treshold of reporting something on as was much lower than its for starting to send pm's all over the place. Take the recent albs attempt on power relics. Suspicion that they might go for it was there close to an hour before it became a certainty. I somehow did got hold of an officer of FC to upgrade Nottmoor before albs went for it. Took me 10 min or so to find the person and communicate to him what was needed. Now multiply that by number of various guilds who also had keeps claimed in Midgard frontier and/or might be interested in defending.. With /public option and 200 limit, chatgroups are much better than they used to be, but even if people aint already in another chatgroup, it takes awhile before word of a need and the name of cg holder gets around.

> trying being constructive for once...

Ok. What I'd like to see is a procedure in place to get the word around to different alliances quickly. Firstly list of at least 5 active RvR people from each alliance, with all their alts. If something suspicious is spotted and gets reported in one /as, it can then be pm'ed to those people and reproduced in other alliances chats, preferrably with the name of cg holder. The very same thing -was- discussed before and after Nemesis alliance broke. Being constructive for once, I say lets make that thing happen now? Better late than never.

> Why? I find it highly amusing

Can you like maybe amuse yerself some other way that doesnt work against the realm? Hate Blej's guts? Fine - check out the fine /duel challenge command and get it out of yer system.



Good luck with your new alliance!

One way of keeping in touch is via forums for instance - New Era has a forum for inter-alliance communication ;)

And Ottar - Old Nemesis /as was too often spammed with useless crap that a lot of people started turning it off - which again makes the real info coming in useless.

Different people have different views on what should be announced over /as - and as long as they don't find common ground as to what that info should be, there is no way one common alliance could work.



Is it just me, or does Dozi remind everyone of the bitter old uncle in the family (Midgard being the family in this instance) who whines, bitches and harbours grudges against those who oppose him/don't play the way he thinks they should?

Ofc, I'm not a Mid anymore so don't know the internal workings of Midgard but when I was he always seemed as such and his posts do little to alter my opinion of him. ;o


So have we all agreed that this Blej bloke should keep his nose out of Hodens alliance business and just let him get on with it - or is it his god given right to moan because he is high RR?


Originally posted by Farnis
So have we all agreed that this Blej bloke should keep his nose out of Hodens alliance business and just let him get on with it - or is it his god given right to moan because he is high RR?

when did realm rank came into the picture? who started to mention Blejs had more to say because of his higher realm rank?

Blejs did it? or you made it up?

as I can see it Blejs don't like many smaller alliances with 1 or 2 guilds in them and rather want a larger one so comunication can be easier...


Why is it that everytime someone with a low RR is opposed by someone with a high RR, the one with the lower RR suddenly gains a chip on their shoulder and tries to twist the fact to his own use?

I don't recall seeing Blej mention anything about either Hodens or his own RR. I don't see a comment made by Blej that could be directly related in any way to realm ranks, so please, tell us... Where did you see it?


Originally posted by Arweenie
well... let me say this... from the day you were born you all have had opinions... just that during your first years your opinions were most like "my mother should buy me candy when we passes a candy store"... I don't know... when they didn't buy you candy their opinion was that the money should be spent on something else like food... when you look at it now you would prolly agree with your mother...

thats the pedagog right there...

but you do agree that you lot should keep your nose out of someone elses alliance business and let them get on with it?


Originally posted by Mid_Blejsarus

And ghoul who are u in game? :)
Same goes to whitelines.
what does it change?

