Minor QQ at valkeries


Dec 22, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
sounds like a challenge then, roll on the valkyries?! :p

I'll roll one if you will! :p

Personally i'd like to play a Valk (not that I have the time to play much at all atm anyway), but tbh, before you nerf valks, you should remove the ability to moc buffsheer.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
wish i had the option to pick and chose my fights


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2004

The valk shear is pretty nice :) if i run solo and a fg comes to wipe me i spam the shear button :) so the druids and clerics have some work to do :)

give Valks str/con shear on other timer and let the QQ begin :p


Fledgling Freddie
May 14, 2004

You get in top 10 if you are RR3, and this for a class thats been around close to 1 year. Yeh ph34r them valks!

cheers, and find something else to qq about

1 Shivhae 1,706,550 73,468 50 Golden Age Norseman
2 Diunn 244,016 16,394 50 The Dark Disciples Dwarf
3 Findi Powerpuffgirl 221,398 1,057 50 Revolver Norseman
4 Betrice 101,423 0 50 Aquamarine Norseman
5 Arzaira OhNoesAValkyrie 88,997 2,118 50 Purple Warriors Norseman
6 Corixa 86,147 0 50 Defiance Norseman
7 Rahell Mezzbreaker 66,704 101 50 The Dark Alliance Norseman
8 Chaya 50,075 0 50 Bannana Bunnies Dwarf
9 Breviss 30,852 0 48 The Dark Disciples Norseman
10 Apathia 25,951 4,726 50 Dark Age of Midgard Frostalf


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
bah i am only #2 valk on the cluster with 630k rp

edit: and i havent played it for 3-4 months


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 23, 2005
The people who insist on pure solo rvr with no adds don't see buff bot buffs as something that make some 'soloers' more equal than others...
It's probably just me, but looks like this thread is rather about buff bot buffs or 'making life easier to "solo" people with buff bot buffs' rather than about valkyries?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 27, 2003
Wonder how many rushes to modern to pl themself a valk? :m00:


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
I tried a Valkyre once, class is... well not as good as other classes from Midgard xD

Found a thane better. Valkyre with 50+12 spear, 101 STR/DEX is tipping around 1500 WS, which is simply too low. Would need atleast 1600-1650 WS with those stats to be decent as 'tank' who can only melee and not nuke or heal.

HP-wise they're more or less comparable to most Hybrids really. Except they got CON primary, so you would expect more HP. Same issue as with Paladin (who also has around the same WS/HP).

Odins Will-line is actually quite OKI from my PoV.


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
that is the best part ever. insta DD, cone DD, cone buffshear, slam, super fast spear with proc, pulsing cone.....Warlord :p

I managed to beat an RR7 shade in epic armor, haha =)

Imho, valkyries are a pretty underestimated class cause they fill a role that already exists, so nobody wants to try them out. Personally I don't regret rolling one =)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
run today evening ~2.5h whit my valk in odin, Eystandrn.
dunno if this helped few to find out what valk can do, thou most time there was hib fg and even albs run around duo+.
did few 1v1, got killed and kill higher rank stealthers.
had 99% time som or winged up, most of time even af charge.

irs was something 800 when logged off.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
well a valk with fast spear and haste should be able to take out assassins. Parry is wonderful against them. To bad the off parry chain sucks donkeyballs (like 90% of the spear line)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
censi said:
Just find it annoying they put a melee class in the game with an insta buff sheer.

Not many valkeries about but if you fight one the best scenario is you win but loose like an essential buff.

from my pov it just makes me not attack them because id rather keep the buff.

Do peeps agree??? I think all buff sheers should be like duration based like 1-2 mins. that way they are still effecive but it doesnt create like toons you dont wanna attack. (same with like shammies or druids and clerics, anything with buff sheer really)


You have no problem fighting with the distinct advantage of buffs from a bot savely tucked away at the border keep ... and fiiiiinally Mythic put something in the game to nerf buffbots a little (and favor active buffing classes and people doing silly things like grouping) and you chose not to attack them cause you can't live without your precious capping buffs.

Sad :<


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Pirkel said:

You have no problem fighting with the distinct advantage of buffs from a bot savely tucked away at the border keep ... and fiiiiinally Mythic put something in the game to nerf buffbots a little (and favor active buffing classes and people doing silly things like grouping) and you chose not to attack them cause you can't live without your precious capping buffs.

Sad :<

what you say is total bollox. A ranger like censi can never group with an active druid to rebuff him after buffshearing. He wasn't whining generally about buffshears, but more about the fact that the valk one has a significant impact on non-grouped people =)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Or that if he would been a soloing Valk he would qq becouse none attacking him due the insta shear


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Rofl !

A shear is a small thing to gain when u consider ...

1. Valks dont get Banelord Ml line
2. Valks Get hybrid hp , and are the only hybrid that get low weaponskill !
3. Up to afew years ago Valks couldnt vote and in some countries they still have to wear headscarfs :0 , Girl Powah !1one


Can't get enough of FH
Oct 20, 2004
Punishment said:
A shear is a small thing to gain when u consider ...

