Lair, g1, malm FFS!



I just want to say that I REALY love Pizza. Umm.:clap:
I suggest you all bye A big Pizza, some Coca-cola and rent some movies.
Take A day or two of to do something else.

To the PPLs on the lists.
If you dont wanna make your own grp in Malmo and you got the chance, then plz dont bug the LK.

And to the LKs.
Just respect the list. (I know alot does)

DAMN I hate myself.
Now I need A pizza and I cant have one, cuz im at work :doh:


this thread is totally pointless tbh, its one person venting "his" problms, well not so much vent, this post is a dirct result of no-one listeningto arnor, we said we was staying the way we had been playing all morning and cause he didnt like that his words were "right then ill go post about this on BW". Its not needed cause it only encourages inbreds like kedal and the spermin8tor to troll.

The list/lair can be frustrating for some, i use my lv50 SM to make xp MUCH faster for a group, if i put my SM in g1 and get a sm for g2 the xp comes at a fantastic speed and is good for both groups. But its the overall speed that makes it soo good. I wont bother with the facts about yesterday anymore after this simple explanation.

yesterday i was ASKED to join that group at 8am which i stayed with till 8pm

there was no moaning from anyone except arnor all day

the xp yesterday was the best xp i and many others have ever had in game.

today there wasnt room for me at lair, a lv50 warrior and 50 healer as well as some of the guys from yesterday ask me if ill start a group, i do so, the xp is again fantastic with people commenting again how great the xp is for both groups.

in the last 2 days solid xping at lair i have had 1 sm over 47 ask for a group and we instantly took him and i moved to g2 so he got good xp.

what arnor posted was half a story trying to emphasise his point, i have nothing against arnor i just wish he had acted a little more maturely yesterday and looked at the fact which he admitted after he made this post that xp at teh speed we was getting it is much better than no xp or slow xp.


Originally posted by Ironfoot
The way I see it -and yes I have been LK at Lair and even once did a 30 hour stretch to go from 48 - 50 just to get the fuck out of there.

The way the lair is mean unfortunately there are certain requirements for certain classes for it to work for everyone.

The times I was LK when someone msg me and said g1 lair and gave class etc I would send them and say done and give them their current position. Depending on the time of day sometimes ths could be as high as number 15 - 20. If they moaned and said stuff like thats fucking crazy , I usually sent them a tell saying I can send you the names / classes / levels of those on the list and maybe you can try and set up camp at the south spot or somewhere close by.

The usual answer to that was nah fuck that I cant be arsed.

This is the kind of thing that pisses me off. You are giving someone the opportunity to start their own group almost instantly as you can give them up to 20 names and they cant be fucked with it ! ?

To that I say well screw you too, there is no reson why I should then get a shit load of abuse abut how I am a power mongoring Fucker and who the fuck do you think you are tells (which I can say i had received several times in my short span as the LK at lair) when I am trying to give you every opportunity to set up shop for yourself with a lot of people who would be more than willing to get into another grp and XP.

Yes XP at lair is good when done right for both grps but hey average XP in a non regular Lair grp is better than sitting on that fucking mountainside waiting for the "you are up sport" msg.

there are some people who take the initiative and say ok pass me some names. and to those people i take my hat off as they could be bothered to actually sort out a grp for themselves and others rather than waiting around like a forlorn sheep on a hill side

Now I am lv 50 i aint ever going to malmo again unless it is with my guild to go XP some of our lower guys and loot / drop farm

Malmo is a breeding ground for ignoramouses (sp ?) and arrogance which have no place in what is suppose to be a community based game.

my 2pence

I 100% agree. During my first lair trip I was LK every time I got a group there, and frequently started up new lair groups rather than sit around. I certainly wasn't some power mad gamer, I just wanted to actually play the game.

When the list was long enough for another lair group, I'd always offer to pass it on, and not once did anyone say "ok, I'll take it thanks." Nope, people would rather just sit on the list for hour after hour and /send listkeeper "What number am I now ffs?" every 30 seconds. Respect a listkeeper like you would a normal player. Be polite to them and don't keep /sending to them. It is the most horrible position to have to put up with at the lair.

