Mythic Consultation - now finished.

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English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Mythic and GOA are setting up a consultation for the players of Dark Age of Camelot in order to obtain your wishes for the future. In order to proceed in a methodical fashion and to not fragment everything, we have selected the forum FreddysHouse and created this post for you to be able to express yourselves in. This thread is therefore open for you all to talk about your dreams but also to give us your suggestions on modifications that could be brought to the game in the near future.
In order to make this consultation the most effective, we ask you to respect a few basic guidelines:

- You are invited to dream and express general ideas. Your ideas can be about modifying existing features in the game or about upcoming expansions.
- Provide arguments for your suggestions within reason.
- Do not criticise the ideas of others, otherwise the thread will never end.
- Try and avoid talking about things that have already been mentioned in the thread.
- Do not create any new threads about this consultation. We will only take into account the suggestions posted in the threads we have created.

We will then analyse your ideas before sending them in a report to Mythic.

Thanks for taking part.

Edit - This has now been parcelled up and the results forwarded to Mythic. Thank you to everyone who took part and made suggestions.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
massive and i mean massive overhaul of crafting, at the moment its dull, repetative and far to time consuming for a tiny gain, there should be rare drops that you can use to create unique to crafting, bonuses to armour/weapons/jewelary. Maybe add more crafter quests giving special abilities as rewards, much like the bonus to qual/speed etc "weapons" that exist now, maybe open new patterns as a reward.

open chat groups that stay open when all members have logged, increase the /b to cover every area (a different one for each zone)

while catacombs brought with it plenty of quests there arent nearly enough, would be nice if you could exp to 50 by just doing quests.

remove the /level 20 command, new players join the game and find nobody around of thier level.

an overhaul of the interupt code. (say no more)

increase VW and animist lifetap to level 50, or drop all lifetaps to level 45.

give heavy tanks more utility

make all artifacts quest based, with a much faster repop on encounters.

remove all insta spells.

oh and a personal favorite, make caster damage obey the same rules as melee, the faster you cast the less damage per "hit" you do, or make tank damage stay the same per hit, whatever the speed you swing


Oct 23, 2005
Make ToA easyer By
Removeing ML group steps.
Making Artifacts on a faster respawn.

Get a new company to host daoc in europe - Do I need to say a reason for that? :worthy: .


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
remove mlxp
remove artifact leveling
make scrolls easier
don't make any changes that force us to take keeps all day :p
(oh, and remove banelord aes popping stealthers, giving fgs a 1k radius all stealthers die button is ridiculous)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Change that you can join other server guilds on Clusters,it would increase the "feeling" of being together on clusters.


Jun 3, 2004
for mincers/ments/hunters

Pet charm idea
Classes with the pet charm spell would be able to summon their favorite pet with a 20s cast time spell, this could be a realm ability or class ability.

This saves us running around trying to find the perfect pet the ability could work like this.

level 10- Summons saved pet with 50% effectiveness
level 20- " " " " 60% "
level 30- " " " " 70% "
level 40- " " " " 80% "
level 50- " " " " 90% "

If needed for balancing this ability could only be used in pve zones so stopping people summoning healing pets in RvR

Artifacts should be quest items, They are on no repop timer but are 1time drop for everyone and non-tradeable. This wont make doing them easyer but collecting them would be alot easyer. This would target your casual players and i would much rather we had this than free levels.

(if this is repeated above sorry but i type slowly)

Aran Thule

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Nice idea, hope they take the thoughts into concideration.

Will mention two things that i would like to see, these are mostly to help with regard to the roleplaying that we try to put in the game.

Ive tried to make my guild house (3354 hib/pryd) into a tavern however ive soon found that ive reached the limit of items that can be placed.
For a long time now ive had to remove something to put something else up.
I understand the reasoning for setting a limit for how many items can be placed but would it be possible to increase it.
Best way i can think of to balance it so if doesnt cause more of an overflow would be if you could purchase the extra slots.
5pp for +10, 10pp for +20 ect, most people wouldnt need them but for thoose that want to improve housing appearance it would be a nice boost.

