Minstrel Perform in St runs


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2006
Minstrel performance in st run ( solo or duo) is geting weak, with the new resist and the new classes fixes minstrel class is left for it brings. Having 50 instruments for the last dds that are being resisted alot and then they hit , they do 150 damage(-150) tops( and with a 15 sec recast timer), yes you can spend RPs in MoA, AP and Aug char to incrise the damage and you have to sacrifice alot of RPs in it to see profits, with this i was thinking on trading my 50 instruments to slash, you can attack in every 2 secs doing 200+ with 50 on slash( i hope), with this repec i will be like this :

50 slash +16
26 st +16
34 Instruments +16

this will improve my weapon skill alot ( i have 34 slash atm) and improve my damage to 200+, as 60% or more of my damage comes from melle i cant see the point of sacrificing slash for instruments, with 34 instruments will nerf my ability to run rvr grp but it will improve my performance in st runs.

What do you guys thin about this?

Leafwalker the allmost RR6 Minstrel ( TugaDeathSquad )


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004

yes Goa/Mythic whoever does those changes usually dont think over the consequences of these changes... eg: Whorelock and (Bonedancer with fighting styles(DR)+insta lifetap+heal)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I say get a template with alot of melee damage and style damage and str cap :G


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
one way to find out, test it yourself

personally, id try raising instru to 36 (new mezz and dd) and lower stealth to 23 (realistically stealth is only to hide from visables as all other stealthers with any mos will see u a mile off anyway)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2006
Elitestoner said:
one way to find out, test it yourself

personally, id try raising instru to 36 (new mezz and dd) and lower stealth to 23 (realistically stealth is only to hide from visables as all other stealthers with any mos will see u a mile off anyway)

Hmm trade Climb wall for new dd and mez ... why not? i dont even use climb walls, normaly the keep guards will see me wend i try to use it and zerg me... its anoter mincer ability the mincers cant use it effective!!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 4, 2004
Fsantos said:
... its anoter mincer ability the mincers cant use it effective!!
if u got enough stealth it works...
and u should be lucky u even have it.
what do archers get from specing stealth? oh?!? NOTHING??? LOOL!!! :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Spamb0t said:
if u got enough stealth it works...
and u should be lucky u even have it.
what do archers get from specing stealth? oh?!? NOTHING??? LOOL!!! :touch:

well they get stealth don´t they?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Spamb0t said:
if u got enough stealth it works...
and u should be lucky u even have it.
what do archers get from specing stealth? oh?!? NOTHING??? LOOL!!! :touch:

Aye sucks specing stealth on a archer!!!1 give something instant killing from the line imo, the stealth ability isnt enough!!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2006
Spamb0t said:
if u got enough stealth it works...
and u should be lucky u even have it.
what do archers get from specing stealth? oh?!? NOTHING??? LOOL!!! :touch:

Well to have enough stealth to work i need to be rr10 mincer if i spec 30 in st or i need to have 35 in stealth like most Stealther outhere must it will cost alot in the level X 1.5 spec points ...


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 21, 2004
cant wait to nerf minnies more ... the sound of the mezz song haunts my dreams ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
go 50 slash 43 instru (44 instru if you're autotrained) and stlong 1 stealth. u don't have to be angry that a fookin bard SL-ed u out or something as u won't be able to stealth :D
i like that spec tbh, played it quite a lot now (from 6l0 --> 7l1) and it worked fine, dia slash can hit like a truck with a decent sc. i hit slashweak armors for 250-380 critless (kinda abs dependant) so with a nice solo RA spec u can deal quite nice dmg (with mopain4 etc :eek:)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Firstly, magic resists do not affect outright spell resists ("your target resists the effect"), I don't know why so many people have this idea. Also 150(-150) is far more resists than I normally experience, in fact its 50%, which you'll never see in solo/duo unless they're using bot resists - and healer/warden bots whatsmore which is highly uncommon. CL resists will give max 26+10 = 36%, sometimes a tad more with racial.

As for 50 slash, I've seen a test on it, and the damage increase is certainly noticable but not as huge as many imagine, around 20% for a mid RR iirc, diamond slash on top of that, so effective 30% maybe. Personally I wouldn't like the tradeoff, I'd hate no speed 5 when soloing which is what I mostly do on minstrel, DD damage will be noticably less and actually resisted outright more as they're lower level spells, and going from the top to the lowest ablative will certainly hurt in the odd fights where you have a lot of defensive timers up. But if you really are encountering 50% body resists on the majority of targets then you're seriously unlucky, but by all means try it out :)

Edit: Also while climb walls isn't worth speccing for, Its certainly not useless. It's rare that you get a good opportunity to use it, but I've had great fun and made great RPs on the odd occasion when duoing with an infil inside an enemy keep. So long as you have enough DPS to take out the 2-3 guards who will rush when you first attack, you're set to farm nicely for several minutes before the ranks of angry dead port back and group up to get their revenge.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
i got 35+11 stealth on my mincer, i enjoy running with Scouts/infils and being their CC. Scout pops starts pulling... others run at him i pop, mezz them and if we got infils they run in and do their thing.

