So I've been playing DAOC for a couple of weeks now, it seems I've finally found an active forum for the server/realm I play on, Hooray! Anyway, As soon as I'd installed the game and ignored 90% of the manual (Not the best idea, really considering, after a couple of failed encounters with UO, this is my first MMORPG) I chose Excalibur, then Albion and set about making an Inconnu Reaver.
I'm not sure if I made a good choice or a bad choice with my first character, but I've had a lot of fun playing as an Inconnu Reaver. I get all the advantages of:
1) Using whips.
2) Being blue.
3) Being short.
4) Causing huge white screaming faces to appear above the heads of my enemies.
5) Having the coolest pain sounds in the game. Is my Reaver dying or does he have hiccups? I HAVE NO IDEA!!
I'm Level 19 now, which I've mostly soloed to. I've found I don't have much trouble at all soloing oranges & I've been hanging around the broken bridge and Darkness Falls lately. Darkness Falls is a great place, because you don't have to worry if you get killed because there's probably more Clerics in that one dungeon than anywhere else in the realm!!
I also managed to start weaponcrafting. Since I don't have much money, I can't do all of the powerskilling stuff the cool kids are doing these days. So I've been doing consignments, and through that I've earned enough to keep me in nice pretty green-con gear. I'm around 265 in weaponcrafting now I think.
I've learned a few things from the people I've played with too:
1) Groups suck. Well... most of them, anyway. I'm so glad I don't have to mess around in the tomb of Mithra any more, because all of the groups usually get too greedy and wind up pulling
tons of purples while simultaniously being attacked by twelve billion Bleeders and Virilus. There are two results to this tactic: 1. Everyone dies, OR 2. A conga-line of mobs leading back up to the entrance.
2) /beg is best used while standing in front of a crowded forge while screaming 'MONEY PLZ' on the Broad channel. Also: Try to look poor, take off that crafted plate and hide that gigantic 56ft sword somewhere.
3) If you're about to be killed by a mob several levels higher than you and someone comes to help you, and kills the mob, make sure to scream at them for leeching your kill (Or leeching the Mob's kill, whichever way you want to look at it...), conversely if they DON'T help make sure to scream at them from the afterlife for the crime of allowing you to die.
So overall, I love DAOC and I'll probably be sticking around for a while. Maybe I can find one of those fancy-shmancy guilds. As an aside, check out my cool getup - I think the hats are the best thing ever.
I'm not sure if I made a good choice or a bad choice with my first character, but I've had a lot of fun playing as an Inconnu Reaver. I get all the advantages of:
1) Using whips.
2) Being blue.
3) Being short.
4) Causing huge white screaming faces to appear above the heads of my enemies.
5) Having the coolest pain sounds in the game. Is my Reaver dying or does he have hiccups? I HAVE NO IDEA!!
I'm Level 19 now, which I've mostly soloed to. I've found I don't have much trouble at all soloing oranges & I've been hanging around the broken bridge and Darkness Falls lately. Darkness Falls is a great place, because you don't have to worry if you get killed because there's probably more Clerics in that one dungeon than anywhere else in the realm!!
I also managed to start weaponcrafting. Since I don't have much money, I can't do all of the powerskilling stuff the cool kids are doing these days. So I've been doing consignments, and through that I've earned enough to keep me in nice pretty green-con gear. I'm around 265 in weaponcrafting now I think.
I've learned a few things from the people I've played with too:
1) Groups suck. Well... most of them, anyway. I'm so glad I don't have to mess around in the tomb of Mithra any more, because all of the groups usually get too greedy and wind up pulling
tons of purples while simultaniously being attacked by twelve billion Bleeders and Virilus. There are two results to this tactic: 1. Everyone dies, OR 2. A conga-line of mobs leading back up to the entrance.
2) /beg is best used while standing in front of a crowded forge while screaming 'MONEY PLZ' on the Broad channel. Also: Try to look poor, take off that crafted plate and hide that gigantic 56ft sword somewhere.
3) If you're about to be killed by a mob several levels higher than you and someone comes to help you, and kills the mob, make sure to scream at them for leeching your kill (Or leeching the Mob's kill, whichever way you want to look at it...), conversely if they DON'T help make sure to scream at them from the afterlife for the crime of allowing you to die.
So overall, I love DAOC and I'll probably be sticking around for a while. Maybe I can find one of those fancy-shmancy guilds. As an aside, check out my cool getup - I think the hats are the best thing ever.