I am Whiteline, the troll zerker, my lvl is higher atm, but that dosent change my opinion about things either..

search under Whiteline on Duskwave

Originally posted by Aarweenie

I've never seen anyone named whitelines in game... so it's possible that he is a lvl 1 that just started the playing the game... this is prolly not the truth, I'm almost sure that he have a, if not lvl 50 then at least a higher level char... but the point is: Blejs can't possibly know...

do you have to been playing since beta or have rr5+?

well... let me say this... from the day you were born you all have had opinions... just that during your first years your opinions were most like "my mother should buy me candy when we passes a candy store"... I don't know... when they didn't buy you candy their opinion was that the money should be spent on something else like food... when you look at it now you would prolly agree with your mother...

what is my point here? well... when you are lvl 5 you don't have ennough experience of the game to have certain opinions... do you have to be rr5 or played since beta to have them? no, certanly not... not for everyone of them at least....
maybe you have seen me, maybe not, does it change anything?

maybe Im your favorite friend, maybe not, does my opinoin about things change anything?

btw I have been playing daoc since beta with Cuba/DTM/Dunrik/Sinister/Hoster/Oldbone/Barthas/Vuk/Puk/Ozz/Wez.. to mention a few, this account is my second account, had a 6 month break and gave away my old account, but that dosent mather either.. am I a better man now? :)


Small alliances = stupid, i know cause im in one. The Gemini Alliance was made for Valour and Maelstrom to organize alliance RvR so we could make fairly well balanced 1fg, and TG raids, it started out quite well, but a week down the road now and the only person i ever see talking on it is me. here is some examples from last night.

Earlier on in the day before mid had gotten itself togetehre and gone to take keeps i was wandering around jamt as i usualy do when albs attack, albs had just taken Glenlock and i was waiting in Blend as it was the closest low lvl keep (was only 3 at the time - Savage Conclave had it) So anyway im sitting there for a good 20 waiting to see if anything comes and nothing does, then some guy is running past and goes,
"what you doing here? Was just reported on our /as that there is 30 albs attacking Nott"

"20 Enemies on Bled - Mikester has cg - Both doors 100%" Thats the message i posted on /as last night (Sunday 13) then i taught hmm, better forward this to the other 100 alliances out there in case they dont know, so first of all i pm Blej, i say;
"can you tell you /as 20 enemies on bled - mike has cg"
He replies with;
"its 44 now and first door is down"
wtf? :p

All in all, imo small alliances are such a waste, they are just a chatgroup between two guilds, pointless really, when my guild was in the Havoc alliance and so was Valour, our guilds talked to each other arranged TG hunts, RvR groups, Keep retakes ect.. and we still had good information on the alliance, i really have NO idea why we ever split off from Havoc and made our small one.

Guys its a bloody waste in the end, make a cg for DTP and JPH to talk to each other, or merge guilds, cause what is this small alliance meant to do that merging or making a CG couldnt do?
Same for my guild, ive been going mad about this for the last while as the alliance is bloody dead and it wrecks my head.


its all about priorities - yours maybe different to theirs.

I get frustrated when people tell others how they should be doing things because they 'know better'.

Take that BO guild - ive just had a quick look at their web page and their existance is based around running 1 or 2 fgs (ie self sufficient) with virtaully no recruitment unless you fit their profile. Now, id never dream of telling the GM how to run his guild - and he should offer the same coutesy to others - its only manners.


Originally posted by Farnis
thats the pedagog right there...

but you do agree that you lot should keep your nose out of someone elses alliance business and let them get on with it?

the statement that you quoted had nothing to do with if I thought people should care about others alliances.... it was about hoden said blejs didn't think people without rr5+ would have the right to an opinion... I stated that you don't have to be rr5+ to have a opinion, but you should have ennough of experience... experience can't be measured in numbers...

alliance buissess? well... this isn't only alliance buissness... ofc, they have the right to make a new alliance if they really want to... so they did...

now... what effect does this have on the realm? the realm becomes more splitted... people will have longer reaction times when something happends... if we have like 8 alliances, and I wouldn't be supriced if we got it atm, then before everyone know about a relic raid the albs/hibs are gone with the relics...

making smaller alliances will isolate the guilds more and more from each other... in the nemesis alliance days you could say: /as albs on Grallar
then the whole realm was there... at least all the larger guilds... the smaller guilds were in Fedaykin alliance... so with a:

/as albs on Mjolnir
/send Fedaykin albs are on Grallar, say it on /as

all the realm knew about it... how many pms will you have to make to make sure everyone knows now?

