Looking To Join A Nice Guild - Gimmly


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Coolan said:
No i wasnt i was in defenders of jon from lvl13-15 then joined shadows of ragnarok until i hit 35, at the point i joined nemesis because the gm used to be a friend of mine, ah man there goes my cover. but tbh i didnt ever get any help lvling as the way i saw things was i gotta learn from the start.

well, i was close :p

i didnt get a great deal of help from any guild when leveling either, i mean, solo mend shammy from 16-45 (when i ended up in g1 malmo, yay :p )

only really 36-38 i got any help and that was on our 2 WoW hunts in shadow's of ragnarok :p

BUT it did take me 1.5 years to get to lvl 50.... oh and yes, this is a rather amusing thread :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
26days played on coolan for 50, bout 1.5years as i started playing when i got a job lasted a year, then became unemployed and hit 50 bout 3months into be a lazy bum :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Ormorof said:
well, i wouldnt consider my post a "personal crusade", i simply mentioned that there HAVE been numerous posts about gimmly, not his brother, im all for giving people a second chance, if they prove they can handle it, i wasnt going to say anything until gimmly went on his rant about stealing artifacts, ive had several items "stolen" from me ingame (not by gimmly), items that now seem trivial and useless but at the time they were "prized" possesions, it left a scar, though that is probably the wrong word for it, after the 2nd time it happened i never trusted anyone (and i mean anyone, since the 2nd person was a guy i thought i knew) and only transfered and "trusted" myself, so i know how it feels to have stuff "stolen", and here he is threatening to steal items, and not only that but he threatens a friend....

i would not wish a person that goes off on a tantrum as soon as he is questioned, has made very little attempt to prove that he HAS actually changed, my brother played DAoC while i still played, he is 11 years old yet he managed to get on fine with people, managed to get a guild, didnt steal, wasnt rude, and didnt have tantrums when his motives were questioned, if he got pissed off, he logged off, so i dont honestly see how age is an appropriate excuse.

Sorry, was not intended to question your character Ormorof, always thought you where generally nice person (for that which I knew you off), was just generally pissed off earlier at peoples way to threathing this guy, as I mentioned previously I was leading ML raid and saw the abuse he just took like a man and I know if I had been the target of such abuse I would either have logged or blow out, but he really didnt, I told them to lay off which some of them did, some kept on doing it from time to time still whenever he did something wrong, dont mean wrong like ruin the raid, but ask a question of something he was doubting which he could scroll up to see, okay, you failed to see something, but nobody else doing same sort of things get near same abuse back.

And then seeing people still being after this guy (in a more civilized way here though) made me very pissed and sick to my stomach, come on? It is a game? Okay, fair you dont want to group/guild with him, but why dont let him have fun playing this great game too? Why is it some people just try to ruin it for others?

Before someone saying it, yes, I know he said he would steal artifacts, but again, read my post as of why I would think he would type it, be fair and never swing the hammer of judgement harder than needed, and think, by ruining his reputaiton, you are ruining his chances and capabilities of having fun with this game more than ANY artifact stealer probarly could ruin yours...(not saying it aint anoying, but imagine not being able to do the encounters, go on raids, join groups in RvR, speak with people in /gu or /as and such, how much would this game be ruined for you if you couldn't?)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Coolan said:
26days played on coolan for 50, bout 1.5years as i started playing when i got a job lasted a year, then became unemployed and hit 50 bout 3months into be a lazy bum :)

16 days for my first :)

But then I was guilded with lovely people like Ironlung, Bani, Dralux, Fleshhunter and many more in DTP, ah, those where the days :)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
It took me 6 months to get my shaman to 50 on excal =( ( ps. that was before moderna )


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Megga said:
It took me 6 months to get my shaman to 50 on excal =( ( ps. that was before moderna )

i was lvl 49.5 for 6 months :p

but that was more because i couldnt be arsed to xp the last bit and i spent quite alot of time in BG's :p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 9, 2004
Aremeriel said:
And about having support or help from guild to reach 50.. Yeah.. Had that, but we have only been able to pull 1 fg of guildies together ONCE. So, I reached 50 the hard way, grouping with couple friends or random ppl. All my artis are thanks to Grey Wolves. And most of the fun I've had the last 3 months are due to Grey Wolves, Bluesky, Sons of Nidhug and Savage Conclave, as I've been the only active player of my guild during that time.

Honorary Wolf :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Goto love the few people who stand out. The ones you'll remember.. Gimmly is one of em. The old Saaug another and ofc.. JON!