90% of List keepers are fair. 100% of list keepers have very little fun at lair due to having the sole responsibilty of keeping the group together as well as replying to alot of people waiting for a space/ unwilling to sort their own group out. And believe it or not, alot of those people we reply to are downright rude or impatient

Anyone who has this attitude that LK's are the eptimone of evil and only out to ensure a character never see's a group, I suggest you try actually taking on the LKing duty and see what hell it actually is. The LK's in malm are the people there to help you. Yes a list is shitty, yes it's no fun for people on it, but that ain't their fault and believe it or not, they took on the list to ensure that people could eventually get a group there.


hehe, nice behaviour from AB members
how many F-words do you know all together? :)


fact of life
fairy tale

...ok, i've gotten bored of listing my dictionary but you get the point.

Sorry i couldn't resist :D


Originally posted by old.anubis
hehe, nice behaviour from AB members
how many F-words do you know all together? :)

Member not members get it right please chopstick.

Just because Berserker decides to flame on barrysworld makes it nothing to do with my guild it just makes it his personal view.

But for the record i dont agree with his use of language.


Originally posted by domin8or
And lol, you've been online for like all day just to flame and reply my messages. Get a fucking life, you little piece of shit

seriously can you not see how stupid u look writing this aftr replying to every single post i have glad all AB dont act like you spermin8tor


judging by other posts i didnt swear half as much as i should have, so...


psst the dvd edition has been read now, me thinks you need some kind of sequel to you concept :p


Originally posted by Larra
psst the dvd edition has been read now, me thinks you need some kind of sequel to you concept :p

Was considering it at one point, but for the moment id rather work on other things. i mean it was fun and all but i'd rather not make the mistake of churning out 2/3 full on funnies every day untill everyones so sick of my humour that the mods ban me for life, i drop out of school, work in burgar king, spit in every burger, get put in hospital on account of de-hydration and then die a grusome and very thirsty death.


Originally posted by hellraisermk2

Anyone who has this attitude that LK's are the eptimone of evil and only out to ensure a character never see's a group, I suggest you try actually taking on the LKing duty and see what hell it actually is. The LK's in malm are the people there to help you. Yes a list is shitty, yes it's no fun for people on it, but that ain't their fault and believe it or not, they took on the list to ensure that people could eventually get a group there.

I've been listkeeper often and never had a complaint to my keeping(well except from the peopel that were to lazy to form own groups when I said they were #20 on list :D ), but I've seen terrible listkeepers also, that bumbed friends/guildies up list and into groups, move around due to classes (eg. bumped stealthers down eventhough there were no in group), and just didn't bother to actually reply to people.
As you say 90% are fair, but the other 10% makes all the difference and does put the whole "system" in a very bad light.
Most people in groups don't want to complain about their own listkeeper, because then it might end up with themselves having to take the job, so most groups ignore if their LK is lousy, wich imo also is a problem (of course it wont change as long as LKing is view as tedious and ungratefull)

It is very possible to be listkeeper and still have fun ( a concept many forget or ignore when entering Malmohus) and fight each mob that gets pulled. All it takes is some dedication to the job, and maybe a bit of flair on a keyboard/chatscreen so you can keep up with all that is going down, it is hectic, but hey - who said it should be easy. :)


seems we all had our fun here, so its closing time ;)

I just wanted to vent on this one. was severely pissed off atm.

edit: good one Archeon ;)

edit2: damn, cant find the close thread thingy :eek:

Tiilldaaa come close please ;)


Originally posted by Archeon

Was considering it at one point, but for the moment id rather work on other things. i mean it was fun and all but i'd rather not make the mistake of churning out 2/3 full on funnies every day untill everyones so sick of my humour that the mods ban me for life, i drop out of school, work in burgar king, spit in every burger, get put in hospital on account of de-hydration and then die a grusome and very thirsty death.

err...graphic :p

Garh Khartari

I was listkeeper once from early morning to late evening, and there was little changes in the group all throughout the day obviously because it was a good group.
However, over the day more and more wanted to be put on the list, and it peaked at ~30 ppl on it, and I swear none of those wanted to take on the list and try form a new group... Except one - But he somehow misundestood me (because he was new at Lair I suspect), and thought he were to form a group that assisted ours, so it ended in a failure and more people just got annoyed.

