Ok, is there a list somewhere with the right lvl on crafted items, or how should i know what lvl a arcanium battlehammer has, if its lvl 49 or 50, or a set of mithril pansarkedja, lvl 22 or 27.
Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen
there is obviously a bug in the game
level 28, af 56 leather boots, 99% quality, with 28 imbue points (equal to level 51, 99% quality)
level 45, af 90 chain leggings, 99% quality, with 28 imbue points (again equal to level 51, 99% quality)
so far the trend is 99% quality stuff gives 28 imbue points regardless of level).. i've done some _serious_ overcharging so far, just for testing