Mids.. pls read,



Originally posted by asar
I would love to learn you it. But could you teech me first those lessons from the language your speaking? euhm whats it called?
SergBitch-Kingdom official language 2.1 ?

btw asar its i would love to teach u it :>



Re: sigh

Originally posted by asar
Well i got a nice reallife, but ofcourse im an Alb and ive got an infiltrator (i luv dragonfang) I haven't. :bore:

and to that celtic fist bard (SB:D)
You really have so little respect for me because i post the truth??
Mayb you shouldn't drum that much and hard on your head, does something to it..

And it still suprises me any 1 is posting on a thrad from several days ago. Cos who cares?¿?

close thread pls so we can watch maybe normal reply's and posts on a other thread..

You have your truth i suppose , i have mine.


Originally posted by nuclearbomb
lol u albs are dumber than thought, and albs are skilled lol, in what zerg and hit nearest target or server crashin. lmao

Why tar everyone with the same brush? This is just 1 alb speaking here, the rest of us have our own views.


haHAHAha albs cannot even take a keep without crashing server, maybe put a rr2 minimum limit to your raids so we can keep server up? xDD


Originally posted by cougar-
haHAHAha albs cannot even take a keep without crashing server, maybe put a rr2 minimum limit to your raids so we can keep server up? xDD

grats, there were more mids attacking then there were Albs defending in the zone :p


was sad BW was going down at 1st but after these countless shitty RR zerging posts im kinda happy :D


Originally posted by asar

³nd thing: Hibs... *sigh*
Look we know you prolly aren't able to make an own raid.
So you camp with 5fg rr7+ in AMG house.. wich didn't even fit :D.
Then. at the Midgard Relic Raid on Albion, you tryed to leech the relics... a bit lame as Midgard had put its work into the raid and you just lech allong.
Same yesterday at the "Alb wants to piss Mids off" raid.
You again take 1 keep and prolly thought we gonna strike Mjo,nir and when all doors are down we just raid u from the back and pbaoe Mjolnir to the ground.

its called getting RPs fyi :p

hib seems happy with 3 power relics as it is
dont want str :p (although i would personnaly have str over power :D)



*sigh* I can't write 100% English, and I don't say I can.
maar ik ga toch ook niet zeuren over het feit dat jij dit niet begrijpt.

So I'am very happy for you that u can talk perfectly English.
But it's a bit........ rude to think your everything because you can write, and talk the English language perfect and then point at people who can't.

So I got a little test for you. From now on you write in Dutch, withouth help from friends.
But I think you can't be arsed to be honest because you don't need to learn Dutch because English is an international language if I can call it like that.

So if your really think it's worth correcting all my faults. Go ahead.

And another thing what freddy's house thing.
LoL? You guy's that desperate to whine you seek for a next forum alleady? :clap:

En nog een ding, ik ga vanaf nu gewoon Nederlands praten.. Als je me wilt verstaan, leer dan Nederlands..... kan mij niet boeie of je me verstaat of niet.. ik versta jou toch wel :)



Originally posted by drummer
ik versta jou ook hoor , dus doe gn moeite

mooi dan kan ik eindlijk eens stoppe met Engels.. lijkt wel alsof ik weer op de middelbare school zit :(


Originally posted by harebear
was sad BW was going down at 1st but after these countless shitty RR zerging posts im kinda happy :D


Originally posted by asar
³nd thing: Hibs... *sigh*
Look we know you prolly aren't able to make an own raid.
So you camp with 5fg rr7+ in AMG house.. wich didn't even fit :D.
Then. at the Midgard Relic Raid on Albion, you tryed to leech the relics... a bit lame as Midgard had put its work into the raid and you just lech allong.
Same yesterday at the "Alb wants to piss Mids off" raid.
You again take 1 keep and prolly thought we gonna strike Mjo,nir and when all doors are down we just raid u from the back and pbaoe Mjolnir to the ground.

It would be nice if you would only sit back today with sum popcorn between mjolnir and ATK to mark the way Albs will need to go when we carry >!>!>OUR<!<!< relics back to our fair lands!

(may the light of Camelot shine on you0 orsumthing :drink:

Oh by the way: As we saw you Mids allrdy crapped your pants full yesterday what was only a small raid comparing to what will come today... Haha GL to you all.. and why don't you all piss off to Hibernia Prydwen just like Nolby Fried does!

Are you stupid, Hibs is THE zerg clearers (don't believe me ? Watch DH, as they are a perfect example) , so please don't blame us for wanting some EASY rps from you afk warders (many of you anyways :), respect to you good albs, teach your realmmates something :p, who knows one or two might actually learn something.)

Silver out.
<-- My desperate attempt to get 500 posts quick =p.



yes mayb ez rp :) but try to find sumthing challenging

ow y herbal-remedy i got a nie idea for ur next raid:

Lets Raid all servers from exca to the american servers with whole excalibur take all keeps and get those relics then zerg scasud en druim-ligen and walk proudly with 800 albs trough midgard and hibernia .. claim tir na nog and Jordheim..

then lets take all european people to american servers and ANIMIST ROLL 4tehwin! then we gonna zerg GOA building and then at the and make them surrender and upgrade excalibur make bigger keeps so u can have a real defense (example : Helms Deep :D)

And then say: WE DONT ZERG... WE OWN :D

anyway.. dunno why i said this.. :)

ow en knuffel konijntje... hoe kan het toch dat je gewoon achter me op komt poppe terwijl je een SM bent.. lol :D n1 at svasud :)

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