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- #31
Originally posted by Acun
Can a group of 8lvl50 rr10 kill 32rr1l0in epic. no.
Speak for yourself
Originally posted by Acun
Can a group of 8lvl50 rr10 kill 32rr1l0in epic. no.
I guess illiteracy is a pre-requisite for playing Midgard?Originally posted by mehuge
Your not supposed to be able to kill everything in every situation.It isn't intended to be a solo game at the RvR level for most classes, it's a group game.
Thanks to det, speed 6 and a multitude of options available to interrupt, including charges which every class has available to them, casters do NOT have a range advantage.Casters get interupted, but have range to compensate.
Maybe an utterly false view too.Mele dont get interupted but have no range. Maybe a bit of a simplistic view.
I guess ability to derive absolutely false conclusions out of right facts is prerequisite for playing hibernia on excalibur =DOriginally posted by Amadon
Maybe an utterly false view too.
Look at the successful casters - they're all pbaoe based, what does that tell you?
Here's a hint - there is no range advantage.
Originally posted by Vodor
Speak for yourself
try work on that literacy thing, k?Originally posted by old.Sko
I guess ability to derive absolutely false conclusions out of right facts is prerequisite for playing hibernia on excalibur =D
my point was that there is no range advantage in the game, as evidenced by the successful caster groups being based on pbaoe
Combat in daoc is all about dps group can dish out vs. dps it can absorb. In the mage department pbaoe and debuffing casters provides highest dps. No wonder people make setups with chanter/mana eld/void eld, then amadon comes and proclaims that only pbaoe casters are successful =D
Originally posted by Acun
Do i claim to speak for any1 else than my self.no.
Do i claim to speak for u.no
Is this mo.yes
Am i allowed to say mo on bw.yes.
Do ppl have to say imo to everything so you understand its theyr opinion.prob.
Take another look and you will also notice they are all from hib, what does that tell you?Originally posted by Amadon
Look at the successful casters - they're all pbaoe based, what does that tell you?
Originally posted by hotrat
Take another look and you will also notice they are all from hib, what does that tell you?
It was past 2 am im allowed to be illeterate at that time. I took the first sentance out of contextOriginally posted by Amadon
I guess illiteracy is a pre-requisite for playing Midgard?
Where the fuck do I even imply that I want to kill everything in every situation?
Move out of range if your being interupted maybe.Originally posted by Amadon
Thanks to det, speed 6 and a multitude of options available to interrupt, including charges which every class has available to them, casters do NOT have a range advantage.
Originally posted by riv
its bad form that we're being forced to buy yet another expansion to make our classes (speaking of casters) what they should have been from day one.
if they can't be arsed to sort out casters, which is one of the most prominent imballances in the game, then why should we throw more money their way?
i've bought classic, i've bought shrouded isles.. they can't/won't sort out my class unless i buy yet another addon? well fuck that with a stick.
as a dark rm my damage output sucks due to resists, even with 50 dark, capped (+11) skills, pie etc, and a mediocre realm rank, with Aug Acu III, Wild Power II and MotA II.
my root is either resisted or shrugged off by det tanks, so as soon as i hit them once, they've /faced me, run at me (and covering the 1500 range of my nukes does not take long). as soon as i'm within melee range, thats it- /rel.
stealthers.. well i have no defence against anyone with stealth ability. infils, nightshades, scouts, rangers, whatever, makes for one insta-dead caster. as annoying as that is though, i can live with that because assassins are supposed to be able to kill casters.
interrupts, resists and generally low survivability.. its not that hard to address some of this stuff, there have been billions of suggestions levelled at mythic via the team leads, but what have mythic done? well they managed to come up with.. well we'll reduce casting times with artifacts!
wow. i'm stunned. after all this time, they've come up with decreasing casting time by 25%, but making us work our asses off and give them even more money to get it. fantastic. they couldn't have just reduced the cast time cap a tad to increase dps without an addon?
i know this has turned into a whine on my part, but its so irritating. everyone can kill a caster, a caster can kill... a caster and thats about it (from a rm/sm pov anyway)... and all because such simple issues aren't addressed.
interrupts need tweaking
casting speed could be lowered
det could be toned down a little
cc in general could be toned down
basically we shouldn't have to buy a new expansion to make our classes be what they should be anyway :\
Oh thank you great one for enlightening me.Originally posted by Amadon
try work on that literacy thing, k?
my point was that there is no range advantage in the game, as evidenced by the successful caster groups being based on pbaoe
void elds are not welcome in groups because of their range, they're there to debuff for pbaoe
I'm guessing you're from Mid due to your severely hampered literacy and logic skillZ.
