Lasher Balancing



Originally posted by Esoteric
Infs may even have a decent use, its easy to comb a base using DL but the great outdoors mmm bit harder ;).
It's hard to be an inf outside as there's so many snipers and they can see you stealthed almost as though you weren't. (unless they've fixed it, that is)


Originally posted by Omniscieous
It's hard to be an inf outside as there's so many snipers and they can see you stealthed almost as though you weren't. (unless they've fixed it, that is)

Good point, shame tho.


And don't forget, you can't carry a LLU and cloak. So DL would only be really useful to find the infil that's trying to kill the LLU holder - in which case it would go as follows:

LLU gets picked up and run off with by a guy say in reinforced carrying a cycler.
Infil follows him and ends up toasting him.
Rest of his squad goes to location of the LLU (shown on mini-map) and kills the infil.

The LLU cannot be picked up by defenders, they have to guard the spot it fell at until it times out. (nothing mentioned so far about resecuring tho).

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