Lame and selfish behaviour of Naveh on tonite's Caer sidi raid.



Originally posted by case-rigantis
my girlfriend got banned from all TLW raids for not letting Naveh who wasn`t entitled to, roll for a Legion drop :eek:

was my desicion ban me :eek: and IMO you are a cock sue me

anyway i`m just bored and spamming come on guys handbags at dawn there`s more to life than a drop or 2

Did Booerx pay you money to post that, you are quit offtopic lol, now IMO foad dude.

Ow and btw, I never got a Legiondrop ever so I don't even know what you are on about...


Originally posted by ghoul
am i the only one who understands it this way: he got told he cant get bane no matter what for his scout, so he rolled for SSA for his minst instead, is there anything wrong in that ?

or have i missed something ? :eek:

EDIT: and imo, your a cock Naveh, HIHIHIHii

You understand it wrong mate, if you are slash you can only roll for slash weaponry, Booerx/Vivace/Whatever his names are, entered the raid with a slash weapon and SAID he was Thrust.

And then your second comment 'for his minst' he can't roll for his minstrel, then he had to report that... You have to roll for the char you come to the raid to, unless you report otherwise to one of the raidleaders.

EDIT : and imo, I love you too :>


The guy had respecced BEFORE the hunt and had the right to roll, regardless of what weapon he had equipped. You can't change the rules to suit yourself, if you need proof I am sure he can supply a screenshot of his spec window. I would hate to think this is going to boil down to guild favourtism purely to do a guy out of a drop he has a right to lotto for, if it does then that is one fucked up situation frankly.


Originally posted by sharma

Normal mobs have a % to drop a stone aswell, and keylords only drop 1 about 50% of the time, which is ontop their ususal 2 "normal" drops.


Chodax you believe too much in the good of mankind :p

Ofc there are some who can be trusted and some who can not be, but at that moment with that situation it could have been both. That was the whole problem, and the raidleaders decided to not let Booerx roll for Thrust since she came with Slash... And if Booerx was honorbly enough and if he was thrust as he said,he wouldn't have rolled for SSA anyway, because he couldn't use it anyway...

Now I like your plan to send in a ss for confirmation that he is slash/thrust for next raids. And NO that does go for all attenders that just this person.


All is can say is thank you ch0dax, and you know very well Naveh that i was thrust i think, was there an dark side that wanted you to just keep the weap.
And only ghoul seam to rekindle the fact that I ONLY LOTTOED FOR SSA since i was told i was to be prevented to role for a weap for my scout since he does not beleive in the truth of it, and yea i didnt tell you in notice as i didnt plan for that to happen, and there IS NO RULE yet again if someone to enter with a slasher to role for a thruster even if he wasnt specced that but could respec (even tho i was specced thrust..), the only rule i saw is wat Yussef pointed at quite blanky, and i did have use in the weapon.

Also you know very well I am Lilprincess and most my chars as i remember one night i was duelin wiv you for few hours on infil then on minstrel, so why shall that darken your judgement ?

And tbh i did quite see you aggressive wiv me last night, you suddenly cut in saying you would ban me so i couldnt have a word in hell about anything mod nor weap ... maybe not called aggressive but infact rude.


Why the fuck didn't you just equip a thrust weap and use a style, by using a thrust style, the graphic effect would clearly show you were actually specced thrust ?


Originally posted by Naveh
Ow and btw, I never got a Legiondrop ever so I don't even know what you are on about...

Originally posted by case-rigantis
my girlfriend got banned from all TLW raids for not letting Naveh who wasn`t entitled to, roll for a Legion drop
Maybe you didn't get one, because you weren't allowed to roll.. thereby clarifying mr gimp's comment?


