


Originally posted by acei
So... a necromancer is meant to move his pet right into your face so he doesn't get banned? No!


what has prolly been said 1k times during past week, necromanceris not supposed to be able to kill peeps under cover. It is Mythics fault, true, but please don't be childish and selfserving and try to claim that its actually ok, since we all know in our hearts you wouldn't approve it either if you were in the receiving end and died in keep defense time and again to something standing in spots he can't possibly see you.

Now, all the kids say: whine, pwned or try to claim its actually ok.


Those ae DoT's are most likely to be from cabalists, possibly the sorc RA as well.
As for necro's; I hate them and there in my realm! I lvl'd one to 24 and did enjoy it, all casters should be able to chain pull, its so much more fun than having to rest after every pull like most people have to do when solo.
However when I went to Thidranki and mids started attacking the keep it was sick how easy it was to powertap the people hitting the door, as Wildfire demonstrates in his screenshot the shade doesnt even need to be in the keep. I cast powertap once to see if it would work (which it did) then didnt cast it anymore because it just felt wrong, a bit like being buffed when your solo.
As for normal rvr personally I find it extreemly annoying you are not told when your pet is hit, and how much for etc, so you don't know when you are interupted.


Originally posted by hotrat
Those ae DoT's are most likely to be from cabalists, possibly the sorc RA as well.
As for necro's; I hate them and there in my realm! I lvl'd one to 24 and did enjoy it, all casters should be able to chain pull, its so much more fun than having to rest after every pull like most people have to do when solo.
However when I went to Thidranki and mids started attacking the keep it was sick how easy it was to powertap the people hitting the door, as Wildfire demonstrates in his screenshot the shade doesnt even need to be in the keep. I cast powertap once to see if it would work (which it did) then didnt cast it anymore because it just felt wrong, a bit like being buffed when your solo.
As for normal rvr personally I find it extreemly annoying you are not told when your pet is hit, and how much for etc, so you don't know when you are interupted.


Exactly why my necro is on 0rps and will stay that way until at least 1.60. I'll just use him for PvE as chainpulling oranges 3 at a time all day is kinda fun ;)



I'm having a great time laughing at you dumb ass mids.


I don't know WHY you keep moaning though, what do you expect necros to do? Not abuse LOS?

Carlos Bananos

teh whine is strong.

cmon, 1 class isn't gonna effect a whole relic situation :l


Originally posted by Ironfoot
LOL another moaning whinging crack smoking alb whore.

LOS does not mean the pet has to be toe to toe you freak. The spell should cancel and cost no mana if LOS on target is lost at any point before the cast is completed na dyou should get a message that says "spell cancelled- you cannot see your target"

Ironlung you really know feck all about necros do you?

Get a grip go play one and see for yourself how bugged they are, atm they do have an odd ability :)

If you dont know what they are or how they work I dont really think your the right person to be calling anybody a freak or whore, when you yourself are simply an un-informed idiot.

/em waits for the utter ditribe/abuse from somebody that only knows how to abuse himself.



Note the name, suits the mids here quite well :p


Originally posted by quinthar
Ironlung you really know feck all about necros do you?

Get a grip go play one and see for yourself how bugged they are, atm they do have an odd ability :)

If you dont know what they are or how they work I dont really think your the right person to be calling anybody a freak or whore, when you yourself are simply an un-informed idiot.

/em waits for the utter ditribe/abuse from somebody that only knows how to abuse himself.

I know hey are bugged and I know that they do not work according to the current LOS rules for the game. I dont expect necros to not abuse this bug as chanters have been abusing it since release. however the original statement of " a necro has to move the pet in your face so as not to get banned" is also just as invalid.

If necros observed LOS as is currently implemented in the game most of the cheese and whine posts would not appear. The fact remains that necros have the ability to actually dispatch people easily durring keep defences due to the LOS balls up by mythic.

