Kemor here is what you missed

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Now i know there are several threads about this but no one of them says this. Here is what you missed and all you need to do is to get the updated patch wich took mythic 1 day to sort.


- There was a problem (Pendragon-only) where cloth armor factor was being ignored when being attacked by bolt spells and melee damage. This has been fixed.

Please for the love of god, fix the AF buff already, i cant rvr, i cant pve, i get 2 shotted by blue con assassins, 1 shotted by bolts, the game is not fun anymore and this would only take you 1 minute to look into. Well at least now you know what the problem is, you got the wrong patch.


No ignore this thread, I have been one shotting casters, I like it, keep it the way it is :m00:


GOA.FIX.THIS.NOW, I ain't gonna pay for a game that is bugged so RvR is impossible for casters... and yes I've noticed I get sent back to the telepad WAY much easier than before patch, archers and bolters do insane damage to me, FFS FIX THIS NOW OR I WILL GO LOCO ON YOUR ASSES GOA :(


i can just see the GOA employees trembling in fear, when some loony is loco on their bum :eek:

That said, im fairly sure they'll fix this as soon as they get a go from Mythic :)


wow you guys sure know how to get things done. how about you all submit rightnow reports. whining here (rightly or wrongly) achieves nothing imo.


Originally posted by inqy
wow you guys sure know how to get things done. how about you all submit rightnow reports. whining here (rightly or wrongly) achieves nothing imo.

Sigh why do you even bother posting your stupid comments? i already wrote my letter to Rightnow, this is only to get other ppl to do the same, get a life.


but whining here are so much more funneh, you get whined at etc...
right now never whine back at ya :(

but Im pretty sure this will get fixed soon..
so now we have to discuss what the cloth casters without bolts should get for being nerfed....

100% melee resist for 1week ?


Sigh why do you even bother posting your stupid comments?
Well it was more aimed at what Dagalush said. Something about trains and bottoms, I don't understand it myself.

What was it Forest Gump said....

i already wrote my letter to Rightnow, this is only to get other ppl to do the same
You've made the report so now wait for your response. Oh you didn't spot the other numerous threads whining about the same thing?

get a life
hehe the age old response from someone knowing me so well to judge me and my whole life.

I like and hate this game on occassions, but it is only a game. :rolleyes:


If you had a lvl 50 caster you would know what i mean, and you would understand why i make a new thread. Casters have absolutely no chance in rvr. I get 2 shotted by a blue con infil, not sure if that is something normal. Zerkers hit me for 900 with main hand and 300 with other, Bolted to oblivion for insane numbers like 1500 dmg.

That's just an idea about how things are in casual rvr.


the reality is however, GOA are fully aware of the problems. something will be done I believe, have faith in the system. I've been impressed with the way they have been working recently and I think we should cut them some slack. This problem will be fixed.

I also know many casters of level50, level48+ status and I also play a few casters myself across the realms (None of mine are level 50 of course so in fact I've got more to moan about to a degree as there is no XP death for you) :p

Casters are always killed easy, just atm they are even easier. But if it bothers you that much play an alt, it's what I do. Have faith in the meantime, it will be fixed.

Oh and don't lash out at lovely people like me :(


I doubt it, if they knew they would have said something on their homepage about it, its a very important issue and saying something like they are working on it is the least they can do, will take them 1 minute. At least that what mythic would've done.


from the DAoC Europe site:

Casting classes and 1.52

Many players, playing casting classes, complained about having less powerful AF buffing spells since the patch 1.52. We have investigated the issue and done some tests. The results showed that both the AF buffing spells & the Absorption buffing spells were working. The tests showed that the use of the spells increased the miss rate (around 5%) and decreased the damage (around 10-15%). In order to be sure that they are working as intended, we have sent our results to Mythic and will see if there are any problems with these spells.

It might not be the result you wanted but you are not being ignored. If they are in contact with Mythic, then the patch to fix the problem surely can't be that far away.


Originally posted by Tyka
I doubt it, if they knew they would have said something on their homepage about it, its a very important issue and saying something like they are working on it is the least they can do, will take them 1 minute. At least that what mythic would've done.



Casting classes and 1.52

Many players, playing casting classes, complained about having less powerful AF buffing spells since the patch 1.52. We have investigated the issue and done some tests. The results showed that both the AF buffing spells & the Absorption buffing spells were working. The tests showed that the use of the spells increased the miss rate (around 5%) and decreased the damage (around 10-15%). In order to be sure that they are working as intended, we have sent our results to Mythic and will see if there are any problems with these spells.


this was posted last friday, 2 days after the patch.. if you're going to flame GOA for not saying anything about it and not doing anything, atleast check the site to see if they have :p

As is, it appears you came straight here ignored the numerous other posts on the subject and blindly started a new thread cos you know better than everyone esle who started all the other threads :p personnally I hope they fix the bug, but leave it in just for your character.. pity things like that never happen tho :p


kemor logged in here and said they were working on it

they posted on the webpage that they were checking it with Mythic

so your point is...? :)


Inqy, they think it is working as it should.

"The results showed that both the AF buffing spells & the Absorption buffing spells were working."

Wich is not, then they say they send it to Mythic? why would they after they say it is working?


Originally posted by old.willowywicca

this was posted last friday, 2 days after the patch.. if you're going to flame GOA for not saying anything about it and not doing anything, atleast check the site to see if they have :p

As is, it appears you came straight here ignored the numerous other posts on the subject and blindly started a new thread cos you know better than everyone esle who started all the other threads :p personnally I hope they fix the bug, but leave it in just for your character.. pity things like that never happen tho :p

Maybe you should read what they said first before coming and whining? I play this game for rvr, and havent been able to do it in for a while now. I read the all other threads and something like this still needs attention so that they know it is important, no matter what you say, kemor + alot of others on goa read these forums.

