Midgard strength relic Returned.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
Marc said:
Says who? You? Cos i certainly havent seen any rules anywhere about how or when relics should change hand. If 3 fg albs/mids/hibs want to take the relics at anytime its up to them. not the leet teenagers.

GO GO MARC GO GO , Marc has spoken once again with no thought behind what he just said .....or.....errr...hmm...yea u know what i meant!.....(?)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Somehow i still fail to see how ppl can actually miss the point between:
a) set alarm at 8 am and go take the relics
b) start out at 9 pm and don't log out till the job is done which can be any time

I mean come on... you guys all need to go to school to actually see the difference?

And people whining about albs taking relics in the very early hours of the morning (hence point b)... have a look at what 8 am is.
Ppl still sleeping, getting up to actually go to work... 8 am being primetime? Get a grip, primetime is when all ppl are back from work which starts at around 4 o'clock in whichever timezone for those working an entire day!

Anyway sort of gratz i guess... was getting bored last night with mids crying about and not coming out to play cuz they didn't have their bonuses... At least we got something to do now later on :fluffle:


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Jarod said:
:worthy: nice one, now go fck your self with your "We only do primetime raids" please... :)

the reason mids did this is very easy, because u guys raided us 2 times in a row in the night, you get what you give us.

we wouldn't have done a night raid if u took it primetime but now.. whats the bloody point of doing it primetime while u will take it anyway back during the night..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
and most of the relics in OF were taken in a fair way, yes ;) sure there were morning raids aswell but afaik most of the relics captured in the morning were retaken very shortly after

Depends on your definition of fair. Using log-out tactics, overpowered abilities or using odd game mechanics to drop a keep before anyone knew what was happening was no more honourable than taking it at 5am. The number of relics that were taken using pure organisation could be counted on one hand.

Like you, I prefer to have epic relic battles at times when I play. I don't think it's much of an achievement to take them from npcs. I also know how frustrating it is to take them with a good prime-time raid then see them vanish in the night. But I also accept that people play 24/7 and the relics are there to be taken - and if people want to take them it's up to them. I don't think anyone should get too precious about them and start bitching like a whore just because some people grab them when they can. As you said, they are just pixels ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
old.Whoodoo said:
As for the last alb rr, news flash for you, any raid thats done outside normal people hours is laim, why, because the rest of us have work / families that need us during the day, thats the only advantage you have, pathetic really, you should be ashamed. Thats what ruins this game, the way you love to upset the other realms and players with stupid raids we cant take part in or defend against, its got little to do with what you take, but more when you do it.

Rofl, aren't you contradicting yourself now?
You saying 8-9 is normal hours... yet you are saying ppl have work/families during the day.
So unless you work in shifts, 7-9 am is the hours ppl actually START working? :eek7:
This meaning those hours aren't NORMAL hours as ppl can't login :confused:


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
old.Whoodoo said:
Gratz Arumos, nice one, now dont listen to sour pusses like vodka and javai, the victor meldrews of their realms, 8GMT / 9CET is during normal hours as far as the rest of the planet is concerned, with the exception of lazy arse students and UB40s who prefer to stay up all night and sleep in during the day, its their loss!

As for the last alb rr, news flash for you, any raid thats done outside normal people hours is laim, why, because the rest of us have work / families that need us during the day, thats the only advantage you have, pathetic really, you should be ashamed. Thats what ruins this game, the way you love to upset the other realms and players with stupid raids we cant take part in or defend against, its got little to do with what you take, but more when you do it.

Keep going Arumos, show em how its really done. Oh, and FYI this raid was announced in alliance chat the night before in full public view, aint your x-realming buddies doing their jobs?

Are you on fucking drugs mate? Let me get this straight. Albs start an RR that goes in during the night that ends at 8am and this is lame cos people have families and work, but an RR that started at 8am isnt lame, even though the majority of people may have work or families to sort out at that time? U gotta be on drugs, either that or you have the IQ of a brain dead paper bag.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Teslacoil said:
GO GO MARC GO GO , Marc has spoken once again with no thought behind what he just said .....or.....errr...hmm...yea u know what i meant!.....(?)

You're an idiot. If you cant grasp the point I was making in repsonse to VF then im afraid your special school teachers have failed you.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Calo said:
the reason mids did this is very easy, because u guys raided us 2 times in a row in the night, you get what you give us. ..

If it was wrong the first time it was wrong the second time. No excuses.

Couldn't care less myself, but the self-justification is pitiful ;)

Calo said:
we wouldn't have done a night raid if u took it primetime but now..