Beauty with mincers is you can play them any way. I have also used Climb wall loads of times, yes guards get me, but sometimes (especially if someone else has just went up, say arms in next patch) i can get in, then mezz ppl using trebs.

Very effective


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2006
Well i have to do someting to fix this, geting 50 body resist its not hard, 26% from itens, 10% resist buff and some Advoidence of magic and you will have it, its is a big nerf to mincers DDs becose we cant buff up up DDs damage...
Well if mincers DDs dont scale with buff, its a huge disanvantage to it, as Mithic say Mincers dds are a complement to its melle ability( Mithic forgot to say that its damage remain the same from rr1 to rr13 or unbufed or bufed), with melle its abit diferent.

If dds damage dont scale, why do i need to sacrifice my slash ability ??
( Solo depends the ability to do damage fast, if you take alot of time you will be added from some Leecher)

Well about 35 in ST, you have to sacrifice Ametist slash for it or 50 Instruments, not wort it...

And about 50 slash and 44 instruments spec, well i am a Rogue, as a rouge we are soposse to use Stealth to have the advantage, with 1 in Stealth you will be called a gimp Scald or someting like that...

Like all Rogue Classes we need the ability to Solo, its the Goal of all Stealth classes.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
It's still impossible to get 50% w/o bot buffs, AOM is a secondary resist so even with 36% and AOM5, you'll have 48.8% resist effective. Not meaning to sound pedantic as that is damn close to 50%, however almost nobody specs AOM5 anyway, and the few who spec it at all tend to go max AOM3, which would give 42.4% effective.

I do agree that minstrels have suffered more than most classes from CL resists, as most casters will be running in groups anyway. However don't forget the resist line also includes a 5% melee resist buff on a 5 min timer, which means its up virtually every fight, so we don't lose out by that much compared to pure meleers. And yes I also hate the minstrels ultra low DPS compared to virtually every tank/hybrid/stealther, but I don't think the spec you mentioned would help much overall, if you drop instruments don't drop it below 44. Just my opinion.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2006
elbeek said:
Roll a Merc or learn toplay your minstrel, easy really.

You seen to know how to play a Minstrel, i want to see your perform in solo Stealth ( cant use a pet), your words are great, they improved my game play alot!!! Thx m8!!!

The current days in solo runs, i can only Jump on caster or tanks, the Stealth classes you need them to Jump on you, let me make a analise from this targets for you:

Casters: This guys tend to Hit very hard if you let them, so if you have the Jump you have the inicial advantage, but there is a problem in here, with the lack of DPs of mincer they can turn the Tied of batle in they favor, you DDs Mezz them and wait to see that you will do, if you dd again and start melle they will just MOC farm you and go away( you can stun them but they will purge it)
Now days All soloers are rr6+++
If the caster have livetap, you bether not attack them.. BD or Warlock its out of the Question, warlock will Insta kill you and BD will Stile you and do /lol at you at the same time ( Lower rr6 caster then do die faster and dont have MOC.

IF you have ZW you can kill a caster in every 15m, i dont i have Warguard :)

Tanks: Well this guys are hard to kill, they seen to Hit hard and have Tons of live, i can use every think i got agains a RR6++ Tank ( Warguard, batler and so on) to have a chance, as the conter part they will just stile you to dead.
With the new pacth, main tank improvements Spell resistance to armsman, warrior and Hero, they can get to 60% spell resistance with only 10 points in AOM.

Stealth Classes: Well Rangers(merc spec) rr6++ hit like a melle class, very hard to kill( i need to use warguard, ect..) Hunter are abit more easy, and SB or NS are a hard, again with warguard and stuff its doable.

The points is you need to have every thing up to win the fights you think you can win..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Fsantos said:
You seen to know how to play a Minstrel, i want to see your perform in solo Stealth ( cant use a pet), your words are great, they improved my game play alot!!! Thx m8!!!

The current days in solo runs, i can only Jump on caster or tanks, the Stealth classes you need them to Jump on you, let me make a analise from this targets for you:

Casters: This guys tend to Hit very hard if you let them, so if you have the Jump you have the inicial advantage, but there is a problem in here, with the lack of DPs of mincer they can turn the Tied of batle in they favor, you DDs Mezz them and wait to see that you will do, if you dd again and start melle they will just MOC farm you and go away( you can stun them but they will purge it)
Now days All soloers are rr6+++
If the caster have livetap, you bether not attack them.. BD or Warlock its out of the Question, warlock will Insta kill you and BD will Stile you and do /lol at you at the same time ( Lower rr6 caster then do die faster and dont have MOC.