Please if you got nothing good to say dont say it, i have checked up more stuff about this matter than you, believe me.


Originally posted by Fingoniel
kemor logged in here and said they were working on it

they posted on the webpage that they were checking it with Mythic

so your point is...? :)

My point is that they are not being clear on their homepage, read what they wrote again or stfu.


Originally posted by inqy
if mythic say it's wrong it will be fixed.

When? i want to rvr now, and i dont want to get owned by greencons


Originally posted by Tyka
I doubt it, if they knew they would have said something on their homepage about it, its a very important issue and saying something like they are working on it is the least they can do, will take them 1 minute. At least that what mythic would've done.

You complained they hadn't said they were working on it, but they clearly had. They found no bugs, but they have asked mythic to confirm this just to be sure because they have been listening to player feedback about it still... what exactly have they done wrong here tyka?


Originally posted by Tyka

Maybe you should read what they said first before coming and whining? I play this game for rvr, and havent been able to do it in for a while now. I read the all other threads and something like this still needs attention so that they know it is important, no matter what you say, kemor + alot of others on goa read these forums.

Please if you got nothing good to say dont say it, i have checked up more stuff about this matter than you, believe me.

maybe *you* should read what they said, and not just take the third line of a paragraph out of context :p

also when did I say GOA + Kemor don't read these forums? if you really read the other posts you would see kemor replied about this very topic already and that they *are* looking into further..


once they have the correct patch or fix (or whatever) from mythic, they'll need to bring down servers to fix em. bringing down servers means doing this at a sensible time (usually in the morning) and giving a bit of notice.

it's not gonna be fixed in an instant. that would be nice but it won't happen. this will all take time.


Ok you must be really dumb, let me explain.

First of all here is what they wrote:

Casting classes and 1.52

Many players, playing casting classes, complained about having less powerful AF buffing spells since the patch 1.52. We have investigated the issue and done some tests. The results showed that both the AF buffing spells & the Absorption buffing spells were working. The tests showed that the use of the spells increased the miss rate (around 5%) and decreased the damage (around 10-15%). In order to be sure that they are working as intended, we have sent our results to Mythic and will see if there are any problems with these spells.

They got some letters from players (could be mine) and they checked it up and tell us it is WORKING (wich it is not). Then after a few sentences they write that they are sending the stuff to mythic, so wich is it going to be? is it working or not? and why would they send it to mythic if it isn't? give me a break Willow its a pure for me going to emain nowadays and even xping. Just want this to be finished as soon as possible. IF you think my thread is dumb just look around, there are 100 of othres u can whine on, but im not going to stop :)


Originally posted by Tyka

Please if you got nothing good to say dont say it, i have checked up more stuff about this matter than you, believe me.

you have checked up more than me? care to prove that in some manner? :rolleyes:


"Casters are always killed easy, just atm they are even easier. But if it bothers you that much play an alt, it's what I do. Have faith in the meantime, it will be fixed."

Well you have no clue so stfu kthx. Before it took a little while for people to melee me to death, now they just yell "DIE!" at me and I bite the dust. Plz kthx come back when you have a 50 caster and done some RvR... and don't come here talking about pve...
And I do NOT have any faith in the system, but I hope they fix it anyway... if not every caster will disapear *POFF*


Originally posted by inqy
it's not gonna be fixed in an instant. that would be nice but it won't happen. this will all take time.

Odd, took mythic 1 day, takes GOA what? 1 week? if not more. Something like this is much more important than just telling us they are sending an email to Mythic. It is pretty serious thinking how many ppl are dependant on this.


Originally posted by Tyka
Ok you must be really dumb, let me explain.

First of all here is what they wrote:

Casting classes and 1.52

Many players, playing casting classes, complained about having less powerful AF buffing spells since the patch 1.52. We have investigated the issue and done some tests. The results showed that both the AF buffing spells & the Absorption buffing spells were working. The tests showed that the use of the spells increased the miss rate (around 5%) and decreased the damage (around 10-15%). In order to be sure that they are working as intended, we have sent our results to Mythic and will see if there are any problems with these spells.

They got some letters from players (could be mine) and they checked it up and tell us it is WORKING (wich it is not). Then after a few sentences they write that they are sending the stuff to mythic, so wich is it going to be? is it working or not? and why would they send it to mythic if it isn't? give me a break Willow its a pure for me going to emain nowadays and even xping. Just want this to be finished as soon as possible. IF you think my thread is dumb just look around, there are 100 of othres u can whine on, but im not going to stop :)

exactly :p they tested and found nothing wrong, *however* they sent results to mythic anyway because they still believe there is a problem and they want it fixed. Your whole post was that you wanted them to be doing something, my whole point is that *everything* says that they are doing something about it already


Originally posted by Tyka

Odd, took mythic 1 day, takes GOA what? 1 week? if not more. Something like this is much more important than just telling us they are sending an email to Mythic. It is pretty serious thinking how many ppl are dependant on this.

what do you expect them to do? they didn't make daoc, they can't alter the code, they need mythic to tell them what to change, all they normally do is translations :p since they could jsut get the updated patch from mythic that would fix the bug, but then they'd need to translate everything all over again.. so instead they e-mail mythic, who will tell them what part of the code needs changing and it will get fixed hopefully..


Originally posted by old.willowywicca

exactly :p they tested and found nothing wrong, *however* they sent results to mythic anyway because they still believe there is a problem and they want it fixed. Your whole post was that you wanted them to be doing something, my whole point is that *everything* says that they are doing something about it already

Ehh ? That post got double meanings, it could be the first or other,. and however that does not matter, as i said willwywicca, it is VERY Important, extremely important because how many ppl will play the game now that are affected by this?
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