Character faces:
With the change to catacombs there was more selection introduced.
However in the case of myself and a few other who pre-cat had white hair we find that we are stuck with grey.
The white hair is there, look at people in mummy mode on ML5, but its not in the options for setting up characters.
Also although males seem sorted, all the female faces seem to be young.
I know one of our guild was upset as none of the faces available suited the description of a crone they were playing.

Caster speed:
casting is possible at silly fast speeds now.
Melee and bow have a cap of 250 quickness, why is there this cap and not one for casting?
Would like to see either the quick cap removed or a dex cap for casting introduced.


Oct 23, 2005
And one more thing - Remove BG 200 player cap now we have clustering it's sucky :( .


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
Fix stealthers!
<- 1fg has this score almost each night on pryd/exc, have you ever seen a stealther with such score? :p
- remove grapple and bg from stealthwars
- remove warguard from stealthwars
- remove AM from stealthwars
- fix strafing "not in view" and other shit like behind stuns from the front, etc caused by lag
- balance small scale RvR (solo/duo/trio) - moc lajftap, twf, BDs, warlocks, buffed ml9 pets, etc, etc
- you cant hide an army behind a tree - make it so when there are more stealthers inside particular range, their effective stealth goes down
- remove /face
- I miss old DF stealthfun! put in some caves in frontiers (agromon) with agro mobs to distract groups and give stealthers a chance to use it as a shortcut to move around and have some fun downthere (and let it be in the same zone - BBs etc :p)
- put in player controlled battlecruisers
- i want jedi class :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2005
Open up a battle ground for upto lvl 50 capped at rr4 or 5 with the usual restrictions of no bounty points. This would give people new to rvr the chance to practice and learn the system without being rp cows for the rr8-12 groups.
This would be nice in the agramon format of milegates but no towers or keeps to camp, just pure open warfare.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Improve the enchanter rr5 RA, and many other class RAs.

Compared to other classes rr5 RA, the enchanter one (and many other classes) are unbalanced.


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
Suggestions Pt 1

Been playing in one form or another since the first Euro servers opened and my overwhelming wishes for fixes would be this:

  • Reduce the timesink element in crafting by a factor of 5-10 and make 50% of the remaining timesink element quest-based or task based or even make it so kill specific mobs for materials etc.
  • Major overhaul of all charming classes especially minstrels - good suggestions are above. Also i would suggest giving a garunteed unbreakable charm level for a certain level in instruments etc instead of this pulsing lark
  • Major overhaul of the healing and damage systems including fixing the massive massive disparity between caster and tank dps that is code based (good post about this above from someone)
  • Add more offensive options to keep warfare - such as the attackers being able to dig under the walls (give heavy tanks the ability to do this fast via seigemaster) and Ladders that are constructable as siege items.
  • Remove the cap on number of siege pieces that can actively fire on a construction at one time
  • Remove the BG cap
  • Class balance issues - removal of ALL damage insta spells (yes a minstrel saying that) - including warlock chambers etc.
  • Class balance issues - Removal of all insta CC
  • Major Major overhaul of the interrupt and LoS code
  • Class specific suggestion - Give minstrels a single line "focus mezz" (unbreakable long as the song is running) that would make their mezz worth having).
  • ToA: Make all artifacts instant respawn and doable with 1fg. All scrolls on common drop rate (reasoning behind this is the timesink element is currently too high with ToA for new players to bother)
  • NO new classes - overhaul of all the old ones especially the heavy tanks of each realm (warrior/hero/armsman)
  • Class specific suggestion - Remove unspecced (baseline) stun from ALL casters and put it into one of the spell lines without a high spec nuke
  • Class specific suggestion - Overhaul of PBT system with greater effectiveness at higher specialisation.
  • Boats - Naval Combat would be nice but more a sideline
  • ALL REALMS suggestion - give a new channel /class - server-wide channel that allows people to ask questions about their class to others of said class
Class specific suggestion : Additional - Minstrels cast time should be affected by dexterity on flutemezz and AoE cast time should be much lower provided they have been unstealthed for at least 30 seconds prior to casting (simple timecheck in the codeing).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
fortunefish said:
Artifacts should be quest items, They are on no repop timer but are 1time drop for everyone and non-tradeable. This wont make doing them easyer but collecting them would be alot easyer. This would target your casual players and i would much rather we had this than free levels.