1. Valks dont get Banelord Ml line
2. Valks Get hybrid hp , and are the only hybrid that get low weaponskill !
3. Up to afew years ago Valks couldnt vote and in some countries they still have to wear headscarfs :0 , Girl Powah !1one
And thats why i <3 you puni :D


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
<3 My Fluffykins :)

Agrigo said:
And thats why i <3 you puni :D

The nasty man in Pc world took my pc away and told me i cant have it back for 3 weeks and it will cost me about 150e :(

Phear this Pentium 2 Celeron i are on atm ... phwwwooaar :p Tho FH in white w/o any images is teh roxx :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Buffshears is fun its the only reason i stil think its fun to play my shaman.
Thx to buffshears i now have more things to do in fights not only interupting/rooting and spam diseas. Now i can assist tanks/caster and remove buffs to help them kill the target faster and even get more to do if my team members get sheared aswell. I think buffsheares have made the game more fun to play as a support char.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
that depends if you are busy trying to heal too in the case of alb or hib, buff shearing, healing, rebuffing, curing nearsite, interupting etc. i wouldnt want to have to do it :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
the thing is that peeps seems to be missing...

like we got enough dont bother attacking shit with all the numbnutz running around on mages classes wanting a piece of the solo rvr scene on a worthless toons no one is interested in fighting, dont make the melee toons unviable to fight... this is bad for both the player of the class and the attacker...

thats what im getting at. Like if I was playing a valk and less peeps were attacking me it would get me annoyed more than having the option to attack one or not.

make all sheers duration based. its a no brainer and its good for the game as long as the timer is not too short (or too long)

ofc it wont happen though. mythic thinks the ability to make people port back and rebuff is the cool and good for the game.


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Well, we have no Banelord, but Warlord is a very good line aswell. Considering that our styles have a high endu cost, it's not too bad to have ML6 to reduce endo costs.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
If you care so much about losing a d/q buff that you would avoid a fight because of it, you're just being a perfectionist. If you are afraid of fighting someone because you lost your d/q buff, instead of taking it as a challenge, you're a coward. :)

The cure for you is the d/q charge found on a wide selection of items, the price on the market are <20g. There's no excuse not to have it, unless you're brave enough to fight an opponent without it. ;)

(My opinion is, if you want to hear it: Grow some balls and take it as a challenge! Maybe it will earn you some bragging rights, and a t-shirt saying "I beat an enemy without d/q buff". I dare you to find out. :D)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2004
censi said:
the thing is that peeps seems to be missing...

like we got enough dont bother attacking shit with all the numbnutz running around on mages classes wanting a piece of the solo rvr scene on a worthless toons no one is interested in fighting, dont make the melee toons unviable to fight... this is bad for both the player of the class and the attacker...

thats what im getting at. Like if I was playing a valk and less peeps were attacking me it would get me annoyed more than having the option to attack one or not.

make all sheers duration based. its a no brainer and its good for the game as long as the timer is not too short (or too long)

ofc it wont happen though. mythic thinks the ability to make people port back and rebuff is the cool and good for the game.

Dude you talk like there is a Valk waiting for you around every corner . :D

The best way to summ this up, is if you stand in the line of any Cone or PBAE, your going back to the Portal Keep eather dead or unbuffed .... take your pick. :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
censi said:
thats what im getting at. Like if I was playing a valk and less peeps were attacking me it would get me annoyed more than having the option to attack one or not.

What you are missing is, that you are talking about altering the only thing that may actually land a valkyrie a spot in a group: The cone shears.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
censi said:
the thing is that peeps seems to be missing...

like we got enough dont bother attacking shit with all the numbnutz running around on mages classes wanting a piece of the solo rvr scene on a worthless toons no one is interested in fighting, dont make the melee toons unviable to fight... this is bad for both the player of the class and the attacker...

thats what im getting at. Like if I was playing a valk and less peeps were attacking me it would get me annoyed more than having the option to attack one or not.

make all sheers duration based. its a no brainer and its good for the game as long as the timer is not too short (or too long)

ofc it wont happen though. mythic thinks the ability to make people port back and rebuff is the cool and good for the game.

Mythic dont balance the game thinking about how everyone that solo abuses the buffbot situation. If you insist on using a buffbot because you cant play without one then why should they go "oh no, poor stealther lossing their buff when they attack this class, we better remove the ability to do so"

And sticking a timer on the buffshears wont work as that way it will show you still having a buff (would have to) and theirfore fg's wouldnt be able to rebuff on the fly. Also how long do you make the timer, in a fg fight if the healers etc are busy someone could be withotu a buff for 5minutes, a solo fihgt can easily last a few minutes as well. Just because your debuffs are perminant dont mean that everyones abilities shouldnt be


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
yer cuz like an unbuffed stealther on a TOA server is soo viable! your point is irrelevent buffbots are part of the game now (unfortunetly)

mythic do take into account buffs on normal servers. otherwise why implement a different server type were buffs are ranged based???


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Remove cae shear and I want bl+TWF/ST instead + higher weaponskill table :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 31, 2005
lol the irony in thi thread...someone been playing this to much and died to much to low rr´s


Can't get enough of FH
Oct 20, 2004
censi said:
yer cuz like an unbuffed stealther on a TOA server is soo viable!
I play my Shade unbuffed , jsut as i play my Valk unbuffed when solo <apart from cl buffs> and tbh if the dex/qui shear keeps the rr10 ranger off my 4L4 Valk i reckon i can live with that.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
censi said:
like we got enough dont bother attacking shit with all the numbnutz running around on mages classes wanting a piece of the solo rvr scene on a worthless toons no one is interested in fighting, dont make the melee toons unviable to fight...
If you want to run about chewing up BDs, casters, etc., roll a light tank or something. Then you'll have to put up with all the shit solo visables put up with, like getting zerged down 24/7.

As it is you're playing an opt-out class that gets to pick all ur fights, whose main worry seems to be getting ur precious buffs sheared. If you live long enuff to worry about getting buff sheared, you have it easy imo.

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