Legion bites the dust



just a thought here.. and it take some more time...

we all know there are a lot of lottogames going on , that are broadcasted on TV..

if u use that, there is NO way anyone can cheat.

i know this takes some more time, Keno (swedish game) goes on TV every day i believe, or something similar...

just a thought :)


Originally posted by Gallak
heh random number generators, k got one here.

you say numbers 1-50 go to EoO 51-60 go to Shadows and 61 goes to you?

K let me roll

Wow 1,2,3,4 and 5 came up, isn't that amazing!

Guess EoO gets to keep em all, what? you want to see my random number generator? don't you trust me? you want to do your own and it comes up 61 every time? Hmmmmmmm

Until the dice function is implemented in a couple of patches random number generators won't cut it :)

Gallak Granitefist

Proud member of Eye of Odin

hmmm I can read this post in two ways.

1: EoO always get what they want

2: the guy who makes the random generator always get what he wants.

BoC worked fine untill now. with fx. two people lottoing there is 50/50 chance that the mob will drop 45s or 55s. But when lets say 10 people enter the lotto, its a problem because it is rare that I level 40+ mob drops less then 20 to 30s. I might be wrong but thats what i'v seen when getting coins.

thorungla: I think the way Blood put up his ideer there was a equaly fair chance for a non-guiled person to get the item. And there has to be in any system. The reason that non-guiled people get left out when most people speak about loot splitting is that they are so damn hard to keep track of :)

Roo Stercogburn

If you recall, when I first suggested a random number style of choosing, I pointed out that unless the person doing it is someone everyone is happy to trust, then you shouldn't go on the raid in the first place.

I might not agree with everything that Blej says and does, but I would actually trust him to run something like this fairly. I can think of many others too.

And as others have pointed out, its having the CHANCE to get unique items that makes it worthwhile risking xp loss and giving your time to these things that gets you to go along.

I think if I was running a loot split like this after a raid, because I take quite a longer view of these things I would be tempted to cut Fedaykin out of the unique loot drops for the first raid as a sign of good will to others, knowing there will be raids again in future, and more likely to get peeps along if you're not just fair, but seen to be fair.

There's many ways of making Midgard strong, not all are based on killing mobs and enemies and gathering loot ;)

Orin: lots of hunts and stuff that lower levels can be effective in are organised all the time. PM me, we'll set something up (though wait til after the Midgard Olympics, got enough on atm), fancy a Muspelheim rampage or something similar - just charge in with loads of lower level peeps and rampage through the whole zone creaming everything in sight? (Have done things like this in dungeons, its a scream, Own The Zone type sessions are fun). I tend to find that so long as peeps come along for the fun of something and aren't wanting a straight xp munch (in which case find somewhere to camp and get on with business as usual), you get peeps together and they have a whale of a time. You can pick up a lot of OTDs and stuff this way as well from mobs you didn't know had them before.

After some initial complaining, this thread has gone somewhere useful, I like that :)

On a different note (but related, since we're talking about loot)...

does anyone have a crazy level item that they'd be willing to donate as the prize for the Iron Man race? Whoever wins this one will deserve something nice I think.

If nobody has items that would be suitable, if any WoW hunts or similar happens before Sunday, I'd like to go along and collect an item or two as prizes for the races.

Cheers in advance :)


just destroy the drops, everyone angy.

Invent all possible mechanism for distributing loot you want, there will allways be one party ending up unhappy.

On top of that you might feel a little bit happy when you get the item (be it fair or unfair) but you can't brag with it since everyone's jealous and/or will call you a cheat having a negative effect after all.


Yup klav - there alwasy will be from 2 man groups to 100+ people hunts. But if you set some rules that the people atending (be it group or mass hunt) all (all is such a powerfull word...but I could not find any other to use) agree on before the thing kicks of. Then nobody can get hurt since they all agreed to the rules, ofcourse then you'll have people saying the lotto was fixed from before it begane.

so like you said cant make everyone happy, but lets atleast try and make ... say 80% of midgard happy.


The ultimate loot system

This is by far the most honest loot distributing system: give all drops to me, and I'll give to Charity.

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