S Sir Frizz Guest Aug 3, 2001 Thread starter #33 spammors!!! Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha how do like that?
L ~Lazarus~ Guest Aug 15, 2001 Thread starter #40 Just got the game on Monday - been playing it quite a lot (surprised) Best actor to fit the role - would have to say a young Mickey Rourke. Some of the scenes he is a dead ringer for Max.
Just got the game on Monday - been playing it quite a lot (surprised) Best actor to fit the role - would have to say a young Mickey Rourke. Some of the scenes he is a dead ringer for Max.
S ]SK[ Guest Aug 15, 2001 Thread starter #41 lol dale winton rules...i used to have him as a decal on halflife
M Moving Target Guest Aug 15, 2001 Thread starter #42 i definitely have the best!! : I cant tell the Difference!!
O old.ollyitus Guest Aug 16, 2001 Thread starter #47 eric cantona as the wierd fat person who thinks he is a wolf. lol