More or less what Raven said above but i really wan't to agree on this one. As it is now ppl are farming them with necro-bb and mins and its jack all you can do if you been waiting there for hours and someone come's and takes it from you. Make them quest item and not farmable as it is now.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 6, 2004
Make Crafting easier, extend it to allow the manufacture of jewellry and more choice on weapons and armour ( stats and design)

ToA make Artifacts a Quest Based Encounter, (ie Make arti mob spawn wen quest completed)

ToA Increase Scroll drop rates

Give Golenstadht new drops

Introduce Grouping xp bonuses to help lower level ppl to level (still believe in the old "earn it idea", but understand there is a lack of new people in game)

More Places to Explore and challenge level 40+ characters with approriate rewards for completion.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Revamp all old classes (classic classes).
Give them spells and abilities in line with the newer classes but don't, and I repeat, don't make them overpowered.
Revamp the old area's also, make the mobs on par with ToA/Catacombs mobs which means better drops off them but also that the mobs become stronger.

Like someone also said rework the entire interrupt system, all spells and abilities that do NO damage should NOT interrupt.
Mainly spells like Nearsight, ML abilities (just see the Banelord list), Blade turn(if your hit but blade turn is up and thus the person missed the hit on you then you should not be interrupted) etc etc etc.
Let all non damage spells keep their effect but remove their initial interrupt.

Rework ToA also so that it becomes easier to play multiple characters instead of "ToA'ing" 5 characters which will take around 1 year before you are ready to actually play the game in RvR.
Make ML's easier and faster, make artifacts either an instance or alot faster respawn.

This is basically all I would like to see changed, I know it probably wont happen but it's good to have a dream.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2005
Please remove the relics from the game.

Please ban all (drag window/speedhach/radar players) from game.

Put a timer on artifacts (or something) if a char on a account got a artifact X drop, the same drop of that artifact would only be avaiable in 7 real day times, in that account. (prevent camping).

Revamp the old classic zones, to gain apelative drops. This game is not only RvR. Classic zones aren't interesting anymore. Make more events.

Make White color avaiable for dying armour.

(bhaa when i finished writing this alot of people had posted new stuff already so ignore the duplicate ideas)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
and remove so animists wont be able to plant a battleship close to a bridge then camp inside it for easy RP farming of enemies....really is a bad coding that 1


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 17, 2005
Changes to Stealth Wars

* If a solo stealther engages in a stealth war with another stealther class from the opposing realm, the two stealthers engage in a rule of Stealth War and become immune to all forms of attacks from other classes until 1 of the stealthers dies.

** Set the current detection rate of stealthers by other stealth classes directly related to the number of people in the group.

i.e solo stealther vs. solo stealther: 300 vs 300 range
solo stealther vs. 2 stealthers (that are grped): 350 vs 300 range
so forth...

*** The sole purpose of the stealther classes in the game is to be able to SOLO so make improvements to that in some way. There is nothing frustrated then have to grp with other stealthers and be a part of the lame stealth zergs.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 9, 2004
Could a " custom class" be made which would players a give a real abilty to custom the charecter IE spells, weapons ,armour .which i think would give a more diverese number of players as oppessed to: choose a class find the optinum way to spec it from others ...result: loads of the same specced players runing about with just diferent names .

class specific idea : split beastcraft for hunters into 2 seprerate spell lines.
self buffs and pet using .this would give more of an incentive to lvl it to higher lvl .


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
-Rework of the crafting system - good suggestions already made previously, new artwork for weapons, ability to add 'glow' to armor pieces and weapons (i.e a paladin with a golden aura around him would look pretty cool, or necro with dark mist surrounding his pet etc)

-More utility for assasins in keep/tower battles (still no climb points on towers)

-A good sugestion someone made earlier was making arti's quest based, 1 arti per person and can only do the quest once, Lower the repop timer too, nowt more annoying than going day after day back to the same arti to see its not up, you kinda give up after a while.

