Rant Let Instaport happen


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Noone is trying to dictate how anyone should play? The "FG scene" has always found ways to accomplish their way of playing the game by avoiding the zergsefer zones and such.
If people wanna solo then go ahead, solo, if people wanna play FG vs FG they will make it happen. If people wanna hop on the zergwave then by all means do so.

There's no "ONE WAY" to play this game. :p

Nah true, I played the same style for a few years back. Getting anal about other people "adding on our fights" and both hearing and giving lolexcuses for losing that and that 8v8 fight. Sad fact is that this vocal minority do try to dictate other peoples playstyles by yelling off people that want to play the game their own way

I guess it goes especially toward adding on fights- especially in 8v8 or the odd scout shooting casters etc

It's entirely fine to roam more quiet zones and practice organized 8v8, but telling some random paladin venturing into the frontier for the first time to die irl because he broke the holy 8v8 code is just silly

Sad fact is that dyvet and pryd/exc when unclustered lost more and more casual players due to this attitude problem and in the end only the bitter veterans remained. People just tend to forget that DAoC is a social game- it's filled with other players and not some sociopaths personal playground

Of course this doesn't apply to all


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Noone is trying to dictate how anyone should play? The "FG scene" has always found ways to accomplish their way of playing the game by avoiding the zergsefer zones and such.
If people wanna solo then go ahead, solo, if people wanna play FG vs FG they will make it happen. If people wanna hop on the zergwave then by all means do so.

There's no "ONE WAY" to play this game. :p

TBH thats not what happened on the old Dyvet. The old "FG Scene" players used to moan like hell about being added on, even if it was in the middle of iRvR and there were zergs all around adding on everything. So they did try and dictate how the game should be played.

I sort of like the US way "if it's red it's dead". At least you know where you stand.

But, I prefer not to add but I do to others what is done to me.

Oh and theres so few player on this server, it would be nice to get iRvR. Saves hunting around trying to find any action.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Then how about you take your philosophy and not chastise people for playing the game a different way to which you do? Don't you think it's rather hypocritical of you to harrass Lightfighter for 'hugging the nearest keep', yet claim to be a victim because others challenge your attitudes towards how the game should be played? Because, as you said, there is no 'one way' to play DAoC. If you actually took some time to think about it, you may actually realise why some people show hostility towards your niche in the community and your derisive way of showing contemptment towards other players.

To paraphrase, you say that if people wish to zerg then it is within their rights to do so. This makes it even more baffling as to why you uphold this demeanor of 'I'm going to flame whoever disagrees with my style of playing'.

The fact is that, contrary to what you may believe, you are not important to the vast majority of this community. A lot of people who have returned for this free period of playing have not played in many years. A lot of these players have not played in years and may not be as confident to play in RvR because of way in which the game has changed, and therefore stay near the keeps. Are you really going to blame people for this?

I suggest you look beyond your warped vision of DAoC in which everyone must leave their keeps in order to provide RPs for your high-RR groups and let them be. Dyvet does not revolve around you and a large proportion of players are certainly not willing to give up their time to let some RR11+ zerg farm them.

The fact is, this community does not need you. You speak with the sort of swagger that suggests people will actually care about what you say and change their ways. I certainly care little for what you say or do, I have my own group of friends that I play with and we chose how we want to play; and if that means camping the keeps, PvEing or relic-raiding then so be it.

The elitism that you elicit in your playstyle is one thing, but to try and force it upon others so that they can provide you with fun at the expense of their own? That is a farce.

Dorimor? xD


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Roflmao still people bitching about this shit.
All of ya gonna have hands full (no matter the playstyle) on Ywain no worries.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Noone is trying to dictate how anyone should play? The "FG scene" has always found ways to accomplish their way of playing the game by avoiding the zergsefer zones and such.
If people wanna solo then go ahead, solo, if people wanna play FG vs FG they will make it happen. If people wanna hop on the zergwave then by all means do so.

