Master Levels (Possible. Might be bull, but certainly interesting)



Originally posted by -nicolas-
The truth:

You will be forced to buy TOA and go through the painstaking process of getting all master levels for all 10 of your lvl 50s to become viable in RVR again.
That may be so, but HOPEFULLY they made it FUN this time ;)


Originally posted by old.Niljindil
That may be so, but HOPEFULLY they made it FUN this time ;)

Doing anything, besides sex and winning the lottery, ten times is still boring.


Nicolas, u are totally right in your earlier post imo..

this is just gonna promote even more elite-ism within realms.

game should be simplyfied, not made more complicated by all this shit.

i really hope the ML's are scrapped altogether. they aint needed and are just gonna split peeps even more than they are now. (plz remember some peeps dont have SI, nor can they get it)

no additional abilites for add-ons! simple!

i aint gonna buy my way to being so-called better than someone else. its not on


Originally posted by Tesla Monkor
Demoralization - Lower level of enemies for dmg calcs

Leadership - raise levels of friends for dmg calcs

Lets guess, say each one will debuff the level of your enemy 3 levels, and the other buff the level of your grp 3 levels, if 2 people had these and used them together, a FG vs FG encounter would be similar to a grp of level 47s, vs a grp of level 53s, or a grp of level 44's vs a grp of level 50's... essentially all your targets would be blue cons, and hitting for cap dmg / taking less dmg would be pretty consistent.

Maybe im totally wrong, hopefully i am, otherwise those 2 abilities would be a bit over the top.

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