IF you have ZW you can kill a caster in every 15m, i dont i have Warguard :)

Tanks: Well this guys are hard to kill, they seen to Hit hard and have Tons of live, i can use every think i got agains a RR6++ Tank ( Warguard, batler and so on) to have a chance, as the conter part they will just stile you to dead.
With the new pacth, main tank improvements Spell resistance to armsman, warrior and Hero, they can get to 60% spell resistance with only 10 points in AOM.

Stealth Classes: Well Rangers(merc spec) rr6++ hit like a melle class, very hard to kill( i need to use warguard, ect..) Hunter are abit more easy, and SB or NS are a hard, again with warguard and stuff its doable.

The points is you need to have every thing up to win the fights you think you can win..

go buy a clue an learn to play your class tbh ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2006
Eeben said:
go buy a clue an learn to play your class tbh ^^

And again your wisdow have Clarified me!! if you cant think of anyting nice to post, just dont m8...


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Fsantos said:
You seen to know how to play a Minstrel, i want to see your perform in solo Stealth ( cant use a pet), your words are great, they improved my game play alot!!! Thx m8!!!

rr8 lvl 4 and climbing. Yes I do know how to play a minstrel and I solo as well as group. Kinda self owned yourself, now go away and learn to play the class and stop fucking qqing because you are shit.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2006
elbeek said:
rr8 lvl 4 and climbing. Yes I do know how to play a minstrel and I solo as well as group. Kinda self owned yourself, now go away and learn to play the class and stop fucking qqing because you are shit.

i am RR6 level 4 to and Climbing to, so Stop saying i cant play me Class well...i gained 80% of total rps in solo, duo or trio, you dont know me and i dont know you, and not all minstrel are RR8, this is not about you or me, this is about Minstrel class... and you coments are not improving it!!


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
elbeek said:
rr8 lvl 4 and climbing. Yes I do know how to play a minstrel and I solo as well as group. Kinda self owned yourself, now go away and learn to play the class and stop fucking qqing because you are shit.

RR8 you say....

your very funny...ahah...not really! please try to do all that you say you do NOW with a rr3 mincer...

Yeah your RR8 but i bet you got at least 7RRs before DR and mythic last stupid patches


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 24, 2004
mebbe you should of bought a guide on how to play at the same time you bought your char from ebay xD


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 24, 2004
thread starter aka "my dds are getting resisted so im respeccing to 3x inst so i can do 200dmg every 2sec with my sword!"

random assassin evades your attack !
random assassin evades your attack !
random assassin evades your attack !
random assassin evades your attack !

50 slash or not :p


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
yeah i agree with you carp i would preffer to have a higher WP or MoM for DDs instead of more MoPain especially having only amethist


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
Tbh if you battler AND warguard every tank and still have problem then I have to agree with beeks that it must be a problem with your playstyle, minstrels dont have high DPS but they have very good tanking when needed, and lots of versatility. I only use the battler/warguard combo again mid-high RR light tanks in general and with that up I've beaten high RR tri-weild + IP + battler BMs before, on a minstrel the two should almost be insta-win, but its far better to try and save them. Most sheild tanks I find fairly easy as a minstrel, don't need to use any timers to beat most low-mid RR ones, and with warguard alone almost all are pretty easy.

As for casters, BDs and WLs are the only casters I really fear and I'm warlord too. If someone MOCs, just run away... even on the rare occasion you don't have a handy bridge/water boundary/rock/hill to break LOS, you've got SOS. The only thing that has a good chance to kill before you SOS out of range is a MOC3 SM. For hib QC stun there's CB/purge/runthrough/traitors pets, for ml9 pets theres flutemezz, rr5 mezz, and petscare.


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Kinetix said:
RR8 you say....

your very funny...ahah...not really! please try to do all that you say you do NOW with a rr3 mincer...

Yeah your RR8 but i bet you got at least 7RRs before DR and mythic last stupid patches

Get a clue. Did I automatically jump rr's?...no, like all other characters I learnt to play my class.

All the qqing about how underpowered minstrels are is utter bollox. We have more toys than an early learning shop, battler/warguard/som makes you virtually unkillable for a short period of time.

Unless the original poster has bought the account, it has taken him a long time to realise that minstrels do not have the dps of heavy tanks, however with a bit of thought when making a template, and a bit of thought when speccing ra's a minstrel will always be able to compete fairly.


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Kinetix said:
yeah i agree with you carp i would preffer to have a higher WP or MoM for DDs instead of more MoPain especially having only amethist

WP is totally over rated, you crit occasionally, whoopie doo. MoM?...lol.

MoF2 and then get aug acuity to at least level 2.

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