-Hate to sound like a broken record, but warlocks are still stupid. Nobody should be able to insta kill people in less than a second.

- allow casters to have 2 brittle guard up max at any time, they are the bane of assasins atm (tried killing a warlock with 3 brittles lately?), also allow PA to penetrate BT/brittle guard.

-New classes ( a new stealther perhaps.. i know maybe not popular :p )

-Rework of heavy tanks, armsman still suck, and paladins are still chosen over armsman anyday for pve at least


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Take more notice of the nice things from Ultima Online, a game that's now going down the pan and you could gain a lot of players from:

1. More customisable items in housing
2. Housing in actual PVE zones
3. Fluff items like the ability to name your pet!
4. Being able to doubt click on someone to find out what items they're wearing
5. Encourage people to visit capital cities more
6. Special character customisations, unique dyes, tattoos etc that can only be won by special deeds.
7. Encourage more interaction, remove market explorers to more social places like capital cities.
8. allow theft of minor items by steal classes (potions etc) during combat. they're Rogues after all..
9. Build on the character of the game, revisiting the classic zones and encouraging new players via events aimed specifically at low levels. The game has character of it's own, we need to build on this.
10. RvR fights should last longer, it's over too fast these days one way or the other.
11. Give a bonus to RP or damage reduction to high realm rank players who group a low realm rank person.
12. Redo crafting, bring some fun into it.
13. Revisit each and every class in the game, tweaking them one way or another to define them. many classes now have no real roll in groups whilst others seem to be able to do the job of 3/4 people.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
remove 200p cap on CMs, its too small amount if you look at the economy in DAoC.. I dont like that you HAVE to check it now and then so it aint full, and people cant buy from the CM if its full or the purchase will fill it. 200p isnt much for a guild for example.

Do a proper stylereview and adjust alot of things so a) things are more in line in all realms regarding utility and damage. b) critical strike need a slight overhaul. c) reduce meleestuns so they last at most 5s.

Lower banelordshouts radius or remove the interruptcomponent on most of them. At same time, reduce casterDPS.

Redesign the total f*ckup Mythic did with Warlocks.

Redesign the total f*ckup Mythic did with Animists.

Put a timer on BodyGuard. Its too good as is.

Bump up guard alittle. It does too little as is.

Reduce Archerdamage so it scales with distance, an arrow do not have same velocity on 2k range as it does on 300.

Take away the interceptpart on SMpets, its grossly overpowered.

Remove usage of ML9 in RVRzones.

Remove all lifetapcomponents on spells.

Remove banelord from BDs and Warlocks, its bollox that mid has two casters with the best ML in the game, while Alb/Hib has none. A caster shouldnt even have this line imo.

Lower delve on BDs instaLT. Also fix so the debuff doesnt interrupt.

Increase radius on Paladins endchant. Or even better, make it into a timed buff that is grponly that dissapear if you leave grp, make it 1500 range.

Take away conc-cost for shamans Endbuff. They have enuff to buff tbh. It should drop if you leave the grp. Make it groupcasted too and 1500 range.

Simplify casting of buffs, make them groupcastable. Its not fun to buff people, not after you have done it for a year or so, its a pain in the ass actually.

Give bards a root.

Remove all instaCC, and I mean all.

Remove the snarecomponent on disease.

Take a good look at all the basic functions a group need for RVR, such as:

Endregen, put all on same range and make them easier to use, twisting as a paladin = asking for RSI tbh, its horrible and its weird that Mythic havent changed this already, perhaps none of them played a paladin.

Resistbuffs, make all 6 easy accessible for all realms, especially alb have problems here.

etc etc


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Make all ML's capable of being done by 1 full group, possibly make them instanced area's.

Increase the spawn time of artifacts and remove the neccessity of scrolls, the scrolls are often more time consuming than the artifact itself.

If you are not willing to remove scrolls then make it so all scroll mobs are solo-able e.g. yellow-orange, the taurs in Volcanus cannot be solo'ed by some classes.

