Kemor here is what you missed

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Originally posted by Dagalush
Inqy!! found a typo in your sig, you typed "Your" instead of "My" in the beginning, plz correct this.

"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries."

oh you've gone too far now, you blaspheme pure comedy genious!


inqy keep this thread at top im going for lunch please take my shift ill take yours, ok?


Nah, I'm really not a comedy genious (allthough I might be seen as one), I'm just the average 1337 brat being bored at kindergarten.


no! I will not do it. the other thread is better.

oh damn!


it will get fixed asap
they cant afford to delay a fix for a bug of this size...

what we really need to discuss how we boltless cloth casters will be compensated.....

100% melee resist and a 133dps self dmg shield for 1 week ?
or 1M each ?


Originally posted by Tyka
Sorry danyan aren't you the guy who pops up everywhere and have to comment on everything even though you dont know shit about it? get lost nosy boy.
No I'm the one who comments on everything but does know something about it. The one who whines pointlessly without knowing a thing would be you. Still it's nice to see you're recovering from the lobotomy so well, guess the doctor was right when he said you'd be able to use a computer again... :p


Originally posted by Dagalush
Nah, I'm really not a comedy genious (allthough I might be seen as one), I'm just the average 1337 brat being bored at kindergarten.


There's the point

Here's Dagalush missing it :)


Originally posted by Danyan

No I'm the one who comments on everything but does know something about it. The one who whines pointlessly without knowing a thing would be you. Still it's nice to see you're recovering from the lobotomy so well, guess the doctor was right when he said you'd be able to use a computer again... :p

From what i have seen you only post bullshit, but if that makes you happy ok. This is not pointless, it makes me not able to play the game, go nag somewhere else, moron.


It is pointless as it was posted 5 days ago and replied to be kemor, so you're just generating duplicate posts for no reason other than to whine and act the spoilt brat. On the old goa forums this thread would have been locked or deleted by now, not sure what barrysworld's policy on duplicate posts is though.


Send a pm to the moderators and ask them to lock this thread instead of bitching maybe it would be better? or maybe u want to show yourself everywhere on this boards since you probably dont get much attention in real life? i think thats how it is.


Nothing special, just wanted to complain a bit too. Was just getting into the feeling as the thread stopped :(

* EDIT: Forgot to complain dammit

I got hit yesterday by Lag for 115 ms !!



thread haven't stopped mate, keep it going for all the mages, everyone should see this.


Tyka, much as I understand how pissed off you must feel, spamming the forums isn't the way to do this. I don't usually delete duplicate threads because they either kill each other off, or develop in different ways, so I'm prone to just let them do what they will, but constantly bumping this isn't the right way to go about this. Kemor is aware, and he has responded before, and i dare say we will get an update soon, be it from here or from the official news.

If you want kemor to see this thread, why not pm him with the url? Rather than take on the entire forums, and have to keep bumping this and run the gauntlet of flames? So let this thread just simmer down, and then if there is more to add to it, then add more. As it stands, this has run its course.


My reason why i posted a new thread is because i doubt if i posted that reason in the old thread kemor would go through 5 pages and read what i wrote AFTER he explained it.

Now he see a new thread with his name on it and reads through it and notices the fault, i doubt he would care about the rest of the stuff people write anyways.

My intension was not to spam down the forums if you want to call it that, but some people just don't get the reason why i posted another thread, its those who are keeping the thread alive, i wont post anymore i think kemor should've been reading this anyways.


Has anyone noticed that the tests that GOA have done are wrong (according to the link from the herald) they have tested the buffs, but it appears that it is your actual armour that is doing nothing, (removing your clothing will mean you get hit for the same as with it on)


I have tried going to rvr with no buffs, with buffs, with only absorb buff etc etc.

What i have noticed is that with my own AF buff is that people tend to miss me more, but the dmg is as if you had no buffs at all.

I even tried using bard baseline buffs, this made people hit me for a bit less damage than using my own AF buff, but still did not miss as often as i use my own. So the changes to mages self buff is supposed to make people miss more and reduce the dmg, and so far they forgot to add the dmg decrease factor to it.