Ooooh yes you would have - if you had gone more than a couple of months without your preciouses you would have used the "It's for realm morale m8s!" excuse ;)


Dec 24, 2003
Javai said:
No whine just please don't try for the moral high ground next time you're raided in the early hours. This one truly was alarm clock :p

SHUT UP gaddamnit, you friggin alb sweat secretions. dont spew out a friggin word about alarmclock. throwing stones in glass houses galore.

Mid having tried to reset the good old "daytime" relic raiding, took em smack primetime a week ago.
Only to have me taken nighttime, at 5am cet, 4am gmt. thinking of it every relicraid done by albs since wow release pretty much was nighttime raids.

Dont dare whine, go suck on a babybottle crybaby.

Gifv a primetime relicraid and retake might be "honourable".


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Nemo said:
Finns inget Primetime. Jag har semester nu - och jobbar shift när jag inte har semester, varannan vecka 16.40-02.00

Orkar inte skriva på engelska...

U who don't understand, TO BAD FOR YOU...

Bloody asylum seekers :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Herjulf said:
SHUT UP gaddamnit, you friggin alb sweat secretions. dont spew out a friggin word about alarmclock. throwing stones in glass houses galore.

Mid having tried to reset the good old "daytime" relic raiding, took em smack primetime a week ago.
Only to have me taken nighttime, at 5am cet, 4am gmt. thinking of it every relicraid done by albs since wow release pretty much was nighttime raids.

Dont dare whine, go suck on a babybottle crybaby.

Gifv a primetime relicraid and retake might be "honourable".

I think you need to read a few more post on here about the difference in times and actions... seems you are missing the point in a hell of alot of things.

And there's absolutely no need to spit your dummy out and get personal. She didn't get personal to you so no need to get personal with her. :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 1, 2004
One thing does not make another thing right ? im not saying Alb raid was a good thing but you whiners on FH / IRC just cant get it throu your thick skulls that this is just a game :)

you whine about albs did this albs did that... and you go do excatly the same and think your soooo good.

guess what?... your not :touch:

btw more for you clowns to whine about .. i dinged rr6 on mincer not long ago so let the gratz for best leech of the year begin and fyi i suck and add on all and everyone so dont need to tell that... i know already :drink:


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
SHUT UP gaddamnit, you friggin alb sweat secretions. dont spew out a friggin word about alarmclock. throwing stones in glass houses galore.

roflmao :D

get some help, dude :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Ssshhhh... nobody mention alarmclock! Herjulf's on the edge... :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
javai lead some very nice primetime raids against the mighty raindrop tower tho! and ill get my revenge on knights of pendragon tower grrr :p


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Bracken said:
If it was wrong the first time it was wrong the second time. No excuses.

Couldn't care less myself, but the self-justification is pitiful

Ooooh yes you would have - if you had gone more than a couple of months without your preciouses you would have used the "It's for realm morale m8s!" excuse

hey i wasnt there and i never will join a raid in the night/morning. I really miss the old relic epic fights where it was really fun to try to hold the albs/hibs away from certain keeps and give up other keeps etc, u know the thing. big fights in keeps!

I'm just trying to guess some reasons why some mids did it :)

and yes perhaps we would have done a "Its for realm morale!" but nobody knows that, or maybe we would do a giant primetime raid and everybody had alot of fun with it :p

lets just hope that it will be the latter(sp?)! ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
Gratz Arumos, nice one, now dont listen to sour pusses like vodka and javai, the victor meldrews of their realms, 8GMT / 9CET is during normal hours as far as the rest of the planet is concerned, with the exception of lazy arse students and UB40s who prefer to stay up all night and sleep in during the day, its their loss!

Erm do you actually read posts? Nothing I've said is in any way sour I am happier for Mids to have a relic and come fight us than letting us take Hlids with 1fg tbh. I was pointing out their raid used very similar tactics to Alb raid which makes all those whining about the Alb raid hypocrites. 8am GMT is a time that I personally am getting ready for work it's just as 'off-peak' as 5am for any one with a job.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Herjulf said:
SHUT UP gaddamnit, you friggin alb sweat secretions. dont spew out a friggin word about alarmclock. throwing stones in glass houses galore.

Mid having tried to reset the good old "daytime" relic raiding, took em smack primetime a week ago.
Only to have me taken nighttime, at 5am cet, 4am gmt. thinking of it every relicraid done by albs since wow release pretty much was nighttime raids.