Make crafting more varied, add some fun to it especially alchemy and spellcrafting, all we do is sit for hours making the same thing, also make it easier for spellcrafters to work, making 32 gems per customer is extremely time consuming.

Modify all drops in old-world and also in Shrouded Isles. SI is becoming less and less used especially Crystal Caves for albion, which is lucky to get 1 visitor every 3 months. Make these area's either easier or much better drops to encourage players.

Put casters on the same method as melee, quicker they cast, less damage they do.

Warlock's need major adjustment to fall into line with other classes.

Charm-pet- This needs major adjustment, a minstrel is unable to play other spells making charm unusable. A suggestion would be to make it so charm uses power dependant on the mob for each pulse of the charm, but doesn't break until you run out of power. Say a level 50 charms a level 44 it should use very little power, but if a level 50 charms a level 50 it should use a bit of power and you should see it go down slowly, if the minstrel chooses to go over level 50 and gets say a level 57 pet then the power cost should be very high. If the charm breaks the mob should return to where it was, currently when a mob breaks charm it attacks it's owner, this is unfair and is one of the many reasons most minstrels consider pet charm useless for RvR.

Confuse - Needs to have a purpose in RvR, perhaps for 10 seconds it shapechanges the person into a enemy of their current realm e.g. a Briton becomes a Celt and can be attacked by his realm mates but if he dies they earn no realm points.

All old-world classes need revamping particularly primary casters. Wizards, Eldritches and Runemasters should be the highest damage dealers but sorcerer's, SM's and enchanters are often much higher damage. The primary casters are also meant to be the "number 1" in casting the best. Why do they have such little crowd control? The best they can hope for is a root or snare usually, more interesting form of crowd controls should be added, but with much less time, some as a repulse to repel the enemy away or perhaps a AE-forceful zephyr so that they push away a entire group, but during the time that the zephyr or repulse is actively pushing the enemy away the caster should be unable to cast.

Lower movement speed on casters, they are not meant to be primary movement classes minstrels, skalds and bards are yet bards and minstrels are being overlooked as a luxury not a neccessity.

Add more "group" utility to skalds and minstrels.

Remove Master Level Experience, it's a inconvience we already do enough to get ML's without this.

A better quest panel and friends panel. /social was a step in the right direction, expand on this.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
I've been playing the game since Shrouded Isles came out and I've got to agree with what has been said by the others who wrote before me.

