Just getting a little bit scared now.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
I am always amused that you over in the land of the inbred and inane are so consumed with what goes on over here, in a country that you claim to despise but are for all intents and purposes are actually envious of.

I would much prefer you people thanking us for saving your bacon twice.....in one century and at great expense to our people.

go learn german because next time I promise you, we will not save you.

Your an Imbecile, first of all the Russians pretty much won WW2 alone throught the blood of millions upon millions of conscripts and the US didn't directly join WW2 until after Pearl Harbour was attacked by the Japanese as the country was in a deep financial depression.

Before Pearl Harbour the US supplied inferior pilots and planes and alot of political promises to show solidarity with the Allies cause, thats about it though.

Learn to History friend

Uncle Sick

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
I am always amused that you over in the land of the inbred and inane are so consumed with what goes on over here, in a country that you claim to despise but are for all intents and purposes are actually envious of.

I would much prefer you people thanking us for saving your bacon twice.....in one century and at great expense to our people.

go learn german because next time I promise you, we will not save you.

Interestingly enough America, through policies, only intervened in Europe because Hitler thought that declaring war on the United States was a good idea (remember? He was a bit nuts. Check out 'Hitler getting banned in World of Warcraft on Youtube). Had Hitler decided to simply rofl out loud it would have been Japan only. lrn2history

Secondly - thanks for making your country look bad, you stereotypical redneck fuck.
I live in Maine, you?

P.S. Punishment, sorry... but Lend&Lease kept the war going for Great Britain and Russia when supplies were needed badly, US Navy protecting shipping lanes in the Atlantic etc. The allies were a big dysfunctional family where everybody played a role.


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
I'm not a christian, but I do find it funny how quick the left in America is to point out Perry's or Bachmann's religion, while ignoring Obama's religion.

Just look into Obama's church he attended for over 20 years.

Jerimiah Wright is as loony toons as it gets, and Obama speaks of what a great man he is in his book.

Edit: But he offers free shit to people so they sing songs about him and mob and loot. It's all good.
Obama' religion is a non-issue to me because he does other stuff that deserves my bashing a lot more - like pretty much every single decision he has "negotiated" since he became president, against the wishes of the people who voted for him and even against the majority of his own party.

The problem with Bachmann and Palin is that religion totally defines their politics as they're so interlinked you can't comment on one without the other.

The biggest irony I think when it comes to religion and politics is that it would make far more sense for the religious to vote left-wing, because apart from the non-issues(looking at the bigger picture) like gay marriage and abortion US right-wing politics is all about separating people and increasing inequality.

Oh and by the way, please stop saying the US left, they're all so ridiculously right it's not even funny.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
In the same way that the Yanks would say please dont call the British Right Right, as they are so unbelieveably left from thier eyes.

I love the comment about becoming more Christian to combat Islam. I actually suspect this might be the only answer, though I'm not really religeous myself.

I'm pretty sure the answer isnt become more left-wing appeasers though, and thats not just to Islam, thats to every problem ever faced.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I am always amused that you over in the land of the inbred and inane are so consumed with what goes on over here, in a country that you claim to despise but are for all intents and purposes are actually envious of.

I would much prefer you people thanking us for saving your bacon twice.....in one century and at great expense to our people.

go learn german because next time I promise you, we will not save you.

Whenever I start defending Americans some dingbat like you comes on to make me look stupid.

Keep yer head down willya, ffs :(


Dec 26, 2003
US Politics started going wrong when prettyboy JFK won the presidency.

Ever since then politics in the western world has changed from the area of serious minded men who believed in things to pretty boys speaking sound bites who believe in nothing.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I am always amused that you over in the land of the inbred and inane are so consumed with what goes on over here, in a country that you claim to despise but are for all intents and purposes are actually envious of.

I would much prefer you people thanking us for saving your bacon twice.....in one century and at great expense to our people.

go learn german because next time I promise you, we will not save you.

I see the Hollywood education system continues to be rolled out across America.

