Looking To Join A Nice Guild - Gimmly


May 14, 2004
Shocker_TheDrunkThane said:
Gimmly u spent an hour lastnight in PMs with me asking to join SoNs (which im not sure if u know this but Blue is kinda the GM bud so not a good start lol :D ) telling me what a changed guy u are and its unfair how ppl treat u and most of it is made up by ppl that dont even know u.

Well afer spending 10 mins reading this thread do u think any guild would inv u? your not making yourself "new guild member of the week" option here now are u?
dont let him in! Sons of Nidhug = best guild ever, and there will never be one better, atleast not if it's like it was when i played Melihar in middyland :(


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 28, 2003
apparently rvr guilds are teh evil
so maybe we should invite him to keep up our image of being the ones everyone hates :puke:


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Elendar said:
apparently rvr guilds are teh evil
so maybe we should invite him to keep up our image of being the ones everyone hates :puke:

awww, poor RvR guilds :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 15, 2004
Reebs said:
Shoutout of this post: Tindel/Petronella (sexy norse healer that came to EoO guildmeeting, early after retail, dressed all in red..lady in red was dancing with me..)

hahaha inso, memoriiies :D :fluffle:
edit: vilket minne :eek7:


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
i cant be arsed reading what most of you say coz lets be honest its mainly gunna be a pile of shit about how you dont like him

fucking leave him alone will yeh? he simply said he is looking for a nice guild that are willing to accept him, he didnt ask you all to say why you DONT want him, so just get a fucking grip of yourselves man this is one reason i left daoc, all the bitching.

how is he gunna play inside "the rules" if he doesnt have a guild to guide him? and i must say some "respected" players coming here and saying shit about gimmly, how fucking far did any of you get without a guild? how many of u got lvl 50 without a guild, or half ur artis or rr10 or whatever? just fuck off i swear for a bunch of "mature" people you sure are acting like 5 year olds


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Shocker_TheDrunkThane said:
Gimmly u spent an hour lastnight in PMs with me asking to join SoNs (which im not sure if u know this but Blue is kinda the GM bud so not a good start lol :D ) telling me what a changed guy u are and its unfair how ppl treat u and most of it is made up by ppl that dont even know u.

Well afer spending 10 mins reading this thread do u think any guild would inv u? your not making yourself "new guild member of the week" option here now are u?

aye he said he has changed so what u all fucking do? bring it all up again so he doesnt get a guild, DICK HEADS!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Darksword said:
i cant be arsed reading what most of you say coz lets be honest its mainly gunna be a pile of shit about how you dont like him

fucking leave him alone will yeh? he simply said he is looking for a nice guild that are willing to accept him, he didnt ask you all to say why you DONT want him, so just get a fucking grip of yourselves man this is one reason i left daoc, all the bitching.

how is he gunna play inside "the rules" if he doesnt have a guild to guide him? and i must say some "respected" players coming here and saying shit about gimmly, how fucking far did any of you get without a guild? how many of u got lvl 50 without a guild, or half ur artis or rr10 or whatever? just fuck off i swear for a bunch of "mature" people you sure are acting like 5 year olds

yeh cos swearing and insulting everyone is real mature m8...get a grip.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Darksword said:
how fucking far did any of you get without a guild? how many of u got lvl 50 without a guild, or half ur artis
So far i havnt said a bad word in this thread, but gimmly did say he was gonna steal ppls artis which isnt the smartest move, btw i hit 46 without a guild, could have done 50 with ease, as for artis i only got help with 1 from any guildies so there goes ur theory.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 20, 2004
Hmmm Darksword did u see something in my msg that i havnt? i havnt put Gimmly down in anyway at all i was offering advice, ie dont ask for membership to a guild then get into a pissing contest with its GM.

Also unlike others i know nothing about gimmlys past until today and was asking in guild if we could give him a chance and see, but after reading his responce to blue about arti steeling do u think it would be wise to offer him a guild placing? even more so since this happend after a thread saying his changed and wants a fresh start.

Now like i said it may be true about him wanting to change and get rid of his past but maybe theres just a better way of doing it than saying his going to steal artis off ppl in the same thread as "ive changed and i want a new start"


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
XhitmanX said:
no im Gimmly the only Gimmly and XhitmanX is my bro that played for a few months on pryd were tottaly different ppl we have different accounts etc but im only useing his forum account cos mines bannd. Yes i was rude to a gm because he bannd(suspended) me for a stupid reson and im not proud of it. Im not a arsehole you dont even know me and it all started over Pirrate and Wotm

well you still have the same shitty spelling errors, just like your "brother"...


