Nerf bladeswitching



Lol, me bitter about archers? Hehe, I don't even object about see hidden, it removes the rp farmers. What you and me had an arguement about early on was about it's value in groups and about how shield worked, one day you just stopped post on that thread, but I guess too many disagreed with your "facts".
I wasn't even doing RvR at the time, I still rarely do, so how I can be nerfed I dunno. Cause I presume with nerfed you mean See Hidden? The one who is bitter is the one who is flaming each and everyone, you.


Originally posted by old.chesnor
I don't give a flying f*ck if people think I'm a twat.
great, ok!

I just believe this game will be better if we tone down the uber classes and give some loving to the gimped ones. So I cry nerf.
Cry nerf, why? why dont u let mythic get on with ther job and equalise the other classes like they say they are going to do! As stated in a previous post all classes are not equal they are (or will be) balanced. As stated earlier, just get over it, things aren't gonna change anytime soon for infs.
NERF INFILTRATORS(coming your way soon).
I dont think so, again if you read the patch notes mythic reckons that infiltrators are about right now.


Originally posted by kale
its suppose to be good, its a lvl 50 style! and if infs are spec'ing dodger then they aint getting IP, you seem to forget to get high realm abilities takes alot of dedication to earn the RA points. why shouldn't we be rewarded?

I'm afraid, "It's a level 50 style" just isn't a very good arguement, there are lots of level 50 styles they aren't all as overpowered in a particular classes hands. Diamond Slash, that's level 50, it doesn't stun, it has to be chained. Dual Shadows, a specialist level 50 style, doesn't stun either and it's positional. You don't even need dodger with Evade VII your still going to get to use this in most fights.

Originally posted by kale

you again seem to forget an infs primary attack is PA/CD/SS, if this chain is successfull and 95% of CD's are, then DragonFang wont stack another stun until the fight is long over. The only use DF has is if you miss a PA or decide to tank an enemy, in which case the odds are against infs! also using DF when CD has already been used is silly, HS/Leaper/RS/Ripper have higher bonuses.

So if you never use it, what would be the problem in reducing the stun length or changing it's opening?

I just don't believe Mythic thought it through when they put this style into the game. They added the style with a long stun and then tagged an evade opener onto it to balance out it's power. They probably left it like that thinking it was fine before giving infiltrators evade VII. Positional/Reactional styles are better than anytime styles because they are harder to use, if you have a base 35% chance of gettting the style off in any given fight, then it kind of defeats this purpose (Dodger just exaggerates this problem, highlighting Mythic's lack of forward thinking).

I also happen to think slam is overpowered, you don't even need an opener for that. The difference is, the infiltrator doesn't need the boost from DF, you have stun moved already, slam is the only thing a tank can get that actually makes you useful in RvR :)

Really I think all stuns should be removed from RvR. I think there should be two forms of crowd control, root (You can fight but you can't move) and a second opposite of root (You can move but you can't fight). Then you have something that stops tanks without completely ruining their day, and something that stops ranged attacks. But only one effect can be active at any one time.



Im getting kinda fed up now arguing about infs, 1 last thing, if there so uber, why dont u roll one? maybe because you know the dedication and hard work behind a lvl50 inf is beyond you? :rolleyes:


Originally posted by kale
Im getting kinda fed up now arguing about infs, 1 last thing, if there so uber, why dont u roll one? maybe because you know the dedication and hard work behind a lvl50 inf is beyond you? :rolleyes:

Not everyone wants to be the uber class of the month. There's lots of classes I'd love to level up, but I really don't think I have the time or energy to level another character to 50, regardless of which class it is. "Roll an infiltrator yourself" does not solve the problems, I'd rather create balance in the game than simple jump on the current bandwagon.


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