Dont dare whine, go suck on a babybottle crybaby.

Gifv a primetime relicraid and retake might be "honourable".

Since I wasn't on any of the early hours raids I am not throwing stones in glass houses at all.. It's good to see you can only resort to petty personal insults though when I have never made a single personal point in any post in these forums.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
yeah relics are supposed to change hand, as reward for good teamwork within the realm and good preparation and organisation, not for cowardly morning raids.

This is your opinion and i dont agree. The relics should be taken at ANY oppotunity.

Vodkafairy said:
like i said a few times already, its the primetime raid that makes it really fun, the relics itself are kinda overpowered in a way so the faster its taken back the better.

I believe the players who took the relic had fun, and not all players enjoy the lagfest that comes hand in hand with a prime time relic raid.

Vodkafairy said:
anmost of the relics in OF were taken in a fair way, yes ;) sure there were morning raids aswell but afaik most of the relics captured in the morning were retaken very shortly after

18 months with alb's having no relics (u cant say we didnt try) - so sorry to say your speaking out of your arse

Vodkafairy said:
capturing a relic doesn't mean shit if you havn't done it in a proper way, but still many people care more about the pixels and dmgbonus than the special events that relic raids used to be. /shrug

The "proper way" according to you. As i said above, in MY opinion relics should be taken at any oppotunity by ANY realm. All credit to the mids for organising and taking them back.

Cowardly - interesting term, you use it here to discribe the actions of some players who in my opinion used good tactics and achived their goal's with minimal overheads.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
javai lead some very nice primetime raids against the mighty raindrop tower tho! and ill get my revenge on knights of pendragon tower grrr :p

Wasn't personal just that tower has such a lovely view over the graveyard :)

I only do prime time raids (and I've done alot of them in last two weeks) cos I don't get on from work til 8pm on weeknights and gotta log at midnight or thereabouts.

But of course these people can't understand that you might dislike both Alb and Mid early hours raids and still see Mids as hypocrites if I criticise Mids I MUST be defending Albs.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Calaclya said:
Cowardly - interesting term, you use it here to discribe the actions of some players who in my opinion used good tactics and achived their goal's with minimal overheads.

Definition of skill - "the ability to bring about a predetermined result with the minimum of time, effort or both". Oh no, this means us albs are skilled. I can imagine the dummy spitting on IRC!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Aadia said:
I can easily start in my mothertongue without you knowing what i said and flame away (doesn't matter if the above was a flame or not)

The point is, at least all of us got the respect towards eachother to communicate in english so all can understand what is being said :twak:

Not everyone post in english, and it was no flame.

There is no Primetime for me - every other(dunno if that's how it's typed) week I work evening/night

Reson for me to type it in Swedish was: I'm so tired of all those threads, every realm seems to die and all ppl do about it is Flame, qq and so on.

And about: respect towards eachother --- pls give example of that respect, or only respect so ppl can read the flames and hates.

Why not respect that ppl play there own ways, like it or not


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Calo said:
whats the bloody point of doing it primetime while u will take it anyway back during the night..

you can farm albs while takeing the relics ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Niiiice xD other thing to do this "night" xD

I will sleep uber Siesta after my lunch today then ... xD and a bit of this would help too :drink: :drink: :drink: XD


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 5, 2004
Herjulf said:
SHUT UP gaddamnit, you friggin alb sweat secretions. dont spew out a friggin word about alarmclock. throwing stones in glass houses galore.

Mid having tried to reset the good old "daytime" relic raiding, took em smack primetime a week ago.
Only to have me taken nighttime, at 5am cet, 4am gmt. thinking of it every relicraid done by albs since wow release pretty much was nighttime raids.

Dont dare whine, go suck on a babybottle crybaby.

Gifv a primetime relicraid and retake might be "honourable".

Hahahahahaha, thanks for helping me endure my day at work. :D

Yes, the hunourable Mids has realized the error in their old ways (ALARMCLOCK!) and no Mid player today would ever plan an ALARMCLOCK raid again.

Unless someone do it to them first! :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
Can hardly call them RR's now tbh (when comparing to OF RR's), its just a bog standard keep take with an extra incentive, when relics arent in shrines ofc.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 7, 2004
albs just upset they can't do primetime engageraids anymore :(


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Fenderon said:
albs just upset they can't do primetime engageraids anymore :(

dammit - youve successfully managed to encapsulate an entire realms feelings over this issue in one statement!

that is quality flaming!

all take heed and observe perfection!

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