MaX-Packets --Cheat-!!!!!!



you have got to ask the question - who would be a forum moderator - well not jimmy tarbuck for 1 , was he ever funny ?


Originally posted by Ch@meleon
lol, nothing like a couple of q3 forum moderators to ruin a potentially funny thread :clap:

Aye, we're a pair of dour old cunts really :D



Originally posted by dredded
If it helps U Sar, then >

ive been playing q3 since quake3 Beta 1.03
I played pretty much every single day,
For all of those early years i have been playing q3
6 to 8 hours every night.
For the last 2 years i kinda eased off a little
and now i only play the odd hour here and there.
So im kinda rusty.:)

I think the above makes you probably the saddest piece of shite to ever exist.

to even claim to play that much and NOT be getting paid for it is just fucking pathetic.

I play once a week at tops and i've accomplished the exact same as you, saddo.


Venturer01: why set cl_maxpackets at 100 anyway

A cl_maxpackets setting that is a divisor of your capped FPS certainly helps improve 'feel', the higher update frequency also means that the server 'sees' where you are more often a second. A low cl_maxpackets player ( <=20) will 'warp' and 'stutter'.

If you're running at 100 FPS and use cl_maxpackets 25 then Quake3 will send 4 of your 'movement' updates per packet, 25 packets a second. A setting of 100 FPS with cl_maxpackets 50 would mean that Quake3 sends 2 of your 'movement' updates per packet, 50 packets per second. A simplified example I agree =)

If a player has his FPS capped at '200' for example then suitable cl_maxpackets settings are '100' , '50' etc.

More information on Quake3 netcode / cvars can be found at


Ch@meleon: It's also wise to do /players on osp servers and make sure you cl_timenudge is set as high as the highest setting other uses have. Otherwise they end up warping past you and out the base as you put 5 rails thru their head and dont register any of them. We played a game last week where we could not work out why we were missing so much. We realised 4 of their 5 players were using tnudge -25 ....... when we changed to the same, we could not miss! The change was truly eye opening.

Interesting =)


dredded: If ReQ? ,,GibZZ,, Arcon or anyone says this is not a Cheat ,,

Then there F##kiN STUPID OR NUTS,,Maybe Both ??..

Last year there was heated discussion on the Savage forums about settings for the Quake3 league. Gibz and I discussed in depth Quake3 settings and empirical testing of Quake3 netcode.

Fact: Quake3 is client/server based, not peer to peer based so an individual's netcode setting should not cause bandwidth saturation for other clients (note: bandwidth). Quake3 clients send movement updates to the server, then the server, 20 times a second (depending on sv_fps) forwards movement details to clients. Higher cl_maxpackets only saturate a server's bandwidth, not any clients receiving updates from the server.

The settings suggested for the Savage league last year, taking into account server load, an even playing field for ISDN/ADSL and Cable were as follows:
  • cl_maxpackets '25' minimum
    Helps to stop stuttering and warping of player in view.
  • cl_maxpackets '76' maximum
    Sensible compromise, allows a client to set cl_maxpackets to a divisor of their FPS across the range (25 FPS to 200+ FPS) and helps to reduce server load.
  • com_maxfps '25' minimum
    cl_maxpackets is also limited by com_maxfps, stops cheating by users trying to 'trick' OSP
  • Rate '8000' maximum
    Set server side and client side, helps make an even playing field for ISDN, Cable and ADSL users
  • sv_fps '20'
    Default and well suited to all connection types, analogue modem only league may reduce this to 10.
  • cl_timenudge, not enough empirical evidence, however I strongly suggest a setting no more than 20 and no less than -20. If possible enforce a setting of 0 (default)
  • pmove, set at disabled (default), too many issues with current point release.
  • Snaps, anything as server 1.2x and above limits snapshots to 25
  • IMPORTANT: In addition (year 2000) we asked OSP authors to implement code to check for cl_maxpackets and com_maxfps 'setting cycling' to help reduce cheating.
I strongly believe the settings, and the reasons for the settings, are still relevant 9 months on.

As time passes, through empirical testing, we learn more and more about the Quake3 netcode and how settings can cause problems for servers and players. Until the Quake3 source code is released we can only compromise so that Quake3 is playable for all.



Originally posted by M@trix

I think the above makes you probably the saddest piece of shite to ever exist.

to even claim to play that much and NOT be getting paid for it is just fucking pathetic.

I play once a week at tops and i've accomplished the exact same as you, saddo.

Why is that sad ? Idiot. He can play as much or as little as he wants, its really got fuck all to do with you has it ?