(edit: nvm, read the thread)Originally posted by old.Sko
Originally posted by Amadon
I'd say it was a pleasure but you're obviously still lacking aforementioned enlightenment so that would be misleading.
are you stupid? like really?
go read my first post, and second post, and all subsequent posts where I said EXACTLY THAT MYTHIC ARE USING TOA TO FIX CLASS ISSUES INSTEAD OF FIXING THE CLASSES THEMSELVES.
fuck sakes moron
if you're going to try argue with me, at least try make a point contrary to mine.
when you stop making retarded posts where you indicate your utter inability to comprehend my posts, then I'll stop with the personal insults, until then, get a clue about the language we're attempting to miscommunicate in.
a thane just killed my mentalist in thidOriginally posted by duact
my thane can't kill shit. not with spells or with melee. is that fair!?!??!
Originally posted by Garbannoch Nox
ofc tanks dont like it - they still wanna have easy mode like the last 1 year or so...
in the current version of the game yesOriginally posted by old.Sko
[Byou're saying that all successful casters are pbaoe based because there is no range advantage.[/B]
having played the most powerful ranged damage dealing caster (enchanter) in the game, as well as a pbaoe class, I believe that my opinion on the matter holds more weight than yours. If you think there's a range advantage, you're playing a different game to the rest of us.Reply - pbaoe casters deal more damage than DD casters thus people use pbaoe almost exclusivly.
This just disproves everything you say. PBAoE will always do more damage than ranged damage until they change the delve value, as yet, the delve values of PBAoE are far higher than DD's, and higher than bolts which have a myriad of 'features' which make them very situational. The emergence of DD casters on US servers cannot thus be due to their having more damage than PBAoE casters, since they don't.On us situation is opposite, thus dd casters are breeding again.
There is no range advantage currently, perhaps TOA helps with added cast speed allowing casters to get more spells in before being interrupted and thus negated until what little range they had is nullified.And presence of range advantage has nothing to do with it.
I'm not upset over a computer game, I'm irritated with idiots who refuse to comprehend even the most simple of concepts.
PS. I guess you're a bit too nervous fellow ^^ there is no need to become so upset over computer game =D
This statement is so stupid I won't even deign to answer it properly.Originally posted by mehuge
Move out of range if your being interupted maybe.
Originally posted by Garbannoch Nox
as a compensation mez duration should get shortened across the board from 1:10 min atm to like 30-40 secs or so which would result in an effective mez duration of 10-25 secs depending on resists and distance to mez center. Determination was introduced at a time when casters ruled; this time is long gone and det is now a reason why you dont see any caster groups except for hibs one who can make up for the lack of determination with GP.
ofc tanks dont like it - they still wanna have easy mode like the last 1 year or so...
Originally posted by lac_desariel
maybe play for fun and enjoy your clas, i been a wizard from day 1, i thought about eldric but nahhh im a wizard, i thought about merc or zerk but nah i have FUN on a wizard, some you win some you get ganked bad
Ok there is a handful of wizards who are succesfulOriginally posted by Divinia
TB's pbae grp aint succesful no?
Originally posted by Acun
Can a group of 8lvl50 rr10 kill 32rr1l0in epic. no.
ahh, hard to master and complex in interface and tasks performed caster class. your opinion is certainly holding more weight.Originally posted by Amadon
having played the most powerful ranged damage dealing caster (enchanter) in the game, as well as a pbaoe class, I believe that my opinion on the matter holds more weight than yours. If you think there's a range advantage, you're playing a different game to the rest of us.
Lets take you're point to extreme - imagine mythic introduces special spell for enchanter which delves 5000 damage, with cast time of 3600 seconds. Will this mean that this special spell will do more damage than anything seen on battlefield in typical fg vs fg ecounter ? =D amount of aoe interrupts introduced with toa makes box tactics quite hard to perform.This just disproves everything you say. PBAoE will always do more damage than ranged damage until they change the delve value, as yet, the delve values of PBAoE are far higher than DD's, and higher than bolts which have a myriad of 'features' which make them very situational. The emergence of DD casters on US servers cannot thus be due to their having more damage than PBAoE casters, since they don't.