Such memories. Be nice and friendly and im sure people will accept you.. in a year or so.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
XhitmanX said:
rofl i suied on the mob cos you was there just wait till next you mofo i am gonna still your artis now yes had no bb there had no m8s with me and was unbuffed i only went to see if its up w8 till i see you trying to take som i steal that aswell

and rofl at thise idiots im not XhitmanX i know none of you losers here that dont have a family just some loners that play daoc and make all there m8s on daoc might as well just be a arse to ppl i go steal artis conn ppl etc

o and on ml1 raid rolling for another shitty rog and think ppl wouldnt notice ? i didnt even know the rolling rules and like i realy wanted em ? they were shit rog i was gonna salv em


This say's all i realy need to know, dont bother showing up at my raids, and ur getting no second chanses from me.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Hehe, yeah.. I don't know but he doesn't make a very good impression of being a nice guy :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2004
Kedoz said:
This say's all i realy need to know, dont bother showing up at my raids, and ur getting no second chanses from me.

go u!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
>yeh cos swearing and insulting everyone is real mature m8...get a grip.

I am pretty sure you would too, if you were met by the same mudslinging that is going on in this thread. Of course you could be a buddist monk that have mastered your emotions and then I withdraw my comment. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Iceflower said:
Of course you could be a buddist monk that have mastered your emotions and then I withdraw my comment. :)
lol? You don't have to be any monk to not swear at ppl insulting you over a game forum ><


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Iceflower said:
>yeh cos swearing and insulting everyone is real mature m8...get a grip.

I am pretty sure you would too, if you were met by the same mudslinging that is going on in this thread. Of course you could be a buddist monk that have mastered your emotions and then I withdraw my comment. :)

err no i wudnt swap insults m8 really...i can resist as i dont think its such a good thing to swear at sumone.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 25, 2003
Wow some people really do show some of their ugly faces.. and not just talking about Gimmly... sad. :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Aremeriel said:
Gimmly says he's using his bro's account here since his is banned. A few questions immediately springs to mind when Gimmly says his brother quit DAoC 6 months ago. xHitmanx was created on FH August 1st. Why did he create an account here 3 months after he stopped playing? Why was xHitmanx created 1 month after Gimmly (the FH account)'s last post (might have been more later, but last not deleted. There are a total of 12 posts by Gimmly not deleted) was posted (end of June) and all posts by xHitmanx are signed /Gimmly?

This here is exactly why I think this all a load of bull. The fact that your willing to put effort into slandering Gimmly is pathetic.

Bluesky, Lukey I knew you lads when I played ages ago (infact bluesky only started his infamous dragon raids because he was on my failed one :p ) and you were both really cool.

Why do you all give a shit about him so much? Fine if you dont like him dont let him into your guild, but dont ruin his chances of getting into another guild.

Trust me Gimmly you made the same mistake I did, and that was fighting with a 'celebrity'. I fought with Roo ages ago and that got everyone in the realms backs up because hes a bit of an icon, people soon forget and realise it means nothing.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Iceforge said:
16 days for my first :)

But then I was guilded with lovely people like Ironlung, Bani, Dralux, Fleshhunter and many more in DTP, ah, those where the days :)

Heh omg, you forgot me :p

I was the guy you kept stealing group spots from, yeah the other healer in the guild.

Melachi sends Ironlung, "Hey need a healer in the guild group?"
Ironlung replies, "Nah we have Piron atm."

only messin :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Melachi said:
This here is exactly why I think this all a load of bull. The fact that your willing to put effort into slandering Gimmly is pathetic.
No offense, but you call some genuine questions slandering??? That's your choice then...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Aremeriel said:
No offense, but you call some genuine questions slandering??? That's your choice then...

Ok, wrong choice of words, but it's still pathetic imo going all Sherlock holmes on him. Come on its just a flippin game :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Everyone deserves a second chance yes.. gimmmly here has goten more then that. he was a member of warriors of the mist 2 times. Result? he got kicked both times = he didnt learn shit from the first time... im not talking shit about him. its the honest truth and people I think have a right to be warned about this chap. I for one am very surprised he hasnt got banned from both FH and daoc.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Melachi said:
Ok, wrong choice of words, but it's still pathetic imo going all Sherlock holmes on him. Come on its just a flippin game :p
Yeah.. It's just a game... I know that.. And I treat it as such, unlike some people perhaps (not thinking bout you). I didn't go all Sherlock on him, there was a post I was looking for to see if I remembered it correctly, but couldn't find that one, that's when I saw. Besides, what's it to you if I ask Gimmly a question? Like you say, it's just a game, which your first post makes sound like you don't play anymore... Although, even if it's a game, people wanna have the best of time they can while they play... You wanna hang out with someone who you've had bad expierence with earlier IRL? I think not.
And sounds like you didn't read all of my first post though, since you got so hung up on the first part of it... But nevermind, like I said earlier, that's your choice...


