Most skilled enemy



Originally posted by Teador
unnerfed PA....

no spellcrafting....

poisons not on resist table....


if he would play again now it won't be as good

as for what my most skilled enemy would be...

don't really know... Coren is very good tho... :)

Says the enchanter who has absolutely no clue how to play a stealther, and obviousely doesn't know Niar's playing style, he wasn't a PA hoe.

j000 d000d

Originally posted by pudzy
Says the enchanter who has absolutely no clue how to play a stealther, and obviousely doesn't know Niar's playing style, he wasn't a PA hoe.

i wonder why he had 50 CS then

and i've played a stealther


I wonder why it´s just stealthers that are considered skilled, healers or other group people are rarely mentioned even though they might be very skilled and be able to save full groups. Perhaps cause they have a hard time killing anything :p


Originally posted by AzuratMinimus
I wonder why it´s just stealthers that are considered skilled, healers or other group people are rarely mentioned even though they might be very skilled and be able to save full groups. Perhaps cause they have a hard time killing anything :p

2nd that

playing a healing cleric do take skill... correction playing one WELL do take skill (bit easiere after spreadheal, but it still takes skill)


Originally posted by Glyph_mid
Death stopped playing active before RAs came, he played abit after they came in game, but nothing serious.
I think he stopped playing because of his US chars, them being loads of patches behind back then.

I saw Death in Hadrian's last night.

I got aggro from one of those annoying mobs they have all over the zone and he killed it for me. :)


Originally posted by pudzy
Walker from alb, as he's the main organiser of the sotl and loe zerges that are pretty good to fight with

? ;]


Most skilled enemies in my opinion:

Kephan [The reflex :p]
Azal [Skilled IMO]
Soulfly [Bah]

And the 1fg bad omen with ae stun and Boooom pbae'ing :)



The only assassin that hasn't acted very stupid when I start pet-kiting ;).

j000 d000d

Originally posted by Glacier
Most skilled enemies in my opinion:

Kephan [The reflex :p]
Pbuch [Owch]
Azal [Skilled IMO]
Soulfly [Bah]

And the 1fg bad omen with ae stun and Boooom pbae'ing :)

Pbuck is a shared account fyi


Healers need to be skilled, and imo, most healers are. Being main CC and main healer at the same time is harder then most ppl think.


Being main CC and main healer at the same time is harder then most ppl think

Healing is actually very easy. Some people make it even easier by yelling 'HEAL ME!' in the middle of fights. Our ability to play our class is enhanced by all the advice we receive from other players in the group/raid.


hehe I remember the good old days when we were on our first keeptake in odins, Sinister was in the keep shooting at people and when it was my turn I was all like "woho! I got killed by sinister!" but isnt really alot of skills sitting at a keep picking of greycons with your bow =)

and by the way.. if you ddint know Narve moved to camlann and started up Norrsken there, was in there for a while, think we had a laught when i said that Narve was a sauvage spawn. dont know if he plays anymore


Death and Niar was the most feared enemy in my rangers eye, and Blood was teh hunter a must be killed one. There was a scout or 2 Arawn maybe and saracen female, cant remember the name though.
At the current state of the game, assassins not getting any respect at all (woot haxoring ppl with buffbot l33t), the most feared enemies are the good support classes in my eyes now, the ppl keeping their friends alive in a form of their own(healers mezzers etc).


From back in the days when all mids/albs were purple I think I worried more about Thing than anyone.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Sinister... I remember (that must have been late March/early April last year..) the Mids camping Apk once again and Sinister one-shotting people at his whim.

My good friend Bren charging down the hill like a maniac and whacking him with his sword - I kept healing him.

Sinister was down to a sliver when I thought "why not give the bastard a little lightning?" - so I started smiting.
Without any visible effect.

He then killed Bren.

God... smite rocks. :p

Needless to say, though, that it seems that Sinister stopped playing his hunter as soon as he wasn't able to one-shoot people any more. Hmmm...


