Just getting a little bit scared now.


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
I have no love for the acts of the Nazi Party. I merely commented on their political leanings, I wasn't the one who played Godwin. The fact that the Nazis under Hitler exterminated half of Europe doesn't make him any less of an authoritarian left wing nutjob, it does make him a mass murdering authoritarian left wing nutjob.

The only thing left with the nazi party was its name. Else it was almost as far right as you can get. I thought this was common knowledge? If you wanna bash the left at least use the Soviet union as an example, Mrs Bachmann surely does. Apparently she was warning of the threat they pose to America recently.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Let's just face it, it's no longer about capability any more, the race for the President of the (currently) most powerful country in the world has become a frigging popularity contest.

It turned into a popularity contest many years ago unfortunately.

The line between the republicans and the democrats is starting to be so vague that it will be impossible to tell them apart soon.


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
The only thing left with the nazi party was its name. Else it was almost as far right as you can get. I thought this was common knowledge?
Are you kidding me?
Look at the social policies if the Nazi Party. Hell look at the national work programs Hitler used to provide jobs. They were every bit a socialist organisation.
When we were studying Political spectrum in sociology one of the things we were taught was not to confuse modern interpretations with historical fact when it comes to organisations like the Nazi Party. While they currently have a right wing flavour to them in modern times their core party practices and policies wre very much socialist left wing. The whole wiping out of the brown shirts and the holocaust of the European Jews is an authoritarian signature much like the pogroms of Stalin or where he almost destroyed his own military capability as a result of his own paranoia.


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
I'm often disappointed in how much the American right wing leans on the bible.
On the other hand, the more we see biblical practices and ideals slipping out of our political spectrum they get replaced by left wing feel good crap given to people who didn't earn it but want me to pay for it.
Either that or the void gets filled with an Islamic concept.
We of the west better pull our fingers out and come up with a suitable substitute for biblical mythology in our political lives lest we be swept away by the muslim fundamentalist horde.

Uncle Sick

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Are you kidding me?
Look at the social policies if the Nazi Party. Hell look at the national work programs Hitler used to provide jobs. They were every bit a socialist organisation.
When we were studying Political spectrum in sociology one of the things we were taught was not to confuse modern interpretations with historical fact when it comes to organisations like the Nazi Party. While they currently have a right wing flavour to them in modern times their core party practices and policies wre very much socialist left wing. The whole wiping out of the brown shirts and the holocaust of the European Jews is an authoritarian signature much like the pogroms of Stalin or where he almost destroyed his own military capability as a result of his own paranoia.

Do you have an MBA in talking out of your ass? Because once again you seem cocksure about the misinformation you are spreading.

You do realize that the term socialism refers to an economic system?
A socialistic economy/society distributes goods/services based on the individuals productivity.

Whereas the system of communism seeks to spread the goods and services to everyone regardless of the individuals productivity. Communism is a political AND economical system.

There are obviously a lot more differences. Every time you refer to left wing socialism in disgust, I cringe since you obviously have not the slightest idea what you are talking about.

Comparing Hitler's National Socialism with Stalin's flavor communism is also extremely ludicrous.

Antisemitism and rabid anti-communism were integral parts of Nazi dogma.

Stalin committed atrocities on a similar scale - but without discriminating between his enemies. And certainly not on an industrial scale like the Nazis did.

Comparing the 'Wiping out the brown shirts' (Roehm Putsch - look it up maybe?) and the Holocaust is apples and oranges on the ignorance scale.
It's not like Hitler wiped out every single SA member in Germany. He merely got rid off their leadership and select other enemies while he was at it (Nacht der langen Messer - Night of the long knives. Again, look it up).

I'm often disappointed in how much the American right wing leans on the bible.
On the other hand, the more we see biblical practices and ideals slipping out of our political spectrum they get replaced by left wing feel good crap given to people who didn't earn it but want me to pay for it.
Either that or the void gets filled with an Islamic concept.
We of the west better pull our fingers out and come up with a suitable substitute for biblical mythology in our political lives lest we be swept away by the muslim fundamentalist horde.