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 3, 2004
to be honest, all i did was remove him from guild, i never actually bad mouthed him, he badmouthed himself too much for me to need to do that ;)

and second chances? this guys had way more than two chances with most people as it is...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Melachi said:
Heh omg, you forgot me :p

I was the guy you kept stealing group spots from, yeah the other healer in the guild.

Melachi sends Ironlung, "Hey need a healer in the guild group?"
Ironlung replies, "Nah we have Piron atm."

only messin :p

Nah, I just mentioned those who helped me level m8 :)

You know, you said it yourself, you didnt get in groups as I was in them :p

Off course I remember you m8y :) Was so many I forgot in first post as it is such a long time ago and so many of them dont play anymore, specially miss Fleshhunter, really great guy


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
>>err no i wudnt swap insults m8 really...i can resist as i dont think its such a good thing to swear at sumone.

Then you are not of the common breed that posts here, and that is a compliment :)

>lol? You don't have to be any monk to not swear at ppl insulting you over a game forum ><

Seems to be fairly standard on this forum though.

>Wow some people really do show some of their ugly faces.. and not just talking about Gimmly... sad.

Amen. Though schoolyard bullies and meetoos are quite common here.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
I've had the ... pleasure of being guilded with Gimmly, even though he wasen´t exactly the nicest guy ever, he has realised that he has fucked up. Thus I think he should be given a chance, even though he's been calling me a fag, and whatnot, he was on my ignore list when playing. Yet I see no reason for people to point their dirty fingers in his direction, totally ruining his gaming experience, I didn´t even do it when he was insulting me, I see no reason to destroy somebody´s joy from playing the game.

Just put him on ignore, or if you´re a good person, try to be respectful towards him when meeting him, he admits he has made his mistakes. Which takes a lot of balls.


Oh, and people getting upset at each other over this single person, it´s really sad. Don´t use your energy on him, simple as that =)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Tasslehoff said:
Just put him on ignore, or if you´re a good person, try to be respectful towards him when meeting him, he admits he has made his mistakes. Which takes a lot of balls.
So if I admitt Im acting like an ass and keeps doing it ppl should give me a chance? Don't be so nice all the time Tas, it will be your fall ;)

Ppls ignorant and temper is a powerfull tool to use against them..


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 25, 2003
Zebolt said:
So if I admitt Im acting like an ass and keeps doing it ppl should give me a chance? Don't be so nice all the time Tas, it will be your fall ;)

Ppls ignorant and temper is a powerfull tool to use against them..

But why do you feel the need to use it against them when they're so good at doing it themselves? I honestly don't think that all the hate posts in this thread has helped anyone who might have read this thread for other than entertaining themselves by badmouthing a guy who can badmouth himself like noone else.

What's the point of all this being rude ? A lof of people who posted in this thread against Gimmly has posted in a manner that I wouldn't expect from them.. lost a little respect for a lot of people because they lowered themselves to his stage and went on fighting in here.. imo this thread should be closed asap, and it should've been closed the second the site admins could see it was going on in the wrong trail (i.e. posts not having anything to do with Gimmly searching for a guild.....)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
ok I am obviously missing something here...

Gimmly comes and posts and says he wants a second chance, then he fecks up and acts dumb (very dumb imo bearing in mind he just said he wants a 2nd chance), then insults me quite badly with barely literate name calling and telling me he will steal my arti's - so thats his 2nd AND 3rd chance blown and some ppl are posting saying giving him a chance again - so is this 3rd, 4th, 5th blah blah - u get the idea ?

With this guy it seems some ppl want to give him licence to take the piss whenever he feels like it. There is only so many times ppl can do stuff like this and post the things he says before ppl dont want to have anything to do with him whatsoever.

Why, I ask, do ppl keep wanting to let him have more chances? He has proven his childish greedy mentality on many occasions - in game, in pm, in posts in here.

Do the guys speaking about him in a positive way in here see my point now ?

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