Anyway , interesting stuff Requiem , I may give Q3 another look tonight for a laugh :) How i like to muck about with configs !
p.s. trust all is well at savage, miss it a bit since my great no-more-Q2 day .


Hmm, i tweakedn my settings just now:
I'm on 56k, with a TNT2 @800x600, so i set
cl_maxpackets 29
com_maxfps 58
rate 5000

Now this appeared to be smoothe, however i'm getting thin, but really high red lines every 4seconds or so on the lagometer. I tried tweaking with all the settings, and nothing seemed tio get rid of it. Is this just something wrong with my connection, or is it something to do with Q3?


It's packetloss on your connection, which with 56k is perfectly normal imo :p

As long as it's a thin red line (and not a huge fat block of red) then you shouldn't have any problems at all.


That's packets loss Shocko. You can try upping 'cl_packetdup' from the default 1 (iirc), which creates more 'backup' packets to compenate for those lost ... but it could just be your isp and/or the server.

**EDIT: Git! Beaten by 1 minute :p **


REQ ,??

Kinda got heated in here and i know u arnt Nuts really,,errr ?? Most the time anyway:)

This subject just will not go away will it?.

Theres something very wrong with q3 somewhere.
Think Rhea dont help much, the osp settings for Knockback are too High.
I think its crazy when a guy using a Lightning weapon can Stop u dead in your tracks.
They can pin u against a wall and u can try to change weapon and u cant.
Is it lag or what?, or is it just me again?.
I think theres a problem somewhere when u change your weapon.
My view is, when someone attacks u using plasma and Lightning weapons u cant change your weapon at all,
It kinda stalls, and u are killed, for me they lag you out.
I played on a server the other day,, it had a rate of 3000
every time u fire a weapon u got packet loss,it is also the same i think when someone is using a plasma against u or lightning weapon.

Does the use of the lightning weapon lag a player out so much when in use against u ??.

Also in the days of q3 117, the frag fights between players had been much better,(my view).
The use of increasing the knockback effects and increasing the strength of each weapon
has changed it so much that its now just a single shot battle.

Thats a shame, cus it has made the game kinda boring now.
Changing the effects of q3 is has not allways for the best.

The early days of q3, it really was great fun,
And now its changed completly, If a guy has a better conn,faster computer, your gonna have a hard time!
It doesnt matter so much how good u are anymore, Jeez its got so bad ,even peeps like Sar are good at q3,,LOL (joking sar)

Ps.. Req ??

U didnt tell anyone here why 100 Maxpackets and 100 Fps is the perfect conn?
Cant think why?? cus thats where it all started,??.
( not asking u to side with anyone, Just need u try to explain why?)(or do i understand it wrong?)>>

I thought (correct me if im wrong) its much quicker to send a single Frame
inside a single packet than it is to send 3 frames inside each packet and its also better to play q3 with a higher frame rate than a low.
So to have the best of both worlds u need the Highest Fps u can use
along with the fastest route possible, that should all work out as >> 100 MaxFPS and 100 Maxpackets. !!

Theory being if i use 100 Max_packets and 100 fps, My frame or update is sent to the server long before a guy who
is using a divisor ie, 120 fps / 40 packets/ 3 frames or updates being sent inside each packet.
The packet i presume also being larger and is therefore slower to send etc.

The perfect conn i guess is 140 FPS and 140 packets, But q3 has it capped at 100 max_packets.

Q3 plays better the higher the fps u use, we are stuck with a maximum of 100 Max_packets, and the best and quickest way to get your data to the server is to send each frame inside
a single packet.
Packets are then smaller, and u are sending almost instant.

Perfect conn i think is 100 Max_packets and 100 FPS,, And there is a Big advantge on q3 sar.??If i am correct??

Help Req..?? lol.




Originally posted by throdgrain

Why is that sad ? Idiot. He can play as much or as little as he wants, its really got fuck all to do with you has it ?

Anyway , interesting stuff Requiem , I may give Q3 another look tonight for a laugh :) How i like to muck about with configs !
p.s. trust all is well at savage, miss it a bit since my great no-more-Q2 day .

sad that the poor boy never got out and got laid? instead he spent 8 hours a day for 2 years playing a computer game, yes its fucking sad.:upyours:


Dredded, as a matter of interest what sort of setup are you using for Q3?

PC Specs I mean...


PS: Paste your config in here so I can have a look too.



Originally posted by M@trix

sad that the poor boy never got out and got laid? instead he spent 8 hours a day for 2 years playing a computer game, yes its fucking sad.:upyours:

Shut up and go away.


I shall say this once, and once only.