:m00: Really?

Do back that statement up with some facts, will you? It's polemics all over again. We move away from the good book and then it's welfare Tuesday for everyone who didn't deserve it?
What does the bible say about sharing and taking care of the poor/infirm etc.?

God is dead. Ever heard of state secularism? That means state and church are seperate. Welcome to the 21st century.

The muslim fundamentalist horde...

You got issues.


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
I do have issues and I'm quite comfortable with them.
Separating the Church and the State in the USA is just not going to happen any time soon I'm afraid. The bible belt hold too much power.

Uncle Sick

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
I do have issues and I'm quite comfortable with them.
Separating the Church and the State in the USA is just not going to happen any time soon I'm afraid. The bible belt hold too much power.

I do admire the way you discuss things...
Blurt out some arbitrary statements and move on.

If you're merely trolling, try something a little less village idiot sledge hammer style. I do admire a good troll.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
We of the west better pull our fingers out and come up with a suitable substitute for biblical mythology in our political lives lest we be swept away by the muslim fundamentalist horde.

Utter bullshit, sorry but it is.


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
Strangedays, do you by any chance frequent the Free Republic boards? Because that's the only other place I've seen your kind of crazy before, and while it is quite entertaining to watch I do have some concerns about your sanity because thinking a fundamentalist Muslim horde is coming after you can't be good for your long term mental health.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Do you have an MBA in talking out of your ass? Because once again you seem cocksure about the misinformation you are spreading.

You do realize that the term socialism refers to an economic system?
A socialistic economy/society distributes goods/services based on the individuals productivity.

Whereas the system of communism seeks to spread the goods and services to everyone regardless of the individuals productivity. Communism is a political AND economical system.

There are obviously a lot more differences. Every time you refer to left wing socialism in disgust, I cringe since you obviously have not the slightest idea what you are talking about.

Comparing Hitler's National Socialism with Stalin's flavor communism is also extremely ludicrous.

Antisemitism and rabid anti-communism were integral parts of Nazi dogma.

Stalin committed atrocities on a similar scale - but without discriminating between his enemies. And certainly not on an industrial scale like the Nazis did.

Comparing the 'Wiping out the brown shirts' (Roehm Putsch - look it up maybe?) and the Holocaust is apples and oranges on the ignorance scale.
It's not like Hitler wiped out every single SA member in Germany. He merely got rid off their leadership and select other enemies while he was at it (Nacht der langen Messer - Night of the long knives. Again, look it up).

That probably serves more to illustrate what a blunt tool the left/right divide is. The Nazis had many ideas borrowed from 'the left' including the paternalistic way of running a country, as well as the racial ideology which we would tend to class as of 'the right'. To argue whether Hitler was left or right wing is pointless. He was what he was, with or without labels.

As for Hitler vs Stalin; Stalin and Mao both killed more of their own populace than Hitler did. They tended to do it with starvation and local executions though rather than huge extermination programmes.


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
Strangedays, do you by any chance frequent the Free Republic boards? Because that's the only other place I've seen your kind of crazy before, and while it is quite entertaining to watch I do have some concerns about your sanity because thinking a fundamentalist Muslim horde is coming after you can't be good for your long term mental health.
No, There's only two other boards I frequent and free republic isn't one of them.
As to the fundamentalist muslim horde, just sit tight, it might not be obvious now now but give it a few more years. Western Europe is in for a rude awakening. Like it or not the more the west moves away from biblical practices in it's day to day life the more you detract from the long term survivability of your culture. This is mainly because the heavier, more personal responsibility related issues of sex and morality are being made irrelevant through technology. Sex is now no longer about populating your environment and is now a recreational activity. Your population is shrinking and that shortfall has to be made up somewhere, and it's the people coming from religiously devout cultures that are filling that gap.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Indians are at it like rabbits their recent population boom is staggering