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Shocker_TheDrunkThane said:
Hmmm Darksword did u see something in my msg that i havnt? i havnt put Gimmly down in anyway at all i was offering advice, ie dont ask for membership to a guild then get into a pissing contest with its GM.

Also unlike others i know nothing about gimmlys past until today and was asking in guild if we could give him a chance and see, but after reading his responce to blue about arti steeling do u think it would be wise to offer him a guild placing? even more so since this happend after a thread saying his changed and wants a fresh start.

Now like i said it may be true about him wanting to change and get rid of his past but maybe theres just a better way of doing it than saying his going to steal artis off ppl in the same thread as "ive changed and i want a new start"

my point isnt against you, what im saying is he says he has changed then everyone brings all this up again, no guilds gunna accept him if every1 keeps reminding others what happened quiet some time ago


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
DaggerElivager said:
yeh cos swearing and insulting everyone is real mature m8...get a grip.

i have a grip, and i can atleast see that he is trying to change, and id say swearing is more mature than dragging someones name through the mud time and time again when he is trying to proove he has changed.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Shocker_TheDrunkThane said:
Hmmm Darksword did u see something in my msg that i havnt? i havnt put Gimmly down in anyway at all i was offering advice, ie dont ask for membership to a guild then get into a pissing contest with its GM.

Also unlike others i know nothing about gimmlys past until today and was asking in guild if we could give him a chance and see, but after reading his responce to blue about arti steeling do u think it would be wise to offer him a guild placing? even more so since this happend after a thread saying his changed and wants a fresh start.

Now like i said it may be true about him wanting to change and get rid of his past but maybe theres just a better way of doing it than saying his going to steal artis off ppl in the same thread as "ive changed and i want a new start"

To be honest, read the hole thread, Darksword is accually pretty right here.

Some of the things you and I might take for granted in this game, might be unknown to some players, Gimmly states he attacked the given artifact monster to commit suicide because it was camped, for now, lets assume this is true...

Many would question it, with the argument "Why not suicide on something else instead of the monster they where about to kill?" Well, the question itself and the above mentioned about things we can take for granted kind of answers it, he might not have been lucky enough to be in a guild where he learned how to act among others when playing a online game, the guilds are your schools in these games, or you can do it the hard way and selfstudy it all up from forums and internet, but who the hell do that?

In his eyes, it might just have been the closest and hence closests the easiest for suiciding

Well, Bluesky is a experience player in this game for sure and nice fellow indeed, how would he see this? Well, it would sure look like Gimmly was stealing his monster, in a desperate try to take the encounter and claim the loot, and because he heard alot of bad things about Gimmly, he assumed it was so (DISCLAIMER: Not trying to blame Bluesky for anything here, it is the natural way of acting) and hence not like Gimmly.

When Bluesky here then mentions this episode as he experienced it, Gimmly will surely be upset, in Gimmly's eyes he never tried to steal any artifacts from anyone or do any harm, and well, maybe immature to claim he will steal artifacts from others as a response, but he have already been publicly exposured as someone trying to steal them, so why not to be honest?

Just trying to say that in my eyes, people should stop going into a post where someone tries to ask for a clean start and start throwing the dirt at them and you telling about this pm (remind you, it is short for PRIVATE messaging) conversation is not helping him either, is helping make him look more clueless and make people less interested in having him in their guilds.

I have had experiences with Gimmly, yes, I was accually the one leading the ML1 raid some people have been speaking about, where he double rolled, until the double roll I had nothing against him, he acted nice and obeyed orders and I would not have had any doubt letting him come along on the ML2 raid I held a week later if he had showed up, as 1 single wrong doing in that class wont make me furious at someone, on the other hand, I was considering mid raid if I could spare all those openly and public casting abuse in his face, as god, did I want to kick them from my raid, but as the situation was, I would not have been able to spare them all for the sake of completly given raid.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
XhitmanX said:
no im Gimmly the only Gimmly and XhitmanX is my bro that played for a few months on pryd were tottaly different ppl we have different accounts etc but im only useing his forum account cos mines bannd. Yes i was rude to a gm because he bannd(suspended) me for a stupid reson and im not proud of it. Im not a arsehole you dont even know me and it all started over Pirrate and Wotm


Cant the mods ban this gimp for using anothers account to try and circumvent the fact that his account is banned ( for a good reason I bet ) ???


