

Cavex ElSaviour

Cavex ElSaviour (armsman)
well, long time ago u had the cartoon series cpt caveman, liked the name, but found it a bit to childish a few years ago and putted the x instead of the man. ElSaviour was chosen by a friend.

Scahduw Vhecter (scout)
was ment to be schaduw vechter = shadow fighter in dutch, a bit lame but seemed ok between all those english names. was a bit drunk when i rolled in scahduw, seemed appropriate that my surname also took a typo

broeder (friar)
broeder is dutch for brother and the name for a male nurse. seem to remember that friars are also called broeders.

shilo (sorc)
Gfriend picked that name when she wanted a char on my account


It started with Tribes 2 where my name was Luna* ... I was studying Greek and Roman mythology for a project I was working on and read how the gods of war would lay their heads in Luna's lap as they fell asleep at night. When I tried to create this nick in T2,surprise surprise it was taken, so I settled for Luna*.

Come DAoC, I created an elven mage called Luna. I decided a mage wasn't for me, but when the game first came out it seems you weren't allowed to delete a character and use the same name. Thus, Luuna. And Star is my last name.

Nyame, my Champion alt ... Nyame derived from Luna and all things lunar related.

And there it is.


Cambrensis (My Cleric) = Goto this link for a description of Giraldus Cambrensis.

Chardhros (My Armsman) = It's name of an Evil Chaos god in the Elric book series written by Michael Moorcock.

Algalon (My fire Wizzie) = Name of a type of demon in a the P&P roleplaying game, Rolemaster.(Got it from the Creatures and treasures book).


Nice thread

Gad Fene

Biblical name, one of the sons of Jacob. I was looking for a short name because I thought people would be more likely to talk to me if they didnt have to first type in a long difficult name and I liked this one. :)

Girlfriend found it for me on the web, supposed to be gaelic for 'of the Celts'.

And Harble Furfoot
I used to AD&D role play a halfling thief with the same name.


Originally posted by hrodelbert
mines easy ... /send hr <message> :)

Done you just get the Human Resources dept of GOA, Hrod?


here's Mine

Blain Thorfinnson
Back in 1999, he was a dwarven ranger I had in a D&D game, 2000 decided to design a RPG website, Blain was the first name I thought of so, i bought, then people started emailing Blain@blainslibrary, then I started frequenting forums and always chose some variation of Blain, in MW4 I was NwH_Blain, and now in DAoC im Blain.

Bodgit Bouldershoulder
My friends and I started 3 trolls together, Bodgit, Scarper and Leggit Bouldershoulder.

Randolm ActsOfWantonDestruction
Random had already gone

Shadowblade and all the other good names had gone.


Well my name for my Thane

Hjod- Generated for a Troll i played 2months ago, so I took it and used it for my Norsie..

Lastname, Blueberry.....well I made it up myself (suprised? :p )

And my Runmaster:

Tjockisen that one i made up myself....for thoose not from sweden it means chubby/fatso :p


now that's just a pathetic way to increase post count


Originally posted by Cornell
now that's just a pathetic way to increase post count

And not very original either :p

But it does work :clap:

Well done, and Gengee is a corruption of Gengi who i had to give up after I got the second comp and account. Gengi was almost going to be Ghengis, but he wasn't very Champion like in his demeanour so I dipped a couple of letters and there you have it.



- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Cornell
now that's just a pathetic way to increase post count

God knows you need it; not even a Talk Too Mucher yet :m00:


Zarff Runestone...
Zarff- made it up in my sick head :D a runemaster kinda says it all doesn't it? Later on i found out mythic liked my name sooo good they made a merchant in hib called Sarff (in connla) DAMN COPYCATS!


I got bargain hunter from one of the T.V. programs i like called Bargain Hunt :) and got Taggart Mcwallace from a crappy sci-fi film in which he was called Taggart "paladin" McWallace, although everyone thinks i got it from an old detective program from Scotland called Taggart :p. Got Auto Karma from the days i used to play Planetarion, Minax from the days i played UO :)


When I created my character, I remembered something about Mitsu being japanese for knife or blade - so I thought that would fit my scout well :) Lastname Rayne just seemed to fit well.

I had a runemaster in early retail called Zala Heavensfire - norsewoman n00ker :D Inspired by the beta guild Heavensfire.


Khelban Blackstaff
Arya Stark
Josua Lackhand

All characters from fantasy novels, how completely unorigional.

Only Angharad Arunsun, my cleric aint from a book, but my wife made that one up so go figure Mr.Imagination :p


Mug Ruith: actualy a druid from Irish history, Mug the one-eyed i beleive, but Mythic forgot to put a one-eyed furby face in DaoC, tch:rolleyes:

Rip Ruith: off the top of my head, but Rip sounds pretty cool on a NS, ill leave you wondering whether it R.I.P or Rip yergutsoutyelazybugger.


Aranor - The Ara beginning is a nice Fantasy beginning and Nor is me playing with some letters :)

Lightrevealer - Guild name means Children of Light and people who had a neardeath experience says you see light in a tunnel when you're about to die. I'll show you the Light in a very quick way. ;)

Zeline - Seline with an extra touch :)

Zelasta - Comes from David Edding's Elenien books, with a mage called Zalasta and with my special touch that's Zelasta.


im not really a role player am i :)

Efour Vonshoesniffer 50 warrior

Efour - A personal joke between a few freinds has stuck with me being know as Efour in RL (nothing to do with cable TV) Also the name of my old UO charcter 7x gm Theif proffesional asshole.

