Resident Freddy
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- Jan 23, 2005
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Lot of off-topic posturing tbh ... how about keeping it to pm's ?
BloodOmen said:right clearly i do have to explain in more simply words :l
as i said SELLING and Buying is against the CoC... as for twisting it for my own purpose? bs.. lol yes i've broke a CoC wahey.... the whole arguement was about buying a character then acting like you've done alot of work on it.. so anyway here come the simple part just for you lot :l
Billy buys a playstation memory card from his friend... on that memory card is alot of saves with unlocked characters/goodies for games that billy has... a third friend comes around billys house one day and says "wow you've unlocked alot! your good"... billy then takes credit for the things on the memory card and replies "yes i unlocked it alli'm good" ... the original friend that billy bought the card off heard the third friend saying "hey man billy has unlocked alot of stuff on these games! hes a good player"... the other friend then thinks.. wtf i did it not him... why the fuck is he taking the credit?
now if you Eldick, Necrophilia and Entomologist still don't understand WHAT i'm trying to say then they should fuck off back to play school :l regardless of it being against CoC i've sold something i've earned (slap on the wrist bad boy etc) atleast i can stand here and say i earned it tho :l
as for the picture on the rl thread i don't see what it has to do with this thread? AND! on that note i also didn't see you post one :l so on that note i'll asume your a sad **** that waits for a picture thread to appear then drops his pants and strums his little pickle to it
BloodOmen said:now if you Eldick, Necrophilia and Entomologist still don't understand WHAT i'm trying to say then they should fuck off back to play school :l regardless of it being against CoC i've sold something i've earned (slap on the wrist bad boy etc) atleast i can stand here and say i earned it tho :l
elbeek said:Let me guess. You are that fat kid that smells of piss that no one really likes. You find it funny to belch in peoples faces at parties and have a constant bead of sweat on your upper lip. Close enough?
Ok insults over and back on topic ( I hope this is ok with our Finnish mod wannabe ). You have taken over this gratz post with your hypocritical comments. Yes you don't approve of ebayed chars, but omg its ok to sell to these "zerging, useless twats". This is the whole point. If someone dares to differ with your egocentrical opinion then you result to insults, (don't worry I have plenty more that even you may take offence to ).
If you don't like the fact that a few here beg to differ with you then don't post.
necromania said:WoW. you can call us Names!! i didnt expect that from u...
but i still dont understand, cause im soooo stupid and im Necrophilia. so can you plz explain with better words. ??
fucking noob child![]()
Caeli said:Can't this thread die already so the ebay attentionwhore doesn't get the attention he so obviously needs?
Nate said:weren't you quitting fh bugz? ;o or was that just ot
BloodOmen said:as i said SELLING and Buying is against the CoC... as for twisting it for my own purpose? bs.. lol yes i've broke a CoC wahey.... the whole arguement was about buying a character then acting like you've done alot of work on it.. so anyway here come the simple part just for you lot :l
Billy buys a playstation memory card from his friend... on that memory card is alot of saves with unlocked characters/goodies for games that billy has... a third friend comes around billys house one day and says "wow you've unlocked alot! your good"... billy then takes credit for the things on the memory card and replies "yes i unlocked it alli'm good" ... the original friend that billy bought the card off heard the third friend saying "hey man billy has unlocked alot of stuff on these games! hes a good player"... the other friend then thinks.. wtf i did it not him... why the fuck is he taking the credit?
BloodOmen said:wether they do or they don't entirely upto them at the end of the day :l don't care less either way personally just wanted to see another ebayed player banned :l
BloodOmen said:i cba to argue with ebayed children that do nowt but whine when someone mentions a code of conduct
Bugz said:Firstly, could you use grammar properly please? It's a pain to read your posts when it's 'I...went...to...the...shop...'
BloodOmen said:Oh no calling you names? me? neverclearly i'm a child it must be true if you say so
nah i'm a fat kid that managed to roll over on your mother twice and guess what? i was still on the bitch ;l
(such a shame i had to lower myself to your level tbh)
Punishment said:Do yourself a favour and stop posting ... the world is not out to get you ... your are your own worst enemy tbh![]()
actully it was more a 'i-will-defend-bugz-when-he/if-he-one-time-puts-together-a-sensible-argument-to-defend-himself-instead-of-cryingBugz said:Mainly OT. A lot of people piss me off in there. But if there's a very good thread going (i.e that Maths thread) I will post. But I won't argue with Gamah etc. since it's a 'lose-lose-all jump and hump Bugz' affair![]()
Bugz said:Since you have no grasp of the way an economy works - I'll write a couple of lines explaining it to you.