Originally posted by AzuratMinimus
I wonder why it´s just stealthers that are considered skilled, healers or other group people are rarely mentioned even though they might be very skilled and be able to save full groups. Perhaps cause they have a hard time killing anything :p

People dont realize who the support classes are because their names dont flash across the screen all over the frontier as Blah was just killed by ubernuker. Personally, im totally happy to stand in the background spamming aemezz or aeroot, aedebuffs then fire debuffing everyone to hell if i got some fire wizzies along.. always nice to see a troll two shotted :))

Personally, my most feared person would have to be Bards.. No, I dont know any specific names because they arent killing machines causing massive deathspam.. But a class that has the power of cc (And instant cc, no matter how limited it is, it can take me out of the fight so the bards grp can go un-cced) AND the power to heal is scary to go up against. Was up against a few groups with bards tonite.. multiple bards and I just had the biggest problem with them and their purge.. I can interrupt them by spamming aeroot but that wont stop their insta cc to get me off them so they can continue about their grp business:/

But yes, any skilled bard would have to be the worst class to meet with a fg behind him.

But in reply to the original comment, some of the most skilled people (*hugs jesi,knudden, toxii and the other t30 clerics*) go overlooked, because if you see killspam from them, then their grp isnt doing their job properly or everything has gone to hell. In fact the less killspam you see from these people, the better they are doing their job :)

Just my thoughts :)


Narve went PVP and seem to have quit the game completly now, studying involved afaik.

Melgar pwnz! (You can pay me later)


Originally posted by Dorin
There was a scout or 2 Arawn maybe and saracen female, cant remember the name though.


I also remember sinister pwning everyone.. still got a screeny of when i first killed him somewhere :D


She even made me stop playing this game with sound on, I would get nightmares from her damm flute.

Stealher classes where overpowered back in old days, grouped with Death 3 times with my sb and yes he can play, never got to face Niar with my Sb.
Hadess skilled and also overpowered no doubt maybe wouldnt be the same with smith cleriks today after RA's and resist.



Yip, Giona, have to agree with that. REmember meeting her in gorge with Usp (was about 30 at the time, and she was purple :) ) and just stood there appreciating someone who really knew how to play their class (ok, was stunned at the time, no other choice hehe).

The original Nair, gotta love him, and the original Hoster, both skilled players.

ATM, it has to be Melgar who is still the most skilled player I can come across.

Remember, skill isn't the ability to kill people nor the ability to zerg. It's the ability to play your class to its best, to do something noticeable, or to be consistent.

I lost count of the amount of 1vs1's I have had with Nair, Hoster and Melgar with Usp (not that much chance in a 1vs1 with Neverending atm, Bards just aren't the best solo characters hehe) but each and every one of them was a great fight, with the majority being even fights.


I remember the joy the first time I was high enough so that Hoster DIDNT one shot me! ;)

j000 d000d

Hoster was just overpowered and high lvl, not skilled


Originally posted by Teador
Hoster was just overpowered and high lvl, not skilled

PAH, if u knew how i was specc'ed u realised i wasnt just over powered :p I did know how to use my stealther well. And i was never level 50 when u guys were if u wanna know.


Originally posted by Teador
Hoster was just overpowered and high lvl, not skilled

cute...coming from the person that quit alb to play a chanter :p

j000 d000d

Originally posted by Azal
cute...coming from the person that quit alb to play a chanter :p

did anyone say i was skilled with a chanter? (which is impossible)

there's no skill in PBAE'in people

there's no skill in 1-shotting with PA either

and i'm an alb... not a hib


Originally posted by Azal
cute...coming from the person that quit alb to play a chanter :p

well there are sucky chanters and there are good ones same as most classes :p

Oldbone O

All those old school players.. Soulfly, Mattshanes (please rvr some with Matt), Psi, Bubble, Coren, Giona, Marc, Plankton, Kephan, Oldbone, Ottar, Melgar, Zarff, Freia.. just to name some

Always fun to see old school players in action /salute

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