Uncle Sick

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
No, There's only two other boards I frequent and free republic isn't one of them.
As to the fundamentalist muslim horde, just sit tight, it might not be obvious now now but give it a few more years. Western Europe is in for a rude awakening. Like it or not the more the west moves away from biblical practices in it's day to day life the more you detract from the long term survivability of your culture. This is mainly because the heavier, more personal responsibility related issues of sex and morality are being made irrelevant through technology. Sex is now no longer about populating your environment and is now a recreational activity. Your population is shrinking and that shortfall has to be made up somewhere, and it's the people coming from religiously devout cultures that are filling that gap.

Is it just me or is the bullshit bee hopping from topic to topic here again?

You get a critical response to one of your polemic outbursts and you hop on to the next topic instead of responding, every time kind of implying that whoever doesn't agree with you is a welfare loving, left wing socialist.

Radical muslims -are- a problem. There is no doubt about it.
What do radical muslims have to do with the original topic, though?

Can only stout christian crusaders defend us from this scourge?

I'd say the first step on your list should be to get rid of that stash of pr0n and mount the missus to counter populate earth with devout Jesus worshippers.
... because Christianity hasn't caused any problems in the past. Amirite?

I wasn't aware that the solution to counter radical Islamism was so simple.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
: "We basically just asked them to walk around for a bit and see if they noticed any stuff."

Research volunteer, Stephen Malley, a personnel manager from Finsbury Park, said: "I get up at 7.30. My bedroom is generally free of Muslim extremists. Maybe they all congregate there when I'm at work. Who knows?

Haha :D

Uncle Sick

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
I also forgot to mention that I have three kids. But I also like to bone for pleasure.
And I don't believe in neither God nor the bible.


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
Is it just me or is the bullshit bee hopping from topic to topic here again?

You get a critical response to one of your polemic outbursts and you hop on to the next topic instead of responding, every time kind of implying that whoever doesn't agree with you is a welfare loving, left wing socialist.

Radical muslims -are- a problem. There is no doubt about it.
What do radical muslims have to do with the original topic, though?

Can only stout christian crusaders defend us from this scourge?

I'd say the first step on your list should be to get rid of that stash of pr0n and mount the missus to counter populate earth with devout Jesus worshippers.
... because Christianity hasn't caused any problems in the past. Amirite?

I wasn't aware that the solution to counter radical Islamism was so simple.
Somehow I get the impression you think I'm some kind of Christian morality nut.
I'm neither Christian, nor particularly moral. I'm merely making an observation that since the relaxing of the moral code of conduct for western civilization the quality and the quantity of our offspring is diminishing. I make no assumptions regarding the political leanings of those who disagree. I'm also not against the idea of social security. I'm just against the idea of people using it as a lifestyle choice.
What has this to do with the original topic? Well it's to do with the separation of church and state old bean. It's not quite as easy task as it seems it is? A Christian horde coming to the rescue is a bit middle ages don't you think? I'd rather like to think that suddenly some level political heads will suddenly appear and steer their respective countries back onto a course of austerity and tackle the rapidly changing population lest we all suddenly find ourselves the minorities in our own countries.
As to the porn collection, we'll hang on to that since we have no problem with populating. We're expecting out fourth in four days time so that makes four for us and a grand total of seven for me.
Christianity has a lot to answer for, to date they're responsible for some of the greatest genocides in history but the solution is still pretty bloody simple.
Populate or perish.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
All religious has ever caused is strife and anyone who thinks strength of religious belief defines how strong a society can be is 100% wrong, if anything religion has held back human development from pre greek to modern times

Uncle Sick

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Or: we could give these people as much aid as possible in becoming proper democracies themselves.

Egypt, Algeria, Lybia, Syria, Iran. All muslim countries with strong democracy movements.

Answering extremism with extremism is just going to end in tears on a global thermonuclear scale in the end. And I'm not done digging my fallout shelter yet.