(I shall - irrationally - assume that you come from the most illiterate portion of the midlands, and dwell on this fact for as long as you continue to be a spack)



lo Sar ,:)
Im using an Amd 1000 mhz overclocked Just a Little.
Runs at 1466mhz and a Geforce 2.

My cfg ?? lol.
U show me yours and ill show u mine.:)

I think i know how to write a cfg.
Its not really like blokeys ,just ordinary i guess?
but who the hell writes a cfg like blokey.

My cfg is fine, im not gonna give anyone a helping hand here
I havnt seen anyone who deserves help except maybe
Ch@m and he dont need it.

My cfg has helped a few people become better players i think.
It wasnt because it was special, just better than they had.!!

But at least i know i gave my cfg to nice some nice people and no way am i gonna give it to people like Kez or M@trix . Fuck-em :))

And im sure there gonna rip those comments apart.
Except i know the truth, and a lot out there know it too.
Thats enough for me.

I didnt write all this all for my help sar, I dont need any.
I allready know the answers, but their are people out there who dont !!.
Write it for them sar.:))

And before we get the crazies back in here.
My cfg was given to a Div 3 team, they were at the bottom a few weeks back. The first week they won ,now there middle of the pack, i have no idea if my cfg helped but i think it did and the clan was C++.

Also i played against them and they kinda got harder to kill,) lol.

Ive also tried to help another clan and they are top of the Division they are Playing in.
Takes more than a cfg, but it helps if u got a good one.:)

Sorry sar,my cfg is not gonna be posted here.
They dont deserve any help i think.

Fuck em .:) !!

Post yours Buddy , i'd like to see it :)
Dont forget to remove +Button 5 before u post ))


I would dare say Sar knows a bit more about CFgs than you do, and that Sar would help anyone who asked. I fail to see how your reason for not posting is because you think it will give others an edge... However i think that just shows what an idiot you are...

I believe Sar was actually looking to help you, due to the fact you were getting stinged by people using cl_maxpackets 100, however if you don't want his help, then you have no reason to accuse people of cheating for using the best config for themselves.


Configs are a very personal thing for some people, for various reasons. I don't think id post mine here tbh ...... simply cos so many hours have been spent perfecting it, but also cos people would surely see things that they would change, but which I include myself for very good reason. Sounds a bit mad maybe :)

I've always settled for a config which is a balance between fps and the game still 'looking nice', but as dredded pointed out, theres a lot to be gained from a good config and as much as I hate to say it, I'm working on a new mega fps version of my config which will look damn ugly, but should give way better fps and enable me to use a better cl_maxpackets. The ultimate sacrifice ;)


Configs are too personally suited to give anyone else an advantage by posting it. It's all about how it suits you own personal style of play, and how you like things.


Yesterday I changed the fps/maxpackets thing to 45 maxpackets and 90 fps. I certainly noticed the difference, which was good. However I play with everything on full (the opposite to you cham:) ) , and so sometimes the fps can slip down to 70 or so, you know when theres like 7 or 8 people all shooting each other. So I wondered, how about setting 60fps to 60 maxpackets ? Would that be good , or would i lose too much on the fps ?


60 fps is pretty low throd ...... but if your getting only an average not much above this, you should cap it there tbh.
fps can drop below your capped rate, but in the instances where it does, you may get fps induced lag, so you should try to set it so that the vast majority of the time you will get the capped rate. It is worse to set it lower for obvious reasons, if your graphics can support MUCH higher, but it really needs to be balanced with your cl_maxpackets, so for everyone there's a different solution.

The way I look at is this ...... tweak the config to get the highest fps at an acceptable visual level, then cap it a little lower than your average based on the magic values, then set cl_maxpackets to a corresponding value (e.g. a divisor as shown in the link).

I guess you know the mpax/fps link already ....... so I guess what I mean is, cap it lower if your regularly gonna drop below the current capped level, or if lowering it slightly means you can hit one of the magic values.

At the end of the day, you need as much fps as possible imho. The more fps, the higher you can cap it, the higher you can cap it, the better maxpackets you can have, etc, etc, etc ...


Try lowering 's_mixahead', but not so far that you get distorted sound. You will be amased the fps you can gain by lowering the sound quality.


Yeah ok I kind of figured that. I'l stay at 90 i think, mostly its fine :)


Waz I just put that config straight into the pc on my desktop at work, a p4 1.7 with a tnt ultra (yuk ). It avaraged 55 fps on demo . Omg that is a nice looking set up mate :)


It's not a nice looking setup at all. Picmip 6 and everything on low, I get considerably more fps than that on a puny Duron...

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