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
ok a few things i feel i must comment on:

Darksword u say he has changed... where is ANY evidence of this ? If you dont read the full thread they you really are spouting rubbish im afraid - read it all and then make comment plz

I (as ppl that know me from my dragon raids) know im no hard person to get along with - i like friendly amusing banter on raids and will give anyone a second chance and dont always believe that throw enuff muck and some will stick but look at Gimmly's past record - brother/sister/uncle/etc/blah u take on a char u take on its reputation - simple as that and gimmly's reputation quite frankly stinks and any even semi educated person can clearly see this imo.

I dont lie, cheat, steal in any way whatsoever and can only go on experience of dealing with ppl irl and in game that the way you present yourself says a hell of a lot about you and altho Gimmly's initial post may have been well intentioned he soon changed to sound very childish and pathetic - this seems to be rather a good example:

XhitmanX said:
rofl i suied on the mob cos you was there just wait till next you mofo i am gonna still your artis now yes had no bb there had no m8s with me and was unbuffed i only went to see if its up w8 till i see you trying to take som i steal that aswell

and rofl at thise idiots im not XhitmanX i know none of you losers here that dont have a family just some loners that play daoc and make all there m8s on daoc might as well just be a arse to ppl i go steal artis conn ppl etc

So then from a "person looking for a nice guild" you feel u can call me a mofo and tell me you are going to steal my arti's - hmm i think not somehow

Oh and when you see me at SoM you will steal that ASWELL - thats a little presumptious isn't it ?

Your second paragraph actually worries me - thats quite a sad outlook on fellow gamers imo - you ever considered that some ppl play DAoC for enjoyment and fit it in around their working real lives?

My advice to you and whoever thinks the sun shines out of your backside is quite simply grow up and learn what the word respect means as thats generally how adults get on in life.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 3, 2004
lol was playing other day and i saw gimmly in guild chat, convo went something like this

Aeris says: gimmly dude, you the original gimmly?
Gimmly says: yes ofc!
Aeris says: sorry you are not welcome here
Aeris has removed Gimmly from the guild!
<officers> Aeris says: who the hell invited him?
Gimmly sends "you are such a childish prick i dont even know who you are yadda yadda yadda
Gimmly has been added to your ignore list

hehe quite amusing really :p and yes i have a reason for doing that, not just cos of heresay, he verbally abused me and what not on faith alliance a while back, then continually in pm's, think i have screenies somewhere.....


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
XhitmanX said:
o and on ml1 raid rolling for another shitty rog and think ppl wouldnt notice ? i didnt even know the rolling rules and like i realy wanted em ? they were shit rog i was gonna salv em


That is a really friendly and nice thing, rolling for items you do not want/need so you can salavge them for a few gold.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
well bluesky; i spoke to gimmly shortly before i quit and found him to actually be very pleasant to talk to, and fairly mature, treat someone with respect and they will do the same back. also i did read the whole thread and would have to say, i stand by what i said.

Otho; alot of people roll for rogs to salvage so :p

Aeris doesnt look like you gave him much chance tbh, he obviously wasnt given a reason to be kicked from a guild, especially when its so obvious he is trying to make friends in the game and get along with people, sure he may have said something unpleasant to you afterwards, but "sorry your not wanted here bye" would leave quiet alot of people frustrated especially when trying to improve things and he obviously doesnt remember you, he was atleast honest about who he was etc, you just put him back at square one.

and also, to gimmly; though i do sympathise with you, and can understand your frustration with tryign to find a guild (and if its because of what i said to you in svasaud/emain im sorry that you ended up going through all this shit being dragged up again when your trying to make a fresh start). but also claiming you will "steal artis" etc now isnt the way to get far in a MMORPG however i do hope you stick at it and hopefully get in a nice guild that can help you, and that you can help aswell :)

p.s. to everyone saying your spelling terrible etc, for a dyslexic (sp?) person it seems ok to me, definatly understandable; oh and gimmly is actually quiet intelligent, especially when it comes to computers, which is what alot of people who play MMORPG's are intrested in, so there is a common ground between you all.

p.p.s (p.s.s :p) gimmly is a younger player, and remember we all (heck i still am) were young and acted differently, telling him to "come back after puberty" (stupid funkdocta) is both a) a shit joke b) stupid cause it takes more balls to say im sorry and i fucked up than it does to not even think twice about the person and give him a chance.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
Poor Gimmly.. If i may come with one advice.. Delete Gimmly make a new char with a new name and start on a fresh on daoc.. Not many peeps here will givf you a chance (i think).........