/as (Havoc) albs on Grallar
/send Norrsken albs on Grallar
/send Nemesis albs on Grallar
/send New Era albs on Grallar
/send Warders albs on Grallar
/send Fedaykin albs on Grallar
/send Faith albs on Grallar
/send (This new alliance) albs on Grallar

(sorry if I forgot any alliance, but that's all I could think of atm)

you must admit it was easier to pass around the info before...

before you have alerted everyone, got them to the relic keep and into a cg the albs are long gone with the relics...

so... the making of the alliance isn't something I should care about... it's the effect of it...


Alliance size/effectiveness depends on the guilds involved. Large alliances tend to (though not always) lead to fragmentation and arguments between those guilds involved.
As Hoden mentioned above, we are not limiting this alliance to JPF and DTP. However we would like to keep the alliance fairly small so are planning to limit the number of members to approx. 6.
GM's who are interested should PM Hoden or myself for info.


Originally posted by whitelines
what does it change?

I am Whiteline, the troll zerker, my lvl is higher atm, but that dosent change my opinion about things either..

search under Whiteline on Duskwave

maybe you have seen me, maybe not, does it change anything?

maybe Im your favorite friend, maybe not, does my opinoin about things change anything?

btw I have been playing daoc since beta with Cuba/DTM/Dunrik/Sinister/Hoster/Oldbone/Barthas/Vuk/Puk/Ozz/Wez.. to mention a few, this account is my second account, had a 6 month break and gave away my old account, but that dosent mather either.. am I a better man now? :)

the serach on Duskwave made me found out this:

saying you are lvl 12 zerker... and in my eyes you're still lvl 12... until you've said what level you acually are...

Duskwave was last updated on: Wed, 16 Apr 2003 11:24:32 GMT

if you say you have been playing since beta, then you have played on the servers for 14 month and came up with a lvl 12 zerker? that's about 0,8 lvls/month...

now... even an idiot would realize this is way to slow to lvl on just one char... so what other char have you been playing? doubt Whiteline have been your main since the servers opened

and what diffrence does it make if you tell me your name? well... how about... if you pick up your phone and someone starts to speak with you and doesn't want to give out the name when you ask for it... reason ennough?

I want to know who I'm speaking with


in that case farnis, what u doing here?
or your guild joined their alliance to?
since u complain on my comments, and u tell ppl to mind their own business. What u doing here and complain about the thing i am saying? :) I tell my opinion what i think is best just for midgards best simple as that, and to get information fast out is very importent...


..and I tell people to shut up when I think its necessary :) (thats a joke btw)

Oh and no - im not in their alliance.


Originally posted by Aarweenie
the serach on Duskwave made me found out this:

saying you are lvl 12 zerker... and in my eyes you're still lvl 12... until you've said what level you acually are...

Duskwave was last updated on: Wed, 16 Apr 2003 11:24:32 GMT
last update on Duskwave was 4 months ago, you cant even count that as character info anymore

Originally posted by Aarweenie
if you say you have been playing since beta, then you have played on the servers for 14 month and came up with a lvl 12 zerker? that's about 0,8 lvls/ even an idiot would realize this is way to slow to lvl on just one char... so what other char have you been playing? doubt Whiteline have been your main since the servers opened
as I wrote, this is my second account, on my first account one of my main was a shammy called Tripple in TU

Originally posted by Aarweenie
and what diffrence does it make if you tell me your name? well... how about... if you pick up your phone and someone starts to speak with you and doesn't want to give out the name when you ask for it... reason ennough?
this aint a 2 way convertsation, I dont have to introduce me self everytime I post on BW.. Hi my name is OWNZ YOO!! and I got five lvl 50 rr 7+ and played since bata and got tonz of TG items and plats or do I?


