Midgard strength relic Returned.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
Chronictank said:
Im not bitter, i really dont care who has the relics, the majority of albion cant muster a fg to provide some remote sort of challenge atm anyway.
Alienating the majority of "casual gamers" is a great way to keep up rvr isnt it, thats what annoys me
Your only wrecking the game for yourselves, as noone gets any fun out of either AC or "RB" raids.

The fact you are geting an orgasm because people say AC instead of RB on a gaming forum shows you should prolly take your own advice
Remember its only a game after all

I have not participated in any of these raids, and frankly I dont get your point. Is this supposed to be directed at me? And how do I in any way alienate someone? If you ask me im a pretty casual player myself.

Nomans Land

One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 28, 2004
Light said:

Converstation on AIM said:
Person A[14:46]: what topic
Me [14:46]: its right topic
Person A[14:46]: oh
Me [14:46]: its just I have mine set to show maximum number on 1 page
person A[14:46]: roflchopper
Me [14:46]: thats the one!
Person A[14:46]: it's ROFLCOPTER!!
Me [14:46]: lol

Te he he


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
Gratz Arumos, nice one, now dont listen to sour pusses like vodka and javai, the victor meldrews of their realms, 8GMT / 9CET is during normal hours as far as the rest of the planet is concerned, with the exception of lazy arse students and UB40s who prefer to stay up all night and sleep in during the day, its their loss!

As for the last alb rr, news flash for you, any raid thats done outside normal people hours is laim, why, because the rest of us have work / families that need us during the day, thats the only advantage you have, pathetic really, you should be ashamed. Thats what ruins this game, the way you love to upset the other realms and players with stupid raids we cant take part in or defend against, its got little to do with what you take, but more when you do it.

Keep going Arumos, show em how its really done. Oh, and FYI this raid was announced in alliance chat the night before in full public view, aint your x-realming buddies doing their jobs?

I really dont care when it was taken, but standing on some sort of moral high ground and call other people names based on your way of thinking is a bit strange considering you contradict yourself.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Gratz to all mids:)

Albs just faced even numbers and they cant handle it;) btw try and do less pve and more rvr, it is actually more fun but i guess its impossible for you to be anything when you face an even number of enemies... pve zerklings:)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Javai said:
No whine just please don't try for the moral high ground next time you're raided in the early hours. This one truly was alarm clock :p

who the hell need an alarm clock to wake up 8-9ish in the morning?
regular ppl are already at work by then ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Bloodaxe_Springskalle said:
who the hell need an alarm clock to wake up 8-9ish in the morning?
regular ppl are already at work by then ^^

Well I was assuming that the only people able to raid at 8-9am were those who don't normally work and are therefore not usually awake at such hours :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
tbh relic went midgardat 10.30 CET, i just got out of bed(without ac) :D

and we tried for POwerrelic after that, did that work or did we fail ?

i had to log at 14.00 cet for work , will check when i get back at 23.30


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Fenderon said:
albs just upset they can't do primetime engageraids anymore :(

That raid produced some of the best QQ ever seen on BW/FH from the teenage mids. It was classic. Some sad fucks even spent 24/7 camped in the relic keep with lvl 20 alts. You couldnt make it up!


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Kwidz said:
marc do u still play daoc, if you do, where?! :D

80% hib/pryd
20% Alb/excal

But am pretty inactive for the next 2-3 weeks while I sort some RL shit out


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Marc said:
That raid produced some of the best QQ ever seen on BW/FH from the teenage mids. It was classic. Some sad fucks even spent 24/7 camped in the relic keep with lvl 20 alts. You couldnt make it up!

Are Glottis your brother?


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2004
Marc said:
80% hib/pryd
20% Alb/excal

But am pretty inactive for the next 2-3 weeks while I sort some RL shit out

ah cool, fast answer!


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
Marc said:
You're an idiot. If you cant grasp the point I was making in repsonse to VF then im afraid your special school teachers have failed you.

hmm idiot eh ? i got banned 1 week for saying less then that , wonder what will happen with u ? and i'f i'm an idiot a you say , i wonder if you really have th skill of thinking before writing as said in previous post, hrm ?

<get's another basket of popcorn and get's me another coffe and w8 for the fun that will start GO GO MARC GO GO>


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Zeratuhl said:
and those who took it from us didnt? mids have done prime times many times and albs have gotten so ownd. But why should be reside to making it hard for ourselfs when albs takes it from us 4-5 AM

lol xddddddd

Ladonna did prime time, hm?


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
Teslacoil said:
hmm idiot eh ? i got banned 1 week for saying less then that , wonder what will happen with u ? and i'f i'm an idiot a you say , i wonder if you really have th skill of thinking before writing as said in previous post, hrm ?

<get's another basket of popcorn and get's me another coffe and w8 for the fun that will start GO GO MARC GO GO>

It was an objective remark, not an insult m8


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Teslacoil said:
hmm idiot eh ? i got banned 1 week for saying less then that , wonder what will happen with u ? and i'f i'm an idiot a you say , i wonder if you really have th skill of thinking before writing as said in previous post, hrm ?

<get's another basket of popcorn and get's me another coffe and w8 for the fun that will start GO GO MARC GO GO>

I can only be banned by a silver bullet or by a stake through the heart.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Marc said:
I can only be banned by a silver bullet or by a stake through the heart.

or by consumption of a dodgy kebab!


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Calaclya said:
or by consumption of a dodgy kebab!

Was at a wedding in the lakes last week. Woke up friday morning and went for a yomp into windermere town centre to get team pop and fags. Was only a kebab shop open at 8.30am!! Thats quality!


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Marc said:
Was at a wedding in the lakes last week. Woke up friday morning and went for a yomp into windermere town centre to get team pop and fags. Was only a kebab shop open at 8.30am!! Thats quality!

jammy northern bastards!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Oh well.

Wasn`t there all evening/night/morning... had to work.

when i came home at 7:00 cet and loggged in I saw all of albion /rw totally red and calm and saw we could port to one keep in hib and 2 keeps in mid. So i went to bed assuming all was well and cool.

Little thought did i give to the fact that half of the alb keeps had holes in the wall,... doesn`t show on /rw tbh.

I guess that was a nice way of preparing a raid, compared to our `midgard shall burn` tactics.

Having people log in in great numbers at 8:00 cet, after a night of preparations, to finish the job is technically good tactics, but seems a bit lamer than our go and keep going till we done tactics, but hey, it worked.

Grats on a job well done. :cheers:

still, i think outlasting the enemies is less `pushing it` than setting clocks to have a go at the moment noone is STILL online and BEFORE anyone gets online. Small diff though.

We didn`t set up anything. we had only vague plans that didn`t involve a time table and was more allong the lines of `if we succeed in this step, we might consider the next goal`.

cafeine raids are not as bad as AC raids imho, but seeing the evening/nighttime preparations to get the keeps up for grabs for the AC raiders is nice teamwork i guess.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
all in all we are all alarm clock raiders.

Prime time is 6pm onwards to 12 am...

except or all the kiddies on summer holidays and they dont count :p

mids defend your borders we coming tonite.

you want prime time .. well we comin

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