There's no "ONE WAY" to play this game. :p

Kzn? xD



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 31, 2004
will always happen with that rr10 or 11 trio runnung about, or even just that warlock running about. I'd rather pve if i see arumi is out there as there's no point in rvr'ing lol

rr10 and rr11 duo :) Instead of going pve just find some dudes to grp up with and come give us a proper fight =) Way too common that duos/trios come after us and well.. die :p and moments later another duo comes along and dies aswell.. and instead of teaming up you all log or go pve :(


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
rr10 and rr11 duo :) Instead of going pve just find some dudes to grp up with and come give us a proper fight =) Way too common that duos/trios come after us and well.. die :p and moments later another duo comes along and dies aswell.. and instead of teaming up you all log or go pve :(

So basically you are telling people how to play their game now? Have you read anything thats posted here?


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
rr10 and rr11 duo :) Instead of going pve just find some dudes to grp up with and come give us a proper fight =) Way too common that duos/trios come after us and well.. die :p and moments later another duo comes along and dies aswell.. and instead of teaming up you all log or go pve :(

Fkn setgroup elitist bastards!!11 Bet you guys use vent aswell. :(:(:(


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 31, 2004
Fkn setgroup elitist bastards!!11 Bet you guys use vent aswell. :(:(:(

Yea we make sure our setup is as leet as possible so we can pwn :lol:

We don't use vent tho, never found the need when we duo :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 31, 2004
So basically you are telling people how to play their game now? Have you read anything thats posted here?

Simply throwing out some friendly advice =) Stated my personal opinion on what I would do if I was up against the best warlock in the game and kept losing, if it has offended you in any way I am sorry sir ;D


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
I don't know who you are talking about, but your reply (or lack of) to my post says it all really. I feel no need to comment further.

I'm quite sure you're Dorimor as well, so quit with the games.
Another farewell post inc soon? What are you, a human example of a recursion?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 31, 2004
I'm quite sure you're Dorimor as well, so quit with the games.
Another farewell post inc soon? What are you, a human example of a recursion?

My 2300 hps are no match for your mighty celerity weapon and debuffs =(


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Simply throwing out some friendly advice =) Stated my personal opinion on what I would do if I was up against the best warlock in the game and kept losing, if it has offended you in any way I am sorry sir ;D

I'm not sure saying that Arumi is the best warlock in game is such an achievement, seeing as he plays on Dyvet atm, but hey have it your way.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
I'm quite sure you're Dorimor as well, so quit with the games.
Another farewell post inc soon? What are you, a human example of a recursion?

I'm just waiting for another 'oh im so sorry' PM here on FH again. ^^

"Still elitist and obnoxious then? - Dorimor."

"Hi - hope you are well. We had our differences but I would like to apologise for the things I said about you, I didn't mean them. Take care in whatever you do in life ."

Are just some of the nice PMs he's left me here and those two are just a few weeks apart. ^^

Mr.Schizo-man ftw. :D


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 31, 2004
I'm not sure saying that Arumi is the best warlock in game is such an achievement, seeing as he plays on Dyvet atm, but hey have it your way.

Having a bad day?

I said best in game not best on Dyvet :) I've played US for quite some time so I feel safe to say he's best warlock in game imo :)


Loyal Freddie
Sep 10, 2005
I'm just waiting for another 'oh im so sorry' PM here on FH again. ^^

"Still elitist and obnoxious then? - Dorimor."

"Hi - hope you are well. We had our differences but I would like to apologise for the things I said about you, I didn't mean them. Take care in whatever you do in life ."

Are just some of the nice PMs he's left me here and those two are just a few weeks apart. ^^

Mr.Schizo-man ftw. :D

shhh Septina ... Remember our new slogan: "we are nice"


Feb 11, 2010
I do not understand what you are talking about Septina. Either you try and defend yourself against my post or stop accusing me of being someone I am clearly not.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
This is like a CM scenario all over again,thought with free month people just be happy to get along and enjoy it.

Tho must admit these forums are a lot better than VN Boards and also not had 1 whine thread over my Ranger :lol:



Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Some things never change , people who dont even log on troll and oh my the petty bickering , roll on transfer where there is actually something to kill :m00:

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