> Mm.. I see 2 possibilities here. You are either a telepath or youre speaking of situations where time factor is not critical.

Would love to claim to be telepathic but im not. It's my experience that even in the old alliance the people who are out to RvR are out there already - you can never really pull the people running round emain or the people xping in malmo out to the frontiers except in the most extreme circumstances - whether its /sends or /as i dont think its much different. One of my personal bug bears about the old alliance is that several people in "commanding" positions seemed to think they could "order" other people how to play their game.

> If I just got rolled over by 4fg of albs moving towards an unclaimed Midgard keep with lvl 1 doors on it

I doubt even with /as to the whole realm youd get enough people there quick enough in that situation. In my experience if there are significant enemy in our frontier theres always a defence cg going.

> Also, it was possible to get the word around easily and fast in case something suspicious happened.

No offense Ottar, but i really think youre idolising the old alliance chat - I know whole guilds that had alliance chat turned off - myself included sometimes, it might have FELT like you were telling lots of people but i think in practice you were telling probably no more people than you do now.

> With /public option and 200 limit, chatgroups are much better than they used to be, but even if people aint already in another chatgroup, it takes awhile before word of a need and the name of cg holder gets around.

What I feel is really needed is a constant "frontier cg" but the guilds that are most suited to running one of these (the full time RvR guilds) seem reluctant to even join other peoples cg - let alone run them themselves - except in times of emergency.

> Being constructive for once, I say lets make that thing happen now? Better late than never.

Sure, I'm probably one of the easiest and most constant people to contact in NE, everyone of my character names starts with "Dozi" (obviously one of the few things myself and blej actually have in common is a naming convention :D) I'll bring it up at the next NE meeting and see about getting a public list together. If you ask really nicely i might take blej off my ignore list;)

> Can you like maybe amuse yerself some other way that doesnt work against the realm? Hate Blej's guts? Fine - check out the fine /duel challenge command and get it out of yer system.

Sorry but theyve been a few "incidents" lately and im a little bitter - I'll admit I tend only post barryswhine when I'm hacked off myself. I'd like to hope that from the numerous mails we exchange before you have at least some idea of my position.


Originally posted by Dook_Pug

Is it just me, or does Dozi remind everyone of the bitter old uncle in the family (Midgard being the family in this instance) who whines, bitches and harbours grudges against those who oppose him/don't play the way he thinks they should?

Ofc, I'm not a Mid anymore so don't know the internal workings of Midgard but when I was he always seemed as such and his posts do little to alter my opinion of him. ;o


I think its the nature of Barrysworld - count yourself lucky youve never read my posts on VN boards:D

Personally I dont think I whine/bitch - but I readily admit to holding grudges as Im sure several current and ex SC members will confirm;), I only place my trust in someone once.


Originally posted by Aarweenie
now... what effect does this have on the realm? the realm becomes more splitted... people will have longer reaction times when something happends... if we have like 8 alliances, and I wouldn't be supriced if we got it atm, then before everyone know about a relic raid the albs/hibs are gone with the relics...

People play as they wish - if you start trying to force others to play as you want em to then you should be paying their subs :)

The theory that people will drop everything n come running when their alliance is contacted is crap - which is the basis that fragmentation = weaker realm - on friday night there was a bunch of albs taking mid keeps - I spent hours with the 3-4fg of mids we could pull together trying to repulse them.

Blejs own mob were conspicuous by their absence because they were farming UB3R LOOT in TG.

Thats fair enough but it would be hypocritical to further argue against an alliance that did have folk there when you couldnt be arsed to turn out till your farming session was over.

P.S. Is the Blej account back with its original owner or is it still played by the equally obnoxious bloke from the US servers...