No the pet doesn't have to be in your face but LOS needs to be implemented so you can't nuke someone with impunity once they have run behind x number of walls and made a quick exit to the lord room. If you think this is ok then I stand by my original comment of crack smoking whinging whores. Why should I have to play a necro to call for changes ? Half you fags have never player a berzerker but you are all up for nerfing LA !!!!! works both ways sport.


Originally posted by ketorgerhall
Hope ur accounts will be terminated u have alot of reports from renaris with screenies from alot of people u cheating.




hope ur gameruining gets u banned for life

Oh dear... :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Cronn

I'm having a great time laughing at you dumb ass mids.


I don't know WHY you keep moaning though, what do you expect necros to do? Not abuse LOS?

YES! Atleast I do expect people do not abuse bugs, if it is not by purpose its ok since it may be hard to know whats going on with all the bugs of the necro, you cant always know what the pets are doing, but to park pet behind a wall on stay and passive and move shade outside without risk and pick people off is utterly crap and is nothing else then pure cheat and lack of respect to other peoples enjoyment of a game and has nothing to offer to the community.
As I stated before and has yet to be proved wrong, albs do consist of 90% twats and kids and 10% with some sort of organ that can be called a brain. You seems to fit in with the 90% retard zerg.

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by Ironfoot
lefthand > albs :)

lefthand pwns joo all albies :p

Ironfoot Crtiblade lv50 SB RR3LX
Ironbong Herbalist lv 4X Shaman

Another flammen vakten sb with a buffbot who thinks he owns and has skill :rolleyes:



It's lame, it's crap and it's no fun to be on the receiving end. But i bet they love it and the more the mids whine the happier the abusers like wildfire will be. I can almost imagine him patting himself on the back with a smug little grin, by abusing the bugs it shows u what type of person they are. IMO lets stop whining, it was lame but we are bigger than them.


Originally posted by Herbal Remedy
Another flammen vakten sb with a buffbot who thinks he owns and has skill :rolleyes:

Care to explain how you came to that conclusion ? You also need to read what i said dumb ass, I was refering to the guy who posted before me named lefthand, not my leftaxe skill dumb ass. Try reading english properly fucktard and if I think i own so much why dont you see me spamming FAO posts in here stating i pwned joo xyz etc ?

I think you are a retard

thank you


Originally posted by ketorgerhall
Hope ur accounts will be terminated u have alot of reports from renaris with screenies from alot of people u cheating.




hope ur gameruining gets u banned for life

you would do the same if you could, now stfu.


kerberos as i said before thats due to the lame ass servers running excalibur, in large zerg battles people lagg in and out of the walls, and its no different how Cabalists mentalists and shamans dot in these encounters, only difference is that atm there are way more necroes than cabas on those raids, by this i dont say that necroes arent owerpowered, Im saying though that they arent cheating as long as they dont place the shade in the wall to get you on target.
Alot of people claim necroes cheat, that is a moralistic view not backed up by any rules and if you argue that they get nerfed in next patch....well so do alot of chars continually, THAT DOSNT MEAN THEY CHEAT, just they are flawed bugged or overpowered.


I was very proud actually of the spot I managed to tweak my pet into just outside of AE/PBAE range, so that I was still in range of my pet when I ported out and stood inside the gatehouse. No-one else managed it, I rox etc.

Now please, get over it. Mids and hibs currently have overpoweredness in open combat, albs have it at keep sieges. Whoop-tee-doo.

Stlong whine.


Originally posted by ketorgerhall
Hope ur accounts will be terminated u have alot of reports from renaris with screenies from alot of people u cheating.




hope ur gameruining gets u banned for life

*remembers to breath*

its been stated its not a cheat its *working as intended* !

just like every other bug in the game every1 exploits

tbh it would be nice if they fixed things first instead of when the INSTAWHINE kicks in, cant quite see why enchanter pets / bow shots thro walls havent been fixed yet, or pets thro walls i guess ppl need to take heed of this bloke and whine more.

