ML rush (mad day) 16th sticky plz


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
scorge said:
thought you get 100% MLXP anyway to get ML1 straight away?


You do but you're still gonna need items from group steps if you wanna fight Ammut, or you need to tell people to stay away from Ammut to avoid bringing down judgement.


Loyal Freddie
Jul 5, 2004
The new thing is that u don't need the pre's or group or solo steps to get the bg steps, but u need them to get the ml done.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Javai said:
You do but you're still gonna need items from group steps if you wanna fight Ammut, or you need to tell people to stay away from Ammut to avoid bringing down judgement.

Was just talking about getting enterance to ml5 hun, think someone thought that you had to get MLxp as well as ML1, you do, but you start of with a 100% MLxp, so you can enter ml5 straight after. :)



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 4, 2004
For us that isnt ML1 and therefor cant do the ML5 grp steps for items, can we or cant we get credit for all ML5 bg steps?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Teheron said:
For us that isnt ML1 and therefor cant do the ML5 grp steps for items, can we or cant we get credit for all ML5 bg steps?

get a group do the group steps, do bg stps tommorrow, then go to ml5.



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 4, 2004
scorge said:
get a group do the group steps, do bg stps tommorrow, then go to ml5.


how am i gonna do ml5 grp steps if im not ML1? isnt there a ML1 req to get in to ML5?


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Zeus, you'll be able to test the credit thing on me.

My free level is at 10:15 ... doh... :p


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 26, 2004
ok this is what I will do

ML1+2 on scout [Taemos]
ML3+4 on mincer [Windslice]
ML5+6 on pally [Matteh]


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Like to say a few things here:

Thank you for leading this, it ain't easy with so many people turning up.
I always hate to see so many people not listening which makes it harder on leader + it takes insanly much more time then first thought because of it.

zeusmdk said:
3. easy on the /afks. I realize that rl issues pop up, but you will need to realize that we cannot wait for everyone's emergencies. I will make it a point to have /afk times or if you wish you can request it at reasonable intervals.

I'm a reasonable person but i'm sorry i lost it at this point when i see you (nearly or did) kick a person from bg when his gl tells you he's stuck to raidleader cuz he needed to go to a toilet? I ask myself where's the dignity towards the afk person?
I do not favor ppl who afk, it's their own fault if they miss anything or die or whatever, however there are truly exceptions like you pointed out "emergencies".
About the intervals for afk's, they must have slipped a bit as people weren't listening which i can understand so don't go blaming/shouting at people for something when they got a good reason.

I am sorry i upset you when i said how i thought, i apologise for some things i even said. However i do not accept any extorsion or blackmail from anyone... especially when those people aren't being fair towards others. And no i am not defending those who didn't listen throughout the entire raid.

I hope you don't see this as a flame, but except my apologies though i hope i have pointed some valuable things out.

Best regards


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Maybe it was just me and i can't really say much as i only stayed for ml 1 but you seemed to be acting a lot like its 'my raid' which isnt a good idea when your leading 125 people. You need to listen to the people and see what they want aswell as what u want.

Overall i think about 30 mins was lost due to unnecessary stuff. In a ml rush that adds up to immense ammounts especially when you give 10 minute timelimits for a job that takes 3-4 mins without speed.

Maybe, against, it was just me but i didn't like the way caps were used and the way you had group leaders having 'leader-type access' when 50% of them didn't have a clue.

Take this as constructive criticism if you will but if you are going to lead an ML rush you need to be able to disclipine, give commands, give help and be able to run that ML in the shortest time possible. I feel you did excel in the disclipine part and to a certain extent the commands part but you couldn't explained things a little better that would've saved u time aswell as the BG.

Goodluck in future ML's :)


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 17, 2004
if people listened we would not have had to use caps, sticking to raid leader and going afk while we were trying to do ml1.9 was a bad idea which is why we said if anyone went afk they would b booted. Ithink zeus has done a great job so can we have a bit of praise instead on crit plz, u got ur mls didnt u???!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
Aadia said:
Like to say a few things here:

Thank you for leading this, it ain't easy with so many people turning up.
I always hate to see so many people not listening which makes it harder on leader + it takes insanly much more time then first thought because of it.

I'm a reasonable person but i'm sorry i lost it at this point when i see you (nearly or did) kick a person from bg when his gl tells you he's stuck to raidleader cuz he needed to go to a toilet? I ask myself where's the dignity towards the afk person?
I do not favor ppl who afk, it's their own fault if they miss anything or die or whatever, however there are truly exceptions like you pointed out "emergencies".
About the intervals for afk's, they must have slipped a bit as people weren't listening which i can understand so don't go blaming/shouting at people for something when they got a good reason.