Originally posted by whitelines

this aint a 2 way convertsation, I dont have to introduce me self everytime I post on BW.. Hi my name is OWNZ YOO!! and I got five lvl 50 rr 7+ and played since bata and got tonz of TG items and plats or do I?

if this isn't a wat of conversation, what is this then?

ofc you don't HAVE to tell your name on bw... neither do you HAVE to do it when you call someone...

tho I think many people like to know who they are speaking too... and when they ask I can't understand why it is that hard to answer... not signing your name to your opinion is the same as beeing affraid to have your name connected to it... in other words, you don't really agree with your own opinion...

annother thing... I don't know if it was a bad example... but with the line Hi my name is OWNZ YOO!! and I got five lvl 50 rr 7+ and played since bata and got tonz of TG items and plats

I get the feeling you want to say that I have higher realm rank then you and because of that ignoreing your opinions, and want to turn it against me?

I've never said that because of your lower level/realm rank I ignore your opinions, just that I do belive there is a reason why you shouldn't have opinions at an early stage (the same reason you can't vote in democraticly votes, at least in sweden, before you're 18 years old). If you don't tell me your name or who you are, then how can I know if you're beyond the stage of experience were you can have a "valid" (or what you like to call it) opinion...


Originally posted by rynnor
P.S. Is the Blej account back with its original owner or is it still played by the equally obnoxious bloke from the US servers...
doubt blej ever sold/traded his account so yes it's the original owner.

about the rest of the tread well good luck on the alliance,i'm not a big fan of small alliances but i stated my objections against it when nemesis alliances splitted up and i don't see the point in going any furter about it.
and in the end it's a game everyone plays this game for it's own amusement and pays for it theirself so i'm not going to tell people how they have to play.

just one thing,commenting that alliance the way some did and trowing around acusations to eachother because you don't aggree with what they do or just because you hold a grudge to certain people hurts the realm more then 2 guilds who go in alliance with eachother.

just my two cent :)


Originally posted by rynnor
People play as they wish - if you start trying to force others to play as you want em to then you should be paying their subs :)

I haven't said I want to force people into the same alliance... just trying to say that haveing up to 10 diffrent smaller alliances is bad for comunication in the realm... if they want to start smaller alliances then I can't stop them... tho I rather see someone trying to build a larger alliance that could do some heavy resistance then building smaller ones...

The theory that people will drop everything n come running when their alliance is contacted is crap - which is the basis that fragmentation = weaker realm - on friday night there was a bunch of albs taking mid keeps - I spent hours with the 3-4fg of mids we could pull together trying to repulse them.

Blejs own mob were conspicuous by their absence because they were farming UB3R LOOT in TG.

I wasn't online at that point... but I guess Blejs decission was to continue raiding TG since it have been planned for some time and that these albs wasn't a "major" threat to the realm... they could have helped after the TG raid was over... if the albs had been smashing on Grallar doors then I'm sure Blejs would have gone there to help... smashing on Grallar doors = major threat... a few keeps lost = minor threat...

however... with a larger alliance you could have said that you needed help and gathered more mids... I'm sure there was mids that had nothing to do because they didn't knew about it...

P.S. Is the Blej account back with its original owner or is it still played by the equally obnoxious bloke from the US servers...

ehh? no one else then Blejs have owned his account...


Originally posted by Aarweenie
I haven't said I want to force people into the same alliance... just trying to say that haveing up to 10 diffrent smaller alliances is bad for comunication in the realm... if they want to start smaller alliances then I can't stop them... tho I rather see someone trying to build a larger alliance that could do some heavy resistance then building smaller ones...

Very noble of you. Its this self centredness that breaks up big alliances in the first place. Take 5 minutes to consider that not everyone is playing for your benefit.


Originally posted by Farnis
Very noble of you. Its this self centredness that breaks up big alliances in the first place. Take 5 minutes to consider that not everyone is playing for your benefit.

How on Earth was that comment "self centred"?!

She never said anything about herself, everything in her comment was to do with what she thought was best for your realm.

Are you deliberately replying with bullshit or can you not read?

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