You came in towards the end of WW1 with the ultimate effect of forcing the Germans to play a risky hand and commit to a massive attack before the bulk of your troops became active thus you tipped the balance and nothing else.

Again with WW2 you came late to the party and only once Pearl Harbor had been bombed and Hitler had declared war on the US did you really get involved, there is a train of thought that if Hitler hadn't declared war on the US that you might not of even bothered with the European front.

I would also point out that the items and support we received from the US were not free in any way. As an example of what this cost other than money you should have a look at things like the Tizard Mission and also consider another benefit it had of fatally weakening a future competitor while in the post war world it gave the US a massive boost having actually paid very little in relative terms compared to others.

You do know that English technically has its origins as a Germanic language right.


Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
Youropeons want it both ways, just like in the sack.

America was late to save us and didn't get involved soon enough in our European conflicts!

America, stay out of everyone's business!

Say and do what you want. Early or late, we will bail you out when you come asking for help from the world's biggest pimp daddy.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Im not denying that the U.S. supplied armsaid before the actively took part in WW2 but they were just protecting their European interests as anyone would


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Youropeons want it both ways, just like in the sack.

America was late to save us and didn't get involved soon enough in our European conflicts!

America, stay out of everyone's business!

Say and do what you want. Early or late, we will bail you out when you come asking for help from the world's biggest pimp daddy.

WW2 brought to you by Fox news folks :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
The biggest irony I think when it comes to religion and politics is that it would make far more sense for the religious to vote left-wing, because apart from the non-issues(looking at the bigger picture) like gay marriage and abortion US right-wing politics is all about separating people and increasing inequality.

Oh and by the way, please stop saying the US left, they're all so ridiculously right it's not even funny.

You think the right is the side that is pushing class warfare?

Rules for radicals. It's in the left's playbook to do that.

As for your comment, "Oh and by the way, please stop saying the US (is) left".

I never said that. You a little bit Karl Childers?


Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
WW2 brought to you by Fox news folks :eek:

So which is it?

You want us to stay out of other another country's business?

You want us to be there when things start?

Is the answer different if it is your own country involved?


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
I am always amused that you over in the land of the inbred and inane are so consumed with what goes on over here, in a country that you claim to despise but are for all intents and purposes are actually envious of.

I would much prefer you people thanking us for saving your bacon twice.....in one century and at great expense to our people.

go learn german because next time I promise you, we will not save you.

I cant work out if you're in the us or the uk?

Also, zzz with the whole WWII thing. Who gives a fuck any more. Everyone involved is dead or dying.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
So which is it?

You want us to stay out of other another country's business?

You want us to be there when things start?

Is the answer different if it is your own country involved?

As i said if you actually read what i posted above you would see the US only got involved when it's own assets were onder threat/war was openly declared on them and for both world war's you were not there at the start.

By all means diplomatically get involved and open lines of dialogue if you wish but invading countries to kill 1 person would probably go smoother next time by hiring a hitman instead of wasting billions upon billions to chest-thump and afterwards be left with the massive clusterfuck Iraq is today


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
You think the right is the side that is pushing class warfare?
Oh the right is very much pushing class warfare, it's from the top down as opposed from the bottom up though.


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2010
again it seems that the english have poor english comprehension skills. I asked for an indication of some of measure of gratitude, instead I get tripe.

just goes to show you.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Punishment is from the Republic of Ireland and Helme is from Sweden.

I can provide a map if you have never heard of these countries or if you don't know where they are.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
again it seems that the english have poor english comprehension skills. I asked for an indication of some of measure of gratitude, instead I get tripe.

just goes to show you.

gratitude. To who? To you personally? You have no claim to what your grandparents and their parents did. I'm grateful I'm still alive today, but I dont owe anyone anything for it.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Maybe his grandfather is also his brother?


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
again it seems that the english have poor english comprehension skills. I asked for an indication of some of measure of gratitude, instead I get tripe.

just goes to show you.