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Say what you want Mr. Darksword but he came here lying and claiming he was someone else. Those who had the pleasure to met him (including me) knew it wouldnt take much to make himself blow his cover and after all they were proved right.

You say he's intelligent? Ok, but I consider it "simple" at least to log on FH, post with the old account (its my brothers, mine got banned - I didnt run over the granny! It's my brothers car, mine got seized.) and claim I am not the one I am. Also its disrespecting to those he's trying to decept.

You say he should be given another chance? He has proven himself asocial numerous times and has yet to realize that the concept of mmorpgs is not to exploit and abuse your fellow players but play and achieve with the community. Claiming he'd have (or is trying to) change he still falls back into his old patterns of behaviour instantly.

He is a rotten egg and thou I understand you feeling sorry for him I dont think others should suffer more from his incapabilities than they already did.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Jeriraa said:
Say what you want Mr. Darksword but he came here lying and claiming he was someone else. Those who had the pleasure to met him (including me) knew it wouldnt take much to make himself blow his cover and after all they were proved right.

Which cover did you blow? He is the real Gimmly, read HIS posts only and see where he says he is not? He is not XhitmanX, but he states all along he is the one and only Gimmly, your just to blind on your little revenge crusade here to see it, and you call him dumb and seem to see Gimmly as immature while you act like this?

people like you are the ones who are sad to be honest :puke:


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Celinka said:
Poor Gimmly.. If i may come with one advice.. Delete Gimmly make a new char with a new name and start on a fresh on daoc.. Not many peeps here will givf you a chance (i think).........

well it taked gimmly a LONG time to hit 50, and tbf i dont think restarting is a viable option, not with the current leveling in midgard.

also jer, i can only re-instate what iceforge has said...

notice when lukey asked him if he was the original gimmly he said "yes" :p read his first post, infact talk to him ingame and you will see a relativly pleasant guy who is easier to get on with than half of the game driven, anti-social misfits you find in there.

and he isnt asocial, he is TRYING to find a guild so he can be social.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Coolan said:
So far i havnt said a bad word in this thread, but gimmly did say he was gonna steal ppls artis which isnt the smartest move, btw i hit 46 without a guild, could have done 50 with ease, as for artis i only got help with 1 from any guildies so there goes ur theory.

lies you were in Call of Heimdal for a short period of time in your 30's :D

oh and all those "give gimmly a 2nd chance" people... why dont you invite him to your guild then seeing as he's a reformed and changed individual? :D


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
I must say first that I have not had any experience with Gimmly in-game. Neither have I had any experiences with him on FH, apart from reading his posts...

Gimmly says he's using his bro's account here since his is banned. A few questions immediately springs to mind when Gimmly says his brother quit DAoC 6 months ago. xHitmanx was created on FH August 1st. Why did he create an account here 3 months after he stopped playing? Why was xHitmanx created 1 month after Gimmly (the FH account)'s last post (might have been more later, but last not deleted. There are a total of 12 posts by Gimmly not deleted) was posted (end of June) and all posts by xHitmanx are signed /Gimmly?
And well.. Say xHitmanx is Gimmly's bro's account, why don't Gimmly make a new account, since xHitmanx is fairly known on this forum for not being the friendliest?

And about having support or help from guild to reach 50.. Yeah.. Had that, but we have only been able to pull 1 fg of guildies together ONCE. So, I reached 50 the hard way, grouping with couple friends or random ppl. All my artis are thanks to Grey Wolves. And most of the fun I've had the last 3 months are due to Grey Wolves, Bluesky, Sons of Nidhug and Savage Conclave, as I've been the only active player of my guild during that time.

My point with that is: You don't necessarily need a guild to help you, support you and have fun with.. What you most need is an attitude that makes ppl wanna let you in on things, even if you're not in their guild. Anyone here think those guilds and people would have let me in on their raids/fun if I had gotten pissed off and flamed them for any reason?

