Midgard strength relic Returned.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
grats fella's very good tatics well planned kept a few of us bsy repairing the keeps and towers all night kept us guessing which one you where going to hit :cheers:

quite shocked you only took the one tbh as at one point you had 4 inner keeps at 0% and holes in the others, was fun porting round alb using my duskwood from salvage, any way agian no matter what albs say well done for your all nighter and getting your str relic back :)

ah well guess albs will have something to do tonight now :)

Nomans Land

One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 28, 2004
Zeratuhl said:
Grats to midgard and all people who helped ;) Nice leading Arumos!

Mids being abit hypercritical here... Albions werent allowed to pat themselves on the back but Mids can? :p

Hypercrit x2 : Mids whine about losing relics so soon to Reset yet still waste time to get them back?

Gratz Middies!

(I do mean that in a sarcastic (for the two points above) way, but also as a true gratz coz now I can get one of those pretty Relic Titles :D)

[EDIT]: Dont flame me :( its my birthday


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
noaim said:
Why werent the 3fg albs who regulary play at that time there to defend?
i was there repairing all the holes as mentioned in my post above as where the other albs


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
albs raiding in the morning, mids raiding in the morning, a hib threatening to raid in the morning

you guys happy now?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Zeratuhl said:
3 FGs or more, started out at 8-9GMT forming and then moving to surs, some skald called bullie had been pre-trebing the wall so it was down when we arrived. and thats that tbh :D

Would like to apologise for saying this was alarm clock if in fact you'd been trebbing keeps all night in advance. However 'started out at 8-9' suggested that those doing the relic raiding had a meeting time rather than being at it all night.

Doesn't make Mids any less hypocrites though :)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
whine whine whine!

there :D

So how many mids involved, when did the raid start - want some gory details!
keeps ahad been getting hammered all night long, good tactics mind get 3 trebs on a few peeps treb the inner tower to 0% and ofc knowing alb they dont repair stuff most think ah some one else will do it by 8am this morning 4 keeps had holes in them with 0% towers we just could not get the wood there quick enough beforre the next keep was under siege and holed agian

then its was clear what was oing to happen when you looked at the tower that had been hit, what was about t happen tbh i really thought they could have taken all 6 relics due to albs not repairing the keeps and not claiming towers but i dont pay there subs so its there choice

did enjoy nailing a few WL bar the one that nail me when i was at surs and the relic was going to move so i /charge them to go i give them a smile and a cheer destealthed and 30 mids ran past me when i sat down then guess waht guess ran back ? but i got his name and i get my pay back hehe

any way good fun and well done and nn peeps


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
/angry teen mode

Grats Mids you ruined the game!!! You all suck - get some skillz lamerz!!!
You're gonna 1 shot everyone now!!!! Enjoy your pve on the empty server!!!

Hmm...nope I can't quite pull it off :(

Grats getting them back - gives us something to do tonight. Was getting a little dull last night after 2 realm missions...be nice to have the mids picking their toys up and coming out to play again :D


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Bracken said:
/angry teen mode

Grats Mids you ruined the game!!! You all suck - get some skillz lamerz!!!
You're gonna 1 shot everyone now!!!! Enjoy your pve on the empty server!!!

Hmm...nope I can't quite pull it off :(

hahahahahahaha nice one bracken :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 1, 2004
:worthy: nice one, now go fck your self with your "We only do primetime raids" please... :)


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Docs said:
Nice one, I guess people was getting tired of repairing the wall.

To slowly wear down your enemy is a good tactic and then move in for the kill, just to bad I could not be online and fight you lot.

And Chronictank, you should change your name to Chronicheadache since that is the only thing I can imagine you will get from all that bitterness.

Remember it is a game after all.

I still must ask why people cannot get the AC/RB terms right.

An AC (Alarmclock) raid is when people set a time to log in to severly outnumber the enemy. (ei everyone logs in at 5 am)

A RB (Redbull) raid is when people just keep going all night untill they get the relic.

Now please stop abusing the term AC raid.
Im not bitter, i really dont care who has the relics, the majority of albion cant muster a fg to provide some remote sort of challenge atm anyway.
Alienating the majority of "casual gamers" is a great way to keep up rvr isnt it, thats what annoys me
Your only wrecking the game for yourselves, as noone gets any fun out of either AC or "RB" raids.

The fact you are geting an orgasm because people say AC instead of RB on a gaming forum shows you should prolly take your own advice
Remember its only a game after all


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 23, 2005
they moved the zerg at 8-9 am gmt ... as most players i'm sure are cet you add +1. That's more primetime than 4-5am. But as it was stated. A few bored people were busy trebbing the shit out of alb keeps/towers all through the night.

And mids can pat themselves on the back, they are restoring order to the server.

Go mids imo!!


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 21, 2004
Javai said:
No whine just please don't try for the moral high ground next time you're raided in the early hours. This one truly was alarm clock :p

mid took relic on primetime even when u did AC to take it . people that ac and destroy the game balance are retarded . we r not lecturing any1 and u cant count this as an AC since it was a payback of ur AC. zzz


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
GrIrcSpammer said:
people that ac and destroy the game balance are retarded . we r not lecturing any1 and u cant count this as an AC since it was a payback of ur AC. zzz

What's the game balance? I assume you mean the situation we had for 2 years of Hibs 3 relics, Mids 3 relics and Albs 0 ?