All along that, while typing names, and guiding the poor man, messages kept rolling in... And I tell you I got some messages from people that was pissed off because I didn't reply them. At one time I think I argued with a person who I mistaked for somebody else lol, but when ya get a message every 20 sec for several hours, you end up going nuts.

I just mean... if people were abit better at forming a new group, the job as listkeeper would be much much easier. Also, if people didn't keep message about their number.
The least they could do was message one of the groupmembers, and ask if it was still the same LK or not, if it were just assume he'd tell you when you were up (like he promises).

Bah why do I even bother posting in this thread? <lurks away again and happily forgets about Lair for a while>


Woah stop there! This thread needs a big fuck-off chill pill.

What I find funny is this whole high g1 low g2 crap. You spend your time crawling through levels in g2 until you're high enough to be promoted to g1 for the higher xp.

Surely it makes more sense to split the 8 higher levels up into 2 grps of 4 and each take 4 lower lvls each?

Once this is up and running nobody can complain as the groups are far better balanced so xp should even out for equal levels.

Now for those observant ones, yes the higher lvls are giving up a little XP, but when they are lower level they will have benefited from my idea, as they will be making more XP at those lvls (42-45). So they progress through lower 40s much faster and do the higher levels slightly more slowly...a small price to pay to stop the bickering.

As one astute poster remarked, it's all about xp over time. I think with this scheme you would lvl the same speed from 40 to 50 AND you will keep a lot more friends.

Try it. If I was in mid again I would.


nice thread, we lubs da dramah!

.... ibtl

hihi :D

Urme the Legend

Originally posted by stabba4
urme, if you did 8-12 mobs/pull you where prolly petpulling. With 2 good g1 healers there really is np if tanks go afk. there job in this kind of group is only to take aggro from mobs that the g1 healer cant get (mainly due to being attacked) or to peel 1 mob off her and onto themselfs (this is really hard since g1 is building up aggro with groupheals, and unless you got a prot on that healer you will fail alot of time). Now i wasnt in your group but im guessing you where reffering to mephi, when he was in this kind of group the first time he was told he could go afk as much as he wanted aslong as he did the list, i told him that because the only use we had for him was being LK. Anyways this might not at all be relevant but if it was mephi this is the reason :). this is not meant as a flame on either mephi or urme btw ^^

Correct it was mephi.. and when 4 died.. all he said was "Damnit" .. and continued beeing afk.


ALL this trouble just for the SMs to get OWNED by SCing in rvr later :spin:


Pfft, back in my day we didn't have spiritmasters.

We didn't have PBAE, we relyed on our guts and our willpower to kick mob ass!

PBAE is for whet nosed little saps who like getting close to one another and occasionally hugging.




Originally posted by Archeon
Pfft, back in my day we didn't have spiritmasters.

We didn't have PBAE, we relyed on our guts and our willpower to kick mob ass!

Yes, i know. been there done that. Althou i didnt like it that much with my skald.

PBAE is for whet nosed little saps who like getting close to one another and occasionally hugging.


allso true but i rather spend 10h for levs 48-50 with true heavy metal brothers than 30+ with techno wimps in regual lair grps and cry ^^


I don't know what Mazuma is complaining about.
Neither read it carefully.
I've been there and I only know that we made a lot of exp/play time. Both G1 and G2.
Pbaoe and End buffs are indeed some marvels of modern technology. ;)


when i was levelling malm didn't even exist and we had to kill stuff in raum with fine alloy 8.2dps weaponry and grey con armor... HOOAH!


tehe, i think this thread shows pretty good why lair is lair.

just fyi, i got the last 11 bubs in 7-8 hours in that grp. that is ubah.

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