Garh Khartari

Being overpowered in keep sieges bring relics.
Being overpowered in open combat bring you emain zerging.

tbh I prefer relics



Originally posted by noaim
If end regen filled our hp bar in the same tempo it fills the end regen bar, I would consider comparing it to necros, still we wouldnt be able to fly around freely picking our targets while invincible but you wont get it, you havent played against necros.

And more emotes after I log in from an LD surrounded by 30+ albs. Taking any credit at all for killing someone in that situiation really shows how fucking useless a player you are.

and where exactly did i take any credit for killing u?, and speaking of "fucking useless players" ur a thane, so dont even get me started, i have to thank ur kind for breaking about 30 mezzes at renaris last night for me as i was going in and out of keep.


Originally posted by Rushie
and where exactly did i take any credit for killing u?, and speaking of "fucking useless players" ur a thane, so dont even get me started, i have to thank ur kind for breaking about 30 mezzes at renaris last night for me as i was going in and out of keep.

Read again idiot. And do the class all of a sudden determine if the player is good?

That would explain why Albion players sucks, since you whine so much about your classes.


LOL @ the albs laughing at the mids complaining when getting killed by a bug. I laugh at albs when they get killed by chanters and whine, be it by the pet or pbae or whatever. And good luck all necros when u get nerfed, have fun.

As said millions of times now: Chanter pet stops with nuking and goes melee, as fast it it gets hit/nuked once. And the nuker pet isnt very good in melee, is it? I have killed several chanter pets by dots and then hitting it. From what i have seen ALL pets go thru walls and doors, even if some charmed run up the stairs, and runs down the battlement and attacks... EVEN the alb pets...
And (correct me if i cant read, or if im plain stupid now) its NOT a bug if the necro pet is INSIDE the keep, nuking thru walls? But it is a bug if its inside the wall? It still nukes thru a wall, right? And please tell me what kind of assassin that can climb the wall, go down the stairs past the guards, kill the pet and then walk the stairs up and escape. You are lucky if u can get a sitting caster at the battlement in keeptakes... And even if u manage to kill the pet, the necro still lives and has got a chance to get a new pet up (even if they have very low hp after the pet is dead)

If buffing assassins is bugged, then tell ALL realms to stop with it, not just midgard.
And to all the ppl that whines at middies for attacking a keep at monday evening/night and ask if they dont have any school/works etc... What about attacking relics at 5 in the morning a friday? DONT YOU HAVE ANY FRIENDS AND SOME PARTIES TO GO TO!?! Or you simply live in a box under the stairs as the rest of the cheaters? You are all BORING! You all smell of dust and spider web. Stop abusing bugs when all u do is whine yourselves!

yeah yeah, someone got pwned etc etc..

Keep the whines coming!


Originally posted by hiban
LOL @ the albs laughing at the mids complaining when getting killed by a bug. I laugh at albs when they get killed by chanters and whine, be it by the pet or pbae or whatever. And good luck all necros when u get nerfed, have fun.

as said millions of times now: chanter pet stops with nuking and goes melee, as fast it it gets hit/nuked once. And the nuker pet isnt very good in melee, is it? from what i have seen ALL pets go thru walls and doors, even if some charmed run up the stairs, and runs down the battlement and attacks... EVEN the alb pets...
And (correct me if i cant read, or if im plain stupid now) its NOT a bug if the necro pet is INSIDE the keep, nuking thru walls? But it is a bug if its inside the wall? It still nukes thru a wall, right? And please tell me what kind of assassin that can climb the wall, go down the stairs past the guards, kill the pet and then walk the stairs up and escape. You are lucky if u can get a sitting caster at the battlement in keeptakes... And even if u manage to kill the pet, the necro still lives and has got a chance to get a new pet up (even if they have very low hp after the pet is dead)

And buffing assassins is a bug? Tell ALL assassins that then, not only the mid ones.

