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chesnor, when you go for a kill in a zerg you will most likely get zerged. if you escape from the zerg then sommit aint rite with them
Originally posted by old.chesnor
Infiltrators can spec 4 lines to 30+ !!!!!
Originally posted by old.BJ|Bored
just curious is there any other spec line where getting +items allows you to do higher lvl things like you can with evenom?
yes im bored and at work on a monday ;/
Originally posted by old.chesnor
Infis get 2.5/lvl. SB and NS only get 2.2/lvl.
Way to go Mythic, I mean, just look at the lvl50 thrust style Dragonfang...How gimped is that for a class with Evade VII </sarcasm>
Infis get 2.5/lvl as compensation because SB get 2h and NS get way cool, really powerfull DDs </sarcasm>
Originally posted by old.chesnor
So infis get 2.5/lvl and 6 lines. Oh but wait, DW is gimped right. So thats 5 lines. Oh but look, thrust or slash. (no choice, dragonfang), so we're down to 4 lines.
Originally posted by old.chesnor
2.5/lvl and 4 lines to spend it on......
Show me any other class in the game with that much goodness.
hmm interesting how classes like mentalist and chanter come above minstrel and cleric, yet people scream for minstrel and cleric nerfs but ments and chanters are perfectly well balanced...
See hidden isn't what nerfs minstrels badly IMO, the mez/stun nerfs are much harsher. If I want to pick off solo targets I just run around on speedsong these days, hell I figured it works for skalds...Originally posted by old.chesnor
Yeah I noticed that. Could be that alot of Clerics/Minstrels have quit because of smite nerf and See Hidden ?
Originally posted by old.chesnor
I have played every single class in this game now to around lvl20, some 30 and some beyond that.
Time to quit or roll an assassin I guess, as anytime I moan about assassins being overpowered, I get shouted down.
Originally posted by old.chesnor
(To the sceptics, 1 lvl50 infi with 50 thrust can possibly take down a yellow cons chain wearing tank, now imagine the alb zerg with 3x as many 50thr infia as they have now, thats bad news)
Originally posted by old.chesnor
Remember, this is my opinion. I state it here 'cos this is a forum about daoc. I don't think you'll change my mind, but I respect your opinions. Respect mine, although you may think its pants. kthxbye.
Originally posted by old.DachraK
Id say no more than 2 poisons/debuffs in order to have a fair chance against infils/assasins. Nerf the bladeswitching!
I don't wanna get purge![]()
Originally posted by Zilly
Imagine a lvl 50 Inf with Dragonfang and lvl 5 in Dodger resulting in a 50 % chance of evading.![]()
Originally posted by Zilly
As I've stated in another thread I believe this move is incredibly unfair as it's way to easy in executing. If it had some kind of build up to it maybe I could accept it, but as it stands I just can not. I just wish a Lvl 50 Inf with Dragonfang would own up to this fact rather than replying with the 'but you get this' response. And I'm not suggesting SBs should get anymore than what we already have either.
Originally posted by Zilly
Pin, our 2 handed weapons are very slow (the fastest sword I've seen is 4.8 seonds) and do medium damage unless you're a Critblade and even then you ask a CB how they fare soloing against an Inf with DF, and I bet you they will say they lose most if not all of the time.
Originally posted by Zilly
And as for HPs, well mine are 1186 (unbuffed and with Toughness i + Aug cons i) whats yours may I ask and lets see the difference as I'm genuinely interested to know if you have a point here.
Originally posted by Pin
..but without experience in playing the class (level 20-30 is hardly anything to go by either) then you should expect that your assumed knowledge isn't 100% accurate in any real, applied situation.
Originally posted by old.chesnor
I can lie, but stats can't. Care to explain those stats to me ?
LOL, as pin says, nothing like stats for lying. Those stats say nothing really in isolation as you present them, they're a snapshot of the current state of the server. They don't represent the class balance adequately as they don't take into account things such as relative amounts of time played, number of players of each class, whether certain classes had a lot of RPs in earlier patches and now get very few or vice versa.Originally posted by old.chesnor
I can lie, but stats can't. Care to explain those stats to me ?
Originally posted by old.chesnor
I can lie, but stats can't. Care to explain those stats to me ?
Originally posted by Dannyn
LOL, as pin says, nothing like stats for lying. Those stats say nothing really in isolation as you present them, they're a snapshot of the current state of the server. They don't represent the class balance adequately as they don't take into account things such as relative amounts of time played, number of players of each class, whether certain classes had a lot of RPs in earlier patches and now get very few or vice versa.
Explained enough for you yet?
Originally posted by old.chesnor
All I want to see is true randomness on those stats. Different classes top each week, no pattern, no dominant class type. That will then demonstrate that Mythic has sorted out the class balance and that people make the top of that list on skill and merit, not because their class is uber. But I don't hold much hope tbh, not all the time theres muppets like you who can't or won't even admit there's a problem.
Originally posted by kale
Why would you see randomness? surely "assassin" classes killing more people is correct? also this is all lvl50 assassin classes do, they go out all the time rvr'ing, We practically live in the frontier! also like i said before in order for us to take down a equal con tank we have to line up a PA very accurately, make sure there alone and make sure we take 'em by surprise so we get the first few hits in because we have to get the CD off in order to stun them. i doubt you've played an infil in RvR because to even consider going into the frontier you have to be lvl42+ or else you get owned!
Originally posted by old.chesnor
The irony is that the mechanics of RvR rewards players who solo (hence assassins, who mostly always solo are top RP earners) while players in fg take an RP penalty. It's ironic because that is the opposite of PvE.
Originally posted by Pin
Hmmm. even been RvR at all recently?
If you are solo, you'll get a max of around 1000 rps for a kill. If you are in a group of 8, each person in the groups can get 300+ rps for a good kill. That's more than twice the rps for the group. 8 people kill 4 people VERY easily (unless they get surprised and get mezzed/whatever) and kill much more frequently than a solo assassin trying to find his solo kills.