Gimmly's first post here sounds fine to me, but instead of standing for his statement that he's changed, he goes back to flaming, name-calling and just generally a sad attitude towards ppl in this game and this thread. Instead he should shown people that he has had reason to change, and regret his mistakes/errors (call it what you want) would be the best one. No reason to change = no will to change, I think...

I believe people should get second chances, but they'll also have to prove themselves worthy of them. Understandably that people get upset when confronted with something they've done and so on, but that's no excuse to go back to a bad attitude... All people who say they've changed will have to confront their past sooner or later. Might as well be sooner.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Ormorof said:
lies you were in Call of Heimdal for a short period of time in your 30's :D

oh and all those "give gimmly a 2nd chance" people... why dont you invite him to your guild then seeing as he's a reformed and changed individual? :D

He applied to join GW, im no officer so dont have any final word on it, but wont protest if they let him join, will be to him like any other person, if he is rude/anoying in guild (if he gets invite) I will do mine to have him kicked, like I would anybody, if he is nice and behaves (still, if he gets invite) I wont mind.

Just sad really that people post bad things about someone asking for a 2nd chance, yeah, he went back to flaming which was a bad move as Arem said, but in my honest opinion, the ones starting to throw the dirt is just plain sad people...

Can comment on the creation date/all signed Gimmly part as I had not investigated that part, but I do stand to my principle and assume nobody lies until proven they do, which I still see no reason to doing, his brother might have gotten his posts deleted, who bloody knows? (except the mods doing so, of course).

And on a note: Ormorof, why do you care if you stopped playing? By the 2nd paragraph in your post which I quoted, you sound like you dont really think Gimmly should have a 2nd chance nor a guild, why go on personal crusade upon someone playing a game which you have quitted?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
And on a note: Ormorof, why do you care if you stopped playing? By the 2nd paragraph in your post which I quoted, you sound like you dont really think Gimmly should have a 2nd chance nor a guild, why go on personal crusade upon someone playing a game which you have quitted?

well, i wouldnt consider my post a "personal crusade", i simply mentioned that there HAVE been numerous posts about gimmly, not his brother, im all for giving people a second chance, if they prove they can handle it, i wasnt going to say anything until gimmly went on his rant about stealing artifacts, ive had several items "stolen" from me ingame (not by gimmly), items that now seem trivial and useless but at the time they were "prized" possesions, it left a scar, though that is probably the wrong word for it, after the 2nd time it happened i never trusted anyone (and i mean anyone, since the 2nd person was a guy i thought i knew) and only transfered and "trusted" myself, so i know how it feels to have stuff "stolen", and here he is threatening to steal items, and not only that but he threatens a friend....

i would not wish a person that goes off on a tantrum as soon as he is questioned, has made very little attempt to prove that he HAS actually changed, my brother played DAoC while i still played, he is 11 years old yet he managed to get on fine with people, managed to get a guild, didnt steal, wasnt rude, and didnt have tantrums when his motives were questioned, if he got pissed off, he logged off, so i dont honestly see how age is an appropriate excuse.

Jakus Morgan

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
Iceforge said:
And on a note: Ormorof, why do you care if you stopped playing?

Cos he's just taking a short break till he comes back to join SoN! :p
Hi Orm! :fluffle:

Shocker was indeed right when he said he didn't know of Gimmly. He asked in /os about the possibility of him joining us.
My response was an emphatic NO, & the first GM that logged on said something along the lines of 'he ain't getting in here'.

I'm sorry but there's way too much evidence against Gimmly to warrant giving him a second chance.
And his flaming responses show him pretty much reverting to type.
I wouldn't be very happy if my guild decided to take him in.

If some guild wants to try & rehabilitate him then thats great & good luck to them. Unfortunately I think they'll need it.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Ormorof said:
lies you were in Call of Heimdal for a short period of time in your 30's :D

No i wasnt i was in defenders of jon from lvl13-15 then joined shadows of ragnarok until i hit 35, at the point i joined nemesis because the gm used to be a friend of mine, ah man there goes my cover :). but tbh i didnt ever get any help lvling as the way i saw things was i gotta learn from the start.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 3, 2004
like i said darskword, i have encountered him before, and it wsnt pretty. i sure as hell dont want him in my guild, and i dont have to give people like him an explanation. i think his actions on here to bluesky have further reinforced my descision...

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