And whining at ppl for attacking a keep at monday evening/night and ask if they dont have any school/works etc... What about attacking relics at 5 in the morning a friday? DONT ALBS HAVE ANY FRIENDS AND SOME PARTIES TO GO TO!?! Or they simply live in a box under the stairs as the rest of the cheaters?

Keep the whines coming!



Originally posted by Ironfoot
you do know that insta mez / castable mez is on the same immunity timer and once one form has been casted you are imune in r v r from the same kind of cc spell for 1 min ?

Aha, within your mindless drivle you brought up one good point. Do any of you mids who are whining about the necromancers so called bug abuse that healers used to be bugged in that their insta cc spells were not on the same immunity timer as the castable ones? They could chain mez/stun groups almost indefinately if they timed the casting of each spell correctly. Afaik no healers got banned for this as noone could blame them for using their character to the full. Much the same as necromancers now. So long as they don't cast their pet inside the wall which was similar to the bug where you used to be able to lag yourself into milegates etc. then i have no problem with it and don't see why you do. Gettin owned by a group of necros's in a keep defence/attack is much the same as getting owned because of a large amount of gtaoers. Live with it.


Originally posted by Lessurl
Aha, within your mindless drivle you brought up one good point. Do any of you mids who are whining about the necromancers so called bug abuse that healers used to be bugged in that their insta cc spells were not on the same immunity timer as the castable ones? They could chain mez/stun groups almost indefinately if they timed the casting of each spell correctly. Afaik no healers got banned for this as noone could blame them for using their character to the full. Much the same as necromancers now. So long as they don't cast their pet inside the wall which was similar to the bug where you used to be able to lag yourself into milegates etc. then i have no problem with it and don't see why you do. Gettin owned by a group of necros's in a keep defence/attack is much the same as getting owned because of a large amount of gtaoers. Live with it.

Ahh but this was actually working as intended as it was part of the "intended" game design. Necros nuking people to kingdom come with no LOS is a bug as it is not "working as intended according to game design".

Gettin owned by a group of necros's in a keep defence/attack is much the same as getting owned because of a large amount of gtaoers. Live with it

Not the same, as GTAE is a working feature of the game and was coded and implemented as such. Necros ignoring all LOS rules as coded by mythic is not "working as intended" If it is why did they correct it soooo quickly in the next patch ? Chain stunning / mezzing was working as intended but was changed due to its "overpoweredness" {is that a word ?} It wasn't a bug it was just a poor call in game design by mythic and as such was working as intended.


Originally posted by froler-mid

Nice one, your parents wont let u use crayons, to put some colour into it?

Or did you eat em?


Originally posted by Lessurl
Aha, within your mindless drivle you brought up one good point. Do any of you mids who are whining about the necromancers so called bug abuse that healers used to be bugged in that their insta cc spells were not on the same immunity timer as the castable ones? They could chain mez/stun groups almost indefinately if they timed the casting of each spell correctly. Afaik no healers got banned for this as noone could blame them for using their character to the full. Much the same as necromancers now. So long as they don't cast their pet inside the wall which was similar to the bug where you used to be able to lag yourself into milegates etc. then i have no problem with it and don't see why you do. Gettin owned by a group of necros's in a keep defence/attack is much the same as getting owned because of a large amount of gtaoers. Live with it.

Look, an alb got killed by someone he didnt see.

All middies should start a new thread every time that happens to us, would be quite a fulltime job for Tilda moderating the forums on the big rvr-nights...I mean, after he is done cheating ingame that is.

Anyways, ask that alb (rure) what our problem with it is. He should be able to tell you.



Ask him how fun he thought it was getting "pwned" without being able to do shit about it. I think he will tell u that he had the time of his life, and that he would love to get "pwned" everytime hes defending/attacking a keep or when hes at amg/hmg/mmg somewhere etc.


Originally posted by noaim
Nice one, your parents wont let u use crayons, to put some colour into it?

Or did you eat em?


edit: stfu

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