  1. Crafting needs a major overhaul, it's been essentially the same since SI came out. I think the following points should be taken into consideration:
    • The time required to achieve LGM status is absurdly long, let alone the cost to do so, which prevents newer players from making a crafter character. There should be another way to gain crafting skill points besides crafting the same items over and over again. Quests that allow a skill gain of 10 or more points (they can be difficult at higher levels, or require a big cash investment) should be available.
    • Please get rid of the random factor in skill gain, it's extremely annoying and unrealistic. A system that would allow faster crafting progress without being annoying would be this: An item that is 40-49 points higher than your skill level gives you 5 skill points if you manage to make it, one that is 30-39 points gives you 4 skill points, etc. If you make items that are equal to your skill level or below it, you gain no points. The chances of critical failures could be raised slightly to offset the higher skill gain, but still allow someone to reach LGM status in 50 hours of pure crafting (50 hours of /play time is enough for someone to reach lvl 50 - it should be enough to make an LGM crafter too).
    • Crafter recipes are the same for all crafters, thus making LGM crafters basically identical. There is no chance for innovation or originality. There could be crafter quests in which the rewards would be new and unique recipes or materials. These recipes would go a long way towards differentiating crafters - imagine being the only one who can craft a unique piece of armor or weaponry. Of course the quests need not be easy or even soloable, they can and should be tough to complete in order to give everyone a chance to get a unique recipe. The recipes should be updated and changed frequently.
    • Allow us to craft jewelry - every item in the inventory should be craftable. Also every bonus in random items should be available to spellcrafters and alchemists.
  2. ToA farming is a major source of income for a lot of people and a major frustration factor for more casual players. Everyone with a necro and a BB can farm artifacts and sell them for cash, or just make it impossible for others to get them. I doubt this was intended by the developers. Artifacts should be quest items and tradeable so that people can get them and sell them, but only once. There should be no random factor in arti drops. ToA gear is essential for RvR combat and the time and effort needed to outfit a character now is a major deterrent for new or casual players.
  3. Redesign the classic zones - they aren't being used. Quest, mobs and rewards should be brought on par with the Catacombs regions. Catacombs owners gain an advantage in gameplay compared with SI/ToA users because of the bigger XP and cash rewards. A Catacombs owner can level twice as fast with the new quests, plus gain access to better items. This is not fair to other players (yes, i do own Catacombs and urge everyone to buy it - I also don't think those who decide not to buy it should be punished in game). ToA also introduced a like factor, but the fact that you had to be over level 25 to gain advantage of it mitigated the unfairness a little bit.
  4. PLEASE NO MORE NEW AREAS FOR A WHILE. The game is HUGE and overwhelming for a new player. I think now is the time to sit down and review the game world, fix and update the older parts and fine tune the newer ones so that the whole of the game is equally enjoyable. DAoC introduced a very exciting game and a thriving world, please don't forget that the classic zones and SI was what made DAoC what it is now. Updating the classic zones would go a long way towards distributing the population equally over all zones.
  5. Get rid of the /level 20 command, it's making it impossible for new players to find groups and it's largely useless - a player who's made a lvl 50 char already knows that he/she can get to 20 in a day or so. Besides, small levels are fun too :)
  6. Finally, something specific to European servers. With the clustering of Excalibur and Prydwen we only have one English server. I'm Greek and unfortunately I don't speak German, French, Spanish, or Italian. I'd still like another English server as I feel that English speaking users are being offered less than the others. There are multiple German and French servers, allowing people from these countries to play multiple characters in multpile realms. This is no longer an option for anyone not speaking French, German, Italian or Spanish. Last time I checked, I was still paying the same subscription as people from these countries - it's not fair to receive less options.
Well, that's all the main points that have been bugging me with the game. I hope that some of these will be addressed one way or the other.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
- Improve utility of Capital cities so they will be an active place again. I.e. adding all crafter tiers for them. Adding a Market Explorer in capital city is a good idea. Make it so it searches on all clusters instead of just one.

- Add new emblem: Knights wore a piece of cloth ontop of their chain armor with their emblem on. Would like to see this in DAOC.

- Update classic/si bosses with better drops that can compete with toa jewels.

- Rewamp crafting.

- Add more personal custimation into armor/weapons with more skins.

- Remove ML exp.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 23, 2005

Hi, this is what I came up with.

* make Artifact encounters instanced
* alter droprates for ALL scrolls to common
* increase 200p money limit
* givf teleporters in RvR servers the porting options as in Camlann
* include "/release city" to RvR servers
* overhaul and total revamp for crafting, which can't be considered as a part of player economy...
* givf classic and SI realm areas more content to make em active again
* from now on, forget new classes, new champion levels etc PvE content which makes game even more unbalanced and start spending the time of developement to create something else new in RvR/PvP side of the game (=endgame) to keep ppl playing the game without forcing them to do teh farming again
* strafing in combat gives the good ol' "not in view" bug... FIX IT!!!!
* givf timer for emotes... /rude etc. spam should end imo
* givf more catacombs exp mini quests.

I think thats it for me. Thx for listening.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
patch back to 1.65 with old frontiers and new ras + class changes and remove warlock class ty


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
* Make artifact instanced.

* Remove ml1.5 for solo only, for a bard/cleric/druid/healer this is hard.

* Make all steps BG steps.

* Implent digging under keep walls, only by tanks.

* Decrease casting speed, but also decrase dex debuffs.

* Make guilds also for other servers possible to join, removes the clsuter bariade there still is.

* make housing (GUILD HOUSES ONLY!) in mainland zones, not in housing area, since a guild is something, big, and not a normal house.

* decrease dmg of mellee. pbaoe. dd.

* tbh, delete warlocks. they ruuing the game. I dont know how to fix them, but they really are fucking it up BIGTIME!
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