My beard. :'(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I had to shave tonight because of school tomorrow. No beards allowed. Nazis. :(

Gonna grow it back straight away though, if they tell me to shave again I'll trim it and hope they don't mind compromising. :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Awww :(

If its any consolation I was having breakfast in Tesco the other day and saw sombody with what I could only describe as an 'Empire Builders' tash. I almost choked on my sausage it looks so... so... Bleh!!! There is no word to describe it!! The man needed to be dragged out and beaten to death with the titties of the fat person at the till it was so horrible.

...Ok, so I just wanted to get that out of my system. How do you drop "I saw a guy with a stupid tash" into a conversation anyway?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Archeon said:
Awww :(

If its any consolation I was having breakfast in Tesco the other day and saw sombody with what I could only describe as an 'Empire Builders' tash. I almost choked on my sausage it looks so... so... Bleh!!! There is no word to describe it!! The man needed to be dragged out and beaten to death with the titties of the fat person at the till it was so horrible.

...Ok, so I just wanted to get that out of my system. How do you drop "I saw a guy with a stupid tash" into a conversation anyway?

make a thread on on eOT they will read anything here..ANYTHING


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Archeon said:
Awww :(

If its any consolation I was having breakfast in Tesco the other day and saw sombody with what I could only describe as an 'Empire Builders' tash. I almost choked on my sausage it looks so... so... Bleh!!! There is no word to describe it!! The man needed to be dragged out and beaten to death with the titties of the fat person at the till it was so horrible.

...Ok, so I just wanted to get that out of my system. How do you drop "I saw a guy with a stupid tash" into a conversation anyway?

It's not that hard. When you're bored during some ghei conversation about the weather or something, just start talking about tashes. It's called the art of yabbering!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Loxleyhood said:
I had to shave tonight because of school tomorrow. No beards allowed. Nazis. :(

Gonna grow it back straight away though, if they tell me to shave again I'll trim it and hope they don't mind compromising. :(

Beard. Pfft Yeah right *lol* :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
shaving is the worst thign ever, has anyone heard about this new magic form of FACE WAXING? surely such a thing is not possible


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
errr what kind if school doesnt allow a beard? Sounds really disturbed to me.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 10, 2004
I'm told its frowned upon in all girls schools as well.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Loxleyhood said:
I had to shave tonight because of school tomorrow. No beards allowed. Nazis. :(

Gonna grow it back straight away though, if they tell me to shave again I'll trim it and hope they don't mind compromising. :(
school tomorrow ?!?!?!?!?!!? wtf kind of nazi school is that

we always went back at like 15th ish of sept and broke up 12th ish december,

gotta love uni tho, term starting on 4th october for the win


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
That is BS schools don't have the power to tell you to shave. If this is true then they should tell all the kids that stink of sweat to take a shower and use body spray. If my school ever told me to shave i'd be taking the bastards to a humans right court.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
No beards in school...?

What sort of school are you going to? :twak:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Vepo said:
If my school ever told me to shave i'd be taking the bastards to a humans right court.

bloody hell - they are trying to make you look presentable, this is the attitude of people around now-a-days (yea im only 20).

but seriously? thats your attitude?


Loyal Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Hold on, hold on...BREAKFAST IN TESCO?

Fucking hell. Was the homeless shelter closed or something? That's vile.



FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
rofl, in which freaking country is there schools like this? china? north korea?


Dec 22, 2003
Brynn said:
bloody hell - they are trying to make you look presentable, this is the attitude of people around now-a-days (yea im only 20).

but seriously? thats your attitude?
I agree with Brynn.
Schools have every right to make you shave.
At my school, the rules were you save unless its against your religion not too.
However things were more relaxed in the 6th form so you could probably have got away with it then.
But even so, they're just trying to make you look smart, and fair play to them for trying.



Dec 22, 2003

Its funny how views change. I remeber when i was in 3-4th form (thats 1 and 2 years before GCSE's)
I hated my school uniform, however now i've left school, I really do appreciate it, and dont want the school to change it. I can see that it gives identity and prevents descrimination (with no uniform, you have to buy clothes, poor = fewer clothes = bullying etc) and I really am glad that my school had it.
Where as, 3 years ago, i'd have done anything to get rid of it.




Part of the furniture
Jan 26, 2004
tilda loxleys avatar is ugly enough and now this, change ur avatar. Its ugly^2 :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Tilda said:
I can see that it gives identity and prevents descrimination (with no uniform, you have to buy clothes, poor = fewer clothes = bullying etc) and I really am glad that my school had it.

yeah because looking like sheep gives you lots of identity! and maybe you won't get bullied in class, but you damn well get bullied by other countries :p

seriously though, the fewer clothing arguments is bullshit, wearing a uniform is boring and takes away one of the most important things in self expression. there's many factors that lead to bullying and clothing alone is not going to cause problems, or at least they don't where i live


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Apathy said:
Hold on, hold on...BREAKFAST IN TESCO?

Fucking hell. Was the homeless shelter closed or something? That's vile.


I was just in the mood for some reason, don't ask why. Even I don't know, and in all fairness it wasn't too tragic. I've been forced to eat far worse :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Schools are in place to educate and prepare you for life, having a 'go to human rights court' attitude is how this country is turning out, everyone dying to sue someone else to get cash. Sick. Leeching bastards (a non daoc term in this instance, for those who can't dissassociate).