You sell your items/characters on Ebay. If you have no seller - you have no profits and the economy goes bye bye. In effect, the people you are slagging off are your buyers. They fuel your profits (speaking as you being the seller).
What you fail to understand is your arguement has no winning point. You cannot use the CoC in any way because you too, have broken it. You cannot use the idea of selling/buying because they fuel your profits and you fuel their desire.
Now, you can come back with another equally stupid comment or you can try to prove me wrong. Good luck.
Septina said:Because lvling toons in DAoC is the hard? XD
The last 3 or so toons i've made has been 46+ fully artifacted within 2 or 3 days.
And yea, 9L2 to 11 sure takes ALOT of work when running with CM/KF. xD
Anyway, not mine or any other persons job to tell people how to play, gratz and well deserved i guess. :x
Huntingtons said:this might just be me, but according to his posts i dont see him using the COC to defend his selling - he does not claim his actions to be right within the coc. but he claims that selling is ok 'respect' wise ingame, because he did achieve something with his characters unlike new-owner manisch.
your argument saying he cannot use the coc in anyway is stupid. would be closer to saying that a person breaking the law (speeding) cannot report a child molesting because he already broke the law. ("cannot use the CoC in any way because you too, have broken it" bugz -06)
Let me guess. You are that fat kid that smells of piss that no one really likes. You find it funny to belch in peoples faces at parties and have a constant bead of sweat on your upper lip. Close enough?
censi said:i read his post and the point he is making is non offensive. basically stating its against the Coc to ebay or sell i guess your account.
And you reply with that beeks. makes you look like a complete tit.... oh wait you are a complete tit. my bad carry on.
FYI it is against the coc to Ebay accounts. Any Ebayed account should be closed.
censi said:FYI it is against the coc to Ebay accounts. Any Ebayed account should be closed.
Manisch Depressiv said:Grats!
Think the char is called Manisch, ain't it? Afair it was sold at RR8L7 and the RPs were gained all pre RP-patch in a
relativly short time, while people (on the forums) claimed I was the worst Sorc ever in the worst group ever
(Evita's/Graendel's group).
Now as it looks, somebody beat me to it ;-). So, grats again. Hehehe...
(I want(ed) to buy that account back, since I regret very much selling it, but no success so far.)
Manisch Depressiv said:Afair it was sold at RR8L7 and the RPs were gained all pre RP-patch in a
relativly short time
Manisch Depressiv said:(I want(ed) to buy that account back, since I regret very much selling
Blow said:You knew that the new owner would not want to sell it back to you, so there was only one solution left for you to
get your old sorc back.
Fyi, the manisch that got scammed (the person that bought it of the Manisch Depressiv person) has bought a new
daoc account and he will play sorc again, and this time he is 100% sure he can't get scammed.
Nate said:Those are some pretty heavy accusations there Blow, what proof do you have of this..
I think you have a problem with typing 't at the end of your words, otherwise that post makes absoloutley no sense.
The person who bought the account from Manisch and got scammed has bought another one and knows he is going to get scammed? Why did he buy another one? Is he mentally inept?
Your against account trading, yet your fine with the person who bought the account and got scammed by Manisch buying a new one? Theres quite a few traded accounts in your guild as I'm sure you know all too well.
I too am against account trading, quite sure there are no traded accounts in my guild and what you say Manisch has done..if all by just your word is true, shows he really isn't all that nice a guy taking someones money to then basically steal the account back is very wrong and I hope this turns out to be untrue.
Overdriven said:9L2->RR11 = 4m~ rps..
RR1-RR9 = 4m~ rps...
Stop whining.
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha lolzBlow said:Simon your really smart!
Selling your account, then 1 year later you write GOA and you get the account back, so you get EUROS
and you get INSTA RR11
The poor person that bought it off you should know better eh.... account trading is against coc!!!
Im aggainst account trading aswell never will sell my account, nor i will buy any account.
I would not expect this of you to f*ck someone like this.
Anyway like all other account scammers i will not group with you anymore, i hope the whole albion society will
do that aswell.
Known chars:
- Bipolar
- Tripolar
- Manisch
- Pauley
- Kungfufootballer
- Nihilist
- Hosaka
So now you sold it again... want me to send some screenies to you where you where telling me the different,
that you suddenly lost the account?
You knew that the new owner would want to sell it back to you, so there was only one solution left for you to
get your old sorc back.
Fyi, the manisch that got scammed (the person that bought it of the Manisch Depressiv person) has bought a new
daoc account and he will play sorc again, and this time he is 100% sure he can get scammed.