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
I agree, but we need to find something constructive to fill the void the departure of religion is having on our society. Right now it's being filled with hedonism, not that that's a bad thing, but even pleasure without the balance of responsibility can be a very bad thing.


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
Or: we could give these people as much aid as possible in becoming proper democracies themselves.

Egypt, Algeria, Lybia, Syria, Iran. All muslim countries with strong democracy movements.

Answering extremism with extremism is just going to end in tears on a global thermonuclear scale in the end. And I'm not done digging my fallout shelter yet.
What they need is for us (the rest of the world as a collective) to butt the hell out of their internal conflicts and let them settle their own debts with each other. The middle east has been at war with itself for several thousand years, nothing is going to change there soon and us getting in their way is only going to serve to make us a target.
Who the hell cares who wins? by the time they finish shooting at each other they're still going to need to sell their oil to somebody to repair the damage.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Or: we could give these people as much aid as possible in becoming proper democracies themselves.

Egypt, Algeria, Lybia, Syria, Iran. All muslim countries with strong democracy movements.

Answering extremism with extremism is just going to end in tears on a global thermonuclear scale in the end. And I'm not done digging my fallout shelter yet.

I disagree with that view tbh, it smacks too much of christianity being forcefed to natives whom greeted christians with open arms, if people are so happy with their religion why do they feel the need to force feed it down others throats and demonize/scaremonger people into it, it stems i think from a basic fear that their beliefs might be wrong and atleast if they get everyone on the bandwagon then atleast we cannot be all punished ... right ?

All things have to come to a head, look at the pummeling the Japanese gave the states in the middle of ww2 only for things to come to a head and the yanks who were in the midst of a heavy depression to suddenly be spending 2-3bn dollars on a thermonuclear weapons programme, and after it all ended look at Japans new amazing global identity.


Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
I'm not a christian, but I do find it funny how quick the left in America is to point out Perry's or Bachmann's religion, while ignoring Obama's religion.

Just look into Obama's church he attended for over 20 years.

Jerimiah Wright is as loony toons as it gets, and Obama speaks of what a great man he is in his book.

Edit: But he offers free shit to people so they sing songs about him and mob and loot. It's all good.

Uncle Sick

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
I disagree with that view tbh, it smacks too much of christianity being forcefed to natives whom greeted christians with open arms, if people are so happy with their religion why do they feel the need to force feed it down others throats and demonize/scaremonger people into it, it stems i think from a basic fear that their beliefs might be wrong and atleast if they get everyone on the bandwagon then atleast we cannot be all punished ... right ?

All things have to come to a head, look at the pummeling the Japanese gave the states in the middle of ww2 only for things to come to a head and the yanks who were in the midst of a heavy depression to suddenly be spending 2-3bn dollars on a thermonuclear weapons programme, and after it all ended look at Japans new amazing global identity.

Just in case you got me wrong on this one - I'm trying to say that becoming more christian in order to counter radical Islamism is the wrong course of action in my opinion.

If there was an entire Taliban nation headed by a supreme Taliban leader? I'd say drop a boat load of nukes on them. Unlike WW2 this conflict is a lot more decentralized and asymmetrical.

Strangedays, I have to disagree with you again. Instead of butting out of these countries' struggles, we should support them. I'm not talking about sending the Marines in. But supply them with diplomatic and humanitarian aid.
And guns. Look at Lybia and Syria right now. These people want change and are dying for that cause. While we idly stand by... That's just so very wrong.

They're all fighting with each other and internally? Delve into European history pre-WW2. It's all blood and iron for thousands of years.
What about the IRA? ETA? etc etc

Btw - watching porn is a form of hedonism. Just saying. ;)


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2010
I am always amused that you over in the land of the inbred and inane are so consumed with what goes on over here, in a country that you claim to despise but are for all intents and purposes are actually envious of.

I would much prefer you people thanking us for saving your bacon twice.....in one century and at great expense to our people.

go learn german because next time I promise you, we will not save you.

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