I am sorry i upset you when i said how i thought, i apologise for some things i even said. However i do not accept any extorsion or blackmail from anyone... especially when those people aren't being fair towards others. And no i am not defending those who didn't listen throughout the entire raid.

I hope you don't see this as a flame, but except my apologies though i hope i have pointed some valuable things out.

Best regards

by this time i had said no afkers as it was slowing the raid down and it was pissing as was peeps not listen i said grp stick to GL and GL stick me so there was some point and i did not boot him


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
ml 5 just done and due to peeps not listen they missed 5.9 after i spammed speak to mafah dont not speak to other mob at least 20 time's what happend?

yes you got it they called a boat and got on it

ps note if you speak to mafah get diesed and get it cured you will not get 5.9 but you do get 5.10

u can still do 5.9 later :)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 26, 2004
wow im actually quite glad i decided to take a break earlier if ml5 took that long :( didnt help all day when people weren't listening or being afk etc

thx for ml1-3


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
as the time has run away with us ml 6 will be at 6pm gmt tomorrow sunday


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 4, 2004
Just wanna thank everyone that organised this ML rush.. Isnt easy when so many ppl are in the bg, but somehow u all managed to get us the MLs we needed.. So thanks alot.. :)


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Woohoo I got flower pot on me friar at last or is it power font .... oh well whatever its called I got it :clap: :clap:
Thanks for raids :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Long Day .... Great Effort by all leaders concerned.

Really thought u was going to lose it on ML2 ... i surely would have !!

Made a mountain of ml xp on 2 chars so im happy as LARRY.



Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
i made a mt on lotto the preclaim was ml4 not ml6 ty to celin for helping sorting it out though the ml6 are all ready in guild house 1200 for those that dont beleave me


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 17, 2004
zeus mt on ml6 remains we need ml4 remains, i know he posted wrong but it pretty fair that after running 13hrs of mls non stop that he gets the remains as he got nothing else and didnt need the mls, he just did it to help peeps, well done to all and thanx to zeus for giving up his day helping us all out. am ml8 now on pinkey thats to loadsa ml xp :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
that was the worst ml5 i have ever been on.
u took to long to tell ppl what to do, and ppl didnt listen, i myself simply got annoy'd by the way to long waiting time's, fx i helped a guy who took the boat by mistake get credit on 5.9 before the raid even got halfway back from the fountain, and the no lotto ?? i helped cos i could use the ring on my infil, atleast dont put BG loot on 4 the last mob if u dont intend to lotto it, or say u preclaim all drop's...
btw next time u want some1 to take speed of dont run of while half the BG is stuck without speed, i know u where stressed but that was just bad leadership...
and before u say <insert random insult and i need to lead my own ml5 raid> i have run a ml5 raid many times before and its realy not so hard... 4 next time's use the time we have between step's to explain what to do instead of saying it (and haveing down time) when we arrive to the encounter...

all in all only annoy'd that u didnt lotto :(


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
kk look like some peeps not coming on ml6 ah well there choice its ml6 at 6pm uk time see ya all there

P.S btw i did explane all of the ml5.9 step before we started :). but if peeps will not listen then ill make sure those that do get credit and those that dont listen may or may not oh and last note if you dont like the way i was running the riad WHY stay 13 hours and then complain :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
zeusmdk said:
oh and last note if you dont like the way i was running the riad WHY stay 13 hours and then complain :)
only went on ml5 doubt it was 13hours 4 that (tho it felt like it) i stuck with it 4 the drop's as a few in my grp did...


Fledgling Freddie
May 24, 2004
First of all, Thanks for leading this. Not many people want to spend a whole day leading a ML raid. When that is said, i can honestly say its one of the worst raids i have ever been on. And i know its not the leaders fault entirely ofc. But there were alot of things you could have done alot better. You simply do not have the experience to lead such a raid yet. It was not at all organised as some other ml raids i have been on, and you didnt even have the items for ml2 ? pfft... (I only went on ml 1 and ml2, couldnt be bothered going on the rest after 4½ hour..) You used your own tactics, which is fine as they worked in most cases. But you really should prepare better for the next ml raid you decide to do, ml2.10 mob was just lame the way we did it, but it worked which i guess is the ultimate goal. I hope your next raids will be better. Also, the "rush" kinda goes away when you use 1½ hour on ml1, and even more on ml2... You spent too much time at the different steps doing nothing at all and redoing steps because people went afk and lsot stick or died in water cause they were afk or whatever reason. I dont know if this is your first ML rush, i have seen you lead small ml pres before, maybe you should start doing single ml runs and learn it before starting with every ml possible. Good job keeping your head cool and sticking through with it, i hope your next one will be better.

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