And love the "it's not an ac raid because you started it!!!" nonsense.

I'm glad you took it back, but please, spare us the bullshit :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004

I cant Drink Redbull i am allergic 2 it ;/ cant you call it insomniac raids :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Bracken said:
What's the game balance? I assume you mean the situation we had for 2 years of Hibs 3 relics, Mids 3 relics and Albs 0 ?

game balance is neutral relics ;) get over OF already, the relics were too hard to retake but they were captured in a fair way. situation then wasn't balanced back then either, duh

its kinda the shadowblade effect. first they're way too strong, then they're worthless. rather have them balanced than underpowered because its more fun/challenging, even tho i got royally owned often by prenerf LA on my ns


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Bracken said:
What's the game balance? I assume you mean the situation we had for 2 years of Hibs 3 relics, Mids 3 relics and Albs 0 ?

And love the "it's not an ac raid because you started it!!!" nonsense.

I'm glad you took it back, but please, spare us the bullshit :)

You had the massive numbers advantage, you didn't need any relics. And that's going to be many times more true come clusterfucking.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Bracken said:
What's the game balance? I assume you mean the situation we had for 2 years of Hibs 3 relics, Mids 3 relics and Albs 0 ?

And love the "it's not an ac raid because you started it!!!" nonsense.

I'm glad you took it back, but please, spare us the bullshit :)

How is the weather 1 to 3 years ago?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
game balance is neutral relics ;) get over OF already, the relics were too hard to retake but they were captured in a fair way.

So basically anyone who takes a relic is damaging realm balance? Relics aren'y supposed to be static. There IS no game balance based on relic ownership - they are there to be taken and it's simply that whoever has them has an advantage. Having no relics in the game is not an option either - there has to be an incentive to take keeps. If there is any "balance", it is that relics should change hands regularly, so that no realm is always 20% down on damage.

And roflmao that relics were taken in a fair way in OF. I know it was a while back, but surely your spectacles don't have such a rosey tint ;)

And as for get over OF, the same could be said for something that happened 2 days ago. Once it's done, it's done :) It's just good to remind people whining about having 0 relics of how things were not so long ago - a bit of "It ain't like the old days"...something you should relate to :p

Svartmetall said:
You had the massive numbers advantage, you didn't need any relics. And that's going to be many times more true come clusterfucking.

Right...that makes sense in fg or solo fights.

noaim said:
How is the weather 1 to 3 years ago?

Probably the same as it was 2 days ago? Your point?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Bracken said:
So basically anyone who takes a relic is damaging realm balance? Relics aren'y supposed to be static. There IS no game balance based on relic ownership - they are there to be taken and it's simply that whoever has them has an advantage. Having no relics in the game is not an option either - there has to be an incentive to take keeps. If there is any "balance", it is that relics should change hands regularly, so that no realm is always 20% down on damage.

And roflmao that relics were taken in a fair way in OF. I know it was a while back, but surely your spectacles don't have such a rosey tint ;)

And as for get over OF, the same could be said for something that happened 2 days ago. Once it's done, it's done :) It's just good to remind people whining about having 0 relics of how things were not so long ago - a bit of "It ain't like the old days"...something you should relate to :p

yeah relics are supposed to change hand, as reward for good teamwork within the realm and good preparation and organisation, not for cowardly morning raids. like i said a few times already, its the primetime raid that makes it really fun, the relics itself are kinda overpowered in a way so the faster its taken back the better.

and most of the relics in OF were taken in a fair way, yes ;) sure there were morning raids aswell but afaik most of the relics captured in the morning were retaken very shortly after

capturing a relic doesn't mean shit if you havn't done it in a proper way, but still many people care more about the pixels and dmgbonus than the special events that relic raids used to be. /shrug


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Gratz mids - good tactics - keep up the good work :)


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
yeah relics are supposed to change hand, as reward for good teamwork within the realm and good preparation and organisation, not for cowardly morning raids. like i said a few times already, its the primetime raid that makes it really fun, the relics itself are kinda overpowered in a way so the faster its taken back the better.

Says who? You? Cos i certainly havent seen any rules anywhere about how or when relics should change hand. If 3 fg albs/mids/hibs want to take the relics at anytime its up to them. not the leet teenagers.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Gratz Arumos, nice one, now dont listen to sour pusses like vodka and javai, the victor meldrews of their realms, 8GMT / 9CET is during normal hours as far as the rest of the planet is concerned, with the exception of lazy arse students and UB40s who prefer to stay up all night and sleep in during the day, its their loss!

As for the last alb rr, news flash for you, any raid thats done outside normal people hours is laim, why, because the rest of us have work / families that need us during the day, thats the only advantage you have, pathetic really, you should be ashamed. Thats what ruins this game, the way you love to upset the other realms and players with stupid raids we cant take part in or defend against, its got little to do with what you take, but more when you do it.

Keep going Arumos, show em how its really done. Oh, and FYI this raid was announced in alliance chat the night before in full public view, aint your x-realming buddies doing their jobs?

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