Perhaps I should also be grateful for the many very shit things you've done for the rest of the world. You can't have one and not the other.

Perhaps I should be grateful for the sub prime mortgage fuckup. Perhaps I should be grateful for the continual wars between the Jews and the Palestinians which the US, for some reason, encourages. Perhaps I should be grateful for the wonderful market economy we all live in where there is almost no redundancy built into the system so if someone gets sick or even just has a run of miserable luck, they are totally and utterly fucked. Perhaps I should be grateful for McDonalds and the armies of fat kids that now inhabit the world?

I know the US does nice things and the UK does naughty things, but overall it all evens out. So stop being such a dick about it all.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Youropeons want it both ways, just like in the sack.

America was late to save us and didn't get involved soon enough in our European conflicts!

America, stay out of everyone's business!

Say and do what you want. Early or late, we will bail you out when you come asking for help from the world's biggest pimp daddy.

pimp daddy has an extreme debt which is owned by China. what will pimp daddy do when his pimpmobile gets taken away from him? good luck with that, by the way.

So which is it?

You want us to stay out of other another country's business?

You want us to be there when things start?

Is the answer different if it is your own country involved?

lol you guys are like a stuck record. one *must* choose between arbitrary opposites. we don't recognize anything other than extremes. tbh I pity you all.

I cant work out if you're in the us or the uk?

Also, zzz with the whole WWII thing. Who gives a fuck any more. Everyone involved is dead or dying.
he's cuban export iirc. he said as much the last time they all came over for some cock waving.


Resident Freddy
Jan 5, 2004
again it seems that the english have poor english comprehension skills. I asked for an indication of some of measure of gratitude, instead I get tripe.

just goes to show you.

Based on your logic can you also show some gratitude to everyone for Penicillin, The internal combustion engine, Steam engines and Umbrellas. All british inventions that we played no part in.

See that, its irony, we also gave you that.

Uncle Sick

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
again it seems that the english have poor english comprehension skills. I asked for an indication of some of measure of gratitude, instead I get tripe.

just goes to show you.

You're just a shitty, loud mouth troll. Try harder. I do admire a good troll.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
again it seems that the english have poor english comprehension skills. I asked for an indication of some of measure of gratitude, instead I get tripe.

just goes to show you.

Gratitude to you? For what exactly? When my Granddad was fighting at Cassino yours was busily protecting us from a Nazi sneak attack via spiked cigars; Cuba; bravely declaring war without actually bothering to send anyone to fight. Bravo.


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2010
once again the communication process has broken down, clearly gratitude for me personally is inapplicable.

I don't expect that (a display of personal gratitude). it's more of a question of showing appreciation to the very people who have made it possible for you guys to carry on with your backwards ways on your little island. the culturally practiced and studied hypocracy is what I find telling.

while we're on this topic, you lot might practice what you preach and liberate ireland at some point.

I wonder how many of you putt putt around in your little beep beep beep automobiles with free tibet bumper stickers?


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Liberate Ireland? From what? The only thing Ireland needs liberation from is the IMU, the ECB and political incompetence


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
I regularly tro...er...post on flamewarriors, its hilarious, there was one guy who did not like going two weeks without his gun on his person :p


Resident Freddy
Jan 5, 2004
once again the communication process has broken down, clearly gratitude for me personally is inapplicable.

I don't expect that (a display of personal gratitude). it's more of a question of showing appreciation to the very people who have made it possible for you guys to carry on with your backwards ways on your little island. the culturally practiced and studied hypocracy is what I find telling.

while we're on this topic, you lot might practice what you preach and liberate ireland at some point.

I wonder how many of you putt putt around in your little beep beep beep automobiles with free tibet bumper stickers?

Carlsberg don't make trolls.

But if they did...


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2010
the english are a bit slow on the uptake

dismiss it as a troll if you wish. could it be you people believe the irish aren't capable of self determination and that you know better what's best for them?

remember that line of thought got your asses whipped but good at the close of the 18th century and then again at the start of the 19th.

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