Anyhoo, a lot of it comes down to politics :p schools need ot be presentable to attract pupils, having a 'clean' atmosphere incites (or is supposed to) personal growth and hopefully produce fertile imaginations and intellect. This gives better grades, reflects well on the school and they can plug for more money.

You can pratice self expression without being a grubby shite with bumfluff, with your jeans halfway down to your ankles and your skiddy boxers on display, and some old bike chain flapping against your leg.

Uniforms help elimate some of the disparity in peoples lives, be it fashion or income. Helps to relieve the pressure of growing up which is a bitch for some people in the first place.

Also agree with loxley, woulda thought being in 6th form they would have been more relaxed, was your beard a flavour saver or something? :p trimmed and they shouldn't have a problem tbh.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
My school had a uniform code that said you had to shave :( i deteste shaving i tell people im making a fashion statement whith stuble truth is i just cba to shave


Dec 22, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
yeah because looking like sheep gives you lots of identity! and maybe you won't get bullied in class, but you damn well get bullied by other countries :p

seriously though, the fewer clothing arguments is bullshit, wearing a uniform is boring and takes away one of the most important things in self expression. there's many factors that lead to bullying and clothing alone is not going to cause problems, or at least they don't where i live
If you simply must have clothes to be able to express youself, something really has gone wrong. Uniform provides a link between everybody in a school, it makes it easier for teachers to recognise pupils, etc which helps on school trips. It also makes you look smart, which isnt going to happen if everybodys wearing their own stuff.

tbh, I think the clothing argument is valid. If someones rich they can afford loads of clothes, if someones not, they may not be able to. Thus, its quite likley that someone, will pick on the poor person in that "ahh haa xxx has worn the same clothes all this week!" or "ah ha you've worn those clothes before etc"



Dec 22, 2003
Ulrych said:
Schools are in place to educate and prepare you for life, having a 'go to human rights court' attitude is how this country is turning out, everyone dying to sue someone else to get cash. Sick. Leeching bastards (a non daoc term in this instance, for those who can't dissassociate).

Anyhoo, a lot of it comes down to politics :p schools need ot be presentable to attract pupils, having a 'clean' atmosphere incites (or is supposed to) personal growth and hopefully produce fertile imaginations and intellect. This gives better grades, reflects well on the school and they can plug for more money.

You can pratice self expression without being a grubby shite with bumfluff, with your jeans halfway down to your ankles and your skiddy boxers on display, and some old bike chain flapping against your leg.

Uniforms help elimate some of the disparity in peoples lives, be it fashion or income. Helps to relieve the pressure of growing up which is a bitch for some people in the first place.
Exactly, this is what I wanted to say!
This is exactly my view :D


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
The secondary school I went to has no uniform, never has done, they have less problems with both bullying and drugs than other schools in the region and although the grades arn't impressive, when you take into account the intake of the school and the fact that they don't expell people just because they're not "good enough" or deny people entry to exams if they might fail it turns out they do better than the other schools. Oh and they call the teachers by their first names there.

The "uniform reduces bullying" arguement is mostly crap, in some cases it may reduce incidents, but it never addresses the real problem and is just playing for statistics it doesn't give people any more respect for each other.

On a related subject.... who decided a silk fish cutout hanging off your neck looked good anyway? Day in day out people turn up for work in rediculously uncomfortable clothes, poorly suited for sitting at a desk and proceed to sweat for the duration of the day all because they're taught to believe it looks "smart". It's a load of shit really. I think I'll stick with my cheaper more comfortable clothes.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
I would not recommend applying to a school where the students need a certain set of clothes to give the appearance of being smart.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Right clothes for the right job. Full suit and tie gig behind a desk doesn't work unless you meet with clients (imo). You can still look smart in a short sleeve shirt and buy trousers that aren't heavy (theres summer troos).

Its called being presentable. If you deal on a person to person basis (or larger audience) you need to inspire confidence, good judgement and trust. These things are generally achieved by looking smart. Turning up to a meeting/conference in jeans and t-shirt is fine if your company has a relaxed atmosphere. Also depends on the company type of course.

Besides, first appearances count the most. I'd sooner test drive a car from some car-lot where the staff are presentable, rather than from a showroom where the staff amble around in jeans and t-shirts :)

'Most' jobs require some sort of dress-code, and these are usually very smart gigs. Even with a company as relaxed and wacky as Republic (highstreet clothing retailer, with a penchant for practical jokes), they still require their staff to look presentable to the public. They might wear jeans and t-shirts on the shop floor, but they are smart looking.

Schools opening up a casual uniform (read no uniform), invite a variety of fashions which inevitably clash and inspire friction. Which can lead to bullying, and lack of regard for authority. Not saying this is the case in every single school. But not everyone is from a generous background (generous can be nature/amenities/social, not just financial), and sadly, most cases do fall into areas where the amenities aren't great and they aren't socially tolerant.

I do believe uniforms and rules within schools are the building blocks on an individuals developing personality. With respect for authority and the people around you (respect for someone else to be who they are), it can lead to a better society at large.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Personally I liked wearing a suit for my 6th form, made you feel respectable, and part of a team.

Then again, no uniform wouldn't have matched the school itself, being a respected public school with ancient buildings and the suchlike.

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