I kindly ask what class imbalances where fixed (attempted to be fixed) with toa ? interrupts are still there , mythical range advantage you're trying to find in my posts will be present only in frontiers where map layout will provide more "milegates", heal/damage ratio is even more horribly unbalanced - we're back to the times where healers couldnt keep up with damage dealt, whine from stealthiers about stealth lore items is filling the boards etc etc. only ability i can think of that should be baseline spell - group cure disease.TOA has not fixed anything in a way that more classes became "wanted" in rvr, it just changed fotms like introduction of spellcraft did, etc.Regardless of the reason why DD casters are emerging on the US, and regardless of whether or not that is relevant to the experience we will see on Euro servers, the fact remains that Mythic are attempting to fix casters with TOA and not by addressing the class issues themselves.
There is no range advantage currently, perhaps TOA helps with added cast speed allowing casters to get more spells in before being interrupted and thus negated until what little range they had is nullified.
You have not presented a single argument proving that there is a real range advantage for successful casters in this game. Nor have you presented any argument stating that Mythic are NOT trying to fix class balance issues with TOA .
If i allowed myself to sink to your level i would've recommended you go and purchase a tool for opening locks and dont take board blabber so serious =DI'm not upset over a computer game, I'm irritated with idiots who refuse to comprehend even the most simple of concepts.
Originally posted by bracken_woodman
Agree with that..hib casters have a much better time of it than casters from other realms.
thanks for indicating your utter lack of knowledge in this area and thus proving my pointOriginally posted by old.Sko
ahh, hard to master and complex in interface and tasks performed caster class. your opinion is certainly holding more weight.
dps of that = 5000 / 3600 = 1.38 ish delve value dmg per second
Lets take you're point to extreme - imagine mythic introduces special spell for enchanter which delves 5000 damage, with cast time of 3600 seconds. Will this mean that this special spell will do more damage than anything seen on battlefield in typical fg vs fg ecounter ? =D
lolamount of aoe interrupts introduced with toa makes box tactics quite hard to perform.
caster dps has been increased, and faster casting times reduces the impact of interrupts, +range combined with faster casting times helps provide a range advantage, although I still believe that's minimal but time will tell, also the insane rate of mana consumption has been somewhat mitigated by power fields, although where that will end up is still to be seen, items negating CC are available which helps hybrids, grapple will be very much in demand, which again helps hybridsI kindly ask what class imbalances where fixed (attempted to be fixed) with toa ? interrupts are still there , mythical range advantage you're trying to find in my posts will be present only in frontiers where map layout will provide more "milegates", heal/damage ratio is even more horribly unbalanced - we're back to the times where healers couldnt keep up with damage dealt, whine from stealthiers about stealth lore items is filling the boards etc etc. only ability i can think of that should be baseline spell - group cure disease.TOA has not fixed anything in a way that more classes became "wanted" in rvr, it just changed fotms like introduction of spellcraft did, etc.
Firstly, someone with such a severe lack of intellect could never hope to dream to raise himself to my level, and secondly... don't choke on your hypocrasyIf i allowed myself to sink to your level i would've recommended you go and purchase a tool for opening locks and dont take board blabber so serious =D
Originally posted by old.Zoyster
me n outlaw have been running mage groups for years, with our in-game mates
Originally posted by Amadon
thanks for indicating your utter lack of knowledge in this area and thus proving my point
dps of that = 5000 / 3600 = 1.38 ish delve value dmg per second
dps of pbaoe = 330 ish / 2.5 = 132 delve value dmg per second
dps of spec nuke = 220 ish / 2.8 = 78.6 ish delve value dmg per second
the point you're trying to make is wrong despite your useless example, since pbaoe has a cast time of 2.5 sec, and most spec nukes have a cast time of 2.8 sec, so in actual fact you've totally missed my point and aren't taking it anywhere except to your imaginary fantasy world where you think you have a clue.
cluelessness has reached a new high
hooray, when i started reading this part i thought that you finally talking something sensible. But alas. Lack of information on the subject played a bad joke with you. You'll very pleasantly surprised - how much caster dps was increased - think mythic dont know about half measures =Dcaster dps has been increased, and faster casting times reduces the impact of interrupts, +range combined with faster casting times helps provide a range advantage, although I still believe that's minimal but time will tell, also the insane rate of mana consumption has been somewhat mitigated by power fields, although where that will end up is still to be seen, items negating CC are available which helps hybrids, grapple will be very much in demand, which again helps hybrids
i really wish you'd get a clue about the bullshit you're spewing before ..er..spewing it
spoken by a true chanter =DFirstly, someone with such a severe lack of intellect could never hope to dream to raise himself to my level, and secondly... don't choke on your hypocrasy![]()
Originally posted by finbahr
so we should we are the casters realm as mid has the best tanks