Joseph Kony


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Toht; it's for a very good cause, let it go.

I'm annoyed about the spam, worse then penis pill spam btw, and i've voiced it.

People can ofcourse spin that comment as they like in the cover of this "good cause", before they forget all about it in the two next weeks(fact).

Self praising bullshit of the month, forgotten by the same people who won't REALLY do anything about it, the moment something shiny comes along. Just like with every other "horrific" event before.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Wow, it doesnt cost much for awareness even if the company itself has intentions of taking all the money and buying porn, the awareness is still present and it may encourage a few to do something about it, that would be a success. It doesnt cosy anything but the rewards are fine.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Where have you been spammed? You're not on any social media, according to yourself, and you could easily have ignored this thread, no?

Ignore it if you don't give a shit. I didn't ignore it when I was flooded with it yesterday on Facebook, so I watched the video and shared it. I had no idea that such things were happening and that there was being done hardly nothing to stop it. I didn't share it because I would feel better about myself nor did I share it because all of my friends did. I shared it because it couldn't hurt one single bit. I know that my one share probably won't make any difference what so ever, but if enough people do it, this bad guy might get arrested


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
All over the internet, as it is very strongly viral. You can't ignore seeing it everywhere.

As i said, this forum is fine, but i can still be annoyed about it being everywhere. It being a "good cause" doesn't change that.

Also very annoying that people think it's ok to post this -anywhere-, akin to jehovas witnesses, giving no thought if it should be posted there.

But yeah, can drop it just fine, just using my given right to say so.


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
It raises awareness but offers very little insight into the situation despite the video being half an hour long, why did thy spent so long showing off and praising themselves and so little time informing the viewer? I think it's a shame that they have dumbed down and simplified such a complicated matter when they could be doing so much more.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
So it's taken the Ugandian Army 20 years and they still havent found him. No problems, a few posters around Bristol and he'll be caught by Monday. Good work team bandwagon!


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Sorry guys, Toht makes some very valid points.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Toht is right. Most people will shake their fist for an hour or so then do absolutely nothing. The money spent on this stupid campaign would have been far better spent actually helping victims.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Toht's not exactly putting the points across very well, but he is right.

The majority of the people I've seen this from couldn't give a fuck. They simply don't care. They're just sharing something that has emotionally manipulated them. Something they know nothing about, and for which they've only been presented one side of the story, very poorly, and fallen straight in with it. They have made no attempt to actually UNDERSTAND the issue, and NONE OF THEM had the fucking slightest clue about the problems in that part of the world because they spend no time at all reading, or spending any time in any sphere of life that will make them aware of what is going on. It's not a secret, it's willful ignorance.

Now, willful ignorance is ABSOLUTELY FINE. We all have lives to live and things to deal with. I for one, do not get myself worked up about things like this. Yes, the world is a sad and disgusting place a lot of the time but if I were to focus on all this stuff it'd make my life more complicated and decrease my mental well being, which are both things that I can do without. That doesn't mean I avoid stuff like this. Personally, I thought this stuff was more well-known than it was, as this wasn't news to me at all.

As said, most people that are linking this don't give a shit and are doing so because of emotional manipulation and group mentality. Had only a couple of people posted it, it would have been done and moved on. But because such large groups of people are doing it, CONSTANTLY, it gets fucking irritating. Especially when the people posting it don't actually give a SHIT about human rights abuses, because they chose the path of willful ignorance. I've seen a couple of posts of this from people who are genuinely into human rights - I can't be annoyed with them because it's their thing. They care about it, they try and help, they actively support and get out there and do things. Brilliant people, congratulations to you for actually making a difference.

But people bandwagon jumping, linking a video going "omg we have to make him famous so his arrest comes quicker" is completely ineffective. Sure, it raises awareness of something lots of people don't know about, but this was hardly a fucking secret. It's been out there for YEARS. For all those people to suddenly start caring because of a viral video is disingenuous. It will not help in his arrest. It's not like you're going to spot him walking around Reading town centre and this video will enable someone to recognise him when they wouldn't before. People are sharing it and posting it because it makes them feel like they've done something when they haven't - thus reducing their subconscious guilt complex of inactivity/"boy I actually have it pretty fucking good in life" mentalities. That so many people have shared it already increases an individual's willingness to share something they wouldn't as whether or not they realise it, it's a method people use consciously/subconsciously to remain part of the group.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I wish i couldve said it that eloquently last night when my gf was bleating on about how we need to do something about it.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yeah, just ignore what i said and read Wazzes post. I'm not known for my political ways of putting a point forward ;)


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I think its more hipster to jump on the anti-bandwagon bandwagon to jump on the bandwagon itself now.


