ML9 Sunday 22nd January @ 12:00 gmt


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Bg on: Sirrus (subject to change if i dont get mlxp)
Bg opens: 12 GMT
Bg moves: 12:30 GMT
Meetpoint: Aerus Haven
Entrance to dungeon Requirement (if applicable): ML8

First 3 who bring a treb and declare it get +50 to roll



Bg will be capped at 150


Loyal Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
I love you Chronic!! :D been waiting ages for ml9 raid and you are running it on one of my days off :D :D

see u on raid :D


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
yay!!! lets hope i can be there, also i'll try to bring a treb if i can ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2005
/cry /cry /cry /cry and i only need ml8.1 to atend on my bd sagg (and no that step aint donne on blues raids...ore correct me if im wrong :))


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
If i get another 40% ML8 exp I'll be there with my warrior. I can also bring a treb or 2 np but I won't know what to shoot at as it's my first ML9. I use em in rvr all the time tho.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 27, 2004
will try to be there with healer :p (if i manage to do ML8 BG steps / ML8 grp steps and mlxp)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 9, 2004
i am in with my SM Ondi Supp 50 ... =) ML 8 and ML Exp full to 9 ..


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
belxavier said:
Would appreciate if u plan your raids around existing ones in future please chronic u clash with my raid which have run for over 20 weeks now....

anyway on this one occasion makeing an exception and moveing MY raid to try help those who will attend this.
i dont see your complaint, unless you ran people from 1-10 on a regular schedule your raids are pretty useless to those who need ml9
This particular one was organised for a friend so i would run it on this day regardless.
The only person who's raids i do organise mine around are Vavirez who is helping the realm get past ml 1
I appreciate you moving yours, but it doesnt help those whoa re not ml9


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2004
Chronictank said:
i dont troll regular raids, and this was organised for a friend so i would run it on this day regardless.

run it what day u like timeing is what i complained about, but regardless i moved raid for sake of other not u and if u make a raid its up to u check times of sticky ones not be a pig headed tit about it when u cock up imho. well nice subsequent editing makes ur post more reasonable :p but my complaint well i take time run raid ppl on sever is fairly low really wanna compete for numbers? or would u rather those on ur raid could go str8 to ml10 instead if u planend it around...

and yes i ran many ml raids in my day i leave that to others now as i lack the time ok?


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
belxavier said:
run it what day u like timeing is what i complained about, but regardless i moved raid for sake of other not u and if u make a raid its up to u check times of sticky ones not be a pig headed tit about it when u cock up imho.
so im being pig headed helping the REALM get to ml10, and not just perma farm ml10 for a select few.
I run the raids when they suite my schedule, in other words when i have the time to run them.
I'm afraid i cant boast that i have infinite time at my disposal to organise it around raids that are of no concequence to the people who attend mine
If you actually bothered to look you will see almost every day including all weekend is booked for some kind of raid


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2004
Chronictank said:
so im being pig headed helping the REALM get to ml10, and not just perma farm ml10 for a select few.
I run the raids when they suite my schedule, in other words when i have the time to run them.
I'm afraid i cant boast that i have infinite time at my disposal to organise it around raids that are of no concequence to the people who attend mine

no consequence? lal ok so guess they dont need ml10 after 9, whatever regardless cba with ur attitude, and if u look at my modlist select few ?? nope there are hundreds ppl on modlist think plenty acces it and get credit and items. 1-2 hour ealier is not a big difference didnt say cant use sunday, was at odds with ur clashing time coulda done it before or after my raid which takes what all 40 mins? but yeh okay


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
belxavier said:
no consequence? lal ok so guess they dont need ml10 after 9, whatever regardless cba with ur attitude, and if u look at my modlist select few ?? nope there are hundreds ppl on modlist think plenty acces it and get credit and items. 1-2 hour ealier is not a big difference didnt say cant use sunday, was at odds with ur clashing time coulda done it before or after my raid which takes what all 40 mins? but yeh okay
If you didnt run it, i would
and yes they would be ml10 all the same
And 1-2 hrs does make a difference to me, as its 1-2 hrs i dont have free.
Go figure
But then ofc i am running it at this time just for the sole purpose of ruining your raid.. really..

Why am i so annoyed? because only last week i saw a guy who put the effort into trying to do a ml run stop at ml3 just because of people like you making him move his schedule.


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2004
be annoyed all u like i said i moved mine did I ask u move yours? no asked u to plan around others if can especially long standing raids (as in be considerate in future), but it clearly too much for you


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
belxavier said:
be annoyed all u like i said i movd mine i ask u move yours? no asked u to plan around others if can especially long standing raids but it clearly too much for u,
as i said before what difference does my raid make to you?
people who arent ml10 will join mine, people who are will join your.
That forms the core of the raid, the rest are msot likely alts and it is up to them to decide.
If you were running something other than a item farm which is pointless to 70% of my bg, yes i probably would have organised it around yours.
Either way im done arguing i have better things to do


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2004
well this is last time ill bother to post here but even with clustering atm population is pretty low those who go on ur raid probably playing alts or maybe those who go on my raid would like to go on yours too? Ml10 is an item farm and creidt is recived so what difference between ppl who attaend ml9 for items only?

point is i rather not make ppl choose (when low population) if they want both it nice have chance but u seem think players on ur ml totaly different realm/world to those on mine...fact is someone who gonna join urs asked me to move mine so they could attend which shows ur not correct as that is just one person other also pmed me at last weeks raid ingame.. ok?


Loyal Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
Joohl said:
Wrong week for me sadly, gl to you all thou.
Happy happy, joy joy.... got sunday off from work :)
So I'll be there with my Valk and BBshamie, can bring some rams if needed aswell.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
Can't we just all work together on this ?
We all host Raids to help ppl.
Just a tip, Try to get in touch with ppl hosting raids on a time ure gone do it. For example cron, u could have said it earlier to Xavier, he could then maybe change dhis for a few hour later (its an idea) I did the same once to.

Remember we all do our part to help every1


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
vavires said:
We all host Raids to help ppl.

Unfortunately this just is not true of everybody, though it used to be not so long ago. There are some raid leaders who make a major claim on the MLs they do by removing a much-wanted item from the lotto, then say if you don't like it, don't join. That's their reply. This practice seems to have entered the Prydwen scene from elsewhere - even before the cluster btw.
Then there are those I call Raid Hogs who run a raid with no consideration at all for what already takes place in that time-slot. They plan a raid then move it for the convenience of one person, willy-nilly, then try to prtend their players would not have gone on the other raid anyway. They should have seen the influx to Jacina's of BG members after today's ML8. An hour before the Erinys raid had to be cancelled owing to low numbers, not to mention the mL10 on Friday evening.
I am running a one-girl argument with a load of Excal nidgets in another thread about this very thing. As Belx points out we are already struggling because of population drift and there are those who simply ignore the fact they are making it worse.

\/ to all lamers and ivory-tower gods

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