Edgar Frog said:The name 'Lubbock' itself is of an infamous region of America where Native Americans were quite violently ousted, even more so than the usual sad stories one hears about natives being turfed out. The confederate officer 'Lubbock' is much celebrated but, as with a few American icons, it seems that his misdeeds are brushed under the carpet; using ethnic soldiers as cannonfodder ala the movie 'Glory' to achieve his victories.
Ingafgrinn Macabre said:I believe it should be Quid quid, with a little white space (or green on this forum) between it
and yeah... indeed, it sounds profound
ohw.. I think you'll also like this one:
Vah! Denuone Latine loquebar? Me ineptum. Interdum modo elabitur!
Edgar Frog said:Some find the term 'blacklist' rather offensive due to its perceived racial undertones. Some may argue that very few of those on your blacklist have a significant amount of melanin to cancel such a point. However, a classic retort is that you may be applying a derogatory racial slur to those not 'black' in order to increase the strength of the insult.
NeonBlue said:its ppl like you
Edgar Frog said:Some find the term 'blacklist' rather offensive
My first thought when starting to read that sentence was WHITEBOARDS...NeonBlue said:but if we are to follow the rules of poticial correctness...wouldnt this be considered "racist" against white ppl as the chalk u use on them is "white"
in which case some may ask that Lubbock be banned from Freddyshouse on the grounds of his name being based sexually offensive to any sheep that may be reading.
Edgar Frog said:Read more carefully next time.
Aremeriel said:*Sigh* Don't think I'll ever make that list...
My first thought when starting to read that sentence was WHITEBOARDS...
It's kinda like it's rude to tell big people that they are fat, but not rude to tell thin people they're thin... I've never understood that...
NeonBlue said:i did put whiteboards at 1st...but if i remember correctly they had to change it to chalkboards...because like i said regarding the chalk...it could be considered racist towards "whites"....but they felt chalkboards was a "neutral" term
though i agree with what u said...some things are considered rude and others not...its just silly!
Aremeriel said:Whiteboards also renamed to chalkboards? Even the ones using ink? Dunno really about English, but they're still called whiteboards (aye, the English word) in Norwegian, whereas "blackboards" always have been called "tavle" (a Norwegian word)...
Aye, it's silly...
Dunno what they are called nowdays, but when i went to school it was svarta tavlan. And then the whiteboard came for the pencils.Aremeriel said:Whiteboards also renamed to chalkboards? Even the ones using ink? Dunno really about English, but they're still called whiteboards (aye, the English word) in Norwegian, whereas "blackboards" always have been called "tavle" (a Norwegian word)...
Aye, it's silly...
Most of the "blackboards" when I went to school was green, so we didn't have a colour definition on them..Fafnir said:Dunno what they are called nowdays, but when i went to school it was svarta tavlan. And then the whiteboard came for the pencils.
That's a very good point but some may argue that what's good for you may not be good for the next man. Some people may have a complex about going bald and thus buy a wig, or try to hide their shame by the comb-over strands technique. Perhaps words such as 'bald', although acceptable to yourself, send shivers down such people's spines and makes them metaphorically convulse in their neurosis/neuroses. Should we not provide measures for helping the majority of people to NOT be hurt, if, indeed, the majority of bald people (for example) feel this way about a word?Ingafgrinn Macabre said:I'm going bald myself, don't like it, infact I hate it, but it's a fact, can't help it, and it won't change if someone called it a reclining hairline!
Some may say, "What is in a name? A 'Heheyougotboned' by any other name would still act the fool".Oro said:Its been bugging me where I first heard the name Edgar Frog.
Edgar Frog said:And in response to Lubbock, some may suppose that you thought that 'Disciples of Aldur' would be a counterargument against any accusations of being racist (seeing as Aldur Vunk is manager of a museum dealing with items used to fight against the inherently racist German forces in World War II), but I see that as a very flimsy connection that probably wasn't supposed when you or the founders of your guild thought of the name.
If my 'meaningful debate' is your 'trouble' I suggest that you stick to reality TV and DAoC.NeonBlue said:...as its obvious ur out to make trouble...
You seem to be applying that term 'smelly' in a macro context towards all racists. Some may say that a racist would find that offensive.Lubbock said:a big smelly racist
Edgar Frog said:If my 'meaningful debate' is your 'trouble' I suggest that you stick to reality TV and DAoC.
no, I don't feel we should, because if it's happening with the word bald, it'll indefenately happen to "reclining hairline". It's the job of the balding person itself to accept their fate, and making the negative load on the word a neutral one. HOWEVER I can imagin that a word that's been used so horrific bad like <scuse me in advance> ****** is being replaced, cos there's been such a negative load given to it by the whole society. but there are only a handfull of those words around.Edgar Frog said:That's a very good point but some may argue that what's good for you may not be good for the next man. Some people may have a complex about going bald and thus buy a wig, or try to hide their shame by the comb-over strands technique. Perhaps words such as 'bald', although acceptable to yourself, send shivers down such people's spines and makes them metaphorically convulse in their neurosis/neuroses. Should we not provide measures for helping the majority of people to NOT be hurt, if, indeed, the majority of bald people (for example) feel this way about a word?