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
I wish i couldve said it that eloquently last night when my gf was bleating on about how we need to do something about it.
did she go on about how she knows because shes been to africa? :D

also didnt everyone already know about child soldiers in africa? hardly new or unreported


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I think its more hipster to jump on the anti-bandwagon bandwagon to jump on the bandwagon itself now.

It's got nothing to do with "hipsters." I never even used the word. Or broached the subject of them. But congratulations on a stellar return argument.

This could have something to do with why I don't bother to post like that more often. :D


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
did she go on about how she knows because shes been to africa? :D

also didnt everyone already know about child soldiers in africa? hardly new or unreported

no, just the standard "this is awful, why is no one doing anything about it" without doung any research other than watching some lame video aimed at stirring up a bit of white guilt.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Tbh, look at history, it's full of shit like this, people turning their nose up to 'pressure groups' - Suffragettes & Suffragists being a perfect example, then all of a sudden, they showed their worth in society and were successful, I just can't see why people can't see this as a good thing, rather than picking out the negatives, for sure, it's been going on for years, but it's an awareness campaign, that's why it's happening now, It was on the BBC at lunch time, shows it was successful, (going into Scouse land now, but please, bare with me) look at cases like Saddam Hussain, Gadaffi, and Bin Laden, why were we told they were a threat? - because they were a threat to us, our media, our country, that's why we needed to end it, but now this campaign is showing that there's more than just them, there's others that aren't directly effecting the 'western world' and they need to be stop, Kony being one of them, as I said before, this awareness campaign doesn't need your time, it doesn't need your money, it needs your awareness, if everyone just whispers, 'It's wrong, sort it out' something will be done about it, and this is why social networking is important for this, if everyone 'liked' the Kony2012 page on Facebook, it shows that those who 'liked' it actually care, to certain extents ofc, a majority of people will forget about it, after time, but if it influences 1/100 to do something about it, then yes, it's a complete and utter success. As for the people saying that the group are giving 35% or something to the actual people who are effected by this, yeah, that's fair enough, because a majority of the money was to fund the new film that they just released, and since most people on Facebook are banging on about it, showed it fucking worked, haha...

Besides, I'm not even bothered if y'all keep posting this negative shit about it any more, because any press is good press; so many people on my facebook have been posting shit about it negatively, and have caused arguments, causing people to watch the video, and supporting the cause.

Perhaps this will never materialise and nothing good will ever come out of this particular case, but at the end of the video, I believe something will change, I believe people will have a greater voice via the internet, I believe change will come to how Western Governments operate, yeah, for sure, there will still be the puppet leaders ran by business leaders, but those business leaders cannot run a country with a pissed off population...

One Love.

Peace out.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I think its more hipster to jump on the anti-bandwagon bandwagon to jump on the bandwagon itself now.

As Wazz said, nothing to do with hipsters etc, i'm personally just A: annoyed by the overload of the issue everywhere i look and B: thinking that this is just more "cause of the month" self patting.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Gwadien do you know what a full stop is and does?

Your post is near impossible to read. That's the longest sentence I think I've ever seen.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Gwadien do you know what a full stop is and does?

Your post is near impossible to read. That's the longest sentence I think I've ever seen.
I get that alot, when I was younger, I always wrote with fullstops everywhere, and then it got drilled in my head I need to use commas more, so I become obsessed with them. :(


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I get that alot, when I was younger, I always wrote with fullstops everywhere, and then it got drilled in my head I need to use commas more, so I become obsessed with them. :(

Well, read your post aloud. Or at least try. You'll see how badly structured it is. It's better to have short, comprehensible sentences that it is one mega sentence split up by 20,000 commas under the sea.


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004


fuck yeah, typing in all caps and it it doesnt get de-capped!. Success!

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