Vonshoesniffer - I needing something more stupid than a freind of mines last name, this seemed apt at the time, except it fills up half my screen :)

Nubishadowblade 24 Szerker - Because I twinked myself all the way to LvL 24 and I was fed up with my other runemaster (now dead) getting one shotted by "newbie infiltrators" Besides it must look funny when the death message comes up
XXXX was killed by Nubishadowblade !

Irkish Irklesnipe - 40+ Hunter
LOL i dont have a clue where the name came from but love the sound of it, rolls off the tounge dont you think ? :)


Thorn - think I had just finished reading Memory sorrow annd thorn trilogy and thorn is a big huge black sword :clap:

Salix - was looking around for a surname to go with thorn, and salix is the latin? plant name for willows, and you can get willowthorns, so im thornwillow or something =D

Elise - Dunno stuck in my head from Lotus Elise

Felicity - hmmm neighbours

Lythetongue - Was originally a bard, but got fed up and deleted, (was an ugly firbolg anyway) and rerolled a warden



Son of Thorgil from the LAXDAELA SAGA in Norse Mythology.
-The name sounded cool as I wanted the char to have a hard and ewul nature.

A guote from the Laxdale Saga:

"No man shall do a bastard's work here, and Hardbein shall have life and limbs spared."

And to what the name dictionaries say:

Your name of Hardbein creates a quick, clever mind capable of grasping and assimilating new ideas. You are rather studious, mentally challenging each new idea before accepting it. Because you learn so quickly you have little patience with those whose mental processes are somewhat slower, and you could become supercilious or somewhat "know it all" in your attitude. This characteristic could make you rather unpopular with your associates. Although you are very knowledgeable and intelligent, you often find spontaneous verbal expression difficult.

Say no ewul to the bone :D

As to Prudil......hes autogenerated and a bit mod'ed :-/
The others....a loooong story :p

Roo Stercogburn

Roo is RL nickname, was surprised to be able to get it ingame.
Couldn't resist the play on words and the fact it ALMOST sounds norse when you put the surname on it. Most European peeps don't get it, even when I get them to say it fast.

Biggus is a kobby shammy, and its funny having everyone wonder if I'll ever choose a surname. I almost wish I'd chosen Bigguth instead, since thats closer to how its said in Life Of Brian.

The char with the most background I've done (in DAoC) is Vinny Bones, the ex-trollball player who is now a skald. Vinny is short for Vinland.

Grun Tloudly is just a tank warrior with a suitable name :D

On Hib Ex there's Donal, taken from the Dorsai books by Gordon Dickenson. The Dorsai were the most cunning warriors and Donal Graeme was their almost psychic leader.

Cheeboo is my hero char in Hib. Cheeboo is a Scottish warcry which basically means "Your going to get your F**king head kicked in". Very compact language we have here.


Wow! <100 people have interesting names or know why they chose it.

(shameless bump of ones thread)
(hey but I like to know...why?)


Im feeling spontaneous and i need more posts ! i missed out on all the good spam threads ;)

fightersuntzu was a spur-of-the-moment-name when i first arrived on prydwen and someone had taken suntzu...some ~level 6 theurgist(ran into him when i was level 23 or so :) ). just took the class name fighter, stuck it on the front, and became an armsmen. :D Ah, and Sun Tzu wrote the art of war (very cool :) ) which is just.....nuts :)

TheGreatChicken originates from my old jumpgate days, used to play in squad -KFC- :) But it seems appropriate at times. . .

Fireworks - well, duh, he blows stuff up :p . Had a hell of a time thinking of a last name, was undecided between Fireworks ComeRainingDown or Fireworks AreNotAToy...settled on Fireworks RandomlyExplode. :)

Augustus - infil alt, afaik in latin it means "the revered one" and was the name bestowed upon Octavian returning triumphant ;) . Me with my insane twist on last names decided to make his last name September-us as september comes after august...duh :D

Thermonuclear - my scout :) Last name to be ChickenBombs, mainly cause im too much of a pyro. . .


to start with -- iai-jitsu is the art of striking directly with the sword from scabbard
Iai Jitsu >>>>>>>>>
This is the various ways in which the sword is drawn from the saya into an offensive against an opponent. From drawing the sword to returning the blade to the saya is the art of Iai-jutsu.

There are four areas of practice within Iai-jutsu;

Nukisuke, this is drawing the blade form the saya
Kiritsuke, the cutting action
Chiburui, the shaking of the blood from the blade
Noto, the returning of the blade to the saya
There are several techniques within each of the four areas of practice that must be practiced and there are many combinations from those techniques that can be used. The objective of Iai-jitsu is to achieve unification of spirit and technique.

sorry to hitokori and the LofE but you battou-jutsu is just an american attempt to present an historic japanesw martial style in a way to please yanks (ie. beginner to black belt in 5 easy lessons - and of course make money for its 'inventor').

dare I add a few of my names now ??
Thysa Kimbo ( yep she's not quite a lady)
Flemm Snorrtback ( sort of a trollish snot movement)
Pigbin (ahh the good old days of school dinner leftovers)
and from Albion
Halle Badere (halbadier - polearmslady - geddit !! )

oh well

ho humm

arent we all sad

Uncle Sick(tm)

There might be just one thing you might consider, my japanophile friends...

It's Camelot. Not Kyoto.


Olorin the Grey - do i relly need to give a reason behind this one? well, Gandalf is THE best character in LoTR's in my oppinion, but didnt want to be too unorigional so i used one of his names of old as mentioned by Boromir's brother (Faromir i think)/an elf (i forget which) to Frodo in Mordor.

Agraucred - the name generator

Terilith - the name generator again

ok, not very origional.... but still fitting

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