AF buffs shouldn't make it harder to hit, but decrease the damage you take ...

sounds like they swapped th AF buff for a second absorb buff by accident

(absorb - despite the name - makes it harder for things to hit you)


I'm not saying you were wrong to post a thread, but its pointless "bumping" for bumpings sake. Send Kemor a PM and point out a thread he might be interested in. Having discussions and elaborations and explorations of a theme is all well and dandy, but the hit of a thread is somewhat diminished by a flame/bump content.

There are some very good points in this thread, and they get drowned in the bitching and the bumping. That was my point.


You say not to complain etc. Play an alt (some people only like to play their main) but i put in over 40 days played to get my mage to lvl 50. Hunted about for good +con +hps items and have now got my hp at 1002 (still looking for more). Yet after all this effort i stroll out to rvr and get 2 hit by some infi/sb. Ooooh, was really worth all my time and effort.


Omg will you casters please shut up. For the love of god please fix this soon GOA. Just to stop the whining....

It will be fixed, have patience. The fact that you can't trot around Emain for a few days means you can go and learn some patience or social skills (delete as appropriate).

Its not the end of the world, its a bug in a computer game. Sheesh.


Originally posted by old.chesnor
Its not the end of the world, its a bug in a computer game. Sheesh.
Yes and it doesn't even stop you playing, just means you have to be a bit more careful about getting hit (admittedly that's a lot easier in PvE than RvR).


Male I wub you, you made a silly leet caster dood look even more silly with your wit and charm, your nearly as good as me now.

And Matty can I call you Spawn of GumBear? :D cos ur like omg like wow like sooo nice, like omg!!!

I wonder if Matty has an evul side???

oh and Bump, i read all 3 pages in one sitting, well funny. :D


Originally posted by old.chesnor

It will be fixed, have patience. The fact that you can't trot around Emain for a few days means you can go and learn some patience or social skills (delete as appropriate).

I have patience, loads of it if you take the fact i soloed all but about 10 bubs on my way to level 42. (fins after that :p ) And i work parttime in my student union as a barman, so i have good social skills also thanks.
I think it's you who has the poor social skills, coming on here and flaming people for being upset that the hard work they put into building up their character is now for next to nothing as every man and his small pet goldfish can beat the hell out of it.

I don't know what class you play (do you even play the game?) but how would you like it if your char now dropped in about a quarter, maybe even an eighth of the time that he used to making him completely unplayable as the first person to lock onto you and attack is gonna kill you no problem. Mages die enough already and sure you get used to it, but this is just takin the piss. It's like rvrin with a lvl 30 again.


While we're on caster bugs, anyone else remember the caster damage bug when we got 1.45? That was much worse than this... :p


In reply to Danyan: You can't cast while sitting? (While standing up, of course) ?? That it? Just a longshot..

On another note, I got a reply from GOA on my RightNow complaint about the self-buffs:

Response (CS) - 11/12/2002 03:20 PM

We are currently testing the issue with developpers from Mythic in order to check this. We will post an official announcement on this issue in the following days.

Uncle Sick(tm)

*proudly declares this thread 'Pointless Spam of the Month' and hands Tyka the blue ribbon*

Oh, no worries, Dagalosh - Uncle Sick has not forgotten you.
You get an award, too.


Originally posted by exc_hib_boo
In reply to Danyan: You can't cast while sitting? (While standing up, of course) ?? That it? Just a longshot..
Nope, the 1.45 bug I'm talking about was only in for a few hours. It affected any class based on the hibernian magician base class. Basically the resistance tables got corrupted so every mob in the game had > 100% resistance to hib magic attacks. For instance I nuked a badger cub (level 1) near mag mell with my 2x eldritch for -68 (-1440). Made xping quite hard as I couldn't nuke anything for more than about 5 damage. :p


I think we all know why this thread is being closed

Yes I have bad breath thats why!

Be more productive and send a request to Rightnow and probably get killed for this but contact kemor with a PM to see what he says bringing up old topics he has replied to makes it alot harder for him to deal with things he hasn't already addressed
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