Manisch Depressiv said:No need to remove classes, just delete Midgard and remove stealth, remove speed completly so a FG of Mach 11 dudes doesn't zerg inferior numbers and we have a way better game.
Manisch Depressiv said:just delete Midgard and we have a way better game.
Calo said:yep, quite original, lets just delete midgard, and take speed away, good point! now it only takes ages to find anyone because well, only hibs vs albs right?
and then you want to delete all the hib casters because they have stun and you think your sorc isn't really that powerfull.
So even less enemies!
all great for the game!
Manisch Depressiv said:No need to remove classes, just delete Midgard and remove stealth, remove speed completly so a FG of Mach 11 dudes doesn't zerg inferior numbers and we have a way better game.
Elrandhir said:Remove selfcentered selfish people instead and most things will probably get better.
Leel said:Just need to get a group from each realm together, (via irc?) and go agra
Manisch Depressiv said:You want to terminate humans and go against me because I do pointless sugestions ;-)?
wittor said:There is a channel on irc for Agramon RvR and it has a bot so you can see wich groups are going to Agramon.
Leel said:Just need to get a group from each realm together, (via irc?) and go agra, people in irvr zone will see killspam in agra and will go there. And voila, you got agra action.
Leel said:Seemed to work well one night. We saw some killspam in agra, went there, killed some, died, then next run there were more people there as we made more kill/deathspam so others were enticed to going there. And it wasn't the leet groups that were out in agra then either. It was actually good fun.