Originally posted by vivacelilp
All is can say is thank you ch0dax, and you know very well Naveh that i was thrust i think, was there an dark side that wanted you to just keep the weap.
And only ghoul seam to rekindle the fact that I ONLY LOTTOED FOR SSA since i was told i was to be prevented to role for a weap for my scout since he does not beleive in the truth of it, and yea i didnt tell you in notice as i didnt plan for that to happen, and there IS NO RULE yet again if someone to enter with a slasher to role for a thruster even if he wasnt specced that but could respec (even tho i was specced thrust..), the only rule i saw is wat Yussef pointed at quite blanky, and i did have use in the weapon.

Also you know very well I am Lilprincess and most my chars as i remember one night i was duelin wiv you for few hours on infil then on minstrel, so why shall that darken your judgement ?

And tbh i did quite see you aggressive wiv me last night, you suddenly cut in saying you would ban me so i couldnt have a word in hell about anything mod nor weap ... maybe not called aggressive but infact rude.

I told you would be banned since you were pming when I was doing sidistuff such as the attendance and making sure that alts and everybody was lvl50... Kinda aggrovating when peeps keep pming.

At second, I DONT know you VERY well, I don't know your alts... Besides I never duelled infs afaik... (I know only Vivace)

Btw, Yussef maker of the rules replied and said that there is suck a rule, now please quit this annoying thread because there is no point in continueing because we'll just end up insulting eachother which I do not prefer, I just prefer to end the conversation here.

You are just here to insult me here anyway on this public forum, if you can't handle the rules don't come to our raids, besides if you have so many lvl 50s, why don't you cut others some slack, who make these raids possible, isn't that sensible.


Nav. End of Discussion...


ofc, your majesty :F
Where would you like your golden septar this evening ?


Josef owes me a backrub FYI, now where is that bastard?


acuda is just trying to get items for any of his accounts prolly so he can trade em better


That was a bit harsh, am i not aloud to get an item now after attending many raids , are you tryin to change the point so I aint aload any items !?
And i do have use for the weaps on my chars im sorry.


As far as i can tell, I think he actually meant stfu.


Originally posted by Flesh
Tbh I like 1 of the TLW very much, and consider him a good friend, but I have to agree, alot of the TLW behaviours are let's face it wankers. I find it funny how TLW seems to sort of "disband" and raids stop right before the shop system is implimented properly..leaving them with a fuck load of items ;E

You fucking hypocrite.

You organised a raid where I was the only inf that wanted the azure eviscerator that dropped. But you kept it. You even told me I could have it, but you could not *honour* your word.

You even admitted keeping other items from your raids too in another post.

Fucking shameful behaviour imo. In my experience TLW have not robbed ppl of drops like you have. I suggest you stfu as you live in a big fuck-off glass house and should not even be thinking about throwing stones.


Yea i was on that raid lol
Wondered where the items went to


Fleshi the level 20 infiltrator in thidranki!

with azure eviscerator!


had to remove this, after talking with naveh, it seems the original naveh no longer plays daoc, and now his brother is using his account, so none of what i typed is related to this post.. sowwy :p


Originally posted by uma_thurman
You fucking hypocrite.

You organised a raid where I was the only inf that wanted the azure eviscerator that dropped. But you kept it. You even told me I could have it, but you could not *honour* your word.

You even admitted keeping other items from your raids too in another post.

Fucking shameful behaviour imo. In my experience TLW have not robbed ppl of drops like you have. I suggest you stfu as you live in a big fuck-off glass house and should not even be thinking about throwing stones.
I agree I would be a hypocrit, if I claimed I was going to set up a shop to get rid of the loot, but I didn't did I?
And quite frankly, you can go fuck yourself, 'cause if you honestly expect me to give items to you, you're mistaken.
You'd already got the sidi inf vest off that raid, now stop being a fucking ungrateful bastard and fo.

Are you still bitter that you led a raid of 40/50 odd people, and failed miserable to a mob that I've killed with 7 people?


what items have you got left flesh as i was in that raid and i got fuck all


I don't actually remember who the hell was on each of the raids or what dropped on each individual raid, but iirc you were only on 1 of the raids, with your scout booerx, when SSA dropped, but you chose to log before the raid ended or something